a delayed reaction (=a reaction that comes some time after an event)
▪ You’re suffering a delayed reaction to the accident.
a delaying tactic (=an action which gives you more time)
▪ His enemies believed that his sickness was just another delaying tactic.
a flight is delayed (=it is late leaving)
▪ Her flight was delayed and she arrived over an hour late.
cause (a) delay
▪ Bad weather caused delays at many airports.
delay sb's departure (=make it later)
▪ I decided to delay my departure by a few days.
delay the onset of sth
▪ An active and healthy lifestyle can delay the onset of disease in later life.
delaying tactic
long silence/pause/delay etc
▪ There was a long silence before anybody spoke.
undue delay
▪ The kick should be taken without undue delay.
unforeseen problems/difficulties/delays
▪ unforeseen delays in supplying the equipment
▪ Collection can involve a considerable time delay especially if exchange control regulations have to be satisfied.
▪ After a considerable delay and some confusion, he was told to wait.
▪ The main problem for this index is the considerable delay before publication.
▪ They were allowed to board without further delay.
▪ At the hearing, university officials agreed to register him without further delay.
▪ There can be no possible excuse for any further delay.
▪ However, Rodman said the state only agreed to the clean-up plan to avoid further delays.
▪ But further delay could be dangerous.
▪ A deputation of Confederates had come to demand that he and his men evacuate the fort without further delay.
▪ A further delay before I am on my feet and, in fact, it is now tomorrow.
▪ The doctor awoke an hour before he arrived and, calling for hot water, delivered the child without further delay.
▪ Drivers faced lengthy delays on the sodden A4 between Newbury and Hungerford.
▪ That means long lines and lengthy delays at skycap stations and ticket counters.
▪ This restrictive covenant is often included in village or rural sites and can result in lengthy delays and extreme frustration.
▪ The longer the delay, the more difficult integration becomes.
▪ And finally, the bottom line, is the budget approved without long delay and nit-picking?
▪ Attendance at clinic is probably encouraged by avoiding long delays and making the visit worthwhile.
▪ The book lags in the middle, the pacing slowed by an overly long delay in getting to the murder scene.
▪ To wait until their children are in the secondary stage may seem a long time for delay.
▪ David Campos, the chief investigator, is troubled by the long delay.
▪ Eddie Browning says he's angry over long delays facing other prisoners seeking appeal hearings.
▪ When there is a long delay in starting treatment, the depression may be prolonged.
▪ In the meantime, the slight delay would allow him to run down his quarry.
▪ The good news is that both are worth the slight delay.
▪ Despite the slight delay the audience gave the band a rousing welcome and were rewarded with two superb sets.
▪ There was a slight delay in the departure of her scheduled plane out of Dulles International.
▪ A slight delay as you skirt round it.
▪ Sometimes it is necessary to wait for an incoming aircraft which might cause a slight delay before you proceed to the resort.
▪ In fact, had the recognised procedure been followed, there might have been some slight additional delay.
▪ Assuming no undue delays this means that telematics may be adopted in the next few weeks.
▪ This simply slows the flow of traffic and causes unnecessary and frustrating delays.
▪ The jackets had to go back to the sweatshop, making for an unnecessary and annoying delay.
▪ Optimal treatment of attacks can be life saving but suboptimal treatment or unnecessary delay in the provision of care can be fatal.
▪ This is limited by the delay line chip, but signal levels of up to at least one volt r.m.s. can be accommodated.
▪ IC2 is used as the buffer stage in the active lowpass filter ahead of the delay line.
▪ This reverberation unit is based on a c.c.d. delay line that has been designed specifically for operation in reverberation circuits.
▪ The high-pass filter is unsuitable for use as a delay line because the delay in the pass band depends markedly on frequency.
▪ Many early computers were serial, since they were built round serial storage media such as delay lines.
▪ The best one is a digitally produced effect using a digital delay line having at least 16-bit resolution.
▪ The two-phase clock signal for the delay line is provided by a matching clock generator chip.
▪ This also generates a bias signal required by the delay line chip.
▪ This time delay can have safety and/or economic consequences hence the need to accelerate the experts' diagnosis and decision processes.
▪ Collection can involve a considerable time delay especially if exchange control regulations have to be satisfied.
▪ No time delay is associated with this method.
▪ If further steps are to be performed a time delay is needed before the next excitation change.
▪ By next year there will be no time delay between releases of software for the different architectures, promises Zander.
▪ There is a similar expression for the time delay from N to Venus.
▪ All the scores for the trials which involved the same time delay were totalled up.
▪ The mean number of letters recalled across the 12 subjects for each time delay was then calculated.
▪ Work must be programmed to avoid delay between tasks, and instructions issued promptly.
▪ However, Rodman said the state only agreed to the clean-up plan to avoid further delays.
▪ Attendance at clinic is probably encouraged by avoiding long delays and making the visit worthwhile.
▪ Hoping to avoid delays and embarrassing publicity, in July the council started quietly pressuring Pike to disengage from the venture.
▪ The purchaser should identify the need for an independent valuation as early as possible to avoid subsequent delay nearer completion.
▪ Fortunately, my passengers spot it and we avoid delays and costly repairs.
▪ This is less odd than it looks: it pays creditors to avoid the delays and legal costs of chapter 11.
▪ The system thus avoids the seemingly interminable delays that bedevil on-line services when they are used to transmit graphics.
▪ One train broke down, causing a two-hour delay.
▪ Now that in itself would cause major delays.
▪ Fans were taken by bus from Portadown to Dundalk, causing delays of up to two hours in their journey.
▪ There also is a bug when searching by date that can cause delays in query time.
▪ This may cause some delay to processing orders in this period.
▪ However, many experts predict economic and financial obstacles will cause a delay of several years.
▪ It's been caused by a delay in the operation to move a bridge crossing the M4 near the Severn estuary.
▪ Auto accident cases inflate insurance premiums for every-one and cause endless delays in payments to the injured.
▪ Traffic warning: Drivers can expect delays and congestion when the Gateshead viaduct is closed for six months for re-waterproofing.
▪ An appointment has been made for this morning, but there is expected to be a delay before results are known.
▪ The political standoff led to a six-month delay in passing this year's budget.
▪ The correct size was ordered, but this led to a delay of three to four weeks.
▪ If either is unmanageable it will create stress and lead to mistakes and delays.
▪ The increase, he said, could lead to more delays at airports.
▪ To compound the problem, language barriers may lead to delays in evacuating buildings when fires break out.
▪ Under-resourcing over many years had led to inordinate delays.
▪ But he's a rare breed and the lack of retained firefighters is leading to worrying delays for Oxfordshire's fire service.
▪ It claims that the stringent tests applied to chemical additives would lead to unacceptable delays in the introduction of genetically-altered foods.
▪ Might this mean years of delay?
▪ It takes between 10 and 15 years to exhaust all appeals, and lack of defense attorneys can mean a two-year delay.
▪ And that can only mean more delays.
▪ If that means delay, so be it; prudent decision making takes time.
▪ The ruling could mean years of further delay.
▪ New trains have significantly reduced delays.
▪ It aims to provide information via the internet and e-mail to reduce delays to about five days.
▪ What steps has my right hon. Friend taken to reduce those delays?
▪ This strategy has worked well for two years, reducing delays suffered by our passengers.
▪ Lack of awareness of late presentation of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in children may result in a delay in diagnosis.
▪ This often results in delay - postponing the choice by finding an excuse or setting an unnecessarily long timescale.
▪ Are not consumers still being denied freedom of choice, resulting in delays in the introduction of more humane systems of husbandry?
▪ Rather than pay the bribes and suffer the losses resulting from delays, people took the risk of fines for disobeying the law.
▪ This restrictive covenant is often included in village or rural sites and can result in lengthy delays and extreme frustration.
▪ After three months' delay, work finally began on the new building.
▪ Any delay in the production process is costly to a company.
▪ The strike is causing long delays at the airport
▪ There have been a lot of complaints about delays in issuing passports.
▪ We went to the court and asked for a delay to continue preparing our defense.
▪ Cleveland Police have apologised to 73-year-old Bessie Marron for the delay.
▪ Darlington Community Health Council yesterday discussed the problem of delays in reaching patients who live in the more remote areas of Teesdale.
▪ The reason for the delay became apparent in Angell and Pownall's report.
▪ There is a seven-second delay between transmission of the radio signal and when it can be heard on computer.
▪ This is done by deliberately putting delays into the circuitry.
▪ Voice over Nuclear Electric were making light of the delay and praised the way the mock emergency was being handled.
▪ Well, he'd see to that presently, after he'd explained the delay.
▪ First-quarter results, which have been delayed because of the investigation, showed a profit, he added.
▪ New York trading of Loral shares is delayed because of an order imbalance.
▪ We were further delayed getting back on station by a detour for me to the south end of Duke Street.
▪ Its presence on the stage may be further delayed because it would involve restructuring society.
▪ Comas recovered, although he was further delayed by Damon Hill, to finish second ahead of Morbidelli.
▪ In Washington, President Carter was delighted that the Shah's arrival in the states would be further delayed.
▪ A conservative coalition of Democrat and Republican congressmen developed which could delay further reforms, and sometimes block them altogether.
▪ It was found that decisions about placements were often long delayed while efforts were made to solve the family's problems.
▪ Proof of the growing estrangement between the masses and their new rulers was not long delayed.
▪ I hope my next instalment will not be long delayed.
▪ Mungo found the work satisfying, though he was anxious not to delay long before investigating Vic's headquarters.
▪ The disgust had been long delayed.
▪ By establishing a paradigm for psychological investigation that lasted for some forty years, behaviourists seriously delayed the understanding of human cognition.
▪ If the walk was to take place, it could not be seriously delayed.
▪ These reflections take more round-about routes than the direct sounds, and are therefore delayed slightly relative to the direct sounds.
▪ Their tough stance followed talks at Camp David in which Mr Bush agreed to delay action until the new year.
▪ The delaying action kept the case out of court and minimized bad publicity until after he won re-election.
▪ Indeed if a plaintiff delays his action unreasonably he may not even get his 2 percent.
▪ Was it fair to anybody to delay action which might hurt innocent investors?
▪ Majority Nationalist Party agreed to advance debate on the proposals after earlier saying they wanted to delay action.
▪ The Panel is not sympathetic to delay in making an announcement occasioned by an unsuccessful application for suspension.
▪ The idea of delaying announcement dates would soon hold no mirth at Bandley 3.
▪ But they are likely to delay formal announcements until mid-October.
▪ But that would be perfectly possible without delaying Mrs. Bidwell's arrival.
▪ Due to his delayed arrival, Chun himself escaped injury.
▪ Present value: If you delay paying a bill, you can earn interest on the money in the meantime.
▪ This, Mr Bates said, would remove the financial incentive for businesses to delay payment of bills.
▪ On the facts the accused was not guilty if he intended merely to delay paying a hotel bill of £1,286.
▪ Release of the report was delayed two days by a severe winter storm.
▪ Description and decision are delayed until an extended visual search is completed.
▪ Without sufficient information, a selection decision should be delayed until the book has appeared.
▪ Moreover, abortion as a method allowed decision making to be delayed until material circumstances could be assessed.
▪ In the first place he had been in to his office and delayed their departure until after lunch.
▪ The other night, I delayed my departure by 15 minutes.
▪ In the case of a major delay on your homeward journey, we shall endeavour to delay your departure from your hotel.
▪ It will only delay my departure and do no good.
▪ Sam, without any hesitation had agreed knowing that to wait for the first available fireman would delay his train's departure.
▪ I got sick, as I so often had at times of unbearable tension, which delayed our departure for a month.
▪ It would mean delaying her own departure, when she wanted the break to be swift and clean.
▪ Telling him would mean more questions and delay her departure.
▪ In Grampian difficulties with the GPass computer system delayed the development of fundholding, and these problems are still being overcome.
▪ Their fantastic onslaughts undoubtedly delayed the development of the great civilizations that were their neighbours.
▪ Many people in organisations have the power to delay or distort developments.
▪ Some commissioners wanted to delay the development of performance standards until student testing has begun.
▪ This success was to be repeated, albeit less convincingly, eighteen months later when much-delayed legislative elections were held.
▪ What we do is to picture the current situation altered to the extent that Mrs Thatcher delays the election.
▪ Pervez Musharraf, delayed his flight home because of a bomb threat.
▪ He said the airline was now working to clear the backlog, with the delayed flights expected to depart within 24 hours.
▪ He said the delayed flights will leave within 24 hours.
▪ New Jersey Transit trains were all delayed 15 minutes.
▪ The display was delayed for five minutes to allow the queues of cars to park.
▪ Our meeting was delayed for ten minutes.
▪ The Colchester players left the field while police and club stewards restored order, with play being delayed for about five minutes.
▪ Using the scoring method of Palmeri, good myocardial function was preserved until therapy was delayed beyond 180 minutes.
▪ The net result is that the lack of that information results in the application being delayed for many months.
▪ Paul Reichmann asked me to delay everything for two months and I agreed.
▪ If Labour win the election all road building and improvement schemes will be delayed by at least six months.
▪ This is usually about 18 days after infection, but it may be delayed for several months when arrested larval development occurs.
▪ Magistrates agreed to delay sentencing for three months so he could take the holiday.
▪ The plenum had been delayed for several months, allegedly because of divisions over economic policy between the central and provincial authorities.
▪ Mr Guerin was to have been sentenced yesterday but this has now been delayed by up to two months.
▪ Fig. 6.8 shows how increased bucket size delays the onset of synonym occurrence in a well randomized file.
▪ They also delay sleep onset, increase the chances of waking after sleep onset occurs, and decrease total sleep time.
▪ Breastfeeding can delay the onset of menstruation for three years.
▪ Of course it makes sense to delay the onset of drug use among kids.
▪ It may delay the onset of Aids, even if only by a small amount.
▪ That means we can delay putting plans in for the reservoir.
▪ The new discovery, of weakness in welded joints, may delay plans to reopen the plant's two reactors.
▪ Failure to account for the missing could complicate or delay plans to tow the vessel away.
▪ Further opt-out votes for other schools may soon be brought forward to delay the plans more.
▪ The congenital apathetic inefficiency bred by the regime as the best way of keeping people down had also delayed the demolition process.
▪ Finally, I delayed the committee process.
▪ Complex formatting will take up your time and delay the editorial process.
▪ The completion of the Single Market need not delay the process of enlarging the Community.
▪ It delays the process and, nomatterhow good the system, is always prone to quirks.
▪ Since that time bureaucratic foot-dragging and dare it be said? politics have continued to delay the project.
▪ Political opposition by Republicans in Congress delayed the project, however, and Triana lost its slot in the shuttle schedule.
▪ BCertain to delay the project is the so-called Armageddon lawsuit that South Pasadena plans to file.
▪ The field work had started in 1907 but the extremely complex geology and the war years had delayed the project.
▪ This would inevitably delay the start of its construction.
▪ Rain often delays the start of the growing cycle and can interfere with the harvest.
▪ Couples seem to be delaying the start of a family even though they then go on to complete it within the same time.
▪ In particular, it might be appropriate to delay the start of the course to September 1990, rather than 1989. 7.
▪ Organisers delayed the start to avoid that, but nine outside the top 15 finished among the points.
▪ We could have delayed the trial until the tax business was settled.
▪ Senators, however, delayed a vote until Thursday on a bill that would make sure the state is repaid.
▪ The flight began in July but was delayed for two weeks until early August following initial problems with take-off at high altitudes.
▪ Mainly because of Mr Pramual's opposition a much needed increase in interest rates was delayed until last week.
▪ Even her departure had been delayed for weeks for want of the funds necessary to fit out her ship and escort.
▪ While there Mozart attempted to arrange a concert, though his plans were delayed by one week.
▪ But then came the news his immigration application had been delayed a few weeks because he's a diabetic.
▪ She decided to delay the moment, however, and increase her expectation by leaving the letter until later on.
▪ They decide to delay warning the public of dangers from airbags until a cooperative solution can be reached. 1992&038;.
▪ Occasionally it will be necessary to decide to refuse or delay access to certain items of information.
▪ Manager Alan Murray has been forced to delay team selection for tomorrow night's visit to the Midlands.
▪ Rodman had been waiting to sign the contract because of pneumonia that forced him to delay a team physical.
▪ He decided to delay his departure until after he'd seen the Director.
▪ Our flight was delayed by bad weather.
▪ The opening of the new bridge may be delayed for several months.
▪ The plane's departure was delayed by mechanical problems.
▪ The police delayed making any announcement until the girl's relatives had been contacted.
▪ The President's visit had to be delayed because of security problems.
▪ This latest terrorist attack is bound to delay the peace talks even further.
▪ We cannot delay any longer.
▪ Full implementation was delayed until after the Companies Act 1989 had come into effect.
▪ Mr MacGregor said that he would delay introducing the scheme because of the demands made on teachers by other educational reforms.
▪ Present value: If you delay paying a bill, you can earn interest on the money in the meantime.
▪ Rodman had been waiting to sign the contract because of pneumonia that forced him to delay a team physical.
▪ Since that time bureaucratic foot-dragging and dare it be said? politics have continued to delay the project.