Crossword clues for ardours
n. (plural of ardour English)
Usage examples of "ardours".
The ardours thus aroused passed into our talk and we began to discuss the secret which the oracle had revealed.
Our conversation then took a tender turn, and we were about to seal our mutual ardours without troubling about the aroph, when prudence bade us beware.
I to expect a refusal like this at a moment when I thought I saw my ardours reflected in your eyes?
She gave herself up in good faith, and when I had promised to keep the secret her ardours were equal to mine.
He fancied that everything relating to himself excited maidenly curiosity, womanly reverence, ardours to know more of him, which he was ever willing to satisfy by repeating the same things.
One might imagine an apotheosis of a militant young princess of Goths or Vandals, the glow of blessedness awakening her martial ardours through the languor of the grave:--Woodseer would comprehend and hit on the exact image to portray her in a moment, Fleetwood thought, and longed for that fellow.