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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
craft knife
landing craft
▪ Around them, other craft were also taking advantage of the flood tide to enter harbour.
▪ They submitted their evidence to the Short committee separately despite the protests of the other craft committees and council.
▪ Only the odd light burned, a warning to any other craft travelling the canals on the coal-black night.
▪ Last year small river craft were brought in by air or overland to Kalewa and driven down the Chindwin to the Irrawaddy.
▪ When built, the arsenal ships will have the smallest crews of any Navy ship except small coastal patrol craft.
▪ Some smaller craft may be written on this policy if the use is other than private pleasure.
▪ Muelhaupt said he first thought the plane was a smaller craft practicing maneuvers.
▪ She began to see small craft darting like dragonflies between the soaring galleries.
▪ Where our Investigation Department operations involved shipping and small craft we were the specialists to whom they could turn for practical assistance.
▪ They began to see small craft but, like the Amenca, apparently going in the wrong direction.
▪ The film featured traditional craft skills and a selection of products.
▪ All traditional craft materials are represented: clay, glass, wood, fiber and metal with examples from contemporary artists.
▪ Seven thousand necklaces have come from Guatamala where they're a traditional craft item.
▪ I have consistently maintained that the canoe is the traditional craft for exploring wilderness areas without disturbing wildlife.
▪ The shortage of jobs is especially bad in traditional craft apprenticeships, in which many young people wish to work.
▪ Tapestry Tapestry is a traditional craft but its commercialization in Madeira is fairly recent.
▪ Her ceramics are sought after at craft fairs in Northallerton, Harrogate and York.
▪ Soon villages by railway lines became centres of new craft industries, in wood-carving and other allegedly traditional bric-a-brac.
▪ Aid was now able to be granted to measures which promoted diversification into other activities such as tourism and craft industries.
▪ Within sixteen years tapestry-making had become an important and interesting local craft industry.
▪ The town subsists on farming, the craft industry and a small retail trade.
▪ Trim the paper to the shape of the faces with a sharp craft knife.
▪ Use a craft knife for really sharp edges.
▪ He said the two men attacked him with a tyre lever, hammer and a craft knife.
▪ The vinyl is cut to size the a craft knife, the backing peeled off and the laminate simply stuck in place.
▪ Remove the boxes and Plasticine, and tidy up the rough edges, using a craft knife.
▪ Cut the tiles to the required width with a sharp craft knife, and just slip into place.
▪ Cut them off at the base with a razor blade or craft knife.
▪ Cut lengths off at ceiling and skirting with a sharp craft knife, angled into corners, for an exact fit.
▪ Group 4 was a floating reserve lying offshore in their landing craft until required to reinforce one of the other Groups.
▪ These constraints put out of the question any prospect of training fully fledged navigators for the thousands of landing craft crews.
▪ Jitters had been wounded early, and washed back to the landing craft.
▪ Nowadays pleasure craft use the lift, going up and down within an impressive structure of tubular iron.
▪ Today, it is mainly used by pleasure craft.
▪ A half mile section reclaimed by volunteers will then be flooded and opened to pleasure craft.
▪ The total number of launches to pleasure craft was 2,715 according to the latest figures.
▪ Carla went to find craft shops and Sara went to buy Rodney's provisions on her own.
▪ The Oriental Collection and the new crochet cotton are now available from Madeira stockists and good craft shops throughout the country.
▪ A large selection of miniature frames, and other small items suitable for pressed flower work, are available from craft shops.
▪ A local craft shop took them and after that she had regular orders for them from outlets further afield.
▪ So, how can a potential buyer distinguish good wood carvings from hardwood carvings in a craft shop?
▪ In nearby Holmfirth you can visit the popular post-card museum, antiques and craft shops.
▪ Polished stone alleyways lead to an array of craft shops and tiny cafés - and the prices are astonishingly low.
▪ You can also buy special packs of edible egg colourings from some supermarkets and craft shops.
▪ It replaces traditional drawing abilities yet it can preserve the centuries of craft skills built up by shoemakers.
▪ The great scholars also are largely ignored for their craft skills and precise goals in scholarship.
▪ In these ways, argues Marx, capitalist manufacturing exploits workers' labour-power and craft skills.
▪ Teaching itself should be more concerned with the craft level and the development of all of the craft skills in the occupation.
▪ The film featured traditional craft skills and a selection of products.
▪ The gathering and concentration of craft workers into the temples seems to have stimulated technical advances of many kinds.
▪ Construction or building inspectors need several years of experience as a manager, supervisor, or craft worker before becoming inspectors.
▪ Traditional craft workers, and professional groups such as doctors, operate in this manner.
▪ Most construction estimators have considerable previous experience as a construction craft worker or manager.
▪ This market town and centre of its district has been a notable village of craft workers since the eighteenth century.
▪ In the craft workshop there's the opportunity to enjoy painting and drawing, basketwork and tapestry.
▪ At Balnakeil, reached along a side road, is an establishment of craft workshops.
▪ Attractions include jazz bands, a punch and judy show, craft workshops and an outdoor display of visual arts.
▪ There were craft workshops, shops and counting houses for the commercial and artisan community.
▪ There is a big demand for craft workshops.
▪ Also coarse fishing and craft workshops.
▪ There is no current technology that could build a craft to sustain life for that period of time.
▪ Only Satellite Television, a subsidiary of Comsit, has announced it will build a craft - for a service in 1986.
▪ But a craft that size would carry alternative life-saving equipment.
▪ Up for sale are both its meteorological satellites and the Landsat craft that carry out land surveys of the globe.
▪ The Federation have developed an advanced fighter craft called the Epical.
▪ New Deal programs also gave many black artists a chance to develop their craft.
▪ Like their comrades from earlier wars, many GIs developed and refined the craft of scrounging into a high art.
▪ Born in a small mining village near Glenrothes, he has climbed the ladder by learning his craft.
▪ Here, new managers speak for themselves as they learn a new craft.
▪ It was a house made as they once made their ships and I wondered how many would now learn either craft.
▪ They hold out hope, however, that younger Navajos will be encouraged to learn the craft.
▪ As he learned the craft, the penny finally dropped - or rather the ball.
▪ He had learned his craft and had lingered too long.
▪ There he learned his second craft, that of magician.
▪ Thus a practicing and craft sociologist is either empirically grounding sociological ideas or constructing them in some speculative process.
▪ Atwater differed from others practicing the same craft, for either party.
▪ Now her travels come full-circle as she returns to Tucson to practice her craft in the surrounding desert.
▪ He works in the craft business there, making rugs from alpaca.
▪ Outside houses old men sat silently, holding a great-grandchild or working at some craft by the shine of a lamp.
▪ I have worked in this craft a long time, so I am very appreciative of my success.
▪ People who work in craft occupations are likely to be reasonably safe from unemployment.
▪ A full week Night be spent playing games and working on craft projects and drills on a single alphabet letter.
book/antiques/craft/trade etc fair
▪ Antiques Fair, Social Centre, Yarm.
▪ Attractions include over 100 trade stands, refreshment tents and licensed bars, caravan site and craft fair.
▪ Champagne was also prospering during this time from the great trade fairs.
▪ Chartwell Travel is offering discounted air fares to the Frankfurt Book Fair from £108 return.
▪ Eighty countries plan to attend the Baghdad trade fair in November.
▪ Running alongside was a trade fair.
▪ Then, on the third day, he would be a guest at a trade fair held in New Jersey.
Craft and cunning are necessary for the scheme to work.
▪ Search and rescue craft were at the scene of the crash this morning.
▪ A love of gardening easily combines with the craft of flower pressing, as one leads naturally into the other.
▪ But a rotating craft exerts Coriolis forces, which work in a different direction from a centripetal force.
▪ He then deals with the craft itself, offering valuable advice on film types and exposure.
▪ I have worked in this craft a long time, so I am very appreciative of my success.
▪ I intend to detonate it as the first craft land.
▪ Look instead at any self-organising galleries in your area, art and craft co-operatives, societies, guilds, and so on.
▪ There were craft workshops, shops and counting houses for the commercial and artisan community.
▪ There were no survivors from either craft.
▪ Frasier is a work of art, a beautifully crafted mix of class and farce.
▪ The arms were kept apart, in precious and beautifully crafted silver cases.
▪ A carefully crafted list of billboards that will come down.
▪ I had carefully crafted what I would be willing to say publicly about my life.
▪ But here comes the Internet to upset these carefully crafted rules.
▪ Evolving Software A key feature of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of hand-crafted manufacture with mass-production techniques.
▪ Everything goes perfectly with a glass of strawberry-blonde ale or any of the other hand-crafted brews.
▪ This is a quality that will last for ever. 50 classical and contemporary patterns all exquisitely hand crafted.
▪ Few McKinsey consultants had either experienced the changes at hand or had crafted plans for doing so.
▪ The Asylum taught hand crafts to blind people so they could learn to support themselves.
▪ a finely crafted Chinese serving platter
▪ A team of White House aides has crafted a series of proposals, including convening a commission or a White House conference.
▪ Even if it was a bad ballet, it was always well crafted.
▪ It wasn't that good, but impromptu insults are seldom well crafted.
▪ Otto Galler further improved the breed, crafting today's streamlined beast.
▪ Still, Hailey has crafted a tale that should make South Florida proud.
▪ The government crafted the bailout scheme with little public discussion and without determining who was responsible for the losses.
▪ The rule was crafted over the past few years with the help of major railroads.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Craft \Craft\ (kr[.a]ft), n. [AS. cr[ae]ft strength, skill, art, cunning; akin to OS., G., Sw., & Dan. kraft strength, D. kracht, Icel. kraptr; perh. originally, a drawing together, stretching, from the root of E. cramp.]

  1. Strength; might; secret power. [Obs.]

  2. Art or skill; dexterity in particular manual employment; hence, the occupation or employment itself; manual art; a trade.

    Ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.
    --Acts xix. 25.

    A poem is the work of the poet; poesy is his skill or craft of making.
    --B. Jonson.

    Since the birth of time, throughout all ages and nations, Has the craft of the smith been held in repute.

  3. Those engaged in any trade, taken collectively; a guild; as, the craft of ironmongers.

    The control of trade passed from the merchant guilds to the new craft guilds.
    --J. R. Green.

  4. Cunning, art, or skill, in a bad sense, or applied to bad purposes; artifice; guile; skill or dexterity employed to effect purposes by deceit or shrewd devices.

    You have that crooked wisdom which is called craft.

    The chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death.
    --Mark xiv. 1.

  5. (Naut.) A vessel; vessels of any kind; -- generally used in a collective sense.

    The evolutions of the numerous tiny craft moving over the lake.
    --Prof. Wilson.

    Small crafts, small vessels, as sloops, schooners, ets.


Craft \Craft\, v. t. To play tricks; to practice artifice. [Obs.]

You have crafted fair.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English cræft (West Saxon, Northumbrian), -creft (Kentish), originally "power, physical strength, might," from Proto-Germanic *krab-/*kraf- (cognates: Old Frisian kreft, Old High German chraft, German Kraft "strength, skill;" Old Norse kraptr "strength, virtue"). Sense expanded in Old English to include "skill, dexterity; art, science, talent" (via a notion of "mental power"), which led by late Old English to the meaning "trade, handicraft, calling," also "something built or made." The word still was used for "might, power" in Middle English.\n

\nUse for "small boat" is first recorded 1670s, probably from a phrase similar to vessels of small craft and referring either to the trade they did or the seamanship they required, or perhaps it preserves the word in its original sense of "power."


Old English cræftan "to exercise a craft, build," from the same source as craft (n.). Meaning "to make skilfully" is from early 15c., obsolete from 16c., but revived c.1950s, largely in U.S. advertising and commercial senses. Related: Crafted; crafting.


alt. (surname) n. (surname)

  1. n. the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice" [syn: trade]

  2. a vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space

  3. people who perform a particular kind of skilled work; "he represented the craft of brewers"; "as they say in the trade" [syn: trade]

  4. skill in an occupation or trade [syn: craftsmanship, workmanship]

  5. shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception [syn: craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness]


v. make by hand and with much skill; "The artisan crafted a complicated tool"


A craft is a pastime or a profession that requires particular skills and knowledge of skilled work. In a historical sense, particularly as pertinent to the Middle Ages and earlier, the term is usually applied to people occupied in small-scale production of goods, or their maintenance, for example by tinkers. The traditional terms craftsman and craftswoman are nowadays often replaced by artisan and rarely by craftsperson ( craftspeople).

Craft (disambiguation)

A craft is an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill.

Craft or Crafts may also refer to:

Craft (magazine)

Craft: (or CRAFT:) was a quarterly magazine published by O'Reilly Media which focused on do it yourself (DIY) projects involving knitting, sewing, jewelry, metalworking, woodworking and other disciplines. The magazine was marketed to people who enjoy "crafting" things and features projects which can often be completed with cheap materials, including household items. The magazine was in circulation between 2006 and 2009.

CRAFT (aviation)

In aviation, CRAFT is a mnemonic for the essential elements of a clearance under instrument flight rules (IFR).

Craft (manga magazine)

Craft is a quarterly Japanese yaoi manga magazine published by Taiyō Tosho. A number of works published in this magazine have been licensed in English, mostly by Digital Manga Publishing.

Craft (film)

Craft is a 2010 Brazilian film directed by Gustavo Pizzi. It stars Karine Teles, who co-wrote the screenplay with Pizzi, as a stage actress who must do parallel jobs for living. This stops when she enters on an international production, in which the director decides to do a film about her life.

Craft (vehicle)

A craft is a vehicle or marine vessel used for transportation on water or land, or in air or outer space. Types of craft include aircraft, hovercraft, watercraft, sailcraft, and spacecraft. The term was first used to denote a small boat in English in the 1670s, as in "vessels of small craft". The word derives from the German Kraft, meaning "strength or skill", and its use for boats probably referred either to their trade, or seamanship, or "power". The word craft, when referring to vehicles, is its own plural, and does not take a trailing s; the word crafts refers to the family of decorative arts related to functional or utilitarian products, as in arts and crafts.

Craft (band)

Craft is a Swedish black metal band, originally formed under the name "Nocta" in 1994. As Nocta they recorded an unreleased demo in 1997 and subsequently changed their name to "Craft". While musically inspired by early black metal acts such as Burzum and Darkthrone, as well as Heavy Metal bands such as Black Sabbath and Celtic Frost, their lyrics focus on misanthropy, destruction, hate, Anti-Cosmic Satanism and death resembling the older lyrics of melodic black/ death metal band Dissection. After drummer Daniel Halén was fired from the band in 2005, the remaining members briefly considered putting the band on indefinite hold, but decided to continue and address his replacement in the future. In 2008 Dirge Rep (Gehenna, ex-Gorgoroth, ex-Enslaved) joined the band on session basis to work on the drums for the coming album which is due for release August 2011.

Craft (surname)

Craft is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

  • Aaron Craft (born 1991), American basketball player
  • Chris Craft (racing driver), British motor racing driver
  • Christine Craft (born 1944), American radio talk show host and former television anchorperson
  • Donnie Craft (born 1959), American football player
  • Ellen Craft (c. 1826 – c. 1891), slave from Macon, Georgia, whose escape was widely publicized
  • Jason Craft, American professional football cornerback
  • Juanita Craft (1902–1985), American civil rights pioneer
  • Kinuko Y. Craft (born 1940), American artist
  • Marcella Craft (1874–1959), American soprano
  • Melanie Craft (born 1969), American romance novelist
  • Nikki Craft (born 1949), American political activist
  • Percy Robert Craft (1856 – 1934), British painter associated with the Newlyn School of painters
  • Robert Craft (1923–2015), American conductor and writer on music
  • Russ Craft (1919–2009), American professional football defensive back
  • Shanice Craft (born 1993), German athlete
  • Shelley Craft (born 1976), Australian television personality
  • Tom Craft (born 1953), American football coach

Usage examples of "craft".

But thus far there had been no other craft sighted on the waters, although smokes were visible from the many Aliansa village sites and a small group of aborigines was spied netting fish in the shallows.

An experienced social engineer is able to gain access to virtually any targeted information by using the strategies and tactics of his craft.

I appreciate all that when I called my newest craft an aerial warship.

There may be a great war there in which aerial craft will play a big part.

American bicycle-builders had surpassed the Royal Aeronautical Society, because they flew their crafts themselves, lying prone in their own creations, flying, as it was noted, by the seat of their pants.

A few moments later Aristarchi had placed her in his boat, the heavy bundle of spoils lay at her feet, and the craft shot swiftly from the door of the house of the Agnus Dei.

In this fashion they ran for fifteen or twenty miles on a perfectly even keel, the apparatus automatically working the elevators and ailerons of the craft as various wind currents tended to disturb its equilibrium.

He got out from under the enemy craft, but the German airman pressed his trigger in time.

As Timothy moved the craft in for a closer look, he saw the hairless Alastor balanced on his two back legs on the outcropping of stone, his front paws swatting at the bird.

On the opposite side of the float the crew of the Flying Fish, the Snark, the Bonita and the Albacore were equally busy over their craft.

For Amit, the greatest tools of spy craft are imagination and creativity, and both marked his tenure.

He glanced at a small anemometer or wind gage, on the craft, and noted that it registered sixty miles an hour.

One on a side, he and the girl put out an oar apiece and awkwardly rowed the craft in a series of circles to nowhere.

The powerful motor lifted the craft high out of the water, and Aragon leaned forward, watching the surface for any floating logs.

Sanders complimented Aragon, as the latter changed fuel tanks to preserve the balance of the craft.