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Crossword clues for number

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a big/smash/number 1 etc hit
▪ the Beatles’ greatest hits
▪ Which band had a hit with ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’?
a card number
▪ What's your card number?
a combination/variety/number of factors
▪ A combination of factors led to the closure of the factory.
a four/five/six etc figure number (=a number in the thousands/ten thousands/hundred thousands etc)
▪ Choose a four figure number that you can easily remember.
A growing number
A growing number of people are taking part-time jobs.
a number of occasions
▪ The crowd interrupted her speech on a number of occasions.
a phone number
▪ Can I have your phone number?
a random number
▪ Pick a random number.
a record number/level/time etc
▪ Pollution in the lake has reached record levels.
a rise in the number of sth
▪ There has been a rise in the number of arrests for drug offences.
an equal number/amount
▪ Both candidates received an equal number of votes.
an infinite number/variety of sth
▪ There was an infinite variety of drinks to choose from.
An unknown number of
An unknown number of people were killed.
atomic number
be equal in number/numbers
▪ In higher education, women are equal in numbers to men.
be equal in number/numbers
▪ In higher education, women are equal in numbers to men.
be ranked fourth/number one etc
▪ Agassi was at that time ranked sixth in the world.
box number
cardinal number
considerable amount/number etc of sth
▪ We’ve saved a considerable amount of money.
cushy number (=an easy job or life)
▪ a very cushy number
daytime telephone number (=the number of the telephone you use during the day)
▪ Can I take your daytime telephone number ?
double in size/number/value etc
▪ Within two years the company had doubled in size.
double the amount/number/size etc
▪ We’ll need double this amount for eight people.
double the size/number/amount etc (of sth)
▪ A promise was given to double the number of police on duty.
E number
extension number
▪ Do you know Mr Brown’s extension number?
home address/number (=the address or telephone number of your house)
ICE number
insignificant number/amount
large number
▪ A large number of students have signed up for the course.
limited number/amount/time etc
▪ There are only a limited number of tickets available.
look out for yourself/number one (=think only of the advantages you can get for yourself)
maximum amount/number etc
▪ Work out the maximum amount you can afford to spend.
number 1/5/15 etc in the charts
▪ In 1962 'Love Me Do' reached only number 17 in the charts.
number cruncher
number crunching
number one
▪ The University of Maine has the number one hockey team in the country.
number one
▪ Until his marriage, his job was number one in his life.
number plate
Number Ten
number two
number/license/registration plate (=on a car)
▪ Did anyone see the car’s license plate?
ordinal number
personal identification number
prime number
production number
registration number
sb’s number one fan
▪ She told Dave that she was his number one fan.
serial number
▪ Each computer has a serial number on it.
sizeable amount/number
▪ a sizeable amount of money
small number
▪ Only a relatively small number of people were affected.
swell the ranks/numbers of sth (=increase the number of people in a particular situation)
▪ Large numbers of refugees have swollen the ranks of the unemployed.
telephone number
▪ What’s your telephone number?
the exact amount/number/figure
▪ I don’t know the exact amount, but it was a lot.
the flight number
▪ Write the flight number on all your luggage labels.
the number one suspect (=the main suspect)
▪ I was the one who found her. And that makes me the number one suspect for her murder.
the top/main/number one priority
▪ Controlling spending is his top priority.
three-digit/four-digit etc number
▪ 4305 is a four-digit number.
twice the size/number/rate/amount etc
▪ an area twice the size of Britain
unlimited number
▪ The system can support an unlimited number of users.
vast amounts/numbers/quantities/sums etc (of sth)
▪ The government will have to borrow vast amounts of money.
▪ The refugees come across the border in vast numbers.
whole number
▪ There are thus a considerable number who appear in the autobiographies as simple vignettes.
▪ A review of several estimates of natural gas available between 1980 and 2000 reveals a considerable range of numbers and opinions.
▪ Besides such large and expensive works, Stanton produced a considerable number of relatively simple mural tablets, in a distinctive style.
▪ And a considerable number of economists, though not always in full knowledge of the implications, have conceded the point.
▪ There are a considerable number of provisions which the taxpayer must carefully take into account when setting up an overseas trust.
▪ While a considerable number of the best people stayed on, many also left.
▪ There will often be a considerable number of courses of action which the system itself will not be able to choose between.
▪ A private company differs from a public company in a considerable number of ways.
▪ For example, the customer might ask to be given equal numbers of 5p and 20p coins for use in a vending machine.
▪ Jinnah had an equal number of meetings with Mountbatten in the same period.
▪ The classes contain approximately equal numbers of members.
▪ One hundred fifty years after the event equal numbers of people might each choose one of the above descriptions.
▪ Foster's office bookcase contains about equal numbers of books on chemistry and on accountancy.
▪ Tracey made a tree with an equal number of rods protruding from each side and all of the same size.
▪ A new civilian police force has been created, with equal numbers of ex-soldiers and ex-guerrillas in its ranks.
▪ While a few felt that the social workers, were helpful and supportive an equal number considered them to be patronizing and authoritarian.
▪ It now covered a greater geographical area and involved a greater number of powerful States than ever before.
▪ We are in favor of abortion rights and reproductive freedom in greater numbers than men.
▪ To remove such a sacred mound would cause much distress to a great number of people.
▪ Obviously, Camby had great numbers, but how about Edgar Padilla?
▪ The strategy of continuing to exclude women from the union did not prevent their recruitment in ever greater numbers by the employers.
▪ The countryside has been buried under layers of concrete to facilitate its movement in ever greater numbers.
▪ And so ostensibly are the greatest cardinal number and the abominable snowman.
▪ Take the familiar mathematical example of the greatest cardinal number.
▪ The old bill might be straight in Leyton but there are growing numbers who smoke weed and support calls for legalisation.
▪ A new report says growing numbers of tenants are facing illegal evictions or even threats of violence.
▪ Teachers were leaving the profession in growing numbers because of poor pay and conditions, especially in country areas.
▪ But it is a few rich people who are responsible for this, not the growing numbers of the poor.
▪ The first is the threat which a growing number of them see to the strength and stability of their currency.
▪ A growing number of black intellectuals, and white politicians, disagree.
▪ Another service attracting a growing number of subscribers is Commercial Payment Profile.
▪ We, like our growing number of thinking Ulsterfolk, envisage no future under Westminster dictatorship.
▪ Willesden County Court, has dealt with the second highest number of repossessions in the country.
▪ The high number of craters suggest Mathilde has been taking hits for several billion years.
▪ We found a much higher number of HAPCs in children than previously reported in adults.
▪ Because demand is so high, the number of listings is at a historic low, too.
▪ Speyside had by far the highest number of farmers requesting the courses themselves - three out of every four.
▪ The company said job losses are likely to be minimal because of the high number of jobs currently open at Home Savings.
▪ He gave warning that the higher the number of small authorities set up, the more the cost would increase.
▪ Franken also avoided military service with student deferments while at Harvard and, ultimately, a high lottery number.
▪ In an increasing number of countries, use of seat belts in cars is now obligatory.
▪ The involvement of an increasing number of staff in financial planning is another interesting area.
▪ It is sold at the monuments, tourist information centres and through an increasing number of travel trade operators.
▪ These nouveau-riches elites were getting worried about the increasing numbers of poor families camped outside their large houses.
▪ An increasing number of studies using faeces as a sample source have been published recently.
▪ An increasing number of calls come from people looking for start-up premises for small businesses.
▪ An increasing number of builders now offer a service of drawing and submitting plans, although an architect may be more creative.
▪ Many women are teachers and there is an increasing number of women politicians, accountants, lawyers, doctors.
▪ Thus for large numbers of older workers, poverty is experienced to the official pension ages.
▪ Inclusion of large numbers of very old elderly in the study population will produce the opposite effect.
▪ However, warmth and moisture favour development and allow the accumulation of large numbers of infective stages.
▪ The tale of Gormenghast requires a large number of refractory animals, few of them capable of taking direction.
▪ After all, the Minister is surrounded by a large number of them on the Conservative Benches.
▪ Spread over 112,000 acres, the Sterkfontein and associated sites contain the largest number of fossils found anywhere in the world.
▪ A falling birth-rate is brought about by a large number of changes in society.
▪ But large numbers of people set a value by this differential service, by no means restricted to those one could regard as rich.
▪ The faculty receives a very large number of applications for the limited number of places available.
▪ These ten programs contend for a limited number of real and symbolic resources.
▪ There is a limited number of places available for our workshop.
▪ Active volcanism at any one time is normally confined to a limited number of centres within a particular cluster.
▪ The research will be conducted by means of a limited number of case studies and will include analysis at three levels.
▪ They suggest that peculiar factors may account for the high levels recorded on a limited number of ground-based instruments.
▪ A limited number of these vouchers were issued each year.
▪ It is only a limited number of pensioners who at present enjoy substantial occupational pensions.
▪ For the unfit individual, three times per week should be the maximum number of exercise sessions.
▪ It requires each clinic to have a written policy stating a maximum number of pregnancies per donor.
▪ This was done by giving subjects a maximum number of accidents which their estimates could not exceed.
▪ The maximum number of persons working on the site of the establishment and particularly of those persons exposed to hazard 3.
▪ The maximum number of rattles observed is 20.
▪ Action: The maximum number of modules in one package is 30.
▪ What is the maximum number of diners which will have to be accommodated at a sit-down meal?
▪ Finding the maximum number of customers a bank can serve is mind-numbingly complicated.
▪ He refused to swap it with opposite number Willie Carne after the game because he had promised it to the Mirror.
▪ Aki Hill is there, her opposite number at rival school Oregon State.
▪ So does his opposite number in the Senate, Bennett Johnston of Louisiana.
▪ Finding an opposite number is not always easy.
▪ My opposite numbers, you understand.
▪ His opposite number, Clive Lloyd, had already been through the two formative experiences of his captaincy.
▪ It has its opposite number which is opposed to its life-giving properties.
▪ Training returns, ammo expenditure, equipment serial number, vehicle mileage - all have to be documented.
▪ They traced the serial numbers and found he had probably killed a military policeman.
▪ The number before each name is the serial number of each claim, and amounts are those due to each creditor.
▪ They arrested me for having a gun with an altered serial number on it.
▪ This register lists them by serial number, price, type of lathe, date sold and to whom.
▪ Each player attempts to fool the others about the serial numbers printed on the face of his dollar bill.
▪ Then, and only then, do the players reveal their serial numbers and determine who is bluffing whom.
▪ Where a significant number of individuals share a colour that deviates from the species norm, we term it a colour morph.
▪ Morgenson said the letter went out to hundreds of potential supporters and has yielded a significant number of donations.
▪ In recent times, anthropologists have noted that Inuit had almost universally perfect eyesight until significant numbers of them became literate.
▪ Politicians have perceived little gain in granting petitions for something that offends the sensibilities of a significant number of the heterosexual majority.
▪ Macmillan was fortunate to have been granted a significant number of share options in his employer.
▪ But three other regulars also missed a significant number of games.
▪ However, some passenger seat cushions and a significant number of passengers' bodies were recovered and taken to Rhodes.
▪ Korda lacked the resources to lure away a significant number of Rank's key directors.
▪ Postgraduate Teaching Awards A small number of teaching assistantships and teaching supplements are available annually in some Faculties.
▪ A small number of new initiatives were launched.
▪ This latter point is not easily achieved, especially when questionnaires are used with small numbers.
▪ They did, in fact, take in a small number of elderly people.
▪ He has a scheme to take over a small number of simple churches and adapt them as retreats.
▪ This research aims to investigate, in detail, activity in a small number of committees which vary in operation and intentions.
▪ These large gametes will inevitably be produced in smaller numbers and they will lack mobility.
▪ Only a small number of men accompanied him into the forest.
▪ Multiply the number of widths by the number of pattern repeats per drop to give the total number of pattern repeats required.
▪ So the total number of dinners on the island is 200, eaten in the comfort of 90 huts.
▪ The total number of cells and of labelled cells within a randomly selected field of view were counted.
▪ The total number of adults diagnosed with diabetes in California is estimated to be 1,393,105.
▪ Multiply the total number of pattern repeats by the size of the repeat to give your total fabric requirement.
▪ The latest redundancies bring the total number of job losses at the factory to thirteen hundred, in less than three years.
▪ This combined number of fewer than 300 audit firms represents less than 3% of the total number registered.
▪ The total number of academic staff has risen from 284 in 1987/88 to 348 in 1991/92.
▪ Has not the experiment proved a disaster for vast numbers of national health service patients?
▪ Hospitals save a vast number of lives and prevent a vast amount of pain.
▪ There is obviously a vast number of such possible trajectories.
▪ Molly often stayed in her office late into the night, responding by hand to the vast numbers of letters we received.
▪ The South West Region plays host to a vast number of divers all over the country.
▪ Endemic diseases carried away additional vast numbers of people.
▪ After commissions were cut at Harvard, a vast number of Harvard dealers joined the search.
▪ There are a vast number of medicines used to treat troubled sleep, aching joints, headaches and other symptoms.
▪ He kissed her and pressed a list of phone numbers and dates and times into her hand.
▪ Call the phone number on the correspondence and explain clearly why you do not owe the tax.
▪ She knew their hotel's phone number.
▪ We cleaned up with Kleenexes, exchanged phone numbers.
▪ Most entertainers give out cards with their own or the agency's phone number on it.
▪ Give a phone number if at all possible.
▪ Customers must provide only their name, address and phone number to be eligible.
▪ For further details about transitional relief ask your charging authority - the address and telephone number are included with this bill.
▪ Rambam printed business cards carrying a working telephone number complete with voice mail.
▪ I have omitted the address and telephone number Take an imperial sheet of cartridge paper and a small roll of gummed tape.
▪ Selective blocking allows the telephone number to appear on all calls unless customers enter 67 before dialing.
▪ This feature enables both halves of postcodes to be kept together and similarly for telephone numbers.
▪ In his letter to the student the dean included his home telephone number.
▪ Distances to resorts, information on speed limits, tolls, accident procedure and useful telephone numbers are also mentioned.
▪ In the employee newsletter, telephone numbers are listed to report suspicions about co-workers.
▪ The move will double the number of people who can attend this popular event, from 4000 to 8000.
▪ Can you double the number of homes on a plot of land without making the residents claustrophobic or the neighbors ballistic?
▪ We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 urban areas.
▪ With this aspect behind it, applications shot up, nearly doubling the number of EMs in the program.
▪ In Leicester youth court, the influx of 17-year-olds has doubled the number of juvenile offenders coming before magistrates.
▪ In one facetious article he promised to show the government how to double the number of jobs in the railroad industry.
▪ As to the enforcement of lorry weights, we have doubled the number of inspections over the past five years.
▪ The way to outvote them was to double the number of people who held to the old ways.
▪ A growing number of workers are put on short-term contracts which are renewed only if their work is up to scratch.
▪ Such conditions were ideal for spreading the disease; men contracted it in growing numbers and brought it home.
▪ This organism often grows in low numbers, and many laboratories still regard it as a contaminant.
▪ Brighter street lights, however, could not direct attention from the growing number of commercial eyesores taking power from the canal.
▪ A growing number had already been worrying about the social and corporate consequences of such massive restructurings.
▪ But a small rebellion has started and is growing, say a number of shoe designers and manufacturers and doctors.
▪ It was a good march, a splendid march which grew in numbers and confidence with every step along the way.
▪ There were, however, a growing number of black announcers, most notably Jack Cooper, whose career began in 1929.
▪ A parallel trend which has been widely perceived but less well documented is that of increasing numbers of authors per article.
▪ An increasing number of parents are requesting this experience.
▪ A meeting with the Planning Inspectorate considered increasing the number of architect inspectors.
▪ Since then the number of dwellings has actually increased faster than the number of families.
▪ The local council in Yokohama hopes to increase the number of these trucks to 30 in the near future.
▪ Once uncommon in our waters, they have become more abundant as anchovies, a favored food, have increased in numbers.
▪ The poll tax will increase the numbers eligible for housing benefit.
▪ Inexpensive ways of getting online could increase the number in the next few years.
▪ Like others, Alexander wants to cut congressional pensions and limit the number of terms that lawmakers can serve.
▪ Both are equally limited in the number of troops, tanks and artillery they can position near the border.
▪ They deliberately limit the number of guests to six at any one time as they aim to preserve the home-from-home atmosphere.
▪ A college football association is charged with conspiring to limit the number of college games that football fans can see on television.
▪ They would limit the number of performance quality breakthroughs in round two to between twenty and twenty-five.
▪ She is most strict on where we go and limits the number of our visitors.
▪ What is needed is a system rather than a handful of programs limited to a small number of schools and companies.
▪ Polio, apparently passed on from a human epidemic in the region, had already reduced their numbers.
▪ What more would local leaders and social service providers like to see done to reduce the ominous numbers?
▪ Meanwhile police have launched a new campaign to reduce the number of distraction burglaries, which increased by fifteen percent last year.
▪ Those who stayed in business reduced their herd to numbers which they could more easily feed and take care of year round.
▪ This helps to reduce the number of green tubers.
▪ Amanda immediately hired additional support personnel and reduced the number of calls each of her teams were expected to make each week.
▪ If the drill is a success, it could reduce the numbers of offshore rigs needed for drilling at sea.
▪ The Clinton administration has pressed all agencies to reduce the number of supervisors.
X number of people/things
a fair size/amount/number/bit/distance etc
▪ But a fair number of them went on to greater things.
▪ It prefers a fair amount of nutritious detritus.
▪ Scientists must proceed cautiously, moving ahead only with the assent of a fair number of their colleagues.
▪ Thanks to the inherently leaky nature of the water industry, there is already a fair amount of information to go on.
▪ That involved a fair amount of travel.
▪ There was a fair amount going on.
▪ They'd have a fair bit of tidying up to do before they left.
▪ You may also be involved in a fair amount of travel.
a goodish distance/number etc
a goodly number/sum/amount etc
▪ It seems fair to assume that she will attract the attention of a goodly number of our countrymen.
▪ Small Dave had spent a goodly amount of time impressing upon him the importance of finding a camel.
▪ The Thatcher Years have been splendid ones for a goodly number of golf members throughout this Royal and Ancient land of ours.
back issue/copy/number
▪ A little later Bacon appeared, walked up to their table and asked Minton why he did not look after his back numbers.
▪ Anyway, I thought you ought to know you have your reader back, and I enclose £4 for 4 back issues.
▪ Lifelong readers who kept the back issues piled in their attics renewed their subscriptions like clockwork at the five-year rate.
▪ Mackey had seen handbooks on guerrilla tactics, back issues of a racist magazine Guy published.
▪ My parents collected all their copies of Wimpey News and we have back numbers going back to the 1940s.
▪ Six issues cost $ 39, and new and back issues are available.
bring the total/number/score etc to sth
▪ A $ 7 parking fee and an automatic $ 12. 15 tip brought the total to $ 93. 15.
▪ By the time it was eventually closed in 1988, new investors had brought the total to £116 million.
▪ Cruz also said Muni planned to hire at least 12 additional safety staffers, bringing the total to 72.
▪ It is estimated that this element would bring the total to over 20,000.
▪ Michael Forbes of New York, already had declared his opposition to Gingrich, bringing the total to four.
▪ More than 30 square miles have been annexed into the city, bringing the total to 193.
▪ The armed forces are said to have sent an extra 2,000 troops to the border area, bringing the total to 3,500.
contact number/address/details
▪ Books can be entered and modified as can contact details.
▪ Frequently there is no contact number, so even if we like the music, we can't do much about it.
▪ Gave the name of his solicitors in London as his contact address.
▪ The video box illustration carries various official body contact addresses on the back for further information on the river.
▪ These advertisements generally use a Box number at the publication as the contact address and may be placed by the client.
▪ These provide the contact details and an indication of charges for more than 20 online brokers.
▪ This time we have remembered to put our contact numbers below.
crunch (the) numbers
▪ Linked together, they can crunch numbers as fast as any mainframe, but at a fraction of the cost.
▪ One crunched numbers; they were very important to him.
▪ She lived for the day when she could crunch numbers in the dry air of West Texas.
look out for number one
▪ We manoeuvre in the world constantly looking out for Number One.
magic number/word
▪ The Maharishi's followers say that 7000 is a magic number.
▪ Al knew at once that he had heard A very secret magic word.
▪ Bacon could argue that Antichrist would invoke stellar influences and magic words having the power to produce physical effects.
▪ Charles would capture one of the boys and only release him if he said the magic word.
▪ For Geteles and others, potential was the magic word, the answer to all the talk about standards.
▪ If that magic number is reached, the deal becomes an international treaty.
▪ Once a patient has his magic number, does it have any effect?
▪ The magic words had been uttered.
▪ This is done by listening to a tape and writing on your application form a magic number.
number one/two/three etc seed
odd number
▪ An odd number of classes provides a neutral mid-point.
▪ An individual scorer might be useful where an odd number of people are concerned.
▪ Clearly the northern fleet is being reinforced from the southern; but why the odd numbers?
▪ Erect verticals upon the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.
▪ He said that we have to prove that no odd number can be perfect.
▪ I have no idea why it is always an odd number.
▪ Three arrangements with eight fences; five with ten fences ... odd numbers ... Was there a pattern?
▪ You need to have an odd number of colours, including the background.
premium rate number/line/service
▪ Because of the high cost of providing and gathering this information, Climbline would not exist were it not a premium rate service.
▪ Choice has not been considered in premium rate services.
▪ That is certainly true in the context of telecommunications and, more specifically, in premium rate services.
public enemy number one
▪ Rats have been branded public enemy No. 1 in Bangladesh.
▪ She had done nothing wrong, yet between them Rourke and Rebecca were making her feel like public enemy number one.
▪ Taylor has turned into public enemy number one.
public enemy number one
▪ She had done nothing wrong, yet between them Rourke and Rebecca were making her feel like public enemy number one.
▪ Taylor has turned into public enemy number one.
sb's opposite number
shoot to number one/to the top of the charts etc
there is safety in numbers
total number/amount/cost etc
▪ Additional disk space is a dollar or two per megabyte per month, depending on total amount.
▪ Microcell bid only in southern Ontario for a total cost of $ 19.2-million.
▪ Multiply the number of widths by the number of pattern repeats per drop to give the total number of pattern repeats required.
▪ The total amount of contributions and tax paid by each employee is entered on the P35.
▪ The total cost has been several million pounds more than budgeted.
▪ The total number of jobless rose to 615, 830 from 609, 670.
▪ The total number of registered voters was 1,732,000 aged 16 and over.
▪ "The show's not very good." "We can leave after this number if you want."
▪ A large number of reporters had gathered outside the house.
▪ All the doors on this side of the street have odd numbers.
▪ An enormous number of people wrote to complain about last night's show.
▪ Ann's phone number is 555-3234.
▪ By next year, the number of homes with either cable or satellite television is expected to be just over 10 million.
▪ Cast members performed the new dance number.
▪ Double check the account number to make sure it's right.
▪ Each player has a number on the back of their shirt.
▪ I live at number 12 Liverpool Road.
▪ May I please have your Social Security number?
▪ Nell Carter also appeared and performed a couple of upbeat numbers.
▪ Pick a number between one and ten.
▪ Raffle ticket number 241 wins the dinner for two at La Fiorentina.
▪ Take a look at question number three.
▪ The number of cars on the roads increased by 22% last year.
▪ The number of working days lost through strikes has continued to rise.
▪ The game works best with an even number of children.
▪ The regulations limit the number of students in each class.
▪ There have been several cases of tuberculosis, and the number is rising.
▪ By the end of last month, the number had increased to 41. 2 percent.
▪ DeBuono attributes the higher number of cases in Monroe County to better hospital reporting.
▪ He mentioned the number eight or nine times.
▪ However, the grammar must be able to correctly distinguish word hypotheses or the number of paths will grow exponentially.
▪ It is directly responsible for 35,000 deaths from lung cancer and twice this number from other diseases every year.
▪ The number of police officers has increased enormously during the past 10 years.
▪ The rain had stopped but the mosquitoes were out in alarming numbers and there was no jeep to ride in.
▪ The result was a large number of takeovers and mergers.
▪ By 1907 it had its own herdbook and numbered about 35,000.
▪ The attempt at adding-machine accuracy shows how serious the priests were about numbering the new saints bound for heaven.
▪ At the rally, numbering about 1,500 as Scargill predicted, I eavesdrop unashamedly.
▪ The whole community with their servants numbered about thirty.
▪ The music-loving elector had immediately installed a substantial orchestra, which by 1777 numbered about 45 players.
▪ A count of women and children at copper mines in 1787 suggests that then women workers may have numbered around 1,500.
▪ We pass our phone numbers around for various league-ball possibilities.
▪ Nevertheless the future of the red kite looks secure, numbering around forty eight pairs in recent years.
▪ Today its workforce numbers around 100.
▪ The Karavas, whose traditional occupation was fishing, numbered around ten percent of the Sinhalese population.
▪ The vast army numbered around 100,000 cavalry and 25,000 musketeers as well as divisions of war elephants and camel-artillery.
▪ Each pad has an identifying number, and each check is numbered consecutively.
▪ Except in the shortest of particulars of claim, allegations should be divided into paragraphs and numbered consecutively.
▪ All told, the assault force and its reserves probably numbered nearly 15, 000 men.
▪ His days are now numbered as Chancellor, but who the Hell cares about Norman Lamont?
▪ Republicans now number 3 million and Democrats 3. 5 million.
▪ Over 23,000 new members joined thanks to the 1990 campaign and membership currently stands at 190,000, with Governors now numbering 29,676.
▪ It still seems like a recession to the unemployed workers, now numbering 5 percent of the workforce.
▪ The student body now numbers some 500, of which about seventy per cent come from the department of Ayacucho.
▪ By 1640, 100,000 planters had arrived in Ireland when the native population numbered only one million inhabitants.
▪ But after the hoopla, the exposition slumped, admissions at first numbering only fifteen or twenty thousand per day.
▪ These pioneer clinics, which numbered only sixteen even by 1930, had treated only 21,000 women by that time.
▪ The vast army numbered around 100,000 cavalry and 25,000 musketeers as well as divisions of war elephants and camel-artillery.
▪ Later it was recorded that the castellan of Amboise's army numbered 200 knights and 1,000 footsoldiers.
▪ After you have numbered the days, you tear off the page.
▪ Most meat distributions involve a local group numbering between fifty and one hundred individuals.
▪ This group numbers 167. 5 million, of whom half are adolescents.
▪ The caretaking group numbered nine men.
▪ A very substantial force, perhaps numbering 15,000 men, assembled at Portsmouth in July 1346.
▪ The caretaking group numbered nine men.
▪ They numbered about a million people.
▪ This group numbers 167. 5 million, of whom half are adolescents.
▪ Individual recipients numbered 14. 2 million, including 9 million children.
▪ Republicans now number 3 million and Democrats 3. 5 million.
▪ Similarly, each page is uniquely numbered.
▪ One of the fastest ways to list is simply to drop your points on the page, numbering as you go.
▪ Select option 6 for page numbering in the bottom center of every page.
▪ And leafing through the book, I read the page numbers out loud, too.
▪ This is another annoying trend among some of the slicker glossies: leaving page numbers out whenever they feel like it.
▪ The page numbering will now begin with this page, the first page of actual text. 4.
▪ We pass our phone numbers around for various league-ball possibilities.
▪ They include: How new local phone numbers would be created.
▪ By 1640, 100,000 planters had arrived in Ireland when the native population numbered only one million inhabitants.
▪ The firm began making Social Security numbers available through its P-Trak service last year, something competing firms have done for years.
▪ On one he found four telephone numbers with out-of-state area codes.
▪ There are spaces for emergency telephone numbers, parents' and neighbors' numbers and additional numbers.
▪ Outside the breeding season they form flocks, sometimes numbering thousands.
▪ Rules numbered in the thousands, requiring a large investment in experts' time, rule development, and rule maintenance.
▪ But since those men were numbered in thousands - with every opportunity in the world for rekindling those ugly sparks of revolution.
▪ Their flocks numbered in the thousands, earning them the nickname of migrating millionaires'.
▪ The private Acts of Parliament affecting local authorities were numbered in thousands.
X number of people/things
a fair size/amount/number/bit/distance etc
▪ But a fair number of them went on to greater things.
▪ It prefers a fair amount of nutritious detritus.
▪ Scientists must proceed cautiously, moving ahead only with the assent of a fair number of their colleagues.
▪ Thanks to the inherently leaky nature of the water industry, there is already a fair amount of information to go on.
▪ That involved a fair amount of travel.
▪ There was a fair amount going on.
▪ They'd have a fair bit of tidying up to do before they left.
▪ You may also be involved in a fair amount of travel.
a goodish distance/number etc
a goodly number/sum/amount etc
▪ It seems fair to assume that she will attract the attention of a goodly number of our countrymen.
▪ Small Dave had spent a goodly amount of time impressing upon him the importance of finding a camel.
▪ The Thatcher Years have been splendid ones for a goodly number of golf members throughout this Royal and Ancient land of ours.
back issue/copy/number
▪ A little later Bacon appeared, walked up to their table and asked Minton why he did not look after his back numbers.
▪ Anyway, I thought you ought to know you have your reader back, and I enclose £4 for 4 back issues.
▪ Lifelong readers who kept the back issues piled in their attics renewed their subscriptions like clockwork at the five-year rate.
▪ Mackey had seen handbooks on guerrilla tactics, back issues of a racist magazine Guy published.
▪ My parents collected all their copies of Wimpey News and we have back numbers going back to the 1940s.
▪ Six issues cost $ 39, and new and back issues are available.
contact number/address/details
▪ Books can be entered and modified as can contact details.
▪ Frequently there is no contact number, so even if we like the music, we can't do much about it.
▪ Gave the name of his solicitors in London as his contact address.
▪ The video box illustration carries various official body contact addresses on the back for further information on the river.
▪ These advertisements generally use a Box number at the publication as the contact address and may be placed by the client.
▪ These provide the contact details and an indication of charges for more than 20 online brokers.
▪ This time we have remembered to put our contact numbers below.
look out for number one
▪ We manoeuvre in the world constantly looking out for Number One.
magic number/word
▪ The Maharishi's followers say that 7000 is a magic number.
▪ Al knew at once that he had heard A very secret magic word.
▪ Bacon could argue that Antichrist would invoke stellar influences and magic words having the power to produce physical effects.
▪ Charles would capture one of the boys and only release him if he said the magic word.
▪ For Geteles and others, potential was the magic word, the answer to all the talk about standards.
▪ If that magic number is reached, the deal becomes an international treaty.
▪ Once a patient has his magic number, does it have any effect?
▪ The magic words had been uttered.
▪ This is done by listening to a tape and writing on your application form a magic number.
number one/two/three etc seed
odd number
▪ An odd number of classes provides a neutral mid-point.
▪ An individual scorer might be useful where an odd number of people are concerned.
▪ Clearly the northern fleet is being reinforced from the southern; but why the odd numbers?
▪ Erect verticals upon the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.
▪ He said that we have to prove that no odd number can be perfect.
▪ I have no idea why it is always an odd number.
▪ Three arrangements with eight fences; five with ten fences ... odd numbers ... Was there a pattern?
▪ You need to have an odd number of colours, including the background.
premium rate number/line/service
▪ Because of the high cost of providing and gathering this information, Climbline would not exist were it not a premium rate service.
▪ Choice has not been considered in premium rate services.
▪ That is certainly true in the context of telecommunications and, more specifically, in premium rate services.
public enemy number one
▪ Rats have been branded public enemy No. 1 in Bangladesh.
▪ She had done nothing wrong, yet between them Rourke and Rebecca were making her feel like public enemy number one.
▪ Taylor has turned into public enemy number one.
public enemy number one
▪ She had done nothing wrong, yet between them Rourke and Rebecca were making her feel like public enemy number one.
▪ Taylor has turned into public enemy number one.
sb's opposite number
sb's/sth's days are numbered
▪ I think Harry's days as a bachelor are numbered.
▪ But if the church has its way, the garden's days are numbered.
▪ He knows his days are numbered.
▪ If Gordon Gekko is still around, his days are numbered.
▪ My image flickers and your days are numbered.
▪ Whatever the protests, it seems that Hospital's days are numbered.
there is safety in numbers
total number/amount/cost etc
▪ Additional disk space is a dollar or two per megabyte per month, depending on total amount.
▪ Microcell bid only in southern Ontario for a total cost of $ 19.2-million.
▪ Multiply the number of widths by the number of pattern repeats per drop to give the total number of pattern repeats required.
▪ The total amount of contributions and tax paid by each employee is entered on the P35.
▪ The total cost has been several million pounds more than budgeted.
▪ The total number of jobless rose to 615, 830 from 609, 670.
▪ The total number of registered voters was 1,732,000 aged 16 and over.
▪ Fifteen years ago, Kenya's elephant population numbered 65,000.
▪ If you don't number your answers, how will I know which questions they refer to?
▪ In the capital, unemployed workers now number 12% of the workforce.
▪ Our student body numbered 400 last year.
▪ The crowd of students numbered at least 2000.
▪ The program will automatically number the pages of your reports.
▪ The streets in the Bronx are numbered.
▪ This function numbers all the pages in a document.
▪ We finished numbering the seats just as the audience began to arrive.
▪ It still seems like a recession to the unemployed workers, now numbering 5 percent of the workforce.
▪ Outside the breeding season they form flocks, sometimes numbering thousands.
▪ Republicans now number 3 million and Democrats 3. 5 million.
▪ The first batch of railcoaches took fleet numbers 200-224, and a second was delivered in 1935 numbered 264-283.
▪ The street door was locked so I pressed the button numbered 11 on the squawk box built into the porch.
▪ We will use squares numbered 2 to 41 on the width and squares 2 to 38 high, or multiples of this.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Number \Num"ber\ (n[u^]m"b[~e]r), n. [OE. nombre, F. nombre, L. numerus; akin to Gr. no`mos that which is dealt out, fr. ne`mein to deal out, distribute. See Numb, Nomad, and cf. Numerate, Numero, Numerous.]

  1. That which admits of being counted or reckoned; a unit, or an aggregate of units; a numerable aggregate or collection of individuals; an assemblage made up of distinct things expressible by figures.

  2. A collection of many individuals; a numerous assemblage; a multitude; many.

    Ladies are always of great use to the party they espouse, and never fail to win over numbers.

  3. A numeral; a word or character denoting a number; as, to put a number on a door.

  4. Numerousness; multitude.

    Number itself importeth not much in armies where the people are of weak courage.

  5. The state or quality of being numerable or countable.

    Of whom came nations, tribes, people, and kindreds out of number.
    --2 Esdras iii. 7.

  6. Quantity, regarded as made up of an aggregate of separate things.

  7. That which is regulated by count; poetic measure, as divisions of time or number of syllables; hence, poetry, verse; -- chiefly used in the plural.

    I lisped in numbers, for the numbers came.

  8. (Gram.) The distinction of objects, as one, or more than one (in some languages, as one, or two, or more than two), expressed (usually) by a difference in the form of a word; thus, the singular number and the plural number are the names of the forms of a word indicating the objects denoted or referred to by the word as one, or as more than one.

  9. (Math.) The measure of the relation between quantities or things of the same kind; that abstract species of quantity which is capable of being expressed by figures; numerical value.

    Abstract number, Abundant number, Cardinal number, etc. See under Abstract, Abundant, etc.

    In numbers, in numbered parts; as, a book published in numbers.


Number \Num"ber\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Numbered (n[u^]m"b[~e]rd); p. pr & vb. n. Numbering.] [OE. nombren, noumbren, F. nombrer, fr. L. numerare, numeratum. See Number, n.]

  1. To count; to reckon; to ascertain the units of; to enumerate.

    If a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.
    --Gen. xiii. 16.

  2. To reckon as one of a collection or multitude.

    He was numbered with the transgressors.
    --Is. liii. 12.

  3. To give or apply a number or numbers to; to assign the place of in a series by order of number; to designate the place of by a number or numeral; as, to number the houses in a street, or the apartments in a building.

  4. To amount; to equal in number; to contain; to consist of; as, the army numbers fifty thousand.

    Thy tears can not number the dead.

    Numbering machine, a machine for printing consecutive numbers, as on railway tickets, bank bills, etc.

    Syn: To count; enumerate; calculate; tell.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "sum, aggregate of a collection," from Anglo-French noumbre, Old French nombre and directly from Latin numerus "a number, quantity," from PIE root *nem- "to divide, distribute, allot" (related to Greek nemein "to deal out;" see nemesis). Meaning "symbol or figure of arithmetic value" is from late 14c. Meaning "single (numbered) issue of a magazine" is from 1795. Meaning "dialing combination to reach a particular telephone receiver" is from 1879; hence wrong number (1886). The modern meaning "musical selection" (1885) is from vaudeville theater programs, where acts were marked by a number. Earlier numbers meant "Harmony; proportion calculated by number," and "Verses, poetry" [Johnson].\n

\nNumber one "oneself" is from 1704 (mock-Italian form numero uno attested from 1973); the biblical Book of Numbers (c.1400, Latin Numeri, Greek Arithmoi) so called because it begins with a census of the Israelites. Slang number one and number two for "urination" and "defecation" attested from 1902. Number cruncher is 1966, of machines; 1971, of persons. To get or have (someone's) number "have someone figured out" is attested from 1853. The numbers "illegal lottery" is from 1897, American English.


c.1300, "to count," from Old French nombrer "to count, reckon," from nombre (n.) "number" (see number (n.)). Meaning "to assign a number to" is late 14c.; that of "to ascertain the number of" is from early 15c. Related: Numbered; numbering.


Etymology 1 n. 1 (context countable English) An abstract entity used to describe quantity. 2 (context countable English) A numeral: a symbol for a non-negative integer 3 (context countable mathematics English) A member of one of several classes: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions. 4 (context Followed by a numeral; used attributively English) Indicating the position of something in a list or sequence. Abbreviations: ''No'' or ''No.'', ''no'' or ''no.'' (in each case, sometimes written with a superscript "o", like Nº or №). The symbol "#" is also used in this manner. 5 quantity. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To label (items) with numbers; to assign numbers to (items). 2 (context intransitive English) To total or count; to amount to. Etymology 2

  1. (en-comparative of: numb)

  1. v. add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000" [syn: total, add up, come, amount]

  2. give numbers to; "You should number the pages of the thesis"

  3. enumerate; "We must number the names of the great mathematicians" [syn: list]

  4. put into a group; "The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members" [syn: count]

  5. determine the number or amount of; "Can you count the books on your shelf?"; "Count your change" [syn: count, enumerate, numerate]

  6. place a limit on the number of [syn: keep down]

  1. n. the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals; "he had a number of chores to do"; "the number of parameters is small"; "the figure was about a thousand" [syn: figure]

  2. a concept of quantity derived from zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"

  3. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program; "he did his act three times every evening"; "she had a catchy little routine"; "it was one of the best numbers he ever did" [syn: act, routine, turn, bit]

  4. a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification; "she refused to give them her Social Security number" [syn: identification number]

  5. the number is used in calling a particular telephone; "he has an unlisted number" [syn: phone number, telephone number]

  6. a symbol used to represent a number; "he learned to write the numerals before he went to school" [syn: numeral]

  7. one of a series published periodically; "she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waitingroom" [syn: issue]

  8. a select company of people; "I hope to become one of their number before I die"

  9. the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural); "in English the subject and the verb must agree in number"

  10. an item of merchandise offered for sale; "she preferred the black nylon number"; "this sweater is an all-wool number"

  11. a clothing measurement; "a number 13 shoe"

Number (disambiguation)

A number describes and assesses quantity.

Number and numbers may also refer to:


A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label. The original examples are the natural numbers , , , and so forth. A notational symbol that represents a number is called a numeral. In addition to their use in counting and measuring, numerals are often used for labels (as with telephone numbers), for ordering (as with serial numbers), and for codes (as with ISBNs). In common usage, number may refer to a symbol, a word, or a mathematical abstraction.

In mathematics, the notion of number has been extended over the centuries to include , negative numbers, rational numbers such as $\frac{1}{2}$ and $-\frac{2}{3}$, real numbers such as $\sqrt{2}$ and π, complex numbers, which extend the real numbers by including $\sqrt{-1}$, and sometimes additional objects. Calculations with numbers are done with arithmetical operations, the most familiar being addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. Their study or usage is called arithmetic. The same term may also refer to number theory, the study of the properties of the natural numbers.

Besides their practical uses, numbers have cultural significance throughout the world. For example, in Western society the number 13 is regarded as unlucky, and "a million" may signify "a lot." Though it is now regarded as pseudoscience, numerology, the belief in a mystical significance of numbers permeated ancient and medieval thought. Numerology heavily influenced the development of Greek mathematics, stimulating the investigation of many problems in number theory which are still of interest today.

During the 19th century, mathematicians began to develop many different abstractions which share certain properties of numbers and may be seen as extending the concept. Among the first were the hypercomplex numbers, which consist of various extensions or modifications of the complex number system. Today, number systems are considered important special examples of much more general categories such as rings and fields, and the application of the term "number" is a matter of convention, without fundamental significance.

Number (magazine)

Number is the leading Japanese sports magazine published on every Thursday by Bungeishunju. The official name is Sports Graphic Number. Though the circulation once hit 47 million, it is now around 10 million.

The first issue, released in April 1980, drew attention by the piece . Yet the magazine failed to return a profit for the next 10 years. Today however, the magazine is one of the most profitable publications of Bungeishunju. The success of the magazine also led other rival publishers to launch sports magazines, though they tend to be less successful.

Number (music)

In music, number refers to an individual song, dance, or instrumental piece which is part of a larger work of musical theatre, opera, or oratorio. It can also refer either to an individual song in a published collection or an individual song or dance in a performance of several unrelated musical pieces as in concerts and revues. Both meanings of the term have been used in American English since the second half of the 19th century.

Number (sports)

In team sports, the number, often referred to as the uniform number, squad number, jersey number, shirt number, sweater number, or similar (with such naming differences varying by sport and region) is the number worn on a player's uniform, to identify and distinguish each player (and sometimes others, such as coaches and officials) from others wearing the same or similar uniforms. The number is typically displayed on the rear of the jersey, often accompanied by the surname. Sometimes it is also displayed on the front and/or sleeves, or on the player's shorts or headgear. It is used to identify the player to officials, other players, official scorers, and spectators; in some sports, it is also indicative of the player's position.

The International Federation of Football History and Statistics, an organization of association football historians, traces the origin of numbers to a 1911 Australian rules football match in Sydney, although photographic evidence exists of numbers being used in Australia as early as May 1903. Player numbers were used in a Queensland vs. New Zealand rugby match played on 17 July 1897, in Brisbane, Australia, as reported in the Brisbane Courier.

Usage examples of "number".

Lily attempted to regain her ability to breathe, listening to the next song, a slow, moody number.

The beautifully rolled lawns and freshly painted club stand were sprinkled with spring dresses and abloom with sunshades, and coaches and other vehicles without number enclosed the farther side of the field.

But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

It was time well spent, for they located a number of vessels in the port, with their names and destinations, and gave him chapter and verse of the hunt for the absconders from Port Arthur, which had apparently been going on for most of the day.

Seminole County Canvassing Board allowed Republican Party volunteers to fill in missing voter registration numbers on applications submitted by registered Republican voters requesting absentee ballots.

For Juanita Mott became the sixth young woman in the space of just two years to be sexually abused, tortured, decapitated and finally dismembered in the cellar beneath the pavement of number 25 Cromwell Street.

Here he reared a continuous rampart with a ditch in front of it, fair-sized forts, probably a dozen in number, built either close behind it or actually abutting on it, and a connecting road running from end to end.

Paris in an infinite number of petty questions as to tenants, abutters, liabilities, taxes, repairs, sweepings, decorations for the Fete-Dieu, waste-pipes, lighting, projections over the public way, and the neighborhood of unhealthy buildings.

Indeed it is not in the public interest that straightforwardness should be extirpated root and branch, for the presence of a small modicum of sincerity acts as a wholesome irritant to the academicism of the greatest number, stimulating it to consciousness of its own happy state, and giving it something to look down upon.

Very little careful examination would have sufficed to find, in the second section of the very first article of the Constitution, the names of every one of the thirteen then existent States distinctly mentioned, with the number of representatives to which each would be entitled, in case of acceding to the Constitution, until a census of their population could be taken.

Veneziano, then a research fellow at CERN, the European accelerator laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, had worked on aspects of this problem for a number of years, until one day he came upon a striking revelation.

At the edge of the field of vision, the Doppler telemeter and accelerometer spat out their little red numbers so rapidly that it was difficult to read the indicated speed.

He held a number of bills, many of which were suspected by him to be forged--that is to say, that the figures had been altered after the signature of the acceptor had been written.

By limiting the accessibility of the names and telephone numbers of employees, a company makes it more difficult for the social engineer to identify targets in the company, or names of legitimate employees for use in deceiving other personnel.

Corporate structure information such as organization charts, hierarchy charts, employee or departmental lists, reporting structure, names, positions, internal contact numbers, employee numbers, or similar information that is used for internal processes should not be made available on publicly accessible Web sites.