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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
grand master
▪ But even with 50 years' worth of advances in movie technology, the young upstart can't beat the grand master.
▪ He was now the grand master of ceremonies.
▪ It was the grand master of Fuckspeak, the Human Piranha.
▪ Perhaps the grand master of dysfunction was the late Francis Bacon, who made a considerable fortune out of it.
▪ Scargill dominated the hearings with his presence like some grand master of ceremonies.
▪ The senior functionary on boards was Amir Aslan Afshar, the grand master of ceremonies.
Grand Master (order)

Grand Master (; ) is a title of the supreme head of various orders, including chivalric orders such as military orders and dynastic orders of knighthood.

In the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Grand Master is styled "Sovereign", e.g. Sovereign Grand Master, due to its status as an internationally independent sovereign entity.

As most present-day orders are essentially honorary distinctions - as some always were, e.g. the Order of the Golden Fleece - so are its dignities, which may be held by right of birth or another rank. Thus, a sovereign monarch often holds the title of Grand Master of the highest honorary dynastic orders of knighthood, or by custom awards it to a Prince of the royal family, regularly the heir to the throne, who in other orders may hold another high rank/title.

The title also occurs in modern civil fraternal orders such as the Freemasons, the Odd Fellows, and various other fraternities. Additionally, numerous modern self-styled orders attempt to imitate habits of the former bodies.

Grand Master (Masonic)

A Grand Master is a title of honour as well as an office in Freemasonry, given to a freemason elected to oversee a Masonic jurisdiction, derived from the office of Grand Masters in chivalric orders. He presides over a Grand Lodge, and has certain rights in the constituent Lodges that form his jurisdiction. In most, but not all cases, the Grand Master is styled "Most Worshipful Grand Master." One example of a differing title exists in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, where the Grand Master is titled "Right Worshipful".