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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Draconian punishment

Draconian \Dra*co"ni*an\,

  1. Pertaining to Draco, a famous lawgiver of Athens, 621

  2. Used especially in the phrase Draconian punishment.

    Draconian code, or Draconian laws, a code of laws made by Draco. Their measures were so severe that they were said to be written in letters of blood; hence, any laws of excessive rigor.

    Draconian punishment, punishment so severe as to seem excessive for the crime being punishe

Usage examples of "draconian punishment".

The robot's master could hope that this calculated forbearance might offer a chance to avoid draconian punishment, should he or she be caught.

In addition they did something they had hitherto avoided during the entire period of their 'collaboration' with the Goms: they commanded the Goms under threat of draconian punishment to seize the fugitives and hand them over to the Bios.