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grand scheme of things

n. (alternative form of grand scheme English)

Usage examples of "grand scheme of things".

On some level, it sensed that it was supposed to figure into the grand scheme of things.

And aside from problems of a localized sort, there were, to hear Cabell and Nichols tell it, problems in the grand scheme of things as well.

We are both desperately important to our children and absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

In the grand scheme of things, though, Thatcher's quest held far greater significance for the Star Kingdom as a whole.

But we do not presume to award it a place in the grand scheme of things.

Every time he felt underappreciated or insignificant in the grand scheme of things, Hekis Durumm Perdo Kolokk Baldikarr Thun indulged him-self by adding another mythical title to his name so that when he signed documents with a flourish, the signa-ture looked more and more impressive.

The other is that individuals should not be forced to do anything--even to follow their roles in the grand scheme of things.

Troi had no idea what that meant in the grand scheme of things, but that was Elias’.

It was as if he knew that he had an important part to play in the grand scheme of things, and he was serenely and securely accepting of that role.

Deposed leaders do not rank particularly high in the grand scheme of things.