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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
administer justice/punishment etc
▪ It is not the job of the police to administer justice; that falls to the courts.
capital punishment
corporal punishment
▪ Corporal punishment was abolished in Britain in 1986.
deserve punishment
▪ If you commit a crime, you have deserved punishment.
harsh criticism/treatment/punishment etc
▪ His theory met with harsh criticism from colleagues.
▪ the harsh measures taken against the protesters
▪ But capital punishment is not for me in that category: it is not self-evidently harmful, not self-evidently unjust.
▪ The participating States reconfirm their commitments in the Copenhagen and Moscow Documents concerning the question of capital punishment.
▪ Late in life she campaigned against capital punishment, in alliance with William Allen of Guy's Hospital.
▪ Federal appeals judge Alex Kozinski, a Ronald Reagan appointee, recently attacked the legal machinery of capital punishment.
▪ It called for a free vote on marijuana, and also for possible referendums on abortion and the restoration of capital punishment.
▪ You got an answer for this, or are you busy preparing your next rally against capital punishment?
▪ Beccaria's reputation for humanity comes from the famous sections that oppose the use of torture and of capital punishment.
▪ He seems to become especially intense when questioning turns to the issue of capital punishment.
▪ I there soon experienced my first dealings with corporal punishment.
▪ Moderate Assembly Republicans broke ranks with conservative members to defeat a GOP-sponsored bill that would have returned corporal punishment to the classroom.
▪ For campaigners for the abolition of corporal punishment this will have been a setback.
▪ Cases of corporal punishment shall be reported by each teacher on the dates of their occurrence in writing..
▪ She said inspectors should advise schools using corporal punishment that it was outmoded.
▪ So I became the sole target of corporal punishment.
▪ She waited with her buttocks bared like a naughty girl, while he selected an instrument of corporal punishment.
▪ It was not thought that there was much demand for corporal punishment.
▪ A huge, cruel, unjustified punishment far in excess of Digby's crime.
▪ Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
▪ Chapel and Sunday-school were to me cruel ceremonious punishments for the freedom of Monday to Saturday ....
▪ The law and order lobby, in contrast, focuses on deterring the offender with ever harsher punishments.
▪ Rodman was disciplined for that incident too, which is why Stern nailed him with so harsh a punishment this time.
▪ Instead he was given 11 1 / 2 years -- an extremely harsh punishment for a relatively small, first-time offense.
▪ On the other side, the authorities handed out harsh punishments to anyone even suspected of those acts.
▪ This would be harsh punishment, but fitting.
▪ They criticized the president for punishing both the innocent and the guilty and for exacting such harsh punishment.
▪ Negative reinforcement does not necessarily mean the threat of physical punishment.
▪ The threat of physical punishment or death was ever present, and it was invoked without hesitation against the recalcitrant and disrespectful.
▪ Over-anxious parents; stressed partners. Physical punishment at home and/or school.
▪ Short prison sentences or a light physical punishment are the norm in most criminal cases.
▪ Make your requirements on such things as physical punishment, sweet eating and so on clear from the outset.
▪ To sum up: The background to physical punishment is what is all-important.
▪ Most physical punishments used by parents are not intended to be, or experienced as, particularly painful.
▪ She has demonstrated a wellknown fact about physical punishment - it can lead to avoidance.
▪ After childhood there is often nothing left but increasingly severe punishment.
▪ It is clear that younger children believe in the need for severe punishment.
▪ The Brit athletics superstar found Olympic gold in the heptathlon after two days of severe punishment.
▪ Charles resolved upon a severe punishment.
▪ Not all disciplinary abuses in the home are the severe deprivations or punishments that deform the lives of some children.
▪ Amal's brother, fearful of severe punishment for using drugs, did not step forward to clear his sister's name.
▪ Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
▪ On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to abolish capital punishment Ministers were divided.
▪ In 1965, Britain abolished capital punishment.
▪ Major Burrows had dealt with the matter so effectively the father did not need to administer any further punishment.
▪ She can avoid punishment by appropriate actions.
▪ Most homicides were unplanned, and few brought any benefit to the offender even if he avoided punishment.
▪ The data showed that information specialists' actions were often impelled not simply by material rewards or to avoid punishment.
▪ There are more effective ways of avoiding punishment.
▪ A simple way to avoid punishment is to avoid punishers.
▪ They had conveniently forgotten to tell me I had to carry out my punishment holding the glass in my left hand.
▪ Criminal cases that carry punishment of a year or less in jail are handled by the Muni Court.
▪ Sickness may be considered to be a punishment inflicted for neglect of certain taboos.
▪ Her cousins considered the worst possible punishment a day without Margarett Sargent.
▪ The child considers punishment to be the essence of justice.
▪ In civilized cultures, Vegemite is considered capital punishment.
▪ Deborah carefully considered the types of punishments to use.
▪ He felt she might be considering some special punishment for the offense of even knowing Dooley Barlowe.
▪ There is no objective formula for deciding what tariff of punishment should be attached to a particular offence.
▪ The administration is responsible for deciding the punishment.
▪ You can't be the jury, either, and decide a punishment for them.
▪ However, Wright resigned as speaker and from the House before the committee reached the stage of deciding a punishment.
▪ After ethics committee members question the two sides, they will meet privately to decide on a punishment recommendation.
▪ She bit her lip and knew that she deserved such punishment.
▪ After the shooting, they became consumed with the idea that a crime had been committed and deserved punishment.
▪ As such they don't deserve punishment, rather understanding and sympathy.
▪ I could not imagine what she had done to deserve such a punishment, but she did not look ashamed or unhappy.
▪ What had she done to deserve such punishment?
▪ Sally-Anne deserved punishment for forcing him to do that, if for nothing else.
▪ And when we fail to live up to our own high expectations, the more we feel we deserve punishment and blame.
▪ If they behave in a manner that deserves punishment, they are punished.
▪ But if the plea can be supported by a finding of guilt alone, a defendant might escape punishment altogether.
▪ Baker and Darman escaped punishment not only because their leaks seldom injured Bush but also because Bush thought he needed their services.
▪ However, at the same inquiry, trainer Gordon Richards escaped punishment.
▪ She was the only rioter found guilty, but escaped punishment by poisoning herself on the way to jail.
▪ He knew that he and Selborne, as uncapped players, would escape any such punishment.
▪ This enabled the robber to escape punishment because a second trial would have violated his constitutional rights.
▪ Weldon Flaharty, said in a recent interview that he inexplicably escaped administrative punishment, which could have shortened his career.
▪ A simple majority vote is required to impose the punishment.
▪ He or she should not receive extra punishment for not being overjoyed at being told off.
▪ Should a corporation receive less proportionate punishment for having contaminated its workers with deadly plutonium?
▪ It is often also the retaliation, not the provocation, that receives the punishment and the attention.
▪ The cornerback actually received the punishment Monday night following a shouting match with Bugel in practice that afternoon.
▪ An offender from outside the House may be summoned to the Bar of the House to receive punishment.
▪ In all eight players were recommended for punishment by the official investigation led by Judge Malik Mohammad Qayyum.
▪ The committee said it expects to recommend a punishment to the House by Friday, Jan. 17.
▪ Ed Bethune, R-Ark., will each present their recommended punishments.
▪ He was scheduled to give it to the Ethics Committee, which will recommend what punishment the speaker should receive.
▪ The ethics committee is to meet Wednesday to begin the process of recommending a punishment.
▪ The committee is widely expected to recommend punishments light enough to let Gingrich retain the speakership he narrowly won on Tuesday.
▪ Under the old schedule, the committee said it expected to recommend a punishment to the House by next Friday.
a glutton for punishment
▪ Being a glutton for punishment, a few days later we rounded it off by doing the Danube Knee bend towards Budapest.
▪ Steve Jobs is obviously a glutton for punishment.
▪ Talk about a glutton for punishment.
noncustodial sentence/punishment etc
Punishments for bad behavior can range from time-outs to withdrawing privileges, such as television
▪ Corporal punishment was banned in Sweden in 1979.
▪ In cases of sheep-stealing, the usual punishment was hanging.
▪ Some people are demanding the return of capital punishment for murder.
▪ With five children in the house, the furniture has to take a lot of punishment.
▪ But some are gluttons for punishment.
▪ But the overall effect was to help the guilty escape punishment.
▪ He would silence noise by poking his head down the first step and yelling threats of appalling punishment.
▪ In the meantime, the House ethics committee will be meeting on punishment for Gingrich.
▪ Now we are overtaken by guilt, and the pain of fear and helplessness is interpreted as punishment for nameless sins.
▪ Our eagerness for capital punishment echoes the mentality of the old slave code.
▪ Retributive punishment restores the balance by cancelling out this advantage with a commensurate disadvantage.
▪ When punishment of children is necessary, it can be based on reciprocity rather than expiation.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Punishment \Pun"ish*ment\, n.

  1. The act of punishing.

  2. Any pain, suffering, or loss inflicted on a person because of a crime or offense.

    I never gave them condign punishment.

    The rewards and punishments of another life.

  3. (Law) A penalty inflicted by a court of justice on a convicted offender as a just retribution, and incidentally for the purposes of reformation and prevention.

  4. Severe, rough, or disastrous treatment. [Colloq. or Slang]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from Anglo-French punisement (late 13c.), Old French punissement, from punir (see punish). Meaning "rough handling" is from 1811.


n. 1 The act or process of punishing, imposing and/or applying a sanction. 2 A penalty to punish wrongdoing, especially for crime. 3 A suffering by pain or loss imposed as retribution 4 (context figuratively English) Any treatment or experience so harsh it feels like being punished; rough handling


n. the act of punishing [syn: penalty, penalization, penalisation]


Punishment is the authoritative imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, in response to a particular action or behaviour that is deemed unacceptable or threatening to some norm.

The unpleasant imposition may include a fine, penalty, or confinement, or be the removal or denial of something pleasant or desirable. The individual may be a person, or even an animal. The authority may be either a group or a single person, and punishment may be carried out formally under a system of law or informally in other kinds of social settings such as within a family. Negative consequences that are not authorized or that are administered without a breach of rules are not considered to be punishment as defined here. The study and practice of the punishment of crimes, particularly as it applies to imprisonment, is called penology, or, often in modern texts, corrections; in this context, the punishment process is euphemistically called "correctional process". Research into punishment often includes similar research into prevention.

Justifications for punishment include retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and incapacitation. The last could include such measures as isolation, in order to prevent the wrongdoer's having contact with potential victims, or the removal of a hand in order to make theft more difficult. Of the four justifications, only retribution is part of the definition of punishment and none of the other justifications is a guaranteed outcome, aside from obvious exceptions such as an executed man being incapacitated with regard to further crimes.

If only some of the conditions included in the definition of punishment are present, descriptions other than "punishment" may be considered more accurate. Inflicting something negative, or unpleasant, on a person or animal, without authority is considered revenge or spite rather than punishment. In addition, the word "punishment" is used as a metaphor, as when a boxer experiences "punishment" during a fight. In other situations, breaking a rule may be rewarded, and so receiving such a reward naturally does not constitute punishment. Finally the condition of breaking (or breaching) the rules must be satisfied for consequences to be considered punishment.

Punishments differ in their degree of severity, and may include sanctions such as reprimands, deprivations of privileges or liberty, fines, incarcerations, ostracism, the infliction of pain, amputation and the death penalty. Corporal punishment refers to punishments in which physical pain is intended to be inflicted upon the transgressor. Punishments may be judged as fair or unfair in terms of their degree of reciprocity and proportionality. Punishment can be an integral part of socialization, and punishing unwanted behaviour is often part of a system of pedagogy or behavioral modification which also includes rewards.

Punishment (psychology)

In operant conditioning, punishment is any change in a human or animal's surroundings that occurs after a given behavior or response which reduces the likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future. As with reinforcement, it is the behavior, not the animal, that is punished. Whether a change is or is not punishing is only known by its effect on the rate of the behavior, not by any "hostile" or aversive features of the change. For example, painful stimulation which would serve as a punisher in many cases serves to reinforce some behaviors of the masochist.

Punishment (album)

Punishment is the third studio album released by American hardcore band Endwell. Punishment was released on April 26, 2011 and is the band's second studio album release after signing with Mediaskare Records. Endwell has stated that there was a black metal influence on this album, noticeable on tracks such as "Dark Waves", "Plague Wielders", and "Fractal Gloom".

Punishment (TV series)

Punishment is an Australian television soap opera made by the Reg Grundy Organisation for the Ten Network in 1981.

Set in a fictional men's prison, the series attempted to present a male version of the successful soap Prisoner. Attempts by the show's makers to differentiate the series from Prisoner saw Punishment imbued with greater realism; however, the formula did not attract high viewing figures. Network Ten deemed the new series a failure after only three episodes had gone to air, and it was quickly removed from the schedules. The remainder of the 26 episodes produced were shown out-of-ratings later that year. Unusually for a soap opera, the series was taped using the single camera technique.

The programme was produced and directed by Alan Coleman. The regular cast featured many notable Australian actors including Brian Wenzel, Barry Crocker, Michael Preston, Ross Thompson, Anne Haddy, George Spartels, Cornelia Frances, Lisa Peers and Julie McGregor. Mel Gibson played a prisoner in the first episode. Kris McQuade played the girlfriend of Gibson's character and was phased out of the series after the first few episodes due to Gibson's departure.

Punishment (disambiguation)

Punishment is the authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant on a person or animal in response to behavior deemed wrong by an individual or group.

Punishment may also refer to:

  • Capital punishment
  • School discipline, punishment at school
  • Punishment (psychology)
  • Punishment (TV series), an Australian soap opera
  • Punishment (album), an album by American hardcore band Endwell
  • " The Punishment", a song by Tarot
  • The Punishment (film), a 1912 silent film
  • Boot Camp (film), a 2008 film also known as Punishment
  • "Punishment" (poem), a poem by the Irish poet Seamus Heaney

Usage examples of "punishment".

But the greatness of the consequent debt of punishment is in accord with the greatness of the ingratitude.

A wealthy criminal might obtain, not only the reversal of the sentence by which he was justly condemned, but might likewise inflict whatever punishment he pleased on the accuser, the witnesses, and the judge.

Notwithstanding the clearest evidence of his integrity, which was not impeached even by the voice of an accuser, Lucian was condemned, almost without a trial, to suffer a cruel and ignominious punishment.

And remember, when a magistrate has been proved to have falsely accused an innocent person, the law will mete out to the accuser the punishment he wanted to give to the accused.

I could not imagine a more afflictive punishment than for my mother to refuse to kiss me at night: the very idea was terrible.

Or can any carnal appetite so overpower your reason, or so totally lay it asleep, as to prevent your flying with affright and terror from a crime which carries such punishment always with it?

The arms, horses, and camels, with an immense treasure of gold, silver, silk, and precious stones, were all delivered to the conqueror, who, leaving only a garrison of six hundred archers, returned to Emesa, and employed some time in the distribution of rewards and punishments at the end of so memorable a war, which restored to the obedience of Rome those provinces that had renounced their allegiance since the captivity of Valerian.

I, Ragna, chieftain of the Kalimor, hereby curse him as anathema, and decree the punishment of death by fire to burn out this disease that has sprung up among us!

This would amply account for the removal of Richard Lee to Virginia, and for the ambition he seems to have been inspired with, to build and improve, without attributing to him any apprehension of probable punishment for his political course.

Even Bardel could see the boy trembling in anticipation of punishment, saw too that the outlanders had taken a liking to the slender child.

I should be more furious with her than I am, if her betrayal had not so clearly contained its own punishment.

The error of the Goths who reigned in Italy was less excusable than that of their Spanish brethren, and their punishment was still more immediate and terrible.

And if even these are not sufficient to banish the iniquity of the devil, then that affliction must be considered to be an expiatory punishment for sin, which should be borne in all meekness, as are other ills of this sort which oppress us that they may, as it were, drive us to seek God.

In consequence, the governor ordered all those whose time of being victualled had expired, to be struck off the list, and left to provide for themselves, a punishment which they richly deserved--some of them had been permitted to receive their rations for more than a year after their EIGHTEEN MONTHS had expired--the term specified by government.

With the design of restraining the progress of Christianity, he published an edict, which, though it was designed to affect only the new converts, could not be carried into strict execution, without exposing to danger and punishment the most zealous of their teachers and missionaries.