Crossword clues for watercolours
n. (plural of watercolour English)
Usage examples of "watercolours".
Lady Laura March night was becoming a regular visitor to Dilling ham Court, where she and Polly would walk together in the gardens or set their easels up with some idyllic aspect before them, in the hope of capturing it in watercolours or charcoal.
At the start of that hot, thundery summer I leaned out of my window watching the world pass below, convinced that somebody somewhere would still need watercolours, gouaches and pencil sketches, and that I could produce them from my penthouse eyrie.
They walked in silence down to the quiet rooms where the Turner watercolours hung.
Sketches in watercolours of the scenes she had visited adorned her walls, and a pair of pistols, that she had found useful, she affirmed, lay on the writingdesk in her drawing-room.
I have a fondness for watercolours although I would say my talent is small.
After breakfast, she took her watercolours down to the lake and sat in the summerhouse trying to paint, but somehow she could not transfer the pretty pastoral scene onto her paper and tore up her efforts in a fit of temper.
Mackintosh looks at the tasteful Victorian watercolours in their gilt frames.
The rain began at ten, transforming his watercolours into abstracts which evolved even as he threw plastic sheets over them.