n. (rush hour English)
Usage examples of "rush hours".
The authorities had stopped even trying to enforce the peace, except during the morning and evening rush hours.
She led him carefully around the workmen, past the end of Tower A, and then back down in the direction from which they had first come, but this time at an angle, down toward the East Yard, where trains were pulled in for short-term storage during the morning and evening rush hours.
They left the cameras in the Packard and two white-uniformed railway constables watched them with idle disinterest as they wandered around the almost deserted platforms that during the rush hours swarmed with thousands of black commuters.
Homebound workers, Fleur had said, mingling with the pleasure-hunters who also tended to 'change shifts' at rush hours.
The traffic had thinned between rush hours as he made his way onto Santa Monica Boulevard.
Harvey didn't like driving in rush hours, and he drove the rush hour twice nearly every day of his life.
During rush hours WZZZ kept a helicopter aloft, giving live traffic reĀ.