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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Craftiness \Craft"i*ness\ (kr?ft"?-n?s), n. Dexterity in devising and effecting a purpose; cunning; artifice; stratagem.

He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
--Job. v. 13.


n. Skill in deception, slyness

  1. n. shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception [syn: craft, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness]

  2. the quality of being crafty [syn: deceitfulness, guile]

Usage examples of "craftiness".

He does not know that his inward enjoyment consists in craftiness, defrauding, deceit, clandestine theft, and many other evils, and that this enjoyment, made up of so many enjoyments of the lusts of evil, governs each and all things of his external thought, in which he enjoys appearing just and sincere.

But he was liable to intercurrent fits of jealousy and rage, such as the light-hued races are hardly capable of conceiving, blinding paroxysms of passion, which for the time overmastered him, and which, if they found no ready outlet, transformed themselves into the more dangerous forces that worked through the instrumentality of his cool craftiness.

And now he must act the part of a diplomat, submitting to craftiness and rogueries that were not at all in accord with his open nature.

Was it indifference, really, or was it supreme craftiness, the stupidity of her dinners, the general unattractiveness of the women she gathered around her, the ill-assortment of people who had little in themselves and nothing whatever in common?

Generally microcephalia is a sign of idiocy, although in the case of Pew Mogel, the condition did not mean idiocy, but extreme craftiness, and madness, which might indicate that, since Pew Mogel was an artificial, synthetic product of Ras Thavas, one of Mars' most famous scientists, his microcephalia was either caused by a disease, or by inability of the brain to adapt itself to a foreign, ill-fitting cranial cavity.

Quilp departed according to order, and her amiable husband, ensconcing himself behind the partly opened door, and applying his ear close to it, began to listen with a face of great craftiness and attention.

Let not, O my God, let not flesh and blood prevail over me, let not the world and its short glory deceive me, let not the devil and his craftiness supplant me.

Beneath eyelids swollen like shiny white maggots, however, her bloodshot eyes had the craftiness of an old hippo.