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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a rush/blast/stream of air
▪ There was a cold rush of air as she wound down her window.
a wave/flood/surge/rush of emotion (=a sudden very strong emotion)
▪ A great surge of emotion swept through her when she learnt that he was safe.
be taken/rushed/airlifted to hospitalBritish English, be taken/rushed/airlifted to the hospital American English
▪ Three people were taken to hospital after a crash on the motorway.
frantic pace/rush/haste etc
▪ There was a frantic rush to escape from the building.
gold rush
mad dash/rush/panic etc
▪ We all made a mad dash for the door.
rush hour
▪ I got caught in the morning rush hour.
sudden rush of
▪ Life is cruel, she thought, with a sudden rush of anger.
the evening rush hour (=the busy time in the evening when a lot of people are travelling home from work)
▪ There's always congestion on the motorways during the evening rush hour.
▪ None the less, Henry did not rush headlong down the road to schism.
▪ Settlers rushed headlong across the wilderness to claim the best land.
▪ Rush headlong to the grave with the most outlandish style possible.
▪ He came rushing on to the platform just as a train bound for Debden came in.
▪ Hatch has rushed on, as well, to the further excess of denouncing appellate judges appointed by Clinton for dissenting opinions.
▪ Thing is, you've got to grab attention with just one phrase as punters rush on by.
▪ He rushed on to the stage with a knife, tried to kill her.
▪ The jitney rushed on into another narrow tunnel.
▪ But our hopes and fears are irrelevant as the train rushes on.
▪ Why did life have to rush on so?
▪ Two brave men changed direction to rush to his aid, but neither of them even reached the wire.
▪ He looks up and sees over her shoulder his chauffeur and the yardboy rushing to his aid.
▪ Players rushed to his aid, but there was little either they or physiotherapist Lawrie Brown could do.
▪ A lorry driver heard her screams and rushed to her aid.
▪ Horrified security staff rushed to Boris's aid and saved him from what would have been a hairy trip home.
▪ He runs downhill, loving the feel of the air rushing past him.
▪ Gao Yang jerked his head around, as his stomach lurched and a pocket of air rushed noisily to his throat.
▪ Another draught of air entered and rushed about.
▪ The weather systems were monumental in extent, whole continents of air rushing madly out of Siberia.
▪ A blast of heated air rushed past, and poisonous smoke belched towards him.
▪ Later, when you let go of the balloon, the air rushed out.
▪ A wave of hot air rushed around the fleeing Karnstein and down the tunnel.
▪ The force of the air rushing out made the balloon move.
▪ Laura gasped, the blood seeming to rush through her veins with a new, heady warmth.
▪ His admonishments do more to get my blood rushing than do the miles we travel together around the park.
▪ Oliver stood for a moment in terror, the blood rushing through him until he felt he was on fire.
▪ The knife left a thin white trail where the flesh was momentarily parted before the blood rushed in again beneath the skin.
▪ Thoughts of the night that had just passed set her heart pounding and the blood rushing to her face.
▪ Perhaps the swing sends the blood rushing to his brain and it gets over-enriched and out of kilter.
▪ She licks at my toes and fingertips, sucking at them until my blood rushes to greet her touch.
▪ Arthur rushed quickly to the door.
▪ A few words from the loudspeaker and everyone rose and rushed to the cabin doors.
▪ Screaming wildly, I rushed to the door and shook it.
▪ We get on an elevator and immediately rush to close the door button for fear of waiting 10 seconds...
▪ Afterward, while she was rushing back out the door, I managed to grab hold of her and introduce myself.
▪ Suddenly I heard a loud scream and rushed to the front door.
▪ She rushed out the front door, which Mr Holmes can not have closed properly behind him.
▪ There had been lots of problems, and they were rushed off their feet.
▪ We're rushed off of our feet.
▪ He was in livery, and told me he was rushed off his feet.
▪ We were rushed off our feet yesterday.
▪ We have people in to help and we're still rushed off our feet.
▪ Bus managers were expecting to be rushed off their feet.
▪ The needle had apparently disappeared into her thigh, so the nuns had rushed her to the hospital.
▪ Paramedics rushed Weyer to the hospital in downtown Manhattan after he collapsed.
▪ Susan's cousin, Craig O'Mahoney, was born with heart problems and had to be rushed to a hospital on Tyneside.
▪ Little Gita was rescued by the firemen and rushed to the hospital.
▪ He was rushed to Brompton Hospital where for five weeks he lay under continuous oxygen.
▪ And in one case, three teen-age girls were found unconscious in a trunk and rushed to a local hospital.
▪ Olson and Vargas were rushed to Tucson area hospitals.
▪ She rushed into the house, throwing her books on a chair.
▪ After eating a small square of chocolate he became very aggressive and rushed around the house frantically banging doors and kicking furniture.
▪ When she rushed into the house in Tace Way Stephen wasn't even there.
▪ Chris said she laughed and he had to rush out of the house or he'd have killed her ....
▪ He rushed into the house and put the receiver back.
▪ David rushed out of the house and asked where we were going.
▪ A huge sob caught in her throat as she rushed across the room to slam the door after him.
▪ I heard the suction of the refrigerator door opening, and then she came rushing back into the room.
▪ At that point, Achaachi rushed across the room, grabbed Dlimi and told him to stop.
▪ He asked my permission to call Reagan, and rushed out of the room.
▪ I rush out of the room, turn the key in the lock ... and what's this?
▪ His colleagues rushed him to a room in the adjoining New Takanawa Prince Hotel.
▪ Back at the station, the film was rushed into the cutting room and we caught the programme.
▪ She seemed to realize some-thing, then turned and rushed to the garden room door.
▪ You do tend to rush into things.
▪ I wanted to make sure I settled down and not rush through things.
▪ She had spent her life rushing into things - and this was no time to stop.
▪ Yanto resisted the urge to rush things.
▪ Mr Potter says it's as well not to rush things, not this early in my career.
▪ Intimacy, of a kind; they were both reserved people, they didn't rush things.
▪ Don't be rushed into things.
▪ Outside there was the noise of water rushing along gutters inadequate to their task.
▪ The water came rushing into the hold.
▪ She spat violently. Water rushed over rocks.
▪ A series of brass grates are arranged in the exhibit, and water rushes throughout.
▪ As they crossed, the water rushed fiercely below them.
▪ He opened his mouth to scream his anger and pain, and the water rushed in, eager to silence him.
▪ The water seemed to rush to meet him.
▪ The sun was shining brilliantly, for a moment, and the wind rushed full in her face.
▪ The wind rushed under it, gusting hot grit into our faces.
▪ Billy felt the wind rushing into the cab as the lorry trundled through the tunnel and he felt relieved.
▪ I would see below me a landscape of lights, and a wind would rush past my ears.
▪ The wind rushing up the river shook the whole building, and the rain beat violently against the windows.
▪ I listen to the wind rushing around the canteen-sized stone.
▪ A buffeting wind rushed over the land, bringing with it salt that clung insistently to Elisabeth's face.
▪ The wind rushing about made the maps blow around.
▪ He came rushing on to the platform just as a train bound for Debden came in.
▪ I heard the suction of the refrigerator door opening, and then she came rushing back into the room.
▪ When the tea break comes everybody rushes to the model, holding their cups over the plan.
▪ But as soon as he came, he rushed to the bathroom to shower.
▪ He detected the faint smell of blood just before the familiar but oddly stagnant odor of Jinju came rushing toward him.
▪ The recollection of those whispered words came rushing back to haunt her.
▪ The water came rushing into the hold.
▪ Billy felt the wind rushing into the cab as the lorry trundled through the tunnel and he felt relieved.
▪ Then why did he feel rushed?
▪ When she went to fetch the water she felt sharp pains rushing through her body.
▪ The time dilemma, this sense of always feeling rushed, can not be solved just by shutting off the television.
▪ I felt the blood rush to my centre - legs, fingertips, head all emptying at once in a rush - No!
be rushed/run off your feet
▪ All the sales assistants are run off their feet. The shop ought to take on more staff.
▪ It's my son's birthday party tomorrow. I've been absolutely rushed off my feet getting ready for it.
▪ Bus managers were expecting to be rushed off their feet.
▪ He was in livery, and told me he was rushed off his feet.
▪ Obviously, the emergency services are run off their feet.
▪ There had been lots of problems, and they were rushed off their feet.
▪ We were rushed off our feet yesterday.
fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)
give sb the bum's rush
rush/plunge headlong into sth
▪ Stockbrokers should prevent their clients from plunging headlong into trouble.
▪ Up went a roar as he plunged headlong into the stew.
▪ Don't try to rush things in a new relationship.
▪ Everyone rushed out into the street to see what was happening.
▪ I rushed over to meet him.
▪ I don't mean to rush you but I really need to get going.
▪ If you rush your meals, you'll get indigestion.
▪ Lawrence rushed for 68 yards and one touchdown.
▪ Police in riot gear rushed the demonstrators.
▪ She decided to rush the Tri-Delta sorority.
▪ The book was rushed into print, and there are a lot of mistakes in it.
▪ There's plenty of time - we don't need to rush.
▪ Try to do your work calmly and carefully, without rushing.
▪ Water rushed through the gutters during the heavy thunderstorm.
▪ We rushed around trying to get all the information we needed before the end of the week.
▪ Zack rushed to tell her what had happened.
▪ Because it was rushed through, another piece of legislation is now needed to put matters right.
▪ But as it rushed up the side of the church steeple Carol had a fright.
▪ Fenner had two catches for 24 yards, but did not have a rushing attempt against the Chargers.
▪ Fools rush on war to make a weaker country their slave.
▪ He was in livery, and told me he was rushed off his feet.
▪ However, other people will be rushing you along today.
▪ The hospitals rush these lower-paid workers on the hospital floor as soon as possible.
▪ The Raiders have not had a rushing touchdown since Williams scored against Dallas on Nov. 19, 1995.
▪ But nobody could wait, there was such a big rush.
▪ Then there would be a frantic rush to grab an armful of branches and beat out the flames.
▪ Tonight we're in the town of Kalgoorlie. 100 years ago, they had a gold rush here.
▪ I never twigged what the gold rush was.
▪ Homeowners pay hefty commissions to be a part of the gold rush.
▪ The long avenue is still lined with the iron-laced pubs of the gold rush days, with their wooden verandahs.
▪ Soon afterwards a gold rush developed to an area known as the Porcupine gold-fields.
▪ And the gold rush already has begun.
▪ So far, there has not been a great rush to accept the president's invitation, now several years old.
▪ These are difficult questions to answer despite the great rush of recent material on this matter.
▪ The headlong rush by the brewers to switch tenants to long leases is creating misery and hardship.
▪ Twenty five minutes past twelve came and there was a mad rush to the dinner hall.
▪ Towards evening I went in search of bed and breakfast; the mad rush to the west could wait.
▪ His sudden rush of Anglican devotion remained unexplained and incomprehensible.
▪ Why the sudden rush of interest?
▪ At sunset, darkness enveloped the hunting camp in a sudden rush.
▪ Her grey and white striped silk blouse was clinging damply against her skin in the sudden rush of heat.
▪ Even in the sudden rush from the Store the nomes had been able to bring quite a lot of stuff.
▪ Certainly the change in legislation is unlikely to provoke a sudden rush of hitherto tied farm workers from the industry.
▪ The sudden rush of cooler air as the door was thrust open took her completely by surprise.
▪ Instead his handshake was firm but controlled - like everything else about him, she thought with a sudden rush of insight.
▪ The drinks did it, I know, and the adrenalin rush of the entire evening.
▪ Hebbert had wound down after the adrenalin rush and was furious at having to crank up again.
▪ I felt the blood rush to my face.
▪ We drank and I could feel the blood rush back to my face.
▪ Yet this was Sunday morning, not the weekday rush hour.
▪ What rush hour exists is merely a breeze of bicycles.
▪ Like telephone charges, they can be varied from day to day and between evenings and rush hours.
▪ Peter suggested keeping on until half an hour into the rush hour but no longer as it looked like being particularly crowded today.
▪ Ahead of him, the tail-end stragglers of the daily rush hour traffic scurried across Westminster Bridge.
▪ I got Armstrong fired up and headed towards Hackney, using the back streets to avoid the worst of the rush hour.
▪ Do not forget to take the rush hour into account.
▪ At rush hour it is hopeless.
▪ For an instant Alyssia felt a rush of jealousy, which she just as quickly stamped on.
▪ I felt the blood rush to my face.
▪ She felt a rush of disappointment.
▪ Even a potential ally needs to feel the first rush of adrenal urgency.
▪ Jolted from his daydreams, Lucien had time only to feel a rush of air as Amber Epipheny swept past him.
▪ I started to feel the rush as he inhaled.
▪ Closing his eyes momentarily, he felt a rush of ecstasy pulsing through his body.
▪ We drank and I could feel the blood rush back to my face.
fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)
give sb the bum's rush
go flying/laughing/rushing etc
▪ Any minute I expected the poor little madman to go flying in the night, dead.
▪ Bodies not strapped in by seat belts go flying.
▪ But shouldn't you try and find out some more about him before you go rushing off?
▪ It tripped on a book and almost went flying, but it just succeeded in remaining upright.
▪ So why had she gone rushing north from Lima to see this half-brother of hers?
▪ Spit went flying, seen by millions.
▪ The doll and blanket went flying, bounced off the far end of the block, and fell into the make-believe river.
▪ The next member of the team took his place at the stumps only to see both bails go flying.
rush/plunge headlong into sth
▪ Stockbrokers should prevent their clients from plunging headlong into trouble.
▪ Up went a roar as he plunged headlong into the stew.
rush week
▪ a rush party
▪ From the darkness behind her there came a rush of wings.
▪ I had forgotten my wallet in the usual Monday morning rush.
▪ Skateboarding is a real rush once you know how to do it.
▪ Slow down! What's the big rush?
▪ The accident happened during the evening rush.
▪ the Christmas rush
▪ There was a furious rush to have everything ready for the opening night.
▪ And when you stood hesitating before you unhitched the bow line, rush built to flood.
▪ But as the rush died down it became apparent that her resolute determination would not be needed.
▪ But Peacock, 24, is in no rush to quit Tyneside.
▪ Even with a rush of students, the building maintained its dignity.
▪ I can write fast enough, and there is no rush.
▪ Peter suggested keeping on until half an hour into the rush hour but no longer as it looked like being particularly crowded today.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rush \Rush\ (r[u^]sh), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rushed (r[u^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. Rushing.] [OE. ruschen; cf. AS. hryscan to make a noise, D. ruischen to rustle, G. rauschen, MHG. r[=u]schen to rush, to rustle, LG. rusken, OSw. ruska, Icel. & Sw. ruska to shake, Dan. ruske to shake, and E. rouse.]

  1. To move forward with impetuosity, violence, and tumultuous rapidity or haste; as, armies rush to battle; waters rush down a precipice.

    Like to an entered tide, they all rush by.

  2. To enter into something with undue haste and eagerness, or without due deliberation and preparation; as, to rush business or speculation.

    They . . . never think it to be a part of religion to rush into the office of princes and ministers.


Rush \Rush\, n.

  1. A moving forward with rapidity and force or eagerness; a violent motion or course; as, a rush of troops; a rush of winds; a rush of water.

    A gentleman of his train spurred up his horse, and, with a violent rush, severed him from the duke.
    --Sir H. Wotton.

  2. Great activity with pressure; as, a rush of business.

  3. A perfect recitation. [College Cant, U.S.]

  4. (Football) (a) A rusher; as, the center rush, whose place is in the center of the rush line; the end rush.

    Bunt rush (Football), a combined rush by main strength.

    Rush line (Football), the line composed of rushers.


Rush \Rush\, v. t.

  1. To push or urge forward with impetuosity or violence; to hurry forward.

  2. To recite (a lesson) or pass (an examination) without an error. [College Cant, U.S.]


Rush \Rush\, n. [OE. rusche, rische, resche, AS. risce, akin to LG. rusk, risch, D. & G. rusch; all probably fr. L. ruscum butcher's broom; akin to Goth. raus reed, G. rohr.]

  1. (Bot.) A name given to many aquatic or marsh-growing endogenous plants with soft, slender stems, as the species of Juncus and Scirpus.

    Note: Some species are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats, and the pith is used in some places for wicks to lamps and rushlights.

  2. The merest trifle; a straw. John Bull's friendship is not worth a rush. --Arbuthnot. Bog rush. See under Bog. Club rush, any rush of the genus Scirpus. Flowering rush. See under Flowering. Nut rush

    1. Any plant of the genus Scleria, rushlike plants with hard nutlike fruits.

    2. A name for several species of Cyperus having tuberous roots.

      Rush broom, an Australian leguminous plant ( Viminaria denudata), having long, slender branches. Also, the Spanish broom. See under Spanish.

      Rush candle, See under Candle.

      Rush grass, any grass of the genus Vilfa, grasses with wiry stems and one-flowered spikelets.

      Rush toad (Zo["o]l.), the natterjack.

      Scouring rush. (Bot.) Same as Dutch rush, under Dutch.

      Spike rush, any rushlike plant of the genus Eleocharis, in which the flowers grow in dense spikes.

      Sweet rush, a sweet-scented grass of Arabia, etc. ( Andropogon sch[oe]nanthus), used in Oriental medical practice.

      Wood rush, any plant of the genus Luzula, which differs in some technical characters from Juncus.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"a hasty driving forward," late 14c., from rush (v.). Sense of "mass migration of people" (especially to a gold field) is from 1848, American English. Football/rugby sense from 1857. Meaning "surge of pleasure" is from 1960s. Rush hour first recorded 1888. Rush order from 1896.


mid-14c. (implied in rushing), "to drive back or down," from Anglo-French russher, from Old French ruser "to dodge, repel" (see ruse). Meaning "to do something quickly" is from 1650s; transitive sense of "to hurry up (someone or something)" is from 1850. U.S. Football sense originally was in rugby (1857).\n

\nFraternity/sorority sense is from 1896 (originally it was what the fraternity did to the student); from 1899 as a noun in this sense. Earlier it was a name on U.S. campuses for various tests of strength or athletic skill between freshmen and sophomores as classes (1860).


"plant growing in marshy ground," Old English resc, earlier risc, from Proto-Germanic *rusk- (cognates: Middle Low German rusch, Middle High German rusch, German Rausch, West Frisian risk, Dutch rusch), from PIE *rezg- "to plait, weave, wind" (cognates: Latin restis "cord, rope").\n

\nOld French rusche probably is from a Germanic source. Used for making torches and finger rings, also strewn on floors when visitors arrived; it was attested a type of "something of no value" from c.1300. See OED for spelling variations.


Etymology 1 n. 1 Any of several stiff aquatic or marsh plants of the genus ''Juncus'', having hollow or pithy stems and small flowers. 2 The stem of such plants used in making baskets, mats, the seats of chairs, etc. 3 The merest trifle; a straw. Etymology 2

  1. perform with, or requiring urgency or great haste, or done under pressure. n. A sudden forward motion. v

  2. (label en transitive or intransitive) To hurry; to perform a task with great haste.

  1. adj. not accepting reservations [syn: first-come-first-serve(p)]

  2. done under pressure; "a rush job" [syn: rush(a), rushed]

  1. v. step on it; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street" [syn: hotfoot, hasten, hie, speed, race, pelt along, rush along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along] [ant: linger]

  2. attack suddenly

  3. urge to an unnatural speed; "Don't rush me, please!" [syn: hurry] [ant: delay]

  4. act or move at high speed; "We have to rush!"; "hurry--it's late!" [syn: hasten, hurry, look sharp, festinate]

  5. run with the ball, in football

  6. cause to move fast or to rush or race; "The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze" [syn: race]

  7. cause to occur rapidly; "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions" [syn: induce, stimulate, hasten]

  1. n. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner; "in his haste to leave he forgot his book" [syn: haste, hurry, rushing]

  2. a sudden forceful flow [syn: spate, surge, upsurge]

  3. grasslike plants growing in wet places and having cylindrical often hollow stems

  4. physician and Revolutionary American leader; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1745-1813) [syn: Benjamin Rush]

  5. the swift release of a store of affective force; "they got a great bang out of it"; "what a boot!"; "he got a quick rush from injecting heroin"; "he does it for kicks" [syn: bang, boot, charge, flush, thrill, kick]

  6. a sudden burst of activity; "come back after the rush"

  7. (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line; "the linebackers were ready to stop a rush" [syn: rushing]

Rush -- U.S. County in Kansas
Population (2000): 3551
Housing Units (2000): 1928
Land area (2000): 718.207468 sq. miles (1860.148723 sq. km)
Water area (2000): 0.210374 sq. miles (0.544865 sq. km)
Total area (2000): 718.417842 sq. miles (1860.693588 sq. km)
Located within: Kansas (KS), FIPS 20
Location: 38.527472 N, 99.310127 W
Rush, KS
Rush County
Rush County, KS
Rush -- U.S. County in Indiana
Population (2000): 18261
Housing Units (2000): 7337
Land area (2000): 408.282683 sq. miles (1057.447250 sq. km)
Water area (2000): 0.337670 sq. miles (0.874562 sq. km)
Total area (2000): 408.620353 sq. miles (1058.321812 sq. km)
Located within: Indiana (IN), FIPS 18
Location: 39.621652 N, 85.475672 W
Rush, IN
Rush County
Rush County, IN
Rush (band)

Rush is a Canadian rock band formed in 1968 in the Willowdale neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario. The band is composed of bassist, keyboardist, and lead vocalist Geddy Lee; guitarist and backing vocalist Alex Lifeson; and drummer, percussionist, and lyricist Neil Peart. The band and its membership went through several reconfigurations between 1968 and 1974, achieving its current line-up when Peart replaced original drummer John Rutsey in July 1974, two weeks before the group's first tour of the United States.

Rush is known for its musicianship, complex compositions, and eclectic lyrical motifs drawing heavily on science fiction, fantasy, and philosophy. The band's musical style has changed several times over the years, from a blues-inspired hard rock beginning, later moving into progressive rock, and including a period marked by heavy use of synthesizers. In the early 1990s, Rush returned to a guitar-driven hard rock sound, which has continued to the present.

According to the RIAA, Rush ranks 80th with sales of 25 million units in the US. Although total worldwide album sales are not calculated by any single entity, several industry sources estimated Rush's total worldwide album sales at over 40 million units as of 2004. The group has been awarded 24 gold, 14 platinum, and 3 multi-platinum albums.

Rush has received nominations for seven Grammy Awards. The band has won several Juno Awards, won an International Achievement Award at the 2009 SOCAN Awards, was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 1994, and inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Over their careers, the members of Rush have been acknowledged as some of the most proficient players on their respective instruments, with each band member winning numerous awards in magazine readers' polls. Rush announced plans to stop large-scale touring at the end of 2015. However, they have not ruled out the possibility of future studio albums and smaller-scale tours.


Rush or rushes may refer to:

Rush (Rush album)

Rush is the eponymous debut studio album by the Canadian rock band Rush, released on March 1, 1974 by the band's vanity label Moon Records in Canada and by Mercury Records in the United States and internationally. Their first release shows much of the hard rock sound typical of many of the popular rock bands emerging earlier in the decade, and it is the only album to not have Neil Peart as drummer. Rush were fans of such bands as Led Zeppelin and Cream, and these influences can be heard in most of the songs on this album.

Original drummer John Rutsey performed all drum parts on the album, but was unable to go on extended tours because of complications with his diabetes and was let go by the band after the album was released. Rutsey contributed to the album's lyrics, but never submitted the work to the other members of the band. The lyrics were instead entirely composed by Lee and Lifeson. Rutsey was soon replaced by Peart, who has remained the band's drummer.

Rush (video gaming)

In video games, rushing is a battle tactic similar to the blitzkrieg or the human wave attack tactics in real-world ground warfare, in which speed and surprise are used to overwhelm and/or cripple an enemy's ability to wage war, usually before the enemy is able to achieve an effective buildup of sizable defensive and/or expansionist capabilities.

Rush (1991 film)

Rush is a 1991 American crime/ drama film directed by Lili Fini Zanuck (wife of producer Richard Zanuck) and based on a novel written by Kim Wozencraft. It stars Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jason Patric as two cops in the 1970s who go in too deep on a case: a narcotics detective and his inexperienced partner go after an elusive drug dealer. They become drug addicts themselves and, failing to get the evidence they need, use falsified evidence.

Rush (Aly & AJ song)

"Rush" is a pop rock song recorded by American pop rock duo Aly & AJ for their debut album Into the Rush. The track was released as their first official single nationwide by their label Hollywood Records. It was first released to Radio Disney on October 14, 2005 to promote the Disney Channel Original Movie Twitches, but later grew to become extremely popular, which led to a mainstream release on February 25, 2006. It was later released for digital download on July 11, 2006 and on November 25, 2006 in Australia.

Rush (gridiron football)

Rushing has two different meanings in gridiron football. The first is an action taken by the offense that means to advance the ball by running with it, as opposed to passing. The other is an action taken by the defense that means to charge towards the quarterback, kicker or punter across the line of scrimmage. When players on the defense are collectively rushing the passer (usually a quarterback), it is called the pass rush.

In both offense and defense, any rushing player is called a rusher.

Rush (Big Audio Dynamite II song)

"Rush" is a song by Big Audio Dynamite II from their album The Globe. It was a number-one hit on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart for four weeks in 1991, as well as topping the Australian and New Zealand singles charts.

In the UK, "Rush" was originally released as the B-side to the 1991 re-release of The Clash's " Should I Stay or Should I Go". The A-side was immensely popular due to its inclusion in a Levi Strauss & Co. advert. This single reached number one on the UK Singles Chart. The sleeve art for the 7" and CD singles displayed the Clash on the front, and BAD II on the rear. The record label displays "Should I Stay or Should I Go" as side 'A', and "Rush" as side 'AA' making it effectively a ' Double A-side' release.

A longer version of Rush, entitled Change of Atmosphere, had previously appeared on the group's 1990 album Kool-Aid, to little notice.

"Rush" was subsequently released as a standalone Big Audio Dynamite II single (as illustrated).

The "New York City Club Version" remix of "Rush" was featured in the 1993 Mike Myers' film So I Married an Axe Murderer.

The song samples several songs including the keyboard component of The Who's song " Baba O'Riley," the organ from the introduction to the Deep Purple song " Child in Time", a drum break from Tommy Roe's " Sweet Pea", drums and guitars from a break in Pigmeat Markham's "Here Comes the Judge", a line from The Sugarhill Gang's song " Rapper's Delight" where Big Bank Hank raps "a time to laugh, a time to cry", and a vocal sample from Peter Sellers in Fred Flange's song "You Keep Me Swingin'", where Sellers talks about "rhythm and melody".

Rush (video game series)

Rush is a series of racing game video games developed by American-based company Atari Games and published by Atari Games and Midway Games for the Home Consoles. The series debuted worldwide in 1996. Initially, the series was exclusive to the fifth generation consoles and was brought back later in the sixth-generation video game consoles by 2006. The games consist mainly of racing with various cars on various tracks, and to some extent, including stunts in races. Since L.A. Rush the series has adopted its street racing atmosphere.

Rush (1970s TV series)

Rush is an Australian television series produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation between 1974 and 1976. The first 13 episodes were produced in 1974 and filmed in black and white. In 1976, 13 more episodes were produced, in colour, in conjunction with French production company Antenne 2. Each series featured a different cast with the exception of John Waters.

Rush (1983 film)

Rush is a 1983 Italian science fiction and action film.

Rush (soundtrack)

Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack Rush is the soundtrack album for the 1991 film of the same name. Written and performed by Eric Clapton, the soundtrack album includes the song " Tears in Heaven," which won three Grammy awards in 1993.

In a review of the album, AllMusic Guide wrote: "This album has far more impact than you might expect from the score to a movie — there's a sense of the music here working something out in Clapton's heart, a sense given a lot of power thanks to the intense, heart-wrenching passion invoked by some of the turns taken here. At its best, Clapton's music can speak of the pain he feels — and Clapton has rarely been better than he is here."

Rush (Thorpe Park)

Rush is a giant swing ride at Thorpe Park in Chertsey, Surrey which opened at the park alongside another S&S Power thrill ride, Slammer, in 2005. At this time it was the tallest ride of its type in the world. Smoke can be seen at the top of the ride's canisters.

Rush (Darude album)

Rush is the second studio album by Darude. It was released on July 15, 2003. It peaked at Number four on The Official Finnish Charts.

Rush (name)

Rush is both a surname and given name.

Rush (2012 film)

Rush is a 2012 Bollywood thriller film directed by Shamin Desai. The film features Emraan Hashmi, Aditya Pancholi, Neha Dhupia and Sagarika Ghatge. The storyline is based on media and crime. The film released on 26 October 2012 on Dussehra. After the death of director Desai, the film was completed by his wife Priyanka Desai. It generally received negative response from critics and was declared a disaster at box-office.

Rush (series 3)

Series 3 of police drama Rush premiered on 22 July 2010 on Network Ten. The third installment continues to follow the lives of two teams employed with the prestigious Tactical Response Unit in Victoria, Australia.

Series 3 introduces new characters Audrey Khoo ( Camille Keenan), an intelligence officer working alongside Leon, and Christian Tapu ( Kevin Hofbauer), a young constable who joins the team. Later in the season, Sergeant Dominic Wales dies in a bomb blast.

Rush (Dean Geyer album)

Rush is the first album by Australian singer Dean Geyer, released by Sony BMG in Australia on 28 May 2007 (see 2007 in music). The album "sums up everything that" Geyer has felt in the past year, he states "the process of creating, writing, recording and promoting has been a rush. But it's been such a joyous ride for me." Rush debuted in the top ten on the Australian ARIA Albums Chart making it his first top ten album. It also produced Geyer with his first top ten hit with " If You Don't Mean It" which spent twelve weeks in the top fifty. The album features a cover version of the Edwin McCain's song " I'll Be", that Geyer also sang on Australian Idol.

Rush (2008 TV series)

Rush is an Australian television police drama that first screened on Network Ten in September 2008. Set in Melbourne, Victoria, it focuses on the members of a Police Tactical Response team. It is produced by John Edwards and Endemol Australia, which was branded as the Southern Star Group during production of the series.

In late October 2011, text phrasing on the cover art of Entertainment One's DVD release of the fourth series first indicated Rush would not return for another series, meaning series four would be its last. Soon after, the production company, known at the time as the Southern Star Group confirmed with TV Tonight that a fifth series had not been commissioned. Network Ten did not issue any press releases stating the wrapping up of Rush, instead then Executive Producer of Drama and Production at Network Ten, Rick Maier, issued a statement on the shows official Facebook page, “While we don’t discount a return series, it is not on the cards at this stage – but we do intend to finish season four with a bang, literally.”

Rush (The X-Files)

"Rush" is the fifth episode of the seventh season of the science fiction television series The X-Files, and the 144th episode overall. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on December 5, 1999. It was written by David Amann and directed by Robert Lieberman. The episode is a "Monster-of-the-Week" story, unconnected to the series' wider mythology. "Rush" earned a Nielsen household rating of 7.9, being watched by 12.71 million viewers in its initial broadcast. The episode received mostly mixed-to-negative reviews from television critics.

The show centers on FBI special agents Fox Mulder ( David Duchovny) and Dana Scully ( Gillian Anderson) who work on cases linked to the paranormal, called X-Files. Mulder is a believer in the paranormal, while the skeptical Scully has been assigned to debunk his work. In this episode, Mulder and Scully investigate a high school student who is the prime suspect in the bizarre murder of a police officer. They discover that the boy and a couple of friends have been playing with the ability to accelerate their movements to a frequency the human eye can’t perceive.

The idea for "Rush" had been proposed as far back as the sixth season of The X-Files. However, the original plot of the episode—the effects of having super speed—eventually delved into "deeper" themes, such as drug abuse, boredom, and the teenage experience. Although the episode relied on special effects, many of the scenes were created by manipulating the speed of the camera during filming.

Rush (psychology)

In psychology, a rush is an acute transcendent state of euphoria. Psychoactive drugs which enhance dopaminergic neurotransmission in the central nervous system (CNS) are commonly capable of such an event.

These drugs include opiates and opioids, such as heroin and morphine, and psychostimulants, such as methamphetamine and cocaine. Studies have shown that the subjective pleasure of drug use (the reinforcing component of addiction) is proportional to the rate at which the blood level of the drug increases. Intravenous injection is the fastest route of administration, causing blood concentrations to rise the most quickly, followed by smoking, suppository (anal or vaginal insertion), insufflation (snorting), and ingestion (swallowing).

Rush (series 2)

Series 2 of police drama Rush premiered on 16 July 2009 on Network Ten. The second installments episode order was increased to twenty-two episodes up on thirteen from the first series. The second series continued to follow the lives of two teams employed with the prestigious Tactical Response Unit in Victoria, Australia.

Series 2 introduces a new main character Shannon Henry, a police negotiator who replaces Senior Constable Grace Barry after her death.

Rush (series 1)

Series 1 of Australian police drama Rush premiered on 2 September 2008 on Network Ten. The series was commissioned paritlally due to the shortage of series caused by the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. It followed the lives of two teams employed with the prestigious Tactical Response Unit in Victoria, Australia.

The series first pilot was filmed in 2004 and had the working title of Rapid Response, additionally using an old Police Rescue script.

Rush (Anna Abreu album)

Rush is the fourth studio album by Finnish singer Anna Abreu, released in Finland by RCA on March 30, 2011. The album was preceded by the lead single "Hysteria" in January 2011.

The album was produced by Jukka Immonen, who is known for his work with Finnish singer Jenni Vartiainen. Principal photography for the album, including its cover and those of its lead single "Hysteria", was completed in Thailand in December 2010.

Rush (wrestler)

William Arturo Muñoz González (born September 29, 1988) is a Mexican luchador or professional wrestler, better known by the ring name Rush. After originally starting his career in 2007, working for various independent promotions under the ring name Latino, Muñoz was signed by Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (CMLL) in 2009 and given the ring name he currently performs under. Rush is a former one-time CMLL World Light Heavyweight, one-time CMLL World Tag Team Champion, one-time CMLL World Trios Champion and two-time Mexican National Trios Champion. Muñoz's father Arthur Muñoz is also a professional wrestler, best known by the ring name Toro Blanco and currently working for CMLL under a mask as Comandante Pierroth, while two of his brothers also currently work for the promotion under masks and the ring names Místico and Dragon Lee.

Rush (series 4)

Series 4 of police drama Rush premiered on 1 September 2011 with a double episode. The fourth instalment continues to follow the lives of the officers employed with the prestigious Tactical Response Unit in Victoria, Australia. Antony Starr joins the main cast as Senior Sergeant Charlie Lewis, the new boss. Senior Constable Michael Sandrelli ( Ashley Zukerman) is fired from TR to go on an undercover mission.

Rush (2013 film)

Rush is a 2013 biographical sports drama film centred on the rivalry between Formula 1 drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda during the 1976 Formula One motor-racing season. It was written by Peter Morgan, directed by Ron Howard and stars Chris Hemsworth as Hunt and Daniel Brühl as Lauda. The film premiered in London on 2 September 2013 and was shown at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival before its United Kingdom release on 13 September 2013.

Rush (2013 soundtrack)

Rush is the soundtrack to the film of the same name, released on September 10, 2013. The soundtrack features a musical score composed by Hans Zimmer, plus five classic rock songs by Dave Edmunds, Steve Winwood, Mud, Thin Lizzy, and David Bowie.

Rush (2014 TV series)

Rush is an original medical drama series created by Jonathan Levine and written by Levine, Gina Matthews and Grant Scharbo. It premiered on USA Network on July 17, 2014. On October 2, 2014, USA Network cancelled Rush.

Rush (Bel Canto album)

Rush is the fifth album by the Norwegian band Bel Canto.

Rush (2014 Kenyan TV series)

Rush is a Kenyan television sitcom- soap opera that premiered on Africa Magic Channel in 2014. It is created and executively produced by Lucy Chodoti, the brain behind C-Through Production Ltd The series topbilled by anchor, Janet Mbugua, Maryanne Nungo, singer-songwriter; Wendy Kimani and Wendy Sankale together with an ensemble cast. It is one of Kenya's most expensive television series as its production cost were as high as 1.5 million per a single episode.

Rush (video gamer)

Lee Yoon-jae or Rush is a South Korean player who was most recently a substitute jungler for Cloud9.

Rush was the 2015 NA LCS summer split MVP.

On November 2015 C9 added Rush and Bunny FuFuu to the team. On June 14, 2016 he left C9 Tempest and returned to South Korea because he did not want to play in the Challenger Series, but did not immediately join a team.

Usage examples of "rush".

On this occasion it was unlocked, and Marian was about to rush forward in eager anticipation of a peep at its interior, when, child as she was, the reflection struck her that she would stand abetter chance of carrying her point by remaining perdue.

Some people even called up and wanted to record the historic moment when they were aborted by Rush Limbaugh so they could play it for friends.

In the sudden brightness he saw Abraxas, first screaming in terror as the ocean rushed toward him, then pitching with the force of the water.

Round the corner of the narrow street there came rushing a brace of whining dogs with tails tucked under their legs, and after them a white-faced burgher, with outstretched hands and wide-spread fingers, his hair all abristle and his eyes glinting back from one shoulder to the other, as though some great terror were at his very heels.

With a few thousand absentee ballots still uncounted and Republican Perry Hooper appearing to be ahead, the Democrats rushed into court to ask a judge to change the rules.

Because of the speed - and thus the intensity - of the onset of the rush, smoking is the most addictive mode of delivery for illicit drugs.

In the long run, continual contact with those threads might produce a certain adhesion and inconvenience the Spider, who must preserve all her agility in order to rush upon the prey before it can release itself.

Perhaps if he embarrassed himself badly enough, it would at least slow the Adjutors down in their rush to total power.

The woman appeared to be Hispanic and said something quickly to Casey before rushing back into the tiny adobe house.

With a loss of some two hundred men the leading regiments succeeded in reaching Colenso, and the West Surrey, advancing by rushes of fifty yards at a time, had established itself in the station, but a catastrophe had occurred at an earlier hour to the artillery which was supporting it which rendered all further advance impossible.

Once a handful of men, tormented beyond endurance, sprang up as a sign that they had had enough, but Thorneycroft, a man of huge physique, rushed forward to the advancing Boers.

Tom hoped would prove to be a successful aerial warship rushed to the open.

Though it may seem to the reader that some time has elapsed since the first sounding of the alarm, all that I have set down took place in a very short period--hardly three minutes elapsing since Tom and the others came rushing out of the aerial warship building.

The silvery aeroplane was rushing through the atmosphere at a great rate.

The moment the Dark sensed she had told you, they must have come rushing, sending the afanc to shock you into giving up what she had said.