How to Search for Rhymes

You just need to enter the word you are looking for a rhyme in the field. In order to find a more original version you can resort to fuzzy search. Practically in no time you will be provided with a list of rhyming words according to your request. They will be presented in blocks depending on the number of letters.

Rhymes for word myheartisyours

abatjours accusours achatours administratours after-hours allfours ambassadours amours ampere-hours ancestours anchours anticolours arbours ardours armours assessours auncestours authours avauntours bachelours balfours beglamours behaviours belabours belamours benefactours bittours bours bussy-les-daours calembours cametours carica-tours censours chambray-les-tours chancellours clamours clangours clue-by-fours collectours colours commentatours competitours concours conductours confessours conquerours conservatours conspiratours contours contributours cornflours correctours councillours councilours counsellours counselours cours creatours creditours cruviers-lascours cursours debtours decolours decours deflours demeanours detours detractours devours dictatours directours discolours disenamours disfavours dishonours dishumours disours distributours doctours dolours dominatours donours dortours downpours ecotours emperours enamours encolours endeavours enharbours errours executours expositours exteriours factours faitours favours fay-les-nemours faytours fervours flatours flavours flexihours floramours flours fornicatours forty-fours four-by-fours fours gestours giaours gilours gladiatours glamours glours gouernours gours governours h-hours harbours helitours herbergeours heritours holours honours horrours hours humours imitatours indeavours indevours inferiours inter-hours isocontours joue-les-tours jours juniours jurours kilowatt-hours kours labours languours lastours lavours licours limitours limours liquours lours magny-cours majours malefactours malodours man-hours manhours manours mas-des-cours mayours minitours mirrours misbehaviours miscolours misdemeanours moderatours mokadours monitours montours multicolours neighbours nemours neocolours neurobehaviours neurohumours odours onehundredhours operatours oppressours ours outharbours outlabours outpours overhours overlabours overpours pandours paramours paris-tours parkours parlours passe-velours pastours paviours perturbatours pilours plus-fours pompadours pontours possessours pours pretours priours professours pseudocolours pseudotumours putours rancours rasours razours rebours recolours recontours rescours rigours riotours roullours rumours sailours saint-ours saint-pierre-les-nemours saviours savours scours sculptours secours senatours seniours sesours seventy-fours silours sisours sommonours somnours sompnours souldiours sours splendours stours stupours succours superiours survivours tabours tailours tambours tenours terawatt-hours terrours top-armours tormentours toujours tours traitours translatours treachours tregetours tremours tricolours troubadours tumours tutours two-by-fours two-fours underpours unharbours uvernet-fours vapours vaujours vavasours velours vescours vigours visitours warriours wastours watercolours watthours whitsours woodflours yours zours