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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
landing craft
▪ Group 4 was a floating reserve lying offshore in their landing craft until required to reinforce one of the other Groups.
▪ Jitters had been wounded early, and washed back to the landing craft.
▪ On Saturday morning, dozens of amphibious vehicles and air-cushion landing craft ferried men and tanks on to military-designated Red Beach.
▪ The well decks are simply flooded and the landing craft are launched from the stern of the ship.
▪ These constraints put out of the question any prospect of training fully fledged navigators for the thousands of landing craft crews.
▪ Thousands of starving reindeer, too weak to make the crossing, are being carried across in landing craft.
landing craft

n. (context nautical military English) a type of flat-bottomed boat used to transport infantry and vehicles onto a shore during an assault from the sea

landing craft

n. naval craft designed for putting ashore troops and equipment

Landing craft

Landing craft are boats and seagoing vessels used to convey a landing force ( infantry and vehicles) from the sea to the shore during an amphibious assault. Most renowned are those used to storm the beaches of Normandy, the Mediterranean, and many Pacific islands during World War II. This was the high point of the landing craft, with a significant number of different designs produced in large quantities by the United Kingdom and United States.

Because of the need to run up onto a suitable beach, World War II landing craft were flat-bottomed, and many designs had a flat front, often with a lowerable ramp, rather than a normal bow. This made them difficult to control and very uncomfortable in rough seas. The control point (too rudimentary to call a bridge on LCA and similar craft) was normally at the extreme rear of the vessel, as were the engines. In all cases, they were known by an abbreviation derived from the official name rather than by the full title.

Usage examples of "landing craft".

How else could you have managed to get on that landing craft and finish up in Laerg?

I dropped my bag to the men in the dory and climbed down the steel side of the landing craft.

Trouble was, the ammunition he had loaded up on was high-explosive incendiary shells, great for busting tanks and fucking up landing craft, but not so great against other aircraft.

But if they didn't force their way into the safe atmosphere of the colony within the next hour, there was little chance of them making it back to their landing craft before their life-support systems gave out.

Behind us the 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion swung ashore in LCIs (landing craft, infantry), landing just to the right of the pier.

The launch, the destruction of one of the Sky Demons landing craft would not have gone unnoticed, and their retaliatory fire would be swift and deadly.

The yorik-trema landing craft looks like a flattened oval with ultrasensitive eyes moving constantly to track other craft like its coralskipper escorts.

They were near the landing craft now, and other members of the landing party were bringing back their equipment and their samples, getting ready to board.