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n. (plural of splendour English)

Usage examples of "splendours".

Cave of Chrysolites irradiate with beams, breaks of brilliance, confluences of lively hues, restless rays, meeting, vanishing, flooding splendours, now scattered in dazzling joints and spars, now uniting in momentary disks of radiance.

It was Rome that now seemed strange, a vast labyrinth of decaying splendours which included the Domus Sessorianum.

To him it was as the cave of Aladdin to the worshipper of Mammon, and yet now he would often sit down indifferent to its hoarded splendours, and gather no jewels.

Forget your whirling dreams, your fires, your lightnings, your splendours of the soul, and answer the passionless voice that asks you--why should your lover die, and such a death?

The sporadic civilization which we are too much in the habit of regarding as if it had been no less stable than brilliant, was a succession of the briefest splendours, gleaming here and there from the coasts of the Aegean to those of the western Mediterranean.

She sat gazing on the Jewel and its counterchanging splendours in her hand, and the thought of Almeryl and his necessity was her only thought.

Vicky was awakened by the brilliance of the starlight shining into her face and she opened her eyes and stared up at a sky that blazed with the splendours Of the universe, as fields and seas of pearly light swirled across the heavens.

It reflected no credit on anybody particularly none upon himself It would merely add a jarring note to the splendours of his report.

These Orientals should have seen them, with Victor Radnor among them, fronting the smoky splendours of the sunset.