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hard rush

n. tall rush of temperate regions [syn: Juncus inflexus]

Usage examples of "hard rush".

The auxiliary speaker rattled wordlessly and there was a sound like a hard rush of wind through it, accompanied by quick bumping sounds.

His flying leathers helped to protect him, but even so, the wind was ferocious, blowing out of the mountains and toward the coast in a cold, hard rush.

Flowerheads of hard rush poked up out of the middle of the plants' round rosettes.

Unfortunately, that knowledge did nothing to counter the sudden hard rush of his blood when her hand brushed against his jeans.

She could hear the hard rush of his breathing, the scrape of steel as he picked up his sword, and she waited to feel the cold bite of death.

The copter tilted forward, and forest replaced sky in front of Boris, ranks of trees coming closer in a long hard rush.