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n. (four-by-four English)

Usage examples of "four-by-fours".

Then Marie and I made a sledge out of a one-inch sheet of plywood by hammering two four-by-fours lengthwise along its edges, then screwing two heavy eye bolts near the end of each four-by-four.

We installed four-by-fours as roof joists and started covering them with one-inch sheets of plywood.

We had to release the trailer, then the gate propped up by the four-by-fours, then work our way inch by inch until the gate leaned against the timbers from the trailer at a forty-five-degree angle.

The snow had been cut up by the sheriff’s four-by-fours and the crime scene people, but now snow was drifting into the holes they’d made.

I do see two four-by-fours parked in the middle of the street, like, but nobody around 'em.

We still can see those four-by-fours sitting in the street, but no armored vehicles.

At the end of this road the concrete stopped abruptly and we slid down a dirt slope to a dirt terrace, then down another slope, and a barricade of what looked like four-by-fours painted white loomed across the dirt road.

Then the weight of the four-by-fours pulled my muscles and my brain said let go and I put the section down again.

One of the four-by-fours took on a big articulated loadcarrier just ahead.

The roads around the station were packed with four-by-fours and pickup trucks that were stuffed full of kids and uninjured adults.

A long line of pickup trucks, four-by-fours, and buses were turning off the Highmarsh road just before the main junction, taking an even smaller track that threaded along the line of tall dark jade liipoplars that marked the edge of the Calsor homestead.

Occasionally a car or truck would pass them—the cars usually four-by-fours of one sort or another, the trucks pickups or, fairly often, army-style deuce-and-a-halfs.