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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
grand opera
▪ A portion of the festival was devoted to grand opera.
▪ Elizabeth is an extraordinary mixture of epic film, grand opera and grand guignol.
▪ It is a setting worthy of grand opera.
grand opera

n. opera in which all the text is sung

Grand opera

Grand opera is a genre of 19th-century opera generally in four or five acts, characterized by large-scale casts and orchestras, and (in their original productions) lavish and spectacular design and stage effects, normally with plots based on or around dramatic historic events. The term is particularly applied (sometimes specifically using in its French language equivalent grand opéra, ) to certain productions of the Paris Opéra from the late 1820s to around 1850; 'grand opéra' has sometimes been used to denote the Paris Opéra itself.

The term 'grand opera' is also used in a broader application in respect of contemporary or later works of similar monumental proportions from France, Germany, Italy and other countries.

It may also be used colloquially in an imprecise sense to refer to 'serious opera without spoken dialogue'.

Usage examples of "grand opera".

I have promised to escort to the Academie a Greek princess of my acquaintance who has never seen your grand opera, and who relies on me to conduct her thither.

Peter's, and the Grand Opera-house is in the highest style of the art.

George, dressing for the same evening's entertainmenthe had also been snagged as an acceptable young male escort for the party of mothers and aunts attending the theaterwas glad enough to hear he wouldn't be seeing a revival of Darwinian grand opera.

What we in the audience were privileged to hear that day was a transcendent performance of Grand Opera!

Mark always noticed how much taunting glass there was in the building and the glass porch flaunted by the Grand Opera House next door and the glass in the new city centre.