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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a chess grand master (=the highest title a chess player can get)
▪ Bobby Fischer was an American chess grandmaster.
a grand climax
▪ Everyone was hoping that the peace talks would come to a grand climax.
a grand gesture (=something you do to make people notice you)
▪ Love is not about grand gestures and expensive gifts.
a grand juryAmerican English (= one that decides whether someone must be judged in a court )
▪ Their business practices are now being investigated by a grand jury.
a grand plan (=a plan that involves doing a lot of things in order to achieve something big)
▪ Marrying the countess was all part of his grand plan.
a grand scheme (=trying to achieve a lot)
▪ In the end, the government’s grand scheme came to nothing.
a grand/elaborate ceremony
▪ The inhabitants of the town organized a grand ceremony to mark the occasion.
grand finale (=very impressive end to a show)
▪ The fireworks were the grand finale of the ceremonies.
grand finale
grand jury
grand larceny
grand mal
grand marshal
▪ Heston has been named grand marshal of the parade.
grand master
grand opera
grand piano
Grand Prix
grand slam
▪ Wales won the Grand Slam.
grand tour
▪ They took us on a grand tour of their new house.
in great/grand/fine etc style
▪ Nadal won the match in fine style, not losing a single game.
on a grand scale (=very large and impressive)
▪ The Romans built on a grand scale.
▪ The scenery was full and free, though not as grand as the west coast.
▪ The knobby jagged clay cliff became as grand and exotic as the Grand Canyon to them.
▪ Robinson's rusticated gate piers are as grand as anything in York, from where he obviously employed his stonemason.
▪ The principals are shown not as grand legends but as fallible, unpredictable human beings.
▪ The room was not as grand as the corridor had led them to expect, but it was of reasonable size.
▪ He snatches the issue from politicians and makes it as grand and simple as a silver screen story.
▪ Their accomplishments were almost as grand as their ambitions.
▪ It's home, and the film centre and restaurant are his rather grand way of putting down some roots.
▪ The meals were also rather grand.
▪ A rather grand certificate marking the successful completion of all the tasks also adds to the attraction.
▪ Veronica's father was Lord Somebody-or-other, she reminded herself, and didn't the aristocracy go in for rather grand affairs?
▪ But that sounds rather grand, and the reality is rather different.
▪ It would be rather grand to rid the world of a dictator.
▪ I think it is rather grand.
▪ But his palace, which had been built in the 1820s, was rather grand.
▪ No one is so grand or important that concern for cleaning standards is beneath him.
▪ To Lyell, the twin cataracts were even more beautiful than he had expected, though not so grand.
▪ Yet these will hardly bear the weight of a theory so grand as the fusion of legacy and trust.
▪ But do all visions have to be so grand?
▪ The building in front of him was so gracious, so unbelievably big, so grand, so beautiful whether by night or day.
▪ Hardly anything so grand as horology I expect you're thinking.
▪ He was more like a cardinal or a bishop, he was so grand.
▪ It's Raymond's annual regimental luncheon - so grand, my dear!
▪ First-class is far too grand for us.
▪ Are my plans too grand? l wonder that as well.
▪ There was no sound at all and the luxury seemed too grand for him.
▪ No, that's too grand, too considered a process.
▪ Grand but not too grand, and wearing all its medals and trophies to the fore.
▪ She's beginning to think herself far too grand for us.
▪ I am a romantic turned social-realist, she thought. Too grand.
▪ I told you she'd sent me some cast-offs and they're much too grand for me to wear.
▪ The house was very grand, in fact it was two houses.
▪ Mark had always had very grand, expensive tastes.
▪ Externally it is very grand, its grandness enhanced by the off-setting of its constituent blocks.
▪ The room was very grand and Mark longed for modesty.
▪ They were thirteen or at the most fourteen years old, but to me they were very grand grown-ups.
▪ This gives the impression that it is very grand.
▪ I went to the congress banquet last night - very grand.
▪ What it was not, however, was either very large or very grand.
▪ Type 1 here represents a democratic system in which party competition is minimal, and grand coalition government is the norm.
▪ Puisieulx Puisieulx is the smallest of the grand cru villages and certainly does not merit its exalted status.
▪ Louvois Strictly speaking, Louvois should not be considered a grand cru village.
▪ This allows a premier cru to stand out and get appropriate recognition even if it should be considered a grand cru.
▪ Although it holds grand cru status Beaumont-sur-Vesle can in no way be described as a great growth.
▪ The event was an unprecedented one: Champagne's grand cru villages remained at twelve for almost forty years.
▪ Interestingly, only part of Chouilly and Tours-sur-Marne can claim the grand cru classification.
▪ We had this debate all the time amongst us - who was the actual person behind the grand design?
▪ Such grand designs are usually ignored.
▪ But grand designs did not necessarily produce great architecture.
▪ Indeed some of the grandest designs were based on the weakest economic need.
▪ The pace and enthusiasm flagged considerably when attention had to switch from abstract or grand designs to the nitty-gritty of practical details.
▪ For the direct benefit of pupils it will be individual partners who will matter more than a grand design of co-operation.
▪ At best, they put in a decent effort in executing the entrepreneurial hero's grand design.
▪ Dry ice was also pumped into the room as a grand finale.
▪ And mine came as a grand finale at the firm.
▪ Among the entertainments on offer are amusements, a band parade, stalls, sports and a grand finale fireworks display.
▪ Maybe Carolyn says that this was merely the grand finale.
▪ Squibbing displays provide a grand finale.
▪ It is usually reserved for the grand finale, after the singing and preaching have induced a receptive mood.
▪ She wouldn't be required until the grand finale in the late afternoon, and for that she gave thanks.
▪ The grand finale is a celebration.
▪ Many felt that a grand gesture of statesmanship was required in relation to Northern Ireland.
▪ What a grand gesture for a small cause, I thought.
▪ But if Jacquet de la Guerre was a mistress of the grand gesture, Campra's forte was delicate understatement.
▪ Make the big move, make the grand gesture, do something outrageous.
▪ Grand aims, he wrote, but no grand gestures.
▪ The parties, at the moment, are too intransigent for the grand gesture.
▪ Fernando pointed out the sheltered Formentor beach and the flowered terraces of the grand Hotel Formentor.
▪ Though Manhattan sports any number of bars capable of making a great drink, the grand hotel bar is a rare breed.
▪ It had the proportions of a very large grand hotel such as the Plaza-very bulky and very low.
▪ Martinis and grand hotels go hand in hand.
▪ It was a big, grand house, called New Place, right in the middle of Stratford.
▪ In the grand house, Charles is talking through the background, development and design of the Aero 8.
▪ She liked the title; she felt grand in a grand house.
▪ The next thing I do remember is waking up in a very grand house a few streets away from where the robbery took place.
▪ Niches, such as you see in grander houses, are available in fibrous plaster, ready moulded in one piece.
▪ Hatfield also declined to release the identities of the grand jurors.
▪ Holmes wants Lenhart to reveal the names of grand jurors who contacted her about a controversial Bellaire police slaying.
▪ The effort to identify the grand juror is continuing, Durfee said.
▪ Holmes had subpoenaed Lenhart after she quoted two grand jurors in a Sept. 29 story about a controversial police slaying.
▪ Eleven of the 12 grand jurors signed affidavits denying contact with Lenhart.
▪ A state district judge held Lenhart in contempt, when she refused to identify the grand jurors who spoke to her.
▪ That, and 18 grand jurors agreeing.
▪ The grand jurors are the only ones that know the abuses occurred.
▪ Last week, a Pima County grand jury indicted Prion, charging he killed Vicari.
▪ You folks, I dunno what you folks' ve heard about grand juries.
▪ A subsequent grand jury said there was insufficient evidence of misconduct.
▪ Being called before a grand jury does not mean a witness has done anything wrong.
▪ Appearing before a grand jury under subpoena as Bowles did does not imply guilt.
▪ Would be under indictment by every grand jury south of the Potomac.
▪ They have said they expect to bring additional charges after a federal grand jury meets next Wednesday to review the evidence.
▪ It's a Victorian mansion in the grand manner.
▪ Laura switches into her grand manner.
▪ He says they had the space so they decorated in the grand manner.
▪ Lagerfeld is a designer in the grand manner.
▪ They were also fond of aping the grand manners of servants to aristocratic households and rich farmers.
▪ The 1997 grand marshals are Rev.
▪ The Stanley Cup parade was going to last for weeks, and he would be the grand marshal.
▪ But even with 50 years' worth of advances in movie technology, the young upstart can't beat the grand master.
▪ It was the grand master of Fuckspeak, the Human Piranha.
▪ Perhaps the grand master of dysfunction was the late Francis Bacon, who made a considerable fortune out of it.
▪ Scargill dominated the hearings with his presence like some grand master of ceremonies.
▪ The senior functionary on boards was Amir Aslan Afshar, the grand master of ceremonies.
▪ He was now the grand master of ceremonies.
▪ Elizabeth is an extraordinary mixture of epic film, grand opera and grand guignol.
▪ It is a setting worthy of grand opera.
▪ A portion of the festival was devoted to grand opera.
▪ I remember the first gig I went to in Cleveland, the grand piano was two feet too short.
▪ Say they will move your grand piano any day and do it on a bicycle.
▪ We rated the Sovetskaya, the hotel with the grand pianos, which was encouraging.
▪ The essential design of a grand piano, apart from incremental technical advances, has not changed for more than a century.
▪ What business had coal-miners with grand pianos and champagne?
▪ Her house had a bathroom, and a rose garden, and a grand piano in the front room.
▪ We were entertained first by a pair of talented young men playing two grand pianos.
▪ And yet Uralmash's workers seem far from convinced by these grand plans.
▪ But the grand plan was gradually diluted by the desires of the tenants.
▪ She needed all her wits and what was left of her strength in order to follow the grand plan.
▪ Encouraged by this growing demand, the Quality Shop strategists put together the rest of their grand plan.
▪ But the grand plans of the 1970s have been abandoned.
▪ My grand plan was simple enough, and was one of the traditional ways into the professional game.
▪ I had grander plans for my future than that.
▪ Cake and white elephant stalls plus a grand prize draw.
▪ Oh, well, Democrats won the grandest prize but the Republicans raised the most cash.
▪ Not only do I never win the grand prize in these raffles.
▪ The New West up at Ina and I-10 offers a $ 3, 000 grand prize at their bash!
▪ Almost from the start therefore the railways manipulated the landscape on a grand scale.
▪ The plan reflects bold conceptual thinking on a grand scale.
▪ This is woodworking on a grand scale.
▪ Not everything is on such a grand scale.
▪ So that was it-an extended press conference on the grand scale!
▪ But if beauty on a grand scale chooses to live fully, rather than obsess about weight, whose problem is it?
▪ For Reg, bookmaking was a mere step along the road to riches and power on the grand scale.
▪ It declined by slow attrition, rather than On the grand scale of its swarming marshland relatives.
▪ The Economist offers a grander scheme.
▪ They eschewed grand schemes of schematic explanation, preferring empirical explorations of the particular, with close attention to analyzing function.
▪ The aim of this grander scheme was to enable policy-makers to combine stability in real exchange rates with steady, non-inflationary growth.
▪ In the grand scheme of life, the critical question is how do we negotiate this so that nobody is damaged.
▪ The force accepts that, in the grand scheme of things, cannabis possession is a low priority.
▪ That reality serves as a useful check whenever journalists go into a funk over our role in the grand scheme of things.
▪ He was bursting with grand schemes.
▪ There were two problems with this grand scheme.
▪ Martina Navratilova won four consecutive grand slam events, but not in the same year.
▪ Andrews, the first leg of his grand slam.
▪ Things went better for Serena Williams and grand slam-chasing Jennifer Capriati, who both breezed into the second round.
▪ June 26 Gwynn hits first inside-the- park grand slam in Padre history.
▪ Capriati played aggressively from the start of her first grand slam final.
▪ But Venus must tighten up her game quickly if she is to maintain her winning run in the grand slams.
▪ If Son has a grand strategy for extracting more value out of his ragbag of assets, it is hard to spot.
▪ The traditional ways of supporting the Three Pillars of Britain's grand strategy would need radical revision.
▪ Being beholden to anybody was not part of Dominic's grand strategy.
▪ But, first, a distinction should be drawn between national grand strategy, Defence policy and current military strategy.
▪ We had started off in grand style, rattling right round the station plaza with a great tooting of horns.
▪ Opening the evening in grand style is Norm Marini, doing his reality-twisting routines tableside.
▪ The grand style is echoed in the hotel's 108 bedrooms which are traditional but have large modern bathrooms.
▪ Each of the 96 subjects did the experiment twice, giving a grand total of 192 repetitions of the experiment.
▪ It would be boring work, and they would earn a grand total of I credit for all their pains.
▪ We are delighted and thrilled with the enthusiasm and ingenuity you have displayed while producing a grand total of over £2,500.
▪ They worked like hurricane-lamps and had cost the grand total of three dollars in Hanoi market.
▪ In 10 years with Llanelli his grand total of games was a miserly 260.
▪ He was earning $ 4. 70 an hour and taking home a grand total of $ 50 a week.
▪ A great day for the new committee, resulting in a grand total of £475.
▪ This gives a grand total of 16, 219 interconnections.
▪ Come on, Miss, the grand tour.
▪ Make a kind of grand tour on my own, take the waters and cure what ails me.
▪ The world with Palin is armchair travel on the scale of the grand tour, in the company of an agreeable guide.
▪ The market place can be confusing but Trader Horn picks his way through the mire Going for the grand tour.
▪ The rich also visited Madeira in their private yachts as part of a grand tour.
▪ Edouard, at Isobel's suggestion, took her on a grand tour.
▪ The cap, then, falls within an overall grand vision of chanciness and risk.
▪ The pride, excitement, and extraordinary accomplishments Byrd refers to came in response to what was obviously a grand vision.
▪ Rank was a businessman who pursued a grander vision than Isidore Ostrer or John Maxwell had ever done.
▪ The grand vision of the position of Canterbury was reinforced by anxieties such as these.
grand total
▪ A grand total of six people showed up for the lecture.
▪ The grand total for both meals was $6.73.
▪ A great day for the new committee, resulting in a grand total of £475.
▪ Each of the 96 subjects did the experiment twice, giving a grand total of 192 repetitions of the experiment.
▪ He was earning $ 4. 70 an hour and taking home a grand total of $ 50 a week.
▪ In 10 years with Llanelli his grand total of games was a miserly 260.
▪ It would be boring work, and they would earn a grand total of I credit for all their pains.
▪ That brings the grand total to $ 212,645.
▪ They worked like hurricane-lamps and had cost the grand total of three dollars in Hanoi market.
▪ We are delighted and thrilled with the enthusiasm and ingenuity you have displayed while producing a grand total of over £2,500.
the grand tour
▪ She was a grand lady loved by everyone.
▪ The grand finale is the Handel's "Hallelujah" chorus.
▪ the grand ideas of Gandhi
▪ the grand prize
▪ The conferences always take place in grand hotels, away from the realities of life.
▪ They always make grand promises to the biggest group of voters.
▪ A rather grand certificate marking the successful completion of all the tasks also adds to the attraction.
▪ Being called before a grand jury does not mean a witness has done anything wrong.
▪ But even the grand floor-to-ceiling gold brocade drapes can not set this head-of-U.
▪ But the grand opening in August 1990 would have been ruined had the diplomats known everything about their elegant chancery.
▪ They amounted to the grand sum of twelve pounds and ten shillings - a fortune!
▪ This is a portrayal of malevolence on a grand scale.
▪ A grand jury was convened which indicted only two men, not for lynching, but for breaking into the jail.
▪ She made 60 grand last year.
▪ On receipt of my father's letter, I got drunk and sent him a cheque for twenty grand.
▪ That you can give twenty grand to the Methodists and make all those tight-arsed matrons green?
▪ The director let me tune and regulate the piano, a beautiful old Steinway grand, in their small concert hall.
▪ Twenty-six grand was as nothing to her.
▪ You been right this far, and you need the five grand, so you're gon na be trying real hard.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Grand \Grand\ (gr[a^]nd), a. [Compar. Grander (gr[a^]nd"[~e]r); superl. Grandest.] [OE. grant, grount, OF. grant, F. grand, fr. L. grandis; perh. akin to gravis heavy, E. grave, a. Cf. Grandee.]

  1. Of large size or extent; great; extensive; hence, relatively great; greatest; chief; principal; as, a grand mountain; a grand army; a grand mistake. ``Our grand foe, Satan.''

    Making so bold . . . to unseal Their grand commission.

  2. Great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression; illustrious, dignifled, or noble (said of persons); majestic, splendid, magnificent, or sublime (said of things); as, a grand monarch; a grand lord; a grand general; a grand view; a grand conception.

    They are the highest models of expression, the unapproached masters of the grand style.
    --M. Arnold.

  3. Having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other persons or things of the same name; as, a grand lodge; a grand vizier; a grand piano, etc.

  4. Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent; -- generalIy used in composition; as, grandfather, grandson, grandchild, etc.

    What cause Mov'd our grand parents, in that happy state, Favor'd of Heaven so highly, to fall off From their Creator.

    Grand action, a pianoforte action, used in grand pianos, in which special devices are employed to obtain perfect action of the hammer in striking and leaving the string.

    Grand Army of the Republic, an organized voluntary association of men who served in the Union army or navy during the civil war in the United States. The order has chapters, called Posts, throughout the country.

    Grand paunch, a glutton or gourmand. [Obs.]

    Grand pensionary. See under Pensionary.

    Grand piano (Mus.), a large piano, usually harp-shaped, in which the wires or strings are generally triplicated, increasing the power, and all the mechanism is introduced in the most effective manner, regardless of the size of the instrument.

    Grand relief (Sculp.), alto relievo.

    Grand Seignior. See under Seignior.

    Grand stand, the principal stand, or erection for spectators, at a, race course, etc.

    Grand vicar (Eccl.), a principal vicar; an ecclesiastical delegate in France.

    Grand vizier. See under Vizier.

    Syn: Magnificent; sublime; majestic; dignified; elevated; stately; august; pompous; lofty; eralted; noble.

    Usage: Grand, Magnificent, Sublime. Grand, in reference to objects of taste, is applied to that which expands the mind by a sense of vastness and majesty; magnificent is applied to anything which is imposing from its splendor; sublime describes that which is awful and elevating. A cataract is grand; a rich and varied landscape is magnificent; an overhanging precipice is sublime. ``Grandeur admits of degrees and modifications; but magnificence is that which has already reached the highest degree of superiority naturally belonging to the object in question.''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., grant "large, big" (early 12c. in surnames), from Anglo-French graunt and directly from Old French grant, grand (10c.) "large, tall; grown-up; great, powerful, important; strict, severe; extensive; numerous," from Latin grandis "big, great; full, abundant," also "full-grown;" figuratively "strong, powerful, weighty, severe" (perhaps cognate with Greek brenthyomai "to swagger, be haughty"). It supplanted magnus in Romanic languages; in English with a special sense of "imposing." The connotations of "noble, sublime, lofty, dignified," etc., were in Latin. As a general term of admiration, "magnificent, splendid," from 1816. Related: Grander; grandest.\n

\nThe use of grand- in compounds, with the sense of "a generation older than, or younger than," is first attested c.1200, in Anglo-French graund dame "grandmother." Latin and Greek had similar usages.\n

\nGrand jury is late 15c. Grand piano from 1797. The grand tour of the principal sites of continental Europe, as part of a gentleman's education, is attested by that name from 1660s. The Grand Canyon was so called 1871 by Maj. John Wesley Powell, scientific adventurer, who explored it; earlier it had been known as Big Canyon.


"thousand dollars," 1915, American English underworld slang, from grand (adj.).


a. 1 Of large size or extent; great; extensive; hence, relatively great; greatest; chief; principal. 2 Great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression; illustrious, dignified, or noble (said of persons); majestic, splendid, magnificent, or sublime (said of things). 3 Having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other persons or things of the same name. 4 Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent -- generally used in composition; as, grandfather, grandson, grandchild, etc. 5 (context Ireland Northern England English) fine; lovely n. 1 A thousand of some unit of currency, such as dollars or pounds. (qualifier: Compare ''G''.) 2 (context musical instruments English) A grand piano

  1. adj. impressive in scale; "an expansive lifestyle"; "in the grand manner" [syn: expansive]

  2. of or befitting a lord; "heir to a lordly fortune"; "of august lineage" [syn: august, lordly]

  3. impressive in size or scope; "heroic undertakings" [syn: heroic]

  1. n. the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100 [syn: thousand, one thousand, 1000, M, K, chiliad, G, thou, yard]

  2. a piano with the strings on a harp-shaped frame; usually supported by 3 legs [syn: grand piano]

Grand -- U.S. County in Utah
Population (2000): 8485
Housing Units (2000): 4062
Land area (2000): 3681.560109 sq. miles (9535.196504 sq. km)
Water area (2000): 12.515689 sq. miles (32.415485 sq. km)
Total area (2000): 3694.075798 sq. miles (9567.611989 sq. km)
Located within: Utah (UT), FIPS 49
Location: 38.823392 N, 109.472540 W
Grand, UT
Grand County
Grand County, UT
Grand -- U.S. County in Colorado
Population (2000): 12442
Housing Units (2000): 10894
Land area (2000): 1846.674737 sq. miles (4782.865409 sq. km)
Water area (2000): 22.930219 sq. miles (59.388993 sq. km)
Total area (2000): 1869.604956 sq. miles (4842.254402 sq. km)
Located within: Colorado (CO), FIPS 08
Location: 40.087637 N, 106.070981 W
Grand, CO
Grand County
Grand County, CO

Grand may refer to:

Grand (TV series)

Grand is a half-hour sitcom that aired on the NBC network in 1990. The series featured an ensemble cast including Pamela Reed, Bonnie Hunt, Michael McKean, John Randolph, Andrew Lauer, John Neville, Joel Murray and Sara Rue. It was created by Michael Leeson, executive produced by Leeson, Marcy Carsey and Tom Werner. Grand ran for 25 episodes, from January 18 to December 27, 1990.

Grand (Erin McKeown album)

Grand is the third album by Erin McKeown. Released in 2003, it was her first album for Nettwerk Records.

Grand (Matt and Kim album)

Grand is the second album release from the band Matt & Kim, recorded entirely in the Vermont home where Matt grew up. It was released on January 20, 2009 on Fader. The album was named after Grand Street where the duo live.

Grand (surname)


  • Cedric Grand (born 1976), Swiss bobsledder
  • Gil Grand (born 1968), Canadian country music singer
  • Jean-Pierre Grand (born 1950), French politician
  • Pascale Grand (born 1967), Canadian racewalker
  • Sarah Grand (1854-1943), British feminist writer
  • Simon Grand (born 1984), English footballer
  • Steve Grand (roboticist) (born 1958), English computer scientist
  • Steve Grand (born 1990), American singer-songwriter

Usage examples of "grand".

Grand Ballroom of the Old Royal Maison New Orleans, Channel Fourteen brings you coverage of the final, formal, farewell banquet of the American Tonsil, Adenoid and Vas Deferens Society.

Je ne sais quel lien de parente unit le grand saint Adjutor et la belle Diana.

Nil admirari is very well for a North American Indian and his degenerate successor, who has grown too grand to admire anything but himself, and takes a cynical pride in his stolid indifference to everything worth reverencing or honoring.

The sign advertised the grand opening, phone and location of the store and kept roaming through the neighborhood for four days.

Thus it was foreshadowed that the law of the land and the due process of law clauses, which were originally inserted in our constitutions to consecrate a specific mode of trial in criminal cases, to wit, the grand jury, petit jury process of the common law, would be transformed into a general restraint upon substantive legislation capable of affecting property rights detrimentally.

I began by showing him that Leticia Nazareno owed us for an amount of taffeta twice the nautical distance to Santa Maria del Altar, that is, one hundred ninety leagues, and he said aha as if to himself, and I ended up by showing him that the total debt with the special discount for your excellency was equal to six times the grand prize in the lottery for ten years, and he said aha again and only then did he look at me directly without his glasses and I could see that his eyes were timid and indulgent, and only then did he tell me with a strange voice of harmony that our reasons were clear and just, to each his own, he said, have them send the bill to the government.

Alaskan moose, we discovered, are a subspecies of Alces alces, so classified because of their grander size.

Grand Alchemist upon her breast, the highest office a temple guardian could reach - but only a handful did.

Grand Alchemist has come to claim her, which is a great honor for the temple.

Followers of the Grand Alchemist had no temple, though all were open to them.

He combines ecclesiastical with secular functions, being apostolic administrator and bishop of Hermopolis, and at the same time Grand Almoner of the household and superintendent of the third Salle of the casino.

Michael noted, as he turned to the Grand Dame Alpha with his hands loose and open.

And to keep safe the werewolf clans of Crimson City, the Grand Dame Alpha would do anything.

Grand Dame Alpha, Michael highly doubted the accuracy of that last barb.

Did the Grand Dame Alpha contact the vampires or police about the murder?