n. (alternative spelling of strewnfield English)
The term strewnfield indicates the area where meteorites from a single fall are dispersed. It is also often used with tektites produced by large meteorite impact.
Usage examples of "strewn field".
Sir Fergis's blazonry topped a field tent in the proximity of King Draslich, with both on a broad and boulder-strewn field overlooking a sparkling stream.
King Obould scolded his son, though not loudly, when he arrived on the scene south of Shallows and observed the body-strewn field.
Yet one figure moved through that wide-strewn field of ruin - pygmy-like against the vast dully crimson sky.
The colors of the king of Oheese, Chitar, stretched for fully a mile over an equally grassy and boulder-strewn field.
Fjalar strutted, Svartalf limped to us across the hideously strewn field.
Great polished balls of stone smashed on the rock-strewn field, some shattering into a thousand knife-edged shards that slew everything around themselves.
Into and through a barbed-wire fence and onto a rock-strewn field.
With a muddy, hole-strewn field to traverse, catching a ball barehanded was anything but easy.
Dark clouds of death smeared the blue sky as the pale sun climbed across the heavens and began to throw lengthening shadows across the blackened, body-strewn field of snow and ice.
Giovanni and Le Nozze instead of toiling across the face of a barren rock-strewn field.
The first island was the largest, and it now revealed a startling sight: a circle-within-circles strewn field of broken porcelain tiles, criss-crossed by bridge supports and canals.
Too nervous to keep still for long, Colin rose up far enough to look through the Cadillac's dirty windows, at the wreckage-strewn field beyond.