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binary numbers

n. (plural of binary number English)

Usage examples of "binary numbers".

Such binary numbers as 1010111 and 1011101 UNIVAC handles very well indeed.

Of course, there's no way of knowing in advance which of the four nucleotide bases corresponds to any particular pair of binary numbers.

A mathematician once joked that binary numbers were the way people who have only two fingers count.

In essence, binary numbers translated normal numbers which require ten digits, and decimal places-- to a system that depended on only two digits, one and zero.

Max sat on the cot while they passed data to him, eyes closed while he programmed the problem and translated it into the binary numbers the computer understood.

The distances of the planets from the sun are given in binary numbers.

Leaving aside the problem of read-out, you could easily devise an arbitrary code whereby flaws in the atomic structure of the crystal denote binary numbers.

The musical notes are converted, by computer, into binary numbers.