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n. (plural of savour English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: savour)

Usage examples of "savours".

Mackintosh savours the emptiness, searching his mind for some profound thought about solitude in the midst of activity, but profound thoughts rarely come to him on Monday mornings.

He savours that sense of continuity and the way it is hidden from most people.

He savours the decline in status as Marylebone gives way to Paddington.

His doctor's warnings about drinking alcohol come to mind as he savours the beer, but three months on Baileys almost counts as abstinence.

He presses against the banisters as she passes, and he savours her newly-washed smell and the swish of her tights brushing together.

Mackintosh savours the remembered scents of flowers, food and perfume.

The prospect hangs before him like a holy grail as he savours his Guinness.

Arnold savours the evocative smell and the feel of the barber's hands smoothing the dressing over his hair.

As he bites into the doughnut, he savours the way jam oozes from either side.

To those who are familiar with the original, it savours of truism or platitude to say so, for in truth there can be no thoroughly satisfactory translation of "Don Quixote" into English or any other language.