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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a broad area/field (=including a lot of different things)
▪ Psychobiology is a broad area covering many different topics.
a cotton field/farmer/plantation etc
▪ Texas produced half of the US cotton crop.
a cricket field/ground/pitch (=area of ground where cricket is played)
▪ the school cricket field
a field experiment (=one that takes place in the real world, not in a laboratory)
▪ In field experiments, we used patients who did not know that it was a test situation.
a sports field/ground
▪ The village has its own sports field.
an area/field of research
▪ This is a very exciting area of research.
field a candidate (=have one of your party's members competing for election)
▪ The Green Party decided not to field a candidate in Darlington.
field corn
field day
▪ The newspapers had a field day when the trial finished.
field event
field glasses
field goal
field hockey
field hospital
field marshal
field officer
field questions (=answer a lot of questions)
▪ He fielded questions from reporters about the announcement.
field sports
field test
field trip
▪ a geography field trip
gravitational field
▪ the Moon’s gravitational field
lead the world/market/pack/field
▪ US companies lead the world in biotechnology.
left field
▪ People don’t know how to react when a question like that comes at them out of left field.
magnetic field
▪ the Earth’s magnetic field
pioneer in the field of
▪ He was a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.
plant a field/garden/area etc (with sth)
▪ a hillside planted with fir trees
playing field
ploughed field
▪ a ploughed field
sb’s area/field of expertise (=the subject or activity that someone is skilled in)
▪ a historian whose area of expertise is the Roman Empire
till the soil/land/fields etc
track and field
▪ Both Mercury and Mars have gravitational fields too low to retain an atmosphere.
▪ Let us return to our sphere of particles dropping in a gravitational field.
▪ The gravitational field generated in its productive phase by the legislative cycle attracted items from several diverse sources.
▪ Both Earth and Moon have gravitational fields that allow bodies that would have missed them without their gravitational attraction to hit them.
▪ As the star shrank, the gravitational field at the surface would become stronger and the escape velocity would increase.
▪ Now there was new prey for the clashing gravitational fields.
▪ In practice instruments could not survive such a journey; they would be torn apart by the increasing gravitational field gradients.
▪ In the Jupiter fly-by, the ship had used the gravitational field of the planet to increase her velocity.
▪ All round the small station were green fields and rolling hills.
▪ There were green fields as far as the eye could see.
▪ Scattered farmhouses, sentry telephone poles, and budding green fields flanked them on each side.
▪ Telling my story, I looked at the green fields of wheat moving in the wind.
▪ As for the regionally-planned green field sites for development, they are usually placed near new urban centres deliberately to provide employment.
▪ Seen from the air this looked like a good green field to land in.
▪ It appeared to be an old two-dimensional film presentation; an old fashioned oil-driven military vehicle was speeding across a verdant green field.
▪ He ignores information on the left even though he has no left visual field loss.
▪ While he used more complex sentences consistently, some of them seemed to come out of left field.
▪ Hey, here's one from left field.
▪ Some of the griping comes out of left field.
▪ Walk down the narrow road and cross the ladder stile on the left into a field.
▪ Raul Mondesi stroked it crisply into left field for a single, ending the no-hitter.
▪ Fans in Atlanta still talk about the shot Linares hit off the facade in left field in a 1993 exhibition game.
▪ Leadoff hitter Brett Hardy, a lefty, hit a line drive to left field.
▪ That's ... that's because chromosomes are affected by electric and magnetic fields.
▪ Iron might not have melted and sunk to form the liquid core, and the magnetic field would never have developed.
▪ They cooled the sample below its critical temperature so it became superconducting, then applied an increasingly strong magnetic field.
▪ The magnetic field that led to its discovery had vanished at the moment of that radio shriek.
▪ Weak magnetic fields have been detected in surface rocks.
▪ This was expected to be a clue to changes in stellar magnetic fields.
▪ It is linked to the magnetic field of the transmitted wave - not the turns of the coil.
▪ The flow of a magnetic field is taken from magnetic north pole to magnetic south pole.
▪ Good fishing in the Ancre - not that I ever caught anything. Open fields with some large woods and copses.
▪ The other four factors are virtually an open field.
▪ Before that it was simply a part of the open fields of Great Bowden, a village a mile or two away.
▪ Within minutes, police shot a dozen tear-gas canisters into the crowd, gathered on an open field.
▪ With air conditioned offices and a very pleasant aspect across open fields.
▪ They all crossed the road and hurried down an open field, and then he jumped another fence.
▪ The door is as still as the sky; is as open as fields.
▪ The Aug. 24-Sept. 3 trek covers Cape Province wineries, private gardens, open fields and a flower show.
▪ On this playing field, actions speak louder than words.
▪ Other improvement measures include a playing field and recycled and painted border railings.
▪ It would not even create a truly level playing field.
▪ At the bottom end of the playing fields is a rocky outcrop.
▪ The Sport and Recreation Department offers some of the finest indoor sports facilities and outdoor playing fields in the province.
▪ I understand your contractors maintain the grass outside the neighbouring bungalows and trim the hedges round the playing field.
▪ The windows of the Methodist Church adjoining the playing field have been broken numerous times.
▪ There is a playing field with equipment for the younger members of the community, and a football and cricket pitch.
▪ One kind is vivid, detailed, colorful, large, and in the center of the visual field.
▪ Frequent measurements of visual fields and acuity are obtained to detect optic nerve damage.
▪ You find that cells in adjacent parts of the visual cortex are activated by stimulation in adjacent parts of the visual field.
▪ You get a visual on the field with-out having to go over everything in detail.
▪ The two forged blocks set up a visual field where the entire space becomes a manifestation of sculpture.
▪ Figure 10.1 shows the percentage difference in correct identification of stimuli between visual fields for each condition.
▪ He ignores information on the left even though he has no left visual field loss.
▪ All the women had full visual fields.
▪ In the years between Swann and Burnage the media had in any case had a field day.
▪ His nomination could be a field day for Democrats.
▪ The tabloid newspapers would have a field day.
▪ Conspiracy buffs are having a field day speculating about White House motives.
▪ Any bacteria that may be in the food will have a field day and grow.
▪ Well, the crackpots will have a field day with these revelations, Holmes!
▪ Secretive sects also had a field day.
▪ The slippery, deceptive Mr Clinton will have a field day.
▪ On October 15, 1994, Silje was playing with them on a local football field.
▪ At 14 stories high and three football fields in length, it is the biggest passenger ship afloat.
▪ We don't have any factories or co-ops here in Alcala, but we've got a marvellous football field.
▪ The area, which is the size of about 10 football fields, easily hosts thousands of visitors.
▪ The only time he wasn't was on the football field.
▪ He donated $ 20, 000 for construction of a fitness center at the high-school football field.
▪ It's a bit like scoring a goal on a football field when all the other players are men.
▪ Brad was a hero on the football field, and Annette cheered him on as a majorette.
▪ Moreover there are indications that in this gas field a secondary fracture porosity may exist.
▪ On the liquids front condensate is being produced at the Kapuni on-shore gas field.
▪ No gas fields occur in the Bramsche and Vlotho Massifs, although in the past many boreholes have been drilled there.
▪ Privatization of oil and gas fields A decision to privatize oil and gas fields was announced on Oct. 1.
▪ The Atyrausk zone contained oil and gas fields.
▪ I had never kicked a field goal like that in the snow.
▪ But the taping of the ankle allows him to kick field goals and extra points.
▪ The first three times they got inside the Saints' 20-yard line, Jeff Wilkins kicked field goals.
▪ Their chances of getting close enough for a winning field goal with more than seven minutes remaining seemed very high.
▪ Sure, Florida State had another late field goal sail wide right.
▪ Wilkins kicked a 35-yard field goal.
▪ He made 11 of 15 field goals.
▪ Since the field officer is a loner, he controls his output to a substantial degree.
▪ My field officers and adjutant were all dead.
▪ Our detectives and field officers are to be debriefed Monday night by case supervisors.
▪ Each district is policed by a field officer responsible to an area supervisor.
▪ Henry Bergson, an experienced field officer, was assigned to be 3d Brigade night duty officer.
▪ The field officer, after all, has the power to make a discharger spend a substantial sum of money.
▪ These senior officers supervise the activities of the one or two assistant field officers also found in most areas.
▪ A third appraisal of this potentially significant heavy oil field will be drilled in 1993.
▪ For many residents of the oil fields, Pemex executives seem little different from the foreign overlords they replaced.
▪ The resultant computer models are used in oil field development.
▪ A slim slice of those revenues has always been cut for the communities in the oil fields, local politicians say.
▪ Now the armed forces are working the oil fields.
▪ The downturn in the energy industry dragged on so long that workers drifted away and oil field equipment became outdated.
▪ He himself grew up in slums, in one-horse towns, in abandoned oil fields.
▪ Where quantitative analysis requires mathematical and computer skills, area studies require language training and extensive field research.
▪ Extensive field research can mean long periods living under adverse conditions to which the researcher is unaccustomed.
▪ Moreover, funding organizations may be less inclined to support projects that envision long periods of field research.
▪ Secondly, this list of headings conveys a quite false impression of how field research is conducted.
▪ His contribution lay firstly in his intensive field research, quite novel by the standards of his time.
▪ The approach to pro-active searches is well established and involves a combination of desk and field research.
▪ What is the role of field research within the market research process? 4.
▪ The achievement of these aims imposed certain restrictions on the methods used during this stage of the field research.
▪ Isn't it true that the men steal from the rice fields?
▪ You could die dawn there with my cousin Trung, in some bloody Delta rice field.
▪ The main area, still submerged, was contoured under water-all for rice fields that were no longer needed.
▪ Women gathered at streams to wash clothes and gossip, and they weeded rice fields by hand.
▪ Several species are regarded as troublesome weeds in rice fields and irrigation ditches.
▪ Most rice fields were owned in unequal shares, and the produce was distributed accordingly when the crop was harvested.
▪ Gandhi the rice field, Tagore the rose garden.
▪ Government ministers rely on the conclusions from the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment prior to the field trials.
▪ The organisation planned its first fibre field trials in 1974, and began them in 1977.
▪ No proposed field trial has been rejected by the Committee.
▪ Mainsborne, as the system is called, is being installed for field trials in 1000 houses in London and Milton Keynes.
▪ The use of molecular markers will sharply reduce or even eliminate field trials.
▪ The results of field trials with a live test are currently being evaluated and the Ministry refuses to comment on them.
▪ Field trials to start Interruptible tariffs will soon be tested in two years of field trials costing about £1.5 million.
▪ A few field trips are also arranged.
▪ Kerin and classmates were on a field trip from Horizon Middle School in Ferndale, about 150 miles north.
▪ The rest went on books, equipment, stationery and field trips.
▪ In middle school, your children would rather attend your execution than have you attend their field trip.
▪ He shows her a text message sent by Emily asking how the field trip is going.
▪ Those schools have taken field trips to their local missions.
▪ When the students return from the field trip, Emily is dismayed when Gina does not get off the minibus.
▪ Students can now see a field trip, the descriptions and the student reports.
▪ In the home market, it led the field by a long way, with 4,337,487 units sold.
▪ McGee led the qualifying field with 71.
▪ They soon arrived at a gate that led into a field and Jack was forced to stop.
▪ He led the nation in field goal percentage for several weeks.
▪ The Doctor and his companion were led across a field to an archaeological dig.
▪ And so saying, he led me over the fields to his childhood home.
▪ Swanson and Percival continued to show excellent form, leading home their respective fields.
▪ The end came when Edward's royal standard was seen to be leaving the field.
▪ The states still could, but the federal government had left the field: the forty-eight governors stood there alone.
▪ The spectators began to leave the field.
▪ Rain had fallen all morning, leaving the field better suited for mud wrestling than for football.
▪ He left the field wide open for whatever the other players in this charming charade might suggest.
▪ In addition, she is able to return and visually locate objects that have left her field of vision.
▪ Mina was the first to leave for the fields.
▪ Which left the field of supposed second-stringers that I had trouble naming the other day.
▪ I would often see her watching me as I played in the fields.
▪ The use of a network-based infrastructure reduces the cost and levels the playing field for both small and large businesses.
▪ The 25 acres of the Peffermill playing fields are within easy reach from the main areas of the University.
▪ We know that Darren Daulton is playing right field because his surgically repaired knees will no longer permit him to catch.
▪ Better chance to play the field.
▪ We usually played in the fields and around the barns and straw ricks together.
▪ When will we have a level playing field in Northern Ireland with fair competition between all ports?
▪ Most plans have called for reducing its size and putting the playing field closer to the fans.
▪ It would have been easier to drive across a ploughed field.
▪ There was no more open country now; we camped always on dark, ploughed fields.
▪ These are the monuments to generations of individual farmers ploughing and draining their fields.
▪ The ploughed fields were purple and Ambadji, larger now but still riding the horizon, was blue on pale pink.
▪ In Suffolk it was customary until recent years to plough a field in stetches or lands of varying widths.
▪ He went back as directed, and found the man he had in mind, who was ploughing his family fields.
▪ Dumont does not scruple to show the naked corpse, left on the edge of a ploughed field.
▪ How can we have grain without oxen to plough the fields?
▪ Sampling techniques were adopted from statisticians working in the fields of biology and botany.
▪ She is seen working in the field and laboratory with her daughter, Shawnette.
▪ The project will continue to serve as a centre for other scholars working in this field.
▪ They set her to work in a field where it was so hot she practically burned her feet.
▪ This can save a great deal of time when they are being worked in the field.
▪ I can place the farmer, working in the fields.
▪ In this way courses are enriched with case studies and presentations from experts working in relevant fields.
▪ Although they enjoyed working in their field of specialty, a career in management was appealing.
If I should die, think only this of me:/That there's some corner of a foreign field/That is forever England
a level playing field
have a field day
▪ Politicians and the media have had a field day with the incident.
▪ Any bacteria that may be in the food will have a field day and grow.
▪ In such situations, information biases have a field day....
▪ The court was agog and the journalists continued to scribble away, knowing they were about to have a field day.
▪ The slippery, deceptive Mr Clinton will have a field day.
▪ The tabloid newspapers would have a field day.
▪ They'd have a field day.
▪ Well, the crackpots will have a field day with these revelations, Holmes!
level the playing field
out of/from left field
▪ Some of the griping comes out of left field.
▪ When something like this comes out of left field at you....
▪ While he used more complex sentences consistently, some of them seemed to come out of left field.
play the field
▪ Better chance to play the field.
▪ He gave up playing the field and married a year ago, to a sinewy woman called Cheryl Berkoff.
▪ Perhaps because he plays the field.
▪ So she had played the field, enjoying male company without getting in too deep or too seriously.
fields full of cotton
▪ a field of wheat
▪ a football field
▪ Bartlett defeated a crowded field of candidates for the job of mayor.
▪ birds such as skylarks whose habitat is open fields and farmland
▪ Cole is the most noted expert in the field.
▪ Keith has a degree in engineering, but couldn't find a job in his field.
▪ Laycock is one of the most brilliant psychiatrists in the field.
▪ Several school playing fields have been sold off to raise money.
▪ Some open spaces north of the city will be made into sports fields for leisure activities.
▪ The field for the user's name is 25 characters long.
▪ The crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.
▪ The fans cheered as he walked off the field.
▪ The football field was too muddy to play on, so the game was cancelled
▪ There are good employment opportunities in the field of healthcare, particularly nursing.
▪ These fields boast among the highest professional wages in the nation.
▪ We passed cows grazing in the fields.
▪ We went out onto the school playing fields to watch a game of football.
▪ Webster is a great success in his chosen field.
▪ What exactly is your field of study?
▪ A few were experts in the field.
▪ Follow the path to the field corner.
▪ Meanwhile thy various subcommittees reported on public expenditure in their fields.
▪ Men may work periodically as day laborers on others' fields, as carpenters, or masons.
▪ Our family had harvested the cabbage and turnips from our field and were preparing to wash and salt them.
▪ The fields flood in winter and in summer dry and starve because every plant grows to the same depth.
▪ A smartly dressed female presenter has to field calls from a small audience and international callers.
▪ Many of the new workers are in training and should start fielding calls by late next week, she said.
▪ So when the station came clean, they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias.
▪ Around-the-clock, certified poison specialists field calls on 1970s-era phone consoles with rows of blinking white and red plastic buttons.
▪ He fielded the phone calls and promised answers - answers which never came.
▪ Later, they fielded the phone calls from recruiters, sat for home visits and helped their daughters sort out offers.
▪ The Green Party fielded 256 candidates, and averaged 1.3 percent of the vote.
▪ Even before the crisis there had been talk of fielding a Popular Front candidate in Oxford.
▪ They would have to field candidates for a variety of offices at regular intervals or risk being closed.
▪ Labour are fielding a strong candidate in Alan Milburn.
▪ Although it fielded no candidates in the prefectural contests, it won four seats in the national constituency.
▪ It fielded four candidates who averaged just under 10 percent where they stood.
▪ The Greens fielded 260 candidates in 2000 and won 81 races, mostly local.
▪ At two state elections this month, Mrs Hanson stunned everyone by reappearing, fielding candidates and causing havoc with the results.
▪ Coaches often are left to feel abandoned as well, unable to field enough players, even in the smaller leagues.
▪ President Bob Palmer is expected to be among those fielding questions which should get pretty pointed.
▪ A few other players checked their watches, eager to stop fielding questions that only the Games can really answer now.
▪ He also caused consternation at the film's press conference by fielding almost all the questions himself.
▪ And that presents a big problem for Gilbert town officials who field constant questions about voting, emergency services and insurance.
▪ Since then, Carlton has coolly fielded questions for congressional inquisitors with wit and folksy aplomb.
▪ Wednesday, Molinari fielded question after question about her presumed lack of bias in the anchor role.
▪ The Rabari women made up lies on the spot to field the endless questions about me.
▪ Derry fielded their published side, at least nine of whom are expected to feature in next Sunday's Pairc An Iuir blockbuster.
▪ At the last two tournaments that Nomad played they fielded an illegal team and have subsequently been disqualified from these two tournaments.
▪ Enough talent exists to field a team that can at least compete with anyone in the league.
▪ A 15,000 crowd created a soccer-style atmosphere despite the fact that the tourists fielded essentially their second team.
▪ It can now be said that you can field a team from scratch and beat the Clippers.
▪ Not to be outdone, the staff are also fielding a strong team.
▪ He joined a Swift factory that was fielding a five-strong team, and immediately found himself struggling to get on the pace.
▪ Leeds fielded a team of youngsters.
If I should die, think only this of me:/That there's some corner of a foreign field/That is forever England
a level playing field
have a field day
▪ Politicians and the media have had a field day with the incident.
▪ Any bacteria that may be in the food will have a field day and grow.
▪ In such situations, information biases have a field day....
▪ The court was agog and the journalists continued to scribble away, knowing they were about to have a field day.
▪ The slippery, deceptive Mr Clinton will have a field day.
▪ The tabloid newspapers would have a field day.
▪ They'd have a field day.
▪ Well, the crackpots will have a field day with these revelations, Holmes!
out of/from left field
▪ Some of the griping comes out of left field.
▪ When something like this comes out of left field at you....
▪ While he used more complex sentences consistently, some of them seemed to come out of left field.
▪ Carlton fielded all five grounders hit his way.
▪ He fielded a soccer team with Argentinean and Brazilian talent.
▪ Babyface, despite having fielded a record-tying 12 nominations, netted only a few of the tiny gramophones.
▪ He unlatched his web again and swam about the cockpit, fielding flotsam.
▪ His instinct was aggressive in all respects, especially in the fielding.
▪ Ulster fielded four new caps, but were not overawed by a Saltire side which included six internationalists.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gun \Gun\ (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.]

  1. A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing projectiles, consisting of a tube or barrel closed at one end, in which the projectile is placed, with an explosive charge (such as guncotton or gunpowder) behind, which is ignited by various means. Pistols, rifles, carbines, muskets, and fowling pieces are smaller guns, for hand use, and are called small arms. Larger guns are called cannon, ordnance, fieldpieces, carronades, howitzers, etc. See these terms in the Vocabulary.

    As swift as a pellet out of a gunne When fire is in the powder runne.

    The word gun was in use in England for an engine to cast a thing from a man long before there was any gunpowder found out.

  2. (Mil.) A piece of heavy ordnance; in a restricted sense, a cannon.

  3. pl. (Naut.) Violent blasts of wind.

    Note: Guns are classified, according to their construction or manner of loading as rifled or smoothbore, breech-loading or muzzle-loading, cast or built-up guns; or according to their use, as field, mountain, prairie, seacoast, and siege guns.

    Armstrong gun, a wrought iron breech-loading cannon named after its English inventor, Sir William Armstrong.

    Big gun or Great gun, a piece of heavy ordnance; hence (Fig.), a person superior in any way; as, bring in the big guns to tackle the problem.

    Gun barrel, the barrel or tube of a gun.

    Gun carriage, the carriage on which a gun is mounted or moved.

    Gun cotton (Chem.), a general name for a series of explosive nitric ethers of cellulose, obtained by steeping cotton in nitric and sulphuric acids. Although there are formed substances containing nitric acid radicals, yet the results exactly resemble ordinary cotton in appearance. It burns without ash, with explosion if confined, but quietly and harmlessly if free and open, and in small quantity. Specifically, the lower nitrates of cellulose which are insoluble in ether and alcohol in distinction from the highest (pyroxylin) which is soluble. See Pyroxylin, and cf. Xyloidin. The gun cottons are used for blasting and somewhat in gunnery: for making celluloid when compounded with camphor; and the soluble variety (pyroxylin) for making collodion. See Celluloid, and Collodion. Gun cotton is frequenty but improperly called nitrocellulose. It is not a nitro compound, but an ester of nitric acid.

    Gun deck. See under Deck.

    Gun fire, the time at which the morning or the evening gun is fired.

    Gun metal, a bronze, ordinarily composed of nine parts of copper and one of tin, used for cannon, etc. The name is also given to certain strong mixtures of cast iron.

    Gun port (Naut.), an opening in a ship through which a cannon's muzzle is run out for firing.

    Gun tackle (Naut.), the blocks and pulleys affixed to the side of a ship, by which a gun carriage is run to and from the gun port.

    Gun tackle purchase (Naut.), a tackle composed of two single blocks and a fall.

    Krupp gun, a wrought steel breech-loading cannon, named after its German inventor, Herr Krupp.

    Machine gun, a breech-loading gun or a group of such guns, mounted on a carriage or other holder, and having a reservoir containing cartridges which are loaded into the gun or guns and fired in rapid succession. In earlier models, such as the Gatling gun, the cartridges were loaded by machinery operated by turning a crank. In modern versions the loading of cartidges is accomplished by levers operated by the recoil of the explosion driving the bullet, or by the pressure of gas within the barrel. Several hundred shots can be fired in a minute by such weapons, with accurate aim. The Gatling gun, Gardner gun, Hotchkiss gun, and Nordenfelt gun, named for their inventors, and the French mitrailleuse, are machine guns.

    To blow great guns (Naut.), to blow a gale. See Gun, n., 3.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to go out to fight," 16c., from field (n.) in the specific sense of "battlefield" (Old English). The sports meaning "to stop and return the ball" is first recorded 1823, originally in cricket; figurative sense of this is from 1902. Related: Fielded; fielding.


Old English feld "plain, pasture, open land, cultivated land" (as opposed to woodland), also "a parcel of land marked off and used for pasture or tillage," probably related to Old English folde "earth, land," from Proto-Germanic *felthuz "flat land" (Cognates: Old Saxon and Old Frisian feld "field," Old Saxon folda "earth," Middle Dutch velt, Dutch veld Old High German felt, German Feld "field," but not found originally outside West Germanic; Swedish fält, Danish felt are borrowed from German; Finnish pelto "field" is believed to have been adapted from Proto-Germanic). This is from PIE *pel(e)-tu-, from root *pele- (2) "flat, to spread" (see plane (n.1)). The English spelling with -ie- probably is the work of Anglo-French scribes (compare brief, piece).\n

\nAs "battle-ground," c.1300. Meaning "sphere or range of any related things" is from mid-14c. Physics sense is from 1845. Collective use for "all engaged in a sport" (or, in horse-racing, all but the favorite) is 1742; play the field "avoid commitment" (1936) is from notion of gamblers betting on other horses than the favorite. Cricket and baseball sense of "ground on which the game is played" is from 1875. Sense of "tract of ground where something is obtained or extracted" is from 1859. As an adjective in Old English combinations, often with a sense of "rural, rustic" (feldcirice "country-church," feldlic "rural"). Of slaves, "assigned to work in the fields" (1817, in field-hand), opposed to house. A field-trial originally was of hunting dogs.


n. 1 (senseid en land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country)A land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country. 2 (senseid en wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals)A wide, open space that is usually used to grow crops or to hold farm animals. vb. 1 (context transitive sports English) To intercept or catch (a ball) and play it. 2 (context baseball softball cricket and other batting sports English) To be the team catching and throwing the ball, as opposed to hitting it. 3 (context transitive sports English) To place a team in (a game).

  1. v. catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket

  2. play as a fielder

  3. answer adequately or successfully; "The lawyer fielded all questions from the press"

  4. select (a team or individual player) for a game; "The Patriots fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl"

  1. n. a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat"

  2. a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought; "they made a tour of Civil War battlefields" [syn: battlefield, battleground, field of battle, field of honor]

  3. somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected; "anthropologists do much of their work in the field"

  4. a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings" [syn: discipline, subject, subject area, subject field, field of study, study, bailiwick, branch of knowledge]

  5. the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it [syn: field of force, force field]

  6. a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "they are outstanding in their field" [syn: field of operation, line of business]

  7. a particular environment or walk of life; "his social sphere is limited"; "it was a closed area of employment"; "he's out of my orbit" [syn: sphere, domain, area, orbit, arena]

  8. a piece of land prepared for playing a game; "the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field" [syn: playing field, athletic field, playing area]

  9. extensive tract of level open land; "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"; "he longed for the fields of his youth" [syn: plain, champaign]

  10. (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1; "the set of all rational numbers is a field"

  11. a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years" [syn: field of operations, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations]

  12. all of the horses in a particular horse race

  13. all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event

  14. a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found; "the diamond fields of South Africa"

  15. (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information

  16. the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument) [syn: field of view]

  17. a place where planes take off and land [syn: airfield, landing field, flying field]


Field may refer to:

Field (agriculture)

In agriculture, a field is an area of land, enclosed or otherwise, used for agricultural purposes such as cultivating crops or as a paddock or other enclosure for livestock. A field may also be an area left to lie fallow or as arable land.

Many farms have a field border, usually composed of a strip of shrubs and vegetation, used to provide food and cover necessary for the survival of wildlife. It has been found that these borders may lead to an increased variety of animals and plants in the area, but also in some cases a decreased yield of crops.

FIELD (magazine)

FIELD magazine is a twice-yearly literary magazine published by Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio, and focusing on contemporary poetry and poetics.

FIELD has published spring and fall issues each year since its founding in 1969. Contributors have included Adrienne Rich, Charles Wright, Thomas Lux, and Franz Wright.

Field (mineral deposit)

The field is a mineral deposit containing a metal or other valuable resources in a cost-competitive concentration. It is usually used in the context of a mineral deposit from which it is convenient to extract its metallic component. The deposits are exploited by the mines in the case of solid mineral deposits ( iron type, coal ...) extraction wells in case of mineral fluids (such as oil, gas, brines).

Field (mathematics)

In mathematics, a field is one of the fundamental algebraic structures used in abstract algebra. It is a nonzero commutative division ring, or equivalently a ring whose nonzero elements form an abelian group under multiplication. As such it is an algebraic structure with notions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division satisfying the appropriate abelian group equations and distributive law. The most commonly used fields are the field of real numbers, the field of complex numbers, and the field of rational numbers, but there are also finite fields, algebraic function fields, algebraic number fields, p-adic fields, and so forth.

Any field may be used as the scalars for a vector space, which is the standard general context for linear algebra. The theory of field extensions (including Galois theory) involves the roots of polynomials with coefficients in a field; among other results, this theory leads to impossibility proofs for the classical problems of angle trisection and squaring the circle with a compass and straightedge, as well as a proof of the Abel–Ruffini theorem on the algebraic insolubility of quintic equations. In modern mathematics, the theory of fields (or field theory) plays an essential role in number theory and algebraic geometry.

As an algebraic structure, every field is a ring, but not every ring is a field. The most important difference is that fields allow for division (though not division by zero), while a ring need not possess multiplicative inverses; for example the integers form a ring, but 2x = 1 has no solution in integers. Also, the multiplication operation in a field is required to be commutative. A ring in which division is possible but commutativity is not assumed (such as the quaternions) is called a division ring or skew field. (Historically, division rings were sometimes referred to as fields, while fields were called commutative fields.)

As a ring, a field may be classified as a specific type of integral domain, and can be characterized by the following (not exhaustive) chain of class inclusions:

Field (heraldry)

In heraldry, the background of the shield is called the '' field''. The field is usually composed of one or more tinctures ( colours or metals) or furs. The field may be divided or may consist of a variegated pattern.

In rare modern cases the field (or a subdivision thereof) is not a tincture, but is shown as a scene from a landscape. Landscape fields are regarded by many heralds as unheraldic and debased, as they defy the heraldic ideal of simple, boldly coloured images and cannot be consistently drawn from blazon.

The arms of the Inveraray and District Community Council in Scotland have as a field In waves of the sea. The correct language of heraldry is almost infinitely flexible and virtually any image may be blazoned in a correct manner, for example "sky proper" might be blazoned simply Azure or bleu celeste, whilst "waves of the sea" might be blazoned correctly as Azure, 3 bars undee argent which would provide 3 wavy thick white lines on a blue field.

Field (computer science)

In computer science, data that has several parts, known as a record, can be divided into fields. Relational databases arrange data as sets of database records, also called rows. Each record consists of several fields; the fields of all records form the columns. Examples of fields: name,gender,hair colour.

In object-oriented programming, field (also called data member or member variable) is the data encapsulated within a class or object. In the case of a regular field (also called instance variable), for each instance of the object there is an instance variable: for example, an Employee class has a Name field and there is one distinct name per employee. A static field (also called class variable) is one variable, which is shared by all instances. Fields are abstracted by properties, which allow them to be read and written as if they were fields, but these can be translated to getter and setter method calls.

Field (sculpture)

Field (1991) is a sculpture by British artist Antony Gormley. It consists of approx. 35,000 1 individual terracotta figures, each between 8 and 26 cm high, installed on the floor of a room facing the viewer. The figures were sculpted in Cholula, Mexico by about 60 members of a Texca family of brickmakers, under the supervision of the artist. The sculpture received a lot of media attention upon its first display, and many affectionate parodies.

Field has been installed and displayed at various locations. The specific configuration is changed to suit each location, but the miniature figures are always placed to form a dense carpet with each figure looking towards the viewer. Ideally the Field is extended through a doorway or round a corner, so that the figures going out of sight leave the impression of an unlimited horde.

Several other versions of Field have subsequently been created, including

  • Amazonian Field (1991) made in Porto Velho, Brazil (approx. 24,000 figures)2
  • Field for the British Isles (1993) made in St Helens near Liverpool in the UK (approx. 40,000 figures)3
  • European Field (1993) made in Östra Grevie, Sweden (approx. 40,000 figures)4
  • Asian Field (2003) made in Xiangshan County, Guangdong, Guangdong province, People's Republic of China (approx. 190,000 figures)5 and 6
  • Asian Field (2004) made in Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan (approx. 200,000 figures)
  • Field for the Art Gallery of New South Wales (1989) 7

Field for the British Isles was typical in recruiting some 100 volunteers from the pupils and their extended families, of two local schools in St Helens. Each volunteer was given a portion of the 30 tonnes of clay required, along with some loose instructions specifying the rough size and proportions for the figures. An accidental feature of the original Field was that Texca family involved people aged from 6 to 60 working on the figures, and Gormley felt that the involvement of three generations of a family should be continued in all the subsequent versions.

Gormley has also made several other works entitled Field, but these are smaller groups of life size figures more typical of Gormley's earlier work.

In 1994, Gormley won the Turner prize with a collection of his work, including Field for the British Isles, shown at the Tate Gallery.

Field has resulted in some people believing that it was unfair for Gormley to pass the work of the Texca family as his own. Some of the statues were stolen as a result of this.

Field (video)

In video, a field is one of the many still images which are displayed sequentially to create the impression of motion on the screen. Two fields comprise one video frame. When the fields are displayed on a video monitor they are " interlaced" so that the content of one field will be used on all of the odd-numbered lines on the screen and the other field will be displayed on the even lines. Converting fields to a still frame image requires a process called deinterlacing, in which the missing lines are duplicated or interpolated to recreate the information that would have been contained in the discarded field. Since each field contains only half of the information of a full frame, however, deinterlaced images do not have the resolution of a full frame.

In order to increase the resolution of video images, therefore, new schemes have been created that capture full-frame images for each frame. Video composed of such frames is called progressive scan video.

Video shot with a standard video camera format such as S-VHS or Mini-DV is often interlaced when created, whereas video shot with a film-based camera is almost always progressive. Free-to-air analog TV was mostly broadcast as interlaced material because the trade-off of spatial resolution for frame-rate reduced flickering on Cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions. High-definition digital television (see: HDTV) today can be broadcast terrestrially or distributed through cable system in either interlaced (1080i) or progressive scan formats (720p or 1080p). Most prosumer camcorders can record in progressive scan formats.

In video editing, it is crucial to know which of the two (odd or even) fields is " dominant." Selecting edit points on the wrong field can result in a "flash" at each edit point and playing the video fields in reverse order creates a flickering image.

Field (Bourdieu)

Field is one of the core concepts used by French social scientist Pierre Bourdieu. A field is a setting in which agents and their social positions are located. The position of each particular agent in the field is a result of interaction between the specific rules of the field, agent's habitus and agent's capital ( social, economic and cultural). Fields interact with each other, and are hierarchical: Most are subordinate to the larger field of power and class relations.

Instead of confining his analysis of social relations and change to voluntaristic agency or strictly in terms of the structural concept of class, Bourdieu uses the agency-structure bridging concept of field: any historical, non-homogeneous social-spatial arena in which people maneuver and struggle in pursuit of desirable resources. Much of Bourdieu's work observes the semi-independent role of educational and cultural resources in the expression of agency. This makes his work amenable to liberal-conservative scholarship positing the fundamental cleavages of society as amongst disorderly factions of the working class, in need of disciplinary intervention where they have assumed excessive privilege. Unsurprisingly given his historical and biographical location, however, Bourdieu was in practice both influenced by and sympathetic to the Marxist identification of economic command as a principal component of power and agency within capitalist society, in contrast to some of his followers or the influential sociologist Max Weber.

Field (geography)

In the context of spatial analysis, geographic information systems, and geographic information science, the term field has been adopted from physics, in which it denotes a quantity that can be theoretically assigned to any point of space, such as temperature or density. This use of field is synonymous with the spatially dependent variable that forms the foundation of geostatistics and crossbreeding between these disciplines is common. Both scalar and vector fields are found in geographic applications, although the former is more common. The simplest formal model for a field is the function, which yields a single value given a point in space (i.e., t = f(x, y, z) )

Even though the basic concept of a field came from physics, geographers have developed independent theories, data models, and analytical methods. One reason for this apparent disconnect is that "geographic fields" tend to have a different fundamental nature than physical fields; that is, they have patterns similar to gravity and magnetism, but are in reality very different. Common types of geographic fields include:

  • Natural fields, properties of matter that are formed at scales below that of human perception, such as temperature or soil moisture.
  • Artificial or aggregate fields, statistically constructed properties of aggregate groups of individuals, such as population density.
  • Fields of potential, which measure conceptual, non-material quantities (and are thus most closely related to the fields of physics), such as the probability that a person at any given location will prefer to use a particular facility (e.g. a grocery store).

Geographic fields can exist over a temporal domain as well as space. For example, temperature varies over time as well as location in space. In fact, many of the methods used in time geography and similar spatiotemporal models treat the location of an individual as a function or field over time.

Field (physics)

In physics, a field is a physical quantity that has a value for each point in space and time. For example, on a weather map, the surface wind velocity is described by assigning a vector to each point on a map. Each vector represents the speed and direction of the movement of air at that point. As another example, an electric field can be thought of as a "condition in space" emanating from an electric charge and extending throughout the whole of space. When a test electric charge is placed in this electric field, the particle accelerates due to a force. Physicists have found the notion of a field to be of such practical utility for the analysis of forces that they have come to think of a force as due to a field.

In the modern framework of the quantum theory of fields, even without referring to a test particle, a field occupies space, contains energy, and its presence eliminates a true vacuum. This led physicists to consider electromagnetic fields to be a physical entity, making the field concept a supporting paradigm of the edifice of modern physics. "The fact that the electromagnetic field can possess momentum and energy makes it very real... a particle makes a field, and a field acts on another particle, and the field has such familiar properties as energy content and momentum, just as particles can have". In practice, the strength of most fields has been found to diminish with distance to the point of being undetectable. For instance the strength of many relevant classical fields, such as the gravitational field in Newton's theory of gravity or the electrostatic field in classical electromagnetism, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source (i.e. they follow the Gauss's law). One consequence is that the Earth's gravitational field quickly becomes undetectable on cosmic scales.

A field can be classified as a scalar field, a vector field, a spinor field or a tensor field according to whether the represented physical quantity is a scalar, a vector, a spinor or a tensor, respectively. A field has a unique tensorial character in every point where it is defined: i.e. a field cannot be a scalar field somewhere and a vector field somewhere else. For example, the Newtonian gravitational field is a vector field: specifying its value at a point in spacetime requires three numbers, the components of the gravitational field vector at that point. Moreover, within each category (scalar, vector, tensor), a field can be either a classical field or a quantum field, depending on whether it is characterized by numbers or quantum operators respectively. In fact in this theory an equivalent representation of field is a field particle, namely a boson.

Field (surname)

Field is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

  • Alexander P. Field, American politician
  • Amod Field (born 1967), American football player
  • Andy Field (academic) (born 1973), is professor for psychology at University of Sussex
  • Andy Field (Blogger) (born 1983), is a theatremaker, blogger, curator and academic born in Stockport
  • Billy Field, Australian singer/songwriter
  • Cyrus West Field (1819–1892), American businessman and financier, responsible for the first Transatlantic Cable
  • David Dudley Field II (1805–1894), American lawyer, constructed the foundation for the codification of present day common law
  • David Field (actor), Australian actor and director
  • David Field (astrophysicist), British scientist and author
  • Dick Field, right wing Canadian politician
  • Edwin Field (1872–1947), English rugby and cricket player
  • Edwin Wilkins Field (1804–1871), English lawyer and painter
  • E. J. Field, British neuroscientist
  • Ernie Field (1943–2013), English boxer and rugby league player
  • Eugene Field (1850–1895), American poet
  • Frederick Field (scholar), biblical scholar
  • Frederick Field (Royal Navy officer), British Admiral of the Fleet
  • Frederick Vanderbilt Field (1905–2000), American communist
  • Frederick Field (retailer), American retail billionaire
  • Hartry Field (born 1946), philosopher at New York University
  • Jimmy Field (born 1940), Louisiana politician
  • John Field (1782–1837), Irish composer
  • Joshua Field (engineer) (1786–1863), British civil engineer
  • Marshall Field, founder of Marshall Field and Company
  • Marshall Field III, founder of the Chicago Sun
  • Marshall Field IV, owner of the Chicago Sun-Times
  • Michael Field (author), the pen-name used by poets and lovers Katherine Bradley and Edith Cooper
  • Nathan Field, (1587–1620), English dramatist and actor
  • Noel Field, central character of several show trials in Eastern Europe during the 1950s
  • Osmond F. Field, American college sports coach
  • Oscar Wadsworth Field, American Medal of Honor recipient
  • Richard Field (Jesuit), Anglo-Irish Jesuit
  • Richard Field (printer), English printer and publisher, best known for his close association with the poems of William Shakespeare
  • Richard Field (theologian), English ecclesiological theologian associated with the work of Richard Hooker
  • Richard Stockton Field, United States Senator from New Jersey, and later a United States federal judge
  • Richard Field (politician), member of the Tasmanian Parliament
  • Richard Field (judge), judge of the High Court of England and Wales
  • Roger C. Field, British inventor and designer
  • Sally Field, American actress
  • Sid Field (1904–1950), English comedian
  • Stephen Johnson Field, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court
  • Syd Field (1935–2013), American screenwriting guru
  • Sylvia Field, American actress
  • Todd Field, American film director
  • The Field (musician), Axel Willner, a Swedish electronic musician
  • William Field (American politician), Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut from 1855 to 1856
  • William Field (Irish politician) (1848–1935), Nationalist (Parnellite) Member of Parliament for Dublin St Patrick's, 1892–1918
  • William Field (Australian pastoralist) (1774–1837), convict turned Tasmanian businessman
  • William Field (cricketer) (1816–1890), Tasmanian cricketer
  • William J. Field (1909–2002), British Labour Party Member of Parliament for Paddington North 1946–1953
  • William Ventris Field, 1st Baron Field (1813–1907), English judge

Usage examples of "field".

In the middle of my attempting to explain that Darlene was not the air-conditioning repairman, Abey Fields came up.

The beautifully rolled lawns and freshly painted club stand were sprinkled with spring dresses and abloom with sunshades, and coaches and other vehicles without number enclosed the farther side of the field.

There were eight runners that day, a pleasant sized field, and Abseil was second favourite.

Arums and acanthus and ivy filled every hollow, roses nodded from over every gate, while a carpet of violets and cyclamen and primroses stretched over the fields and freighted every wandering wind with fragrance.

But they had come in on the space drive, and had gotten fairly close before the gravitational field had drained the power from the main coil, and it was not until the space field had broken that they had started to accelerate toward the star.

There is no way of distinguishing an accelerated motion from a gravitational field force, right?

Recall that Einstein accomplished this by realizing that an accelerated observer is also perfectly justified in declaring himself or herself to be at rest, and in claiming that the force he or she feels is due to a gravitational field.

Even those whom we would normally think of as accelerating may claim to be at rest, since they can attribute the force they feel to their being immersed in a gravitational field.

If it was possible to emerge from the field, it could only be done by an immediate switch to tachyonic drive without accelerative buildup .

At the edge of the field of vision, the Doppler telemeter and accelerometer spat out their little red numbers so rapidly that it was difficult to read the indicated speed.

His field of vision contracted until it embraced only the clock and the accelerometer, fifteen g, and four hundred and eighty seconds to go.

There were his irrigation boots and a spade for cutting water out of the Acequia del Monte into his back field, or into his apple and plum trees, or into his garden.

By noon he was riding a farmland road where the acequias carried the water down along the foot-trodden selvedges of the fields and he stood the horse to water and walked it up and back in the shade of a cottonwood grove to cool it.

An excellent poison can be swiftly produced under field conditions by boiling two baskets of oleander leaves, distilling the essence, and adding three ounces of dried aconite tubers.

He had ridden out with her once in the first week, and seemed to take pride in showing her the acreage belonging to the plantation, the fields in cane and food crops, the lay of the lands along the river.