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Crossword clues for show

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a charity match/concert/show etc
▪ The band appeared at a charity concert for free.
a comedy show (=a performance)
▪ She has her own comedy show on TV.
a compass shows sth
▪ Our compass showed that we should bear right.
a dog show (=competition for the best dog)
▪ Crufts is the largest dog show in the world.
a drawing shows sth
▪ The drawing showed a castle surrounded by woods.
a fashion show
▪ Calvin Klein’s fashion show featured suits and sportswear.
a film is showing (also a film is on British English) (= it is being shown at a cinema)
▪ The film is on at the Odeon Cinema.
a gallery is showing/exhibiting sth
▪ The gallery is showing a series of watercolour works.
a hit single/show/record etc
▪ the hit musical ‘Phantom of the Opera’
a picture shows sthformal
▪ The picture shows two women leaning down towards a third.
a poll shows/indicates/suggests sth
▪ Polls show that older voters are most concerned about economic issues.
a radio programme/show
▪ It's my favourite radio programme.
a show tune (=a tune from a musical)
▪ Broadway show tunes
a study shows sth
▪ Studies have shown that the drug works.
a survey shows/reveals sth
▪ Our survey showed that many women are afraid to go out alone at night.
a talent contest/show/competition
▪ Don’t assume winning a talent contest is a passport to success.
a television show/programme
▪ Her favourite television programme was just starting.
an analysis shows sth
▪ DNA analysis shows that the blood and the saliva come from the same person.
an examination shows (also an examination revealsformal)
▪ A second examination showed a small growth in his stomach.
an example shows/illustrates sth
▪ These examples show how the disease can be passed on to humans.
an experiment shows/proves/demonstrates sth
▪ His experiment showed that lightning was a kind of electricity.
▪ The experiment proved that fabrics treated with the chemical are much less likely to catch fire.
be on/be showing at the cinema
▪ Do you know what’s on at the cinema?
▪ a call-in talk show
chat show host (=person who asks the questions on the show)
▪ a TV chat show host
chat show
▪ a TV chat show host person who asks the questions on the show
data shows sth
▪ The data shows that suicide rates among young men have increased over the last twenty years.
demonstrate/show competence
▪ Students have to demonstrate competence in maths and science.
dumb show
experience suggests/shows sth
▪ Experience suggests that children who commit crimes will continue to offend as adults.
expose/reveal/show sth's/sb's limitations (=show where something or someone is not very good)
▪ The film shows his limitations as a actor.
fashion show
feel/show/have compassion
▪ Did he feel any compassion for the victim of his crime?
floor show
game show
generosity shown
▪ I shall never forget the generosity shown by the people of Bataisk.
have/feel/show etc nothing but contempt
▪ The public should have nothing but contempt for bad journalism.
have/show a disposition to do sth
▪ Neither side shows the slightest disposition to compromise.
history shows/tells (that)
▪ History shows that the usual response to violent protests is repression.
horse show
It just goes to show
It just goes to show how much people judge each other by appearances.
light show
long-running show/musical/soap opera etc
one-man show
▪ He does a one-man show in Las Vegas.
one-woman show
▪ a one-woman show
Punch and Judy show
puppet show/theatre/play
▪ a 20-minute puppet show
put on/show a front
▪ Jenny didn’t want Adam to see how worried she was. So she put on a brave front.
quiz showespecially BrE
▪ I get fed up with television quiz shows.
show a characteristic (also exhibit a characteristicformal)
▪ A material may exhibit the characteristics of both a liquid and a solid.
show a correlation
▪ Studies have shown a correlation between recession and property crime.
show a deficit
▪ Friday's trade figures showed a £10 billion deficit.
show a desire (also indicate a desireformal)
▪ He had shown no desire to get involved in the project.
show a difference
▪ Our data showed considerable national differences.
show a preference
▪ Females showed a preference for long-tailed males.
show a profit (=make a profit)
▪ The business will not show a profit this year.
show an improvement
▪ The sales figures show a major improvement.
show and tell
▪ Ramona brought in a fossil for show and tell.
show business
▪ Phyllis always wanted to be in show business.
show common sense
▪ His attitude shows no common sense at all.
show contempt
▪ Her face showed clearly the contempt she felt for them.
show courage
▪ The pilot showed great skill and courage.
show determination (also demonstrate determinationformal)
▪ From a very early age, she showed great determination.
show emotion
▪ He didn’t show any emotion when I told him I was pregnant.
show enthusiasm
▪ The younger children showed little enthusiasm for the game.
show faith in sb/sth
▪ The club have shown faith in the young goalkeeper by offering him a permanent contract.
show fear
▪ She was determined not to show fear.
show house
show interest in sth
▪ He had shown great interest in her work.
show jumping
show mastery of sth
▪ The author did not show mastery of psychological theory.
show mercy (to sb) (=act in a kind or forgiving way)
▪ He showed no mercy to those who had angered him.
show of hands
▪ The dispute was settled with a show of hands.
show originality
▪ His research shows originality and sustained effort.
show pony
show potential
▪ Nicholson soon showed great potential as an actor.
show promise (=seem likely to be good or successful)
▪ She showed promise as a singer at an early age.
show regard for sth
▪ He showed great regard for the Mosaic Law and Jewish customs.
show respect
▪ We were taught to show respect for older people.
show sb the way
▪ If you can show me the way, I’ll take you by car.
show sb to their seat
▪ A flight attendant showed them to their seats.
show signs of sth
▪ Did she show any signs of distress?
show similarities (=be obviously similar)
▪ Twins who are raised apart still show similarities in their behaviour.
show sth on a graph/a graph shows sth
▪ The graph shows that wages rose in line with productivity.
show sth on a graph/a graph shows sth
▪ The graph shows that wages rose in line with productivity.
show strength
▪ The decision to continue shows incredible strength and courage.
show symptoms
▪ The doctor said he showed symptoms of meningitis.
show talent
▪ Zach was the only one who showed any natural talent.
show trial
▪ Stalin staged a series of show trials.
show your admiration
▪ I wanted to show my admiration for what he had done.
show your amusement
▪ James looked down to avoid showing his amusement.
show your feelings
▪ I know you find it embarrassing to show your feelings.
show your gratitude
▪ Her face showed her gratitude.
show/demonstrate commitment
▪ Throughout her life she demonstrated her deep commitment to the needs of the poor.
show/demonstrate the ability to do sth
▪ a chance for candidates to demonstrate their abilities
show/demonstrate your knowledge
▪ The test should be an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge.
show/display imagination
▪ His latest paintings display a vivid imagination.
showed no proclivity
▪ The child showed no proclivity towards aggression.
▪ Their father never showed them much affection.
▪ Neither of my children showed the slightest inclination to follow me into journalism.
▪ People showed remarkable resilience during the war.
show/exercise restraint
▪ He urged the millions of protesters to exercise restraint.
show/express your appreciation
▪ The chairman asked me to express our appreciation of all your hard work.
show/express/demonstrate your solidarity (with sb)
▪ I come before you today to express my solidarity with the people of New York.
▪ I wish my son would show more initiative.
shown live
▪ The match will be shown live by the BBC.
▪ Throughout the trial, he had shown no remorse.
▪ She has always shown a sensitivity to audience needs and tastes.
show/prove your loyalty (=do something that shows you are loyal to someone)
▪ He showed great loyalty to his wife during her long illness.
show/reveal the extent of sth
▪ These pictures show the extent of the devastation caused by the earthquake.
▪ A report published by the government has revealed the extent of air pollution in the area.
show/screen a film
▪ The film is being shown in cinemas all across the country.
show/screen a movie
▪ What movies are they showing this weekend?
show...the ropes
▪ Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions.
show...who’s boss
▪ You’ve got to show the kids who’s boss.
sign/show/gesture etc of good faith
▪ A ceasefire was declared as a sign of good faith.
slide show
▪ a slide show
statistics show/indicate sth
▪ Statistics show that 80 percent of dog attacks take place in the home.
sth shows the dirt (=something looks dirty – used about colours)
▪ Light-coloured clothes show the dirt rather quickly.
strip show
talk show
▪ a talk show host
test/show/prove your mettle
▪ a crisis which will test the minister’s mettle
the gauge shows sth
▪ The gauge showed an abnormal increase in radiation.
the records show sth
▪ Official records show that 44 businesses have stopped trading in the last 12 months.
topless bar/show (=one in which the women serving or performing are topless)
trade show
TV series/programme/show/station/channel etc
▪ a TV series based on the novel
variety show
watch a programme/film/show
▪ They were watching a film on TV.
wave/raise/show etc the white flag
▪ Despite the loss, the team refuses to wave the white flag and give up on the season.
▪ In a simple format, everything is clearly shown within each classification.
▪ As the Reidys' lives clearly show, sharing parenting helps to maintain mutual respect and closeness in a marriage.
▪ The range and variety of dwellings constructed by humans clearly shows the absence of directives based on instinct.
▪ Demographic studies have shown clearly that low social class or disadvantaged status is a potent predictor of school failure.
▪ These chapters are however well written and clearly show the scope of optical sensor technology in industrial processes.
▪ The results of numerous studies from around the world clearly show that both genes and the environment influence drinking behavior.
▪ The result is a strongly bonded design showing clearly on the front and in a ghostly form on the back.
▪ This is impressive, and it shows clearly the potential of technology to help the classroom teacher become a better teacher.
▪ But this is not sufficient: the monist must show how translation is possible at all.
▪ It just shows how light of heart we are.
▪ But the larger films he made showed how out-of-touch he was with audience tastes.
▪ There are rehearsal tracks that show how band wizard Brian Wilson whipped studio musicians into shape.
▪ The judges noted, however, that more attention is still required by charities to showing how money is spent.
▪ It just goes to show how little I understand.
▪ The stories of Blake and the various defectors show how easily the intelligence fraternity fools itself.
▪ In addition, presenting both theories allows one to show how two seemingly different theories are really the same under the skin.
▪ A thin, plain, uncoloured glass best shows off the colour and richness of the wine.
▪ David Alan Miller slicks back his hair and dons a black leather vest and sleeveless shirt to show off his biceps.
▪ First shown on Yorkshire Television, it's now our turn to let the starry-eyed host show off his skills.
▪ We love to show off some rare and stunning find.
▪ Usual stuff ... down the pub with it slung over the shoulder to show off - hero of the moment.
▪ Why is Chrysler showing off a luxury concept car like this rather than a futuristic new Jeep or minivan?
▪ Nurserymen and women from all over the country showed off the plants and flowers they've carefully grown.
▪ We did have a short time to show off whatever skills we had managed to acquire.
▪ And our survey shows up the most important variation - the overall costs to you, the customer.
▪ Arizona travel books keep showing up on the travel desk.
▪ Fraser and his wife had shown up extremely well in the circumstances.
▪ Canal-building crews showed up with huge machinery and enormous spotlights to work 24 hours a day on the project.
▪ He says the tests didn't show up originally and that's why things progressed so far.
▪ Penelope Fitzgerald's swansong simply shows up reviewing as an inefficient mechanism.
▪ She looked forward to showing up well-rested this time.
▪ And evidence shows that women feel more inhibited by things like not having cleaned their teeth or feeling grubby.
▪ A great deal of evidence has accumulated to show that this has indeed been the case.
▪ Archaeological evidence has shown that hunting &038; gathering communities have lived beside this geological landmark for over nineteen thousand years.
▪ And the evidence shows they do so for the most part in accordance with the highly touted Centralism principles.
▪ The evidence however clearly shows that this sort of wholesale forgetting is normal while we are asleep.
▪ The diachronic evidence shows that, for a century or more, the trend has been towards retraction and backing.
▪ The story quoted him as saying there was medical evidence which showed that there had been abuse.
▪ Research evidence also shows that learning is of two qualitatively different kinds: 1.
▪ These are shown in the figure.
▪ If this is done for all five possibilities, the result is a series of points as shown in Figure 4-I.
▪ An example of this work is shown in Figure 6.7.
▪ The table is now sorted in descending order according to the Amount field, as shown in figure 11. 5.
▪ The query command is shown in Figure 3.11 along with an example of its results in Figure 3.12.
▪ The entire table will be highlighted, as shown in Figure 11. 1. 4.
▪ The resulting table is shown in Figure 10. 12.
▪ The latest figures show 2,604,100 out of work.
▪ From 1985 to 1991, city figures show, the rate fell below 20 per 1, 000 births only once.
▪ The latest figures show they are comfortably the best-paid duo at the head of a company quoted on the London stock market.
▪ Thursday, major stores reported figures showing that those expectations had melted away.
▪ If the figures were shown year on year, other variations would appear too.
▪ His comments came minutes after the release of official figures showing a higher-than-expected rise in inflation last month.
▪ Monthly rainfall figures show a 16-fold drop in rainfall from September 1988 to the start of last year.
▪ Another 75 or so live in the Burbank-Pasadena area, state department figures show.
▪ Tears rose haphazardly to her eyes as she watched the sequence of silent film Alexei showed her in the now darkened room.
▪ Consider a film clip showing an aircraft carrier at sea.
▪ But the larger films he made showed how out-of-touch he was with audience tastes.
▪ The film showed a Huey sitting in a clearing.
▪ On this basis then the 24 films which showed turns were analysed separately.
▪ They managed to get the short film shown at the Sundance Film Festival, and nothing much happened.
▪ The shocking stills above are from the 1992 film and show the Ally McBeal star making herself sick after a binge.
▪ The festival runs from April 17 through 27, with films showing at various venues around town.
▪ The more entrenched feeding problems can be very difficult to treat and take a long time to show improvement.
▪ There is a waiver program, where vehicles that show a 30 percent improvement can obtain the license sticker.
▪ Figure 3.5 clearly shows the improvement in performance obtained when scores are calculated in this manner.
▪ One could hardly expect his mood to show much improvement when he did return.
▪ Doctors say Mr Crowther is showing some improvement but he's still seriously ill.
▪ Nine separate studies throughout the world have not shown any improvement in outcome for the baby with monitoring of healthy women.
▪ Finally, studies have shown fitness improvement levels off once you are easily able to exercise for 30 minutes.
▪ Or the child may at first become even less efficient and then show some improvement.
▪ Some cats show no interest whatever, while others detest it and still others adore it.
▪ Time Inc., the publishing unit of Time Warner has shown tentative interest in black magazines.
▪ Interestingly, I have a pair of Kribensis in the tank, but they have not shown any interest in the fry.
▪ Online newspapers: Web surfers are showing strong interest in online news.
▪ Adam himself had never shown any interest in Wyvis Hall, as far as he had noticed.
▪ Public opinion surveys show voters have little interest, however.
▪ The poll showed that if the election were held today, Clinton would tally 55 percent to 35 percent for Dole.
▪ Opponents who once mocked Mr Berlusconi's tactics as kitsch have turned queasy as opinion polls show them tobe working.
▪ Bob Dole, a San Francisco Examiner poll shows.
Poll after poll shows a commitment to environmental protection.
▪ Gadgets that promote healthy eating and living and hasten cooking and cleaning, polls show.
▪ Smaller polls since have shown up to 95 percent in favour.
▪ But those same polls have shown that Dole dwarfs Clinton on questions of honesty and integrity.
▪ Official records show little except the names of Sterling Trust's directors.
▪ The record shows a tendency to make a couple of kinds of particularly costly mistakes.
▪ The chairman was arrested, and his phone records showed numerous calls from Vajpayee's office, raising questions of political interference.
▪ County records show the property sold for $ 850, 000 four years earlier.
▪ An alternative, data structure diagram technique to relate records, is shown in the case study found in Chapter 14.
▪ But court records show how poachers violated wildlife laws without fear of punishment in his courtroom.
▪ Moreover, local records show that of their seven children, four were the same colour.
▪ Recent reports have shown the North leads the country in provision of nursery places.
▪ The subsequent report on the incident showed that the company, its staff and workers responded magnificently in the difficult circumstances.
▪ A report showing falling business confidence lifted hopes that slowing economic growth will prompt the Bundesbank to cut rates soon.
▪ Seymour's report shows that retail markets remained virtually static for the three months.
▪ Additional reports e.g. showing approved entries and responsible lexicographer, will be produced within one working day when required.
▪ Yet behind the positive news items were reports that showed racial violence had hardly disappeared.
▪ On the other hand, the research showed strong support among parents for assessment tests for youngsters, especially at age 11.
▪ Nevertheless, research shows that men who batter are generally of normal mental health.
▪ Hackman and Oldham admit that no piece of research has yet shown a positive relationship between high job satisfaction and high productivity.
▪ That formula is also unacceptable to Peace Now, whose research shows that many settlements remain half-empty even though construction is continuing.
▪ This holding-back plays havoc with bodily functions, and research is continually showing us new relationships between stress and our physiology.
▪ Consumer research has shown it is usually possible to get a 15 per cent discount on a car where cash is offered.
▪ Recent research on the hamadryas shows that the males who join harem owners tend to be their sons.
▪ These results show a significant positive effect of maturity on volatility, and this contradicts the Samuelson hypothesis of a negative effect.
▪ One possibility relates to the many cases where plural reference is made under conditions which our results show to be relatively unfavourable.
▪ The results of the process show why.
▪ The results show that Marchal's blood had been mixed with the blood of a man.
▪ The result, as shown in Figure 6-1a, is that the equilibrium output Qe is larger than the optimal output Q0.
▪ The latest results from Bristol show the pattern of respiration in a normal baby changes dramatically when the room is warm.
▪ Subsequent Analysis: The 34 test results showed several close calls by operators that were unquestionably classified by the neural net.
▪ The Labour Party showed no signs of accepting the points made by the Petition Committee.
▪ Gretzky had 23 goals and 79 assists this past season but has shown signs of slowing down.
▪ But he'd shown definite signs of resigning himself to the situation - until her arrival downstairs after breakfast.
▪ Lifeguards say the calf spotted Monday showed no sign of injury and still had a stubby part of its umbilicus attached.
▪ In the 1630s the tobacco boom showed signs of having reached its peak.
▪ As soon as the city showed signs of disorder, the caliph ordered women to stay at home.
▪ These pressures on budgets show no signs of letting up.
▪ But the train showed no signs of slowing down, and there was no rain yet.
▪ Immunohistochemical studies have shown that the IgG cell fraction is increased up to 30 times, depending on the severity of the lesion.
▪ More recent studies have shown that hepatic denervation causes significant changes in the biliary lipid composition.
▪ Moreover, one experimental study showed increased tumour formation with dietary calcium.
▪ They should take note of medical studies, which show some form of forgiveness is needed for scars to heal.
▪ What this study showed was the importance of activating the appropriate schemata.
▪ Phenotypic studies have previously shown intestinal macrophages to be a heterogeneous population and the present data show functional heterogeneity in inflamed tissue.
▪ Another study shows that the combined market shares of the top three brands among many supermarket goods have dropped too.
▪ This study shows that the quality of diary completion is often poor.
▪ Other surveys show that Britain as a nation is no fitter than it was ten years ago.
▪ This survey also showed an intention to change which reflected the intensity of public scrutiny in the period after the Act.
Survey after survey showed the public to be increasingly apprehensive about the broadcast.
▪ The surveys also show that older people continued to be found in some of the very worst housing.
▪ The dollar remains strong, and a survey of economists showed consensus expectations of solid growth in the coming year.
▪ A recent survey shows that about half of all users surf the Net from their homes.
▪ Bradstreet survey released today showed business confidence slumped to its lowest level in more than three and a half years.
▪ Closer examination of published league tables shows that the methods of the source studies are rarely homogeneous.
▪ We had data on our fire tables showing where our shells should land.
▪ You would make a mark on your firing table, showing the results.
▪ An excellent feature is the Table of Derivations showing sections in previous statutes now replaced.
▪ But as Table 2-1 shows, the adoption of free-market develop-ment models has raised their average growth rates.
(jolly) good show
▪ Although his forecasts have been close in the past, this is his best showing.
▪ And he may have acquired an added incentive for wanting to make a good showing.
▪ It's the best show they've got.
▪ Just how good shows in the figures.
▪ The royals will try to shrug off their problems and put on a good show for Margaret.
do/show your stuff
▪ It's amazing to watch him do his stuff on the basketball court.
▪ Afterwards, I stood up to do my stuff.
▪ At times, it seems that Benson is unable to simply roll the camera and let them do their stuff.
▪ Derek Jefferson had abandoned his executive suit for a caddie's bib and was ready to do his stuff again.
▪ Having the appetite to get out there and do your stuff is the key factor for an international player.
▪ I should go and do my stuff.
dog and pony show
show sth to (good/great) advantage
▪ He has joined to a fine genius all that can set him off and show him to advantage.
▪ It may be that the product would be shown off to best advantage in use.
show/see sb to the door
▪ My secretary will show you to the door.
▪ Amy helped him up and showed him to the door while Kath stripped off her gown and gloves.
▪ Hanmer said as he showed me to the door.
▪ His neighbours, who regard him as a hero, respectfully show you to the door.
▪ I saw him to the door and watched him pace away along the streets he knew better than most others in London.
▪ Mrs Teal merely wished that Annie show Lois to the door.
▪ Then she showed them to the door.
▪ They stood to leave and as an afterthought Cobalt got up, too, and saw them to the door.
teach/show sb a trick or two
▪ Experienced teachers can teach new teachers a trick or two.
▪ "How do you change the speed of the drill?" "Let me show you."
▪ A menu showing the options will appear on the computer screen.
▪ A scientific theory is only 'true' until someone shows it to be false or inaccurate.
▪ Caffeine has been shown to have a good effect on mental performance.
▪ Can you show me how to use your camera?
▪ Could you show this gentleman to his table please.
▪ Don't worry about that mark - it won't show.
▪ Everyone has to show their identity cards at the entrance to the building.
▪ Fig. 3 shows the average monthly rainfall in Miami.
▪ Her nervousness is shown by a tendency to laugh a lot in public.
▪ Highlights of the game will be shown on Channel 5.
▪ His approach to the problem showed a complete lack of understanding.
▪ His performance shows great talent.
▪ His work-in-progress is currently showing at the Guildhall in Manchester.
▪ I'll show you an easier way to get down from there.
▪ I'll show you the master bedroom upstairs.
▪ I'll show you the way to the station. It's not far.
▪ I came to meet Hank, but he never showed.
▪ I just want you to show some respect, just for once.
▪ I stood in the foyer, waiting to be shown to my apartment.
▪ As reading down the columns shows, the meanings of the phonetics, on the other hand, do not.
▪ He showed her old pictures, drawn with pigments on hide, and she recognized scenes from her life.
▪ Its surface is carved in some detail and lettered to show the continents and oceans.
▪ Like Nietzsche, Feuerbach frequently shows more sympathy for orthodox believers than for rationalizing modernist theologians.
▪ The block should be highlighted, as shown in Figure 10. 9.
▪ The protein was further shown to inhibit cAMP release of gastric fundic biopsies and to prevent its stimulation by histamine.
▪ The shepherds would leave special markers to show which way they had gone or to indicate which track not to take.
▪ Why is Chrysler showing off a luxury concept car like this rather than a futuristic new Jeep or minivan?
▪ She is in control without making a big show of it the way some other point guards do.
▪ Her talk wasn't vague approbation or disapproval, some big show of emotion.
▪ We make a big show of our moral objections, but what really puts us off are the technical ones.
▪ It was a pretty good show.
▪ Yes, they want a winner, but they also want a good show.
▪ The royals will try to shrug off their problems and put on a good show for Margaret.
▪ Musical snobbery aside, their live show is a bit special.
▪ The live show, however, will be the Rockets all the way.
▪ It is very difficult to marry up the sale of a record with a live show.
▪ The 18 tracks of the new record are so dizzyingly dexterous, the live show should be nothing short of amazing.
▪ The following year, Bark Psychosis signed to Virgin and finally began to fulfil the promise of their live shows.
▪ Most rock acts tour in order to sell their latest album, and tailor their live show accordingly.
▪ What do the audience get from a live show?
▪ Both singers have splashed out £100,000 on their live shows.
▪ It is ironic that her new show will be called simply Sue Lawley.
▪ Already, 18 of the new shows and three returnees have been canceled.
▪ I looked at the paper, and realised that a new comedy show was about to start on Channel 4.
▪ Dreams, predictions, a haunting vocal soundtrack and a glamorous set establish Transfer's new show a characteristically rich theatrical presentation.
▪ With few exceptions, the new shows have flopped.
▪ The new show is very much that kind of format, except I won't be doing any vicars or skinheads.
▪ The record 42 new shows on six networks have inspired a collective yawn in the viewing public.
▪ I joined the Lord's Taverners and took part in charity matches alongside many well-known names from sport and show business.
▪ Daughter June had inherited some of her father's wanderlust and had a yearning for show business.
▪ The hubbub in the reception area was considerable among the gathering of journalists, show business people, and golfers.
▪ There were great discussions especially among show business and literary figures, about the legalization of pot.
▪ Another problem was that the show business element attracted a different kind of spectator.
▪ Boxing at this level is up on stage with show business and this kind of performance does not count as entertainment.
▪ Ken was a veritable factory of show business activity.
▪ One natural source of finance and experience was the world of show business - live theatre and cinema.
▪ The little feller, now 72, was in Newcastle to record a Tyne Tees Television chat show.
▪ In January I announced that a chat show host's spouse was to appear in EastEnders.
▪ Mr Andreotti has been cleared in two trials, and is now a chat show regular with a dry wit.
▪ The new faces do include chat show host Chrystal Rose and Dily Braimoh.
▪ He will step down before the election, a decision he announced on a chat show.
▪ I think she's trying to do the same now with the chat show.
▪ Its as much a part of being a modern-day star as appearing on chat shows or signing autographs.
▪ Once reviled figures are being rehabilitated on chat shows.
▪ To mark its fiftieth birthday the Oxford-based charity Oxfam has been holding a fashion show with a difference.
▪ Next came a fashion show of ladies' hats designed by Billie Singleton of Topeka.
▪ Any minute she could be gliding down a runway at a Saks fashion show.
▪ Talks and a fashion show may also be included.
▪ After all, Oscar night is the biggest fashion show in the world.
▪ It's the charity fashion show tomorrow: The London Hilton, 7 o'clock.
▪ Eccentric I see that the television game show that inspired letters to you recently has been at it again.
▪ The Christmas Day morale booster was only the game show host's second trip outside hospital since his near-fatal crash.
▪ So it's only politically correct and fair to write about an actor who's appearing on that other famous game show.
▪ And television has enshrined these twin virtues in quiz and games shows.
▪ A game show appeared to be in progress, and lights were flashing, indicating that some one had won.
▪ This isn't some game show where you barter with another contestant for the big prize.
▪ The evening was conducted according to the inane form of a quiz show.
▪ Of course, it may not be a quiz show at all.
▪ Probably won as fifth prize in a quiz show.
▪ His radio show is funny and inventive every day.
▪ He will speak to radio shows that broadcast over a tin can and lengths of string.
▪ He even got a radio show for his son Stephen.
▪ She had gotten her tip from a radio show.
▪ Focus on the Family, whose radio show is heard on 2, 000 stations, is officially non-political.
▪ After Rush Limbaugh read the fax on his radio show, Gingrich announced plans to block the administration proposal.
▪ There is the opportunity to have a look at a slide show and purchase promotional gifts.
▪ By the time we met again, I had put together a low-budget slide show.
▪ The meeting was complete with a slide show prepared by the National League of Cities that explained the block grant program.
▪ There's also a slide show and talk presented by ex P.O.W.'s once incarcerated in Colditz, followed by dinner.
▪ The slide show and talk is free and begins at 7 p.m.
▪ I also discovered that being a guest on a talk show is pretty nerve-racking.
▪ The secret of a sparkling talk show lies in the combination of guests.
▪ That was followed by a series of appearances on talk shows by doctors who extolled Retin-A as a wrinkle treatment.
▪ A third candidate, radio talk show host Alan Keyes, filed a partial slate.
▪ To be sure, many of those calls were orchestrated by political interest groups and stimulated by irate talk show hosts.
▪ Foreman has gone from withdrawn and suspicious to the smooth, urban talk show guest and advertising spokesman that he is today.
▪ Later, it will expand to include a radio talk show where players can talk about computer games.
▪ But tonight on the Gerry Anderson television show will make it worth the wait.
▪ And the television show Lost From View featured the Danielle mystery.
▪ Their leader, Ellen Greve of Brisbane, was challenged to demonstrate her diet on a television show in October 1999.
▪ Kramer had to laugh every time he saw a television show with a courtroom scene.
▪ As with the television shows, the arbiter of success is the ratings.
▪ Part of her job was to do a weekly television show on clothing design and construction.
▪ I was tempted through the doors of the trade show.
▪ Tickets to the trade show are $ 20 for two days' entry.
▪ He meets with company executives, attends trade shows, and talks with large investors such as pension funds.
▪ Its price at a Chicago trade show was $ 2, 000.
▪ The stage was in the center of the 1, 200-acre trade show that rotates annually between Iowa, Illinois and Indiana.
▪ Initial efforts will include training, collateral, trade shows and industry exhibits.
▪ You've dragged me along to all your trade shows and staff socials over the years.
▪ The Big Three-O will be a spectacular variety show and will be broadcast on the network on 28 December.
▪ The whole crowd later went to a variety show at the Winter Gardens.
▪ She put on a brave show when she was tried in New York last year in connection with some property deals.
▪ The picture-which is a rarity, like all his oils of the period-had never been put on show.
▪ Both men are employed by Sells-Floto Inc., which puts on the show.
▪ No need to put on a show for me, or be anything but yourself.
▪ He wants to put on a show.
▪ I had put on a show of contrition all day, and behind it had been incomprehension and fright.
▪ The young critters were trotted out to put on a show for the kids.
▪ Lord Hesketh had poured his own fortune into the team and it was in his nature to run the whole show.
▪ Besides, he was running the show.
▪ Somebody had to run the show, and everybody wanted to.
▪ Jody is used to running the show and issuing the orders.
▪ Nevertheless, essentially the regions ran the show.
▪ Who are we to tell them that sovereignty is an illusion and to deny them the opportunity to run their own show?
▪ There are about thirteen military men among the three services out of about 275 super grades that are running the show.
▪ It was only his second international but again out half Eric Elwood stole the show with a marvellous and mature performance.
▪ Kevin played to 50,000 at Glastonbury, stole the show at the Cambridge but somehow his name never quite stuck.
▪ Mr Bodison all but steals the show.
▪ But as always, the charismatic Rundgren stole the show.
▪ My verdict: Kemp is guilty of stealing another show.
▪ But watching this show is probably as close as you or I will get.
▪ He fingered the remote and watched a show with the sound off, penguins standing around.
▪ Sometimes Shadwell came in to watch the show, and one day he started being nice to me.
▪ Baldi, who had been watching the show, now tried to find a way around the Jaguar for himself.
▪ Take Kim Krushowsky, who got the jumping bug in second grade while watching a rope show at a school assembly.
▪ Our prizewinner, Colin Fraser, travelled to London to watch the show.
▪ For 10 days, Miles and Evan watched the show, enthralled from their chairs lined up at the worksite.
(jolly) good show
▪ Although his forecasts have been close in the past, this is his best showing.
▪ And he may have acquired an added incentive for wanting to make a good showing.
▪ It's the best show they've got.
▪ Just how good shows in the figures.
▪ The royals will try to shrug off their problems and put on a good show for Margaret.
do/show your stuff
▪ It's amazing to watch him do his stuff on the basketball court.
▪ Afterwards, I stood up to do my stuff.
▪ At times, it seems that Benson is unable to simply roll the camera and let them do their stuff.
▪ Derek Jefferson had abandoned his executive suit for a caddie's bib and was ready to do his stuff again.
▪ Having the appetite to get out there and do your stuff is the key factor for an international player.
▪ I should go and do my stuff.
dog and pony show
go to show/prove/indicate etc sth
▪ But Rat, I am going to show you the World.
▪ It goes to show you the gap between reality and virtual reality in military thinking.
▪ It just goes to show you.
▪ James Prior said unemployment levels were intolerable and Norman Tebbit said that he was going to prove that the problem was soluble.
▪ Leese was going to show me another trick.
▪ Which goes to show that the smart guys were right about something.
▪ Which all goes to show what can actually be achieved when an analogue master tape is lovingly transferred to compact disc.
▪ Which just goes to prove, you do have to be a somebody to get ahead in this town!
show sth to (good/great) advantage
▪ He has joined to a fine genius all that can set him off and show him to advantage.
▪ It may be that the product would be shown off to best advantage in use.
show/see sb to the door
▪ My secretary will show you to the door.
▪ Amy helped him up and showed him to the door while Kath stripped off her gown and gloves.
▪ Hanmer said as he showed me to the door.
▪ His neighbours, who regard him as a hero, respectfully show you to the door.
▪ I saw him to the door and watched him pace away along the streets he knew better than most others in London.
▪ Mrs Teal merely wished that Annie show Lois to the door.
▪ Then she showed them to the door.
▪ They stood to leave and as an afterthought Cobalt got up, too, and saw them to the door.
steal the show/limelight/scene
▪ However it was Neil Freeman who stole the show getting the better of all three Writtle players.
▪ It was only his second international but again out half Eric Elwood stole the show with a marvellous and mature performance.
▪ Kevin played to 50,000 at Glastonbury, stole the show at the Cambridge but somehow his name never quite stuck.
▪ Mr Bodison all but steals the show.
▪ Proud though he was of his wife, Charles could not help noticing she was stealing the limelight.
▪ Tailoring didn't steal the show, but jackets were there for women who can't imagine a wardrobe without them.
▪ When it came to grabbing the headlines, it was regularly the opposition that stole the show.
▪ "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?" is one of the most successful game shows ever.
▪ a show of new work by young artists
▪ a Broadway show
▪ Brad got tickets to the Grateful Dead show on the 12th.
▪ Cowan's one-man show opens on April 16th.
▪ Every year the theatre puts on a show that runs until the end of January.
▪ I try and tape the shows I don't want to miss.
▪ She appeared on several hit TV shows in the '70s.
▪ Spelling continues to produce hit television shows.
▪ Tomorrow is the opening night of her show in Cork Street, London.
▪ We went to see a show on Broadway when we were in New York.
▪ Another area is set aside for stunt shows.
▪ This show can easily give Philadelphia a run for the money; it is the third-largest flower show in the world.
▪ This is a very different show for us to do.
▪ What's more, they have also constructed the show with exemplary care.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Show \Show\, v. t. [imp. Showed; p. p. Shownor Showed; p. pr. & vb. n. Showing. It is sometimes written shew, shewed, shewn, shewing.] [OE. schowen, shewen, schewen, shawen, AS. sce['a]wian, to look, see, view; akin to OS. scaw?n, OFries. skawia, D. schouwen, OHG. scouw?n, G. schauen, Dan. skue, Sw. sk?da, Icel. sko?a, Goth. usskawjan to waken, skuggwa a mirror, Icel. skuggy shade, shadow, L. cavere to be on one's guard, Gr. ??? to mark, perceive, hear, Skr. kavi wise. Cf. Caution, Scavenger, Sheen.]

  1. To exhibit or present to view; to place in sight; to display; -- the thing exhibited being the object, and often with an indirect object denoting the person or thing seeing or beholding; as, to show a house; show your colors; shopkeepers show customers goods (show goods to customers).

    Go thy way, shew thyself to the priest.
    --Matt. viii. 4.

    Nor want we skill or art from whence to raise Magnificence; and what can heaven show more?

  2. To exhibit to the mental view; to tell; to disclose; to reveal; to make known; as, to show one's designs.

    Shew them the way wherein they must walk.
    --Ex. xviii. 20.

    If it please my father to do thee evil, then I will shew it thee, and send thee away.
    --1 Sam. xx. 1

  3. 3. Specifically, to make known the way to (a person); hence, to direct; to guide; to asher; to conduct; as, to show a person into a parlor; to show one to the door.

  4. To make apparent or clear, as by evidence, testimony, or reasoning; to prove; to explain; also, to manifest; to evince; as, to show the truth of a statement; to show the causes of an event.

    I 'll show my duty by my timely care.

  5. To bestow; to confer; to afford; as, to show favor.

    Shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me.
    --Ex. xx.

  6. To show forth, to manifest; to publish; to proclaim.

    To show his paces, to exhibit the gait, speed, or the like; -- said especially of a horse.

    To show off, to exhibit ostentatiously.

    To show up, to expose. [Colloq.]


Show \Show\, v. i. [Written also shew.]

  1. To exhibit or manifest one's self or itself; to appear; to look; to be in appearance; to seem.

    Just such she shows before a rising storm.

    All round a hedge upshoots, and shows At distance like a little wood.

  2. To have a certain appearance, as well or ill, fit or unfit; to become or suit; to appear.

    My lord of York, it better showed with you.

    To show off, to make a show; to display one's self.


Show \Show\, n. [Formerly written also shew.]

  1. The act of showing, or bringing to view; exposure to sight; exhibition.

  2. That which os shown, or brought to view; that which is arranged to be seen; a spectacle; an exhibition; as, a traveling show; a cattle show.

    As for triumphs, masks, feasts, and such shows.

  3. Proud or ostentatious display; parade; pomp.

    I envy none their pageantry and show.

  4. Semblance; likeness; appearance.

    He through the midst unmarked, In show plebeian angel militant Of lowest order, passed.

  5. False semblance; deceitful appearance; pretense.

    Beware of the scribes, . . . which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers.
    --Luke xx. 4

  6. 4

  7. 6. (Med.) A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occuring a short time before labor.

    7. (Mining) A pale blue flame, at the top of a candle flame, indicating the presence of fire damp.

    Show bill, a broad sheet containing an advertisement in large letters.

    Show box, a box xontaining some object of curiosity carried round as a show.

    Show card, an advertising placard; also, a card for displaying samples.

    Show case, a gla?ed case, box, or cabinet for displaying and protecting shopkeepers' wares, articles on exhibition in museums, etc.

    Show glass, a glass which displays objects; a mirror.

    Show of hands, a raising of hands to indicate judgment; as, the vote was taken by a show of hands.

    Show stone, a piece of glass or crystal supposed to have the property of exhibiting images of persons or things not present, indicating in that way future events.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English sceawian "to look at, see, gaze, behold, observe; inspect, examine; look for, choose," from Proto-Germanic *skauwojan (cognates: Old Saxon skauwon "to look at," Old Frisian skawia, Dutch schouwen, Old High German scouwon "to look at;" Dutch schoon, Gothic skaunjai "beautiful," originally "conspicuous"), from Proto-Germanic root *skau- "behold, look at," from PIE *skou-, variant of root *skeue- "to pay attention, perceive" (see caveat).\n

\nCausal meaning "let be seen; put in sight, make known" evolved c.1200 for unknown reasons and is unique to English (German schauen still means "look at"). Spelling shew, popular 18c. and surviving into early 19c., represents obsolete pronunciation (rhymes with view). Horse racing sense is from 1903, perhaps from an earlier sense in card-playing.


c.1300, "act of exhibiting to view," from show (v.). Sense of "appearance put on with intention to deceive" is recorded from 1520s. Meaning "display, spectacle" is first recorded 1560s; that of "ostentatious display" is from 1713 (showy is from 1712). Sense of "entertainment program on radio or TV" is first recorded 1932. Meaning "third place in a horse race" is from 1925, American English (see the verb).\n

\nShow of hands is attested from 1789; Phrase for show "for appearance's sake" is from c.1700. Show business is attested from 1850; shortened form show biz used in "Billboard" from 1942. Actor's creed the show must go on is attested from 1890. Show-stopper is from 1926; show trial first recorded 1937.


n. (context countable English) A play, dance, or other entertainment. vb. (context transitive English) To display, to have somebody see (something).

  1. n. a public exhibition of entertainment; "a remarkable show of skill"

  2. something intended to communicate a particular impression; "made a display of strength"; "a show of impatience"; "a good show of looking interested" [syn: display]

  3. a public exhibition or entertainment; "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway"

  4. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression; "they try to keep up appearances"; "that ceremony is just for show" [syn: appearance]

  5. [also: shown]

  1. v. show or demonstrate something to an interested audience; "She shows her dogs frequently"; "We will demo the new software in Washington" [syn: demo, exhibit, present, demonstrate]

  2. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture" [syn: prove, demonstrate, establish, shew] [ant: disprove]

  3. provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence" [syn: testify, bear witness, prove, evidence]

  4. make visible or noticeable; "She showed her talent for cooking"; "Show me your etchings, please" [ant: hide]

  5. show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting" [syn: picture, depict, render]

  6. give expression to; "She showed her disappointment" [syn: express, evince]

  7. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents" [syn: indicate, point]

  8. make clear and visible; "The article revealed the policies of the government" [syn: reveal, display]

  9. be or become visible or noticeable; "His good upbringing really shows"; "The dirty side will show" [syn: show up]

  10. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'" [syn: read, register, record]

  11. give evidence of, as of records; "The diary shows his distress that evening"

  12. show (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums; "The usher showed us to our seats" [syn: usher]

  13. finish third or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to show"

  14. [also: shown]

Show (After Crying album)

Show is a studio album by the progressive rock band After Crying.

Show (The Jesus Lizard album)

Show is a live album by the Chicago noise rock band The Jesus Lizard. It was recorded at CBGB's in New York City. It was a joint release by Collision Arts and Warner Bros. subsidiary label Giant Records.

Show (film)

Show is a Telugu National Award-winning film released in 2002. Directed by Neelakanta, the film stars Manjula Ghattamaneni and Surya. The film was premiered in the Indian Panorama section at the International Film Festival of India.


Show may refer to:

  • Show (fair)
  • Show (animal), a judged event in the hobby of animal fancy
    • Conformation dog show
    • Cat show
  • Dog and pony show, an American idiom
  • Mr. Show, a sketch comedy series
  • Show, a 3G telecommunication service of Korea Telecom
  • Bloody show, a term used in labour medicine
  • A television program
  • A theatrical production
  • A concert
  • A radio program
  • A trade fair
  • Showtime (TV network)
  • Show (magazine), a men's magazine
  • Le Show, a weekly syndicated public radio show hosted by satirist Harry Shearer
  • Show (film), a 2002 film
Show (The Cure album)

Show is a live album by English rock band The Cure, released in 1993 and recorded live over two nights at The Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan (a suburb of Detroit) in 1992, during the successful Wish tour. Show was also released as a concert video.

This live album was released along with Paris, which was recorded in Paris, France. Show leaned somewhat more towards the band's poppier and more recent material such as "Just Like Heaven", "Pictures of You" and "Friday I'm in Love" while Paris skewed towards their older cult-classics.

Usage examples of "show".

He, therefore, who is known to have lapsed into heresy before his abjuration, if after his abjuration he receives heretics, visits them, gives or sends them presents or gifts, or shows favour to them, etc.

She went into the ablutions area and took a shower, trying to ignore the thing, which continued to watch her, or she presumed it was watching her, through its unblinking golden eye-slit.

The chest claimed to be that of Elder Brewster, owned by the Connecticut Historical Society, was not improb ably his, but that it had any MAY-FLOWER relation is not shown.

She showed me a large bruise on her left thigh and healing abrasions on her left knee.

Except for the annoyance of the bombs, the gunners of the forts had it much their own way until the broadsides of the Pensacola, which showed eleven heavy guns on either side, drew up abreast of them.

She continued to smile at him, and despite his unkempt appearance and the prison garb that marked him an absconder, she showed no sign of being afraid of him, Michael realized, with astonishment.

The Republicans had made a good showing in 1972, aided by the Nixon landslide, and they felt that if they could get enough absentee ballots thrown out, they might reverse the results of the local elections.

Now it is evident that in Penance something is done so that something holy is signified both on the part of the penitent sinner, and on the part of the priest absolving, because the penitent sinner, by deed and word, shows his heart to have renounced sin, and in like manner the priest, by his deed and word with regard to the penitent, signifies the work of God Who forgives his sins.

These cases of the simultaneous darkening or blackening of the glands from the action of weak solutions are important, as they show that all the glands absorbed the carbonate within the same time, which fact indeed there was not the least reason to doubt.

Another showed a young woman apparently drugged, and then gagged with masking tape, before being abused by two men.

The rogue showed up and spooked the convoy, sent Aby and Moon right off the mountain.

The enlarged flyby surveillance photograph hanging on the wall showed in grainy black and white the cabin and its grounds, including the wide, elevated back porch on which Glenn Abies could be seen standing, small but unmistakable, giving the helicopter the finger.

It was all a great big carnival freak show The federal government was the Man with One Hundred Arms, and Glenn Abies was the barker.

The clergy may, it is true, have shown wisdom in acceding to any terms of restoration.

Einstein significantly extended this symmetry by showing that the laws of physics are actually identical for all observers, even if they are undergoing complicated accelerated motion.