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n. (plural of behaviour English)

Usage examples of "behaviours".

With the evolution of multicellular organisms, both the range of possible behaviours and the organizational problems the organism has to solve increase.

If we find changes in protein synthesis, say, in a correlative experiment, how can we be sure that such changed synthesis is not the consequence of these expressed behaviours rather than the learning which we presume accompanies them?

The second says that what we can investigate in experimental animals are behaviours in response to contingencies of reinforcement.

You may have some limited success in getting your narcissist to tone down on the really harmful behaviours THAT AFFECT YOU, which emanate from the unchangeable WHAT the narcissist is.

I suggested that many narcissists match the behaviours described in FAQ 10.

They refrain from having sex with them, tease them and then leave them, resist flirtatious and seductive behaviours and so on.

The bulk of narcissistic behaviours can be traced to this panicky reaction to the remote potential for loss of control.

He rebels and erupts in a serious of self-defeating and self-destructive behaviours, which lead to the disintegration of his life.