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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Fabergé eggs are famous for their intricate craftsmanship.
▪ Hopi baskets are beautiful in both color and craftsmanship.
▪ The design is inspired by Russian folk art and craftsmanship.
▪ They make jewelry that is famous for its intricate craftsmanship.
▪ Although his verbal craftsmanship deserves high praise, we do wonder about his motivation.
▪ Although so far no one has succeeded in interpreting the Etruscan language we can fully appreciate their sculpture, painting and craftsmanship.
▪ An examination of the results of early Anglo-Saxon craftsmanship point to the effort and organisation involved in procuring the raw materials.
▪ He set about making a longbow with his customary craftsmanship.
▪ These old properties represent an age when craftsmanship in building reached an art form.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Craftsmanship \Crafts"man*ship\, n. The work of a craftsman.


n. 1 The quality of being a craftsman. 2 An example of a craftsman's work.


n. skill in an occupation or trade [syn: craft, workmanship]

Usage examples of "craftsmanship".

The two moths fitted into its recesses would have drawn approving nods from people who were connoisseurs of bioelectronic craftsmanship.

To the trained eyes at the table, the craftsmanship of the goldwork and the deep luster of the stones was readily apparent in the genuine pieces.

Various collectors of old Sandwich glass have mistaken it for an odd bit of that early American product - but I privately realize that my paper-weight is an antique of far subtler and more paleogean craftsmanship.

As we passed down the hall, I saw everywhere the hallmarks of pride and craftsmanship, from the smallest, polished turnbuckle to the handles of cursory valves and spigots to the brass railings and handholds that were in such abundance on board.

Like a carpenter who has never learned to drive nails straight, writers who have not learned craftsmanship will get nothing but pain for their efforts.

That is why I have written this book: to help new writers learn a few things about the craftsmanship that goes into successful stories.

Uberlasch felt phlegmatically confident that he had nothing to apologize for in the bomb that had silenced Lester Boyd-although it was one of his less intricate contraptions, it had been entirely adequate for the job, and the conscientious craftsmanship that went into it was evidenced by the fact that it had admittedly hurt no extraneous characters whose injury might have beclouded the issue and unnecessarily increased the volume of public indignation.

He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about black iron arrowheadsand of how proud he had been of their effectiveness and his craftsmanship.

It deals with a mortal dread we all share: the madness that betides us when we have been fucked over once too often by the petty thugs and conscienceless pillagers who infest the world--from venal politicians who manipulate our lives for personal gain, down to the building contractors who promise decent craftsmanship and leave you with leaking roofs.

The arm band was beautiful in its craftsmanship, a work of art, and it was a gift of friendship.

He knew he didn’t have his brother’s craftsmanship, but he countersank every screw and lovingly sanded the wood.

If Aygar was to be believed, and the barbed steel tip of his lance gave fair evidence of metal craftsmanship, they didn't need the Federated Sentient Planets.

The biped Inorganics, in particular, destroyed ages of craftsmanship and art in minutes, turning their aim haphazardly from one target to the next.

And then, as if to demonstrate the excellent craftsmanship of her digestive tract, its grinding and juicing abilities, she heaved all over a cluttered desk, thus creating, simultaneously, both a legend and a monument to that legend, the Thelma Kling Memorial Desk.

Echoes of their common elven heritage can be seen in the artistry lavished on homes and gardens, the craftsmanship of their armor and ornaments, their affinity for magic and art, and their fierce pride in their fighting skills.