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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
freedom of religion/worship (=the right to hold/practise any religious belief)
▪ Liberal newspapers made an effort to secure religious toleration and freedom of worship.
organized religion (=a religion that has lasted for a long time with leaders and many followers)
professor of Chinese/economics/religion etc
▪ She’s been named the professor of English.
▪ Though belonging to different religions and coming from differing backgrounds, an affinity grew and developed.
▪ These are not wars of religion but conflicts between communities which have different religions; no side tries to convert the other.
▪ Thus detailed comparative analysis of different religions is possible.
▪ I attend the International Church of Lucerne which has people from all the different religions in its congregation.
▪ It is interesting to compare the reactions of people from different religions to this statement.
▪ Respect and friendly relations amongst the faithful of different world religions is essential for true peace.
▪ By affirming these non-contradictory emphases, members of different religions can move closer together without fearing loss of integrity.
▪ For years the headscarf was frowned upon and sometimes banned on the ground that it encouraged dissent among children of different religions.
▪ Varo collected pre-Columbian art, studied eastern religions and was fascinated by the occult and alchemy, in particular.
▪ That a symbol of Eastern religion sits prominently in the room is no accident.
▪ The Eastern philosophies and religions have little to offer in improving the lot of mankind.
▪ Science had always been and continued to remain the handmaiden of the great Eastern religions.
▪ Does this not constitute a radically different form of theism from that practised by the Near Eastern religions?
▪ This is the question that the Near Eastern religions in particular have to address, and that they often fail to answer.
▪ It is the Eastern religions repackaged and made presentable for consumption by Western minds.
▪ It was in this harsh and inhospitable land that one of the great religions of mankind originated.
▪ Every great religion originally appeared as a response among people desperate for comfort and solace during troubling times.
▪ Furthermore, all the great world religions pronounce it false.
▪ Science had always been and continued to remain the handmaiden of the great Eastern religions.
▪ Since then, we have become starkly aware of fundamentalism in: all the great religions of the world.
▪ In the archipelago, the great religions had curious adventures.
▪ The world's great religions are even more notorious for simultaneously looking in different directions.
▪ Interspersed in Kant's constructive argument on behalf of his version of natural religion are polemical thrusts against positive religion.
▪ C.-Neo-Confucianism does not reflect natural religion.
▪ Was it really Guru Nanak's intention to found a new religion, or even a new religious community?
▪ At this fundamental level of resource there can not be any easy interchange without changing an old or creating a new religion.
▪ It is easy to see why a new religion has grown about them.
▪ The new religion considered the body, and its animal desires, as the enemy of true reason.
▪ If the new religion forced too difficult and direct a choice, it could have had a sticky launch.
▪ The modern attempt to secularize civilizations is really an attempt to substitute new religions for old.
▪ Rahma in exchange for freedom is the social contract that the new religion proposed to the citizens of Mecca.
▪ The Olympians replaced the older religion through conquest.
▪ But they were also to swear to root out every remnant of the old religion.
▪ They give point to the cries of the preachers for repentance, conversion, and return to the old religion.
▪ The old religions under which people lived for ninety-nine point nine percent of human history have decayed or are irrelevant.
▪ At the same time, however, it could not simply banish the old religion.
▪ Lastly, a station resembles the old religions rather than the new religions in this point, that people go to it.
▪ Full of the old religion still, people say - not a place to go after dark.
▪ We shall never be able to look at either our own or other people's religions in quite the same way again.
▪ My response was to make one condition of my own - that the anthology should include prayers from other religions.
▪ But like other religions, Leavism offered the sweet joys of antagonism.
▪ In other religions, however, the forces of order are more devious and underhand.
▪ Among other forms of religion that flourished in the Roman empire was Mithraism.
▪ Under Communist rule, as with other religions, services were permitted but no cultural or educational activities.
▪ Christians usually think that they have nothing to learn from other religions, but that is because we confuse beliefs and practices.
▪ Fortunately, there is a more tolerant attitude towards other religions in most parts of the world today.
▪ At very best, any particular religion can be normative or valid only for those who happen to subscribe to it.
▪ It matters little what value that particular philosophy or religion attaches to the use of the word, phrase or prayer.
▪ No particular religion can ever embody the perfection of Religion or lay claim to a monopoly of Truth.
▪ No particular religion, and all of them at the same time.
▪ But as particular truths do not embody the fullness of Truth so particular religions do not embody the fullness of Religion.
▪ Such clothing also gives the impression, particularly to less mature students, that the school supports the particular religion.
▪ There seems indeed to be an unacknowledged weighting in the direction of a particular religion.
▪ The rebels in the current offensive say they represent democracy, not a particular religion.
▪ Yet it is easier to sense the swing of history against traditional religion than to measure it.
▪ They have cut the nerve of traditional religion, which is often tied to specific geographical locations and cultural patterns.
▪ The bold canvas on which they worked was, as I have suggested already, a deliberate affront to traditional religion.
▪ If ever there was a flight from the true religion, this was it.
▪ It is true that religion has been closely identified with our history and government....
True education does not consist in being taught just anything, any more than true religion consists in believing just anything.
▪ Being unpleasant to the priests of its state religion will serve us no good purpose.
▪ Manicheism became the state religion of the Uyghurs around 762, the only state in which this religion achieved such status.
▪ Religion: No state religion, but traces of Buddhist Lamaism and Shamanism still survive.
▪ From that state religion, it plundered certain accoutrements as well.
▪ It is probably one of the cruellest ironies in the evolution and development of any major world religion.
▪ This chapter gives some idea of the scope possible for a world religions course which is open, affirming and critical.
▪ Furthermore, all the great world religions pronounce it false.
▪ Key to the work on markets are considerations of change in the world religions and in painting.
▪ But in general the world religions kept to themselves, separated by linguistic, cultural and geographical barriers that seemed insuperable.
▪ Respect and friendly relations amongst the faithful of different world religions is essential for true peace.
▪ Bahá'ís do not disbelieve in any previous founders of world religions.
▪ And would politics based on religion have disappeared in Glasgow if not for the rise of the Labour Party?
▪ Projects based on religion, morals, the nature of the self and so forth can not be fully incorporated within this framework.
▪ Yes, they can, if their objections are based on either religion or conscience.
▪ His rebellion began quietly enough in a dispute over whether or not to pay taxes for established religion.
▪ On the other hand, to establish a religion that would wipe out all chance of internal troubles.
▪ Carroll did not choose to keep a low profile but spoke up on many issues, often against the officially established religion.
▪ Yet organized religion is already as remote from Alice's or Henry's life as paganism or human sacrifice.
▪ Until relatively recently, organized religion has left environmental protection to environmental activists, concerned scientists and political figures.
▪ Since then, I went on quests that had nothing to do with organized religion.
▪ No regimental control of organized religion.
▪ Patients undergoing surgery sometimes find talking to a spiritual counsellor provides psychological comfort, even if they do not usually practise a religion.
▪ He resolved to practise his religion better.
brand of humour/politics/religion etc
▪ Bush was elected on the coat-tails of Ronald Reagan, who in turn worshipped Margaret Thatcher's brand of politics and economics.
▪ I was by no means immune from this brand of humour.
▪ Presenter, Jim Bowen, puts the contestants at ease with his own brand of humour.
established church/religion
▪ Carroll did not choose to keep a low profile but spoke up on many issues, often against the officially established religion.
▪ During the plague, the rich people and most of the ministers who had remained in the established church fled from London.
▪ His rebellion began quietly enough in a dispute over whether or not to pay taxes for established religion.
▪ Naturally most of the more established churches were embarrassed and angered by the unseemly goings on.
▪ That same light revealed the corruption of the established Church.
▪ The only result of clerical opposition was that the established Church once again forfeited its chance to control developments.
▪ The representatives from seventeen national parties at the Paris conference were quite plainly non-attenders in the established church of politics.
▪ Therefore, it is certainly more comfortable to remain in the security of stable established church life.
in the name of religion/freedom/science etc
▪ He also reminded the court that such auctions were permitted by the United States constitution in the name of freedom of expression.
▪ Lord Salmon clearly felt strongly and spoke in the name of freedom and democracy.
▪ Most gruesome and horrible mutilations - and all, mind you, in the name of religion.
▪ Objections to the creation stories are made up in the name of science.
▪ They banned meat, eggs and alcohol in the name of religion.
▪ They can take the fun out of sports in the name of religion.
▪ They do so all in the name of freedom.
▪ We are seduced by what science can do in the name of freedom and civilisation.
▪ Exercise is almost like a religion to Mina.
▪ My beliefs about abortion are not influenced by religion.
▪ My parents' religion is very important to them.
▪ people of all religions
▪ She can't eat pork. It's against her religion.
▪ The Buddhist and Shinto religions coexist in Japan.
▪ the Catholic religion
▪ The Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and religion.
▪ the Muslim religion
▪ We respect all religions here.
▪ We spent hours discussing politics, religion, and poetry.
▪ Culture and religion also serve to integrate the immigrant community and to insulate it from wider society.
▪ It would be wrong to conclude from this that Gandhi is opposed to conversion from one religion to another.
▪ Scientology has fought long battles for legal acceptance as a religion and has succeeded in many countries, including the United States.
▪ The average viewer should, of course, by now be immune to the trivialisation of religion.
▪ The Cathedral of the Assumption on Red Square had been demolished along with other redundant relics of reactionary religion.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ghost dance \Ghost dance\ A religious dance of the North American Indians, participated in by both sexes, and looked upon as a rite of invocation the purpose of which is, through trance and vision, to bring the dancer into communion with the unseen world and the spirits of departed friends. The dance is the chief rite of the

Ghost-dance, or


religion, which originated about 1890 in the doctrines of the Piute Wovoka, the Indian Messiah, who taught that the time was drawing near when the whole Indian race, the dead with the living, should be reunited to live a life of millennial happiness upon a regenerated earth. The religion inculcates peace, righteousness, and work, and holds that in good time, without warlike intervention, the oppressive white rule will be removed by the higher powers. The religion spread through a majority of the western tribes of the United States, only in the case of the Sioux, owing to local causes, leading to an outbreak.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1200, "state of life bound by monastic vows," also "conduct indicating a belief in a divine power," from Anglo-French religiun (11c.), Old French religion "piety, devotion; religious community," and directly from Latin religionem (nominative religio) "respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods; conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation; fear of the gods; divine service, religious observance; a religion, a faith, a mode of worship, cult; sanctity, holiness," in Late Latin "monastic life" (5c.).\n

\nAccording to Cicero derived from relegere "go through again" (in reading or in thought), from re- "again" (see re-) + legere "read" (see lecture (n.)). However, popular etymology among the later ancients (Servius, Lactantius, Augustine) and the interpretation of many modern writers connects it with religare "to bind fast" (see rely), via notion of "place an obligation on," or "bond between humans and gods." In that case, the re- would be intensive. Another possible origin is religiens "careful," opposite of negligens. In English, meaning "particular system of faith" is recorded from c.1300; sense of "recognition of and allegiance in manner of life (perceived as justly due) to a higher, unseen power or powers" is from 1530s.\n

\nTo hold, therefore, that there is no difference in matters of religion between forms that are unlike each other, and even contrary to each other, most clearly leads in the end to the rejection of all religion in both theory and practice. And this is the same thing as atheism, however it may differ from it in name. [Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, 1885]


n. 1 The belief in and worship of a supernatural controlling power, especially a personal god or gods. 2 A particular system of faith and worship. 3 The way of life committed to by monks and nuns. 4 Any practice that someone or some group is seriously devoted to. 5 (context obsolete English) Faithfulness to a given principle; conscientiousness. (16th-17th c.)

  1. n. a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny; "he lost his faith but not his morality" [syn: faith, religious belief]

  2. institution to express belief in a divine power; "he was raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own faith contradicted him" [syn: faith]

Religion (album)

Religion is the seventh studio album by Spear of Destiny, released by Eastworld Recordings in 1997 (see 1997 in music).

Religion (disambiguation)

Religion is a cultural system concerning the cause, nature, or purpose of the universe and human life

Religion may also refer to:

  • Dīn, the religion of Islam in Arabic
  • Mythology, a body or collection of myths
  • Religion (journal), an academic journal
  • Religion (album), a 1997 album by Spear of Destiny
  • "Religious" (song), a 2009 song by R. Kelly
  • "Religion" (song), a 2015 song by Lana Del Rey
Religion (journal)

Religion is a peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of Religious Studies. It was founded in 1971, with close ties to the Religious Studies program at the University of Lancaster. That program was founded and chaired by Ninian Smart, and he served as the Chairman of the first editorial board. Four companies have published the journal over the years: Oriel Press (1971–72), Routledge & Kegan Paul (1973–80), Academic Press (1981–2000), Elsevier (2001–2010), and currently Routledge.

Religion publishes academic work on all issues of Religious Studies, including the history, literature, thought, practise, material culture, and institutions of particular religious traditions from a variety of perspectives such as social scientific, humanistic, cognitive, economical, geographical, etc. (but excluding work that falls purely within the areas of theology or philosophy of religion). The journal has European and North-American editors (currently Michael Stausberg and Steven Engler) and a multi-national Editorial Board.


Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organisation that relate humanity to what an anthropologist has called "an order of existence". Different religions may or may not contain various elements, ranging from the " divine", "sacred things", " faith", a "supernatural being or supernatural beings" or "[…] some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life."

Religious practices may include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration (of God or deities), sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trances, initiations, funerary services, matrimonial services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, public service, or other aspects of human culture. Religions have sacred histories and narratives, which may be preserved in sacred scriptures, and symbols and holy places, that aim mostly to give a meaning to life. Religions may contain symbolic stories, which are sometimes said by followers to be true, that have the side purpose of explaining the origin of life, the Universe, and other things. Traditionally, faith, in addition to reason, has been considered a source of religious beliefs. There are an estimated 10,000 distinct religions worldwide. About 84% of the world's population is affiliated with one of the five largest religions, namely Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or forms of folk religion.

With the onset of the modernisation of and the scientific revolution in the western world, some aspects of religion have cumulatively been criticized. Though the religiously unaffiliated, including atheism (the rejection of belief in the existence of deities) and agnosticism (the belief that the truth of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable), have grown globally, many of the unaffiliated still have various religious beliefs. About 16% of the world's population is religiously unaffiliated.

The study of religion encompasses a wide variety of academic disciplines, including theology, comparative religion and social scientific studies. Theories of religion offer various explanations for the origins and workings of religion.

Usage examples of "religion".

Blanche was due in great measure to the sinister prophecies of the accomplice to whom she had denied the last consolations of religion.

Wherever traditional religions are united under the badge of philosophy a conservative syncretism is the result, because the allegoric method, that is, the criticism of all religion, veiled and unconscious of itself, is able to blast rocks and bridge over abysses.

Plato wrote for the Athenians, and his allegorical genius is too closely blended with the language and religion of Greece.

Platonists, and at the same time reconciled itself to the popular religion by means of allegorism, that is, it formed a new theology.

It might have been a regeneration serum, or designs for cheap alloplasty components, or even a new religion.

And a world made unsafe for mysticism and theocentric religion is a world where the only proved method of transforming personality will be less and less practiced, and where fewer and fewer people will possess any direct, experimental knowledge of reality to set up against the false doctrine of totalitarian anthropocentrism and the pernicious ideas and practices of nationalistic pseudo-mysticism.

The strangers of the West had violated the city, and bestowed the sceptre, of Constantine: their Imperial clients soon became as unpopular as themselves: the well-known vices of Isaac were rendered still more contemptible by his infirmities, and the young Alexius was hated as an apostate, who had renounced the manners and religion of his country.

The great truths of the moral law, of natural religion, and of apostolical faith, are both its boundary and its foundation.

Do not let us encumber and disfigure religion by absurdities, impossibilities, and antinomian abominations.

From the time of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram - who accused Moses and Aaron of taking too much upon themselves, because every man in the congregation was as holy as his God-selected leaders - it has been a theory, one may even say a religion, with those who have been passed over, that their sole reason for their super-session is an election as arbitrary as that by the Antinomian deity, who, out of pure wilfulness, gives opportunities to some and denies them to others.

The antinomianism of Marcion was ultimately based on the strength of his religious feeling, on his personal religion as contrasted with all statutory religion.

The bestiary had illustrated the beautiful colored windows and alluded to the tempestuous religions that reigned in the center of many a war between the mortals.

Nothing, it should seem, could weaken the force or destroy the effect of so unanswerable a justification, unless it were the injudicious conduct of the apologists themselves, who betrayed the common cause of religion, to gratify their devout hatred to the domestic enemies of the church.

Our Bisy Backson religions, sciences, and business ethics have tried their hardest to convince us that there is a Great Reward waiting for us somewhere, and that what we have to do is spend our lives working like lunatics to catch up with it.

There is no method of reasoning more common, and yet none more blameable, than, in philosophical disputes, to endeavour the refutation of any hypothesis, by a pretence of its dangerous consequences to religion and morality.