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prime numbers

n. 1 the set of numbers which are prime number 2 (prime number English)

Usage examples of "prime numbers".

Sparta, like natural calculators, had a particular fascination and facility with prime numbers.

Of course the prime numbers available are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, and 23, so you are at liberty to select any nine of these that will serve your purpose.

Don't you think it's a little strange that the first message from God in two thousand years or more is prime numbers.

All they've been saying is that they're good at radio astronomy, they like prime numbers, and they can return our first TV transmission back to us.

The cryptographic systems that made the media network run securely, and that made it capable of securely transferring money, were based on the use of immense prime numbers as magic keys.

But at any given level of computing power, code-making was always much easier than code-breaking, so as long as the system kept moving to larger and larger prime numbers as computers got faster, the code-makers could stay far ahead of the code-breakers forever.