n. (plural of authour English)
Usage examples of "authours".
Upon the road we talked of the uncertainty of profit with which authours and booksellers engage in the publication of literary works.
Sir, have you been much plagued with authours sending you their works to revise?
I must however observe, that notwithstanding what he now said, which he no doubt imagined at the time to be the fact, there was, perhaps, no man who more frequently yielded to the solicitations even of very obscure authours, to read their manuscripts, or more liberally assisted them with advice and correction.
Soon after this time I had an opportunity of seeing, by means of one of his friends, a proof that his talents, as well as his obliging service to authours, were ready as ever.
He observed to me afterwards, that the advantages authours derived from attacks, were chiefly in subjects of taste, where you cannot confute, as so much may be said on either side.