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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It was a tremendous act of strength to - refuse that and a real financial sacrifice and gamble.
▪ Providing the safety and stability that children need can mean major financial and personal sacrifices.
▪ Certainly her marriage involved financial sacrifice and for the rest of her life she was almost always short of money.
▪ So, they love to teach, and will make a financial sacrifice to do that.
▪ Many members are making financial sacrifices in order to continue their support.
▪ In that casual gesture she trampled upon an awesome human achievement and upon great sacrifices contributed by the natural world.
▪ What Ullman wants is to play every character in her imagination, at great personal sacrifice.
▪ Since the latter represents the greater sacrifice it is therefore the relevant cost if the original project is undertaken.
▪ He has a greater appreciation of sacrifice.
▪ We paid for this with great sacrifices, and we will never leave.
▪ C Troop, in effect, split that attack but did so at great sacrifice to itself.
▪ Far greater sacrifices were required from Rochester, who volunteered to take Willis in as a lodger.
▪ She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
▪ There are also stories which point back clearly to a time when there was human sacrifice.
▪ Some certainly saw her as a kind of human sacrifice, albeit a willing one.
▪ Just as humans depend on plants to live, so the Gods depend on human sacrifices for a kind of sustenance.
▪ Hale's eyes stare knowingly at the viewer, a human sacrifice to an alienated and consumerist culture.
▪ Later accounts held that the Druids made Stonehenge, where they supposedly practiced human sacrifice.
▪ He was dressed as a wizard and the whole place was full of drawings of human sacrifices and magic designs.
▪ Believing gods were pacified by human blood, they killed thousands in human sacrifice.
▪ We could ask, for example: what sort of personal sacrifices might people have to make in order to reduce pollution?
▪ What Ullman wants is to play every character in her imagination, at great personal sacrifice.
▪ Brave personal sacrifices are juxtaposed with quirky moments.
▪ Providing the safety and stability that children need can mean major financial and personal sacrifices.
▪ These three young men have demonstrated a personal commitment and sacrifice which inspired them to attempt this daunting journey with enthusiasm.
▪ I was beginning to feel like a ritual sacrifice.
▪ Studying economics was more a ritual sacrifice.
▪ The livestock being killed are a ritual sacrifice to the gods of global markets.
▪ I felt I was being dressed for ritual sacrifice and looked for bloodstains on the gloves.
▪ When it is made the object of ritual sacrifice, its extraordinary power is made part of an orderly ritual.
▪ We felt that it was a great tribute to us and all our many comrades who made the supreme sacrifice.
▪ He evidently thought his life was so valuable that some one would surely save it even at the cost of the supreme sacrifice.
▪ You made the supreme sacrifice of your life for your work last night, so don't be shy about admitting it.
▪ These were people who showed courage, faith, and were an example to all by making the supreme sacrifice.
▪ For her, the only supreme sacrifice would have been in giving up her husband.
▪ In that sense I suppose I am making the ultimate sacrifice.
▪ The ultimate sacrifice and the 100-meter backstroke.
▪ Also there, Captain Oates, the man who was to make the ultimate sacrifice in a bid to save his colleagues.
▪ This might appear to be the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the colony, but all the bees in the colony are genetically related.
▪ At the opening ceremony for a new building recently, a man made an impassioned speech about the wrongs of animal sacrifice.
▪ The Buid perform at least five different kinds of animal sacrifice, each intended for a different type of spirit.
▪ Although carefully controlled, aggression is an inescapable aspect of Buid animal sacrifice.
▪ What you're really saying is that I've no right to ask Madeleine to make sacrifices.
▪ Union leaders counter that the workers alone are being asked to make sacrifices.
▪ It is important, however, to realise that discipleship still involves this sacrifice for some.
▪ Warning colours work well with educated predators but do involve repeated sacrifices as young hunters learn their trade.
▪ Such positions usually require long periods of training which involve certain sacrifices such as loss of income.
▪ In that sense I suppose I am making the ultimate sacrifice.
▪ Water users are making sacrifices to solve their environmental problems.
▪ She was prepared to make sacrifices for it, but there seemed to be no way she could even begin.
▪ Union leaders counter that the workers alone are being asked to make sacrifices.
▪ Too often in lean times the poorest are asked to make the largest sacrifices.
▪ To prepare for the child, the family had to make sacrifices.
▪ What you're really saying is that I've no right to ask Madeleine to make sacrifices.
▪ The key is that if Sergei wants to play and is willing to make the sacrifices.
▪ The kings of Assyria were accustomed to offer foundation sacrifices of precious substances.
▪ They found him and his sons on the shore offering a sacrifice to Poseidon.
▪ So she was very happy to offer a second sacrifice.
▪ She was prepared to make sacrifices for it, but there seemed to be no way she could even begin.
▪ It was nuts-and-bolts work, with a salary next to nothing, but he was prepared to bear the sacrifices.
▪ But Hill, at least, is prepared to make sacrifices.
▪ His directors, however, were prepared for no such sacrifice ....
▪ Yeltsin took drastic steps to move his country toward a market economy, steps that required severe sacrifice for millions of people.
make the supreme sacrifice
▪ These were people who showed courage, faith, and were an example to all by making the supreme sacrifice.
▪ We felt that it was a great tribute to us and all our many comrades who made the supreme sacrifice.
▪ You made the supreme sacrifice of your life for your work last night, so don't be shy about admitting it.
offer (up) a prayer/sacrifice etc
▪ After offering a prayer, the virgin expired.
▪ Can you find somewhere to offer up a prayer? 36.
▪ Each morning the strike council opened business by some one offering a prayer.
▪ So in offering prayers for downtrodden races, I would advise you not to overlook the downtrodden tourist.
▪ They found him and his sons on the shore offering a sacrifice to Poseidon.
▪ Parenthood often calls for sacrifice.
▪ Puckett's sacrifice let Gladden score.
▪ At the opening ceremony for a new building recently, a man made an impassioned speech about the wrongs of animal sacrifice.
▪ In another, they are merely expendable sacrifices to national economic development.
▪ Just as everyone was expecting a draw, however, Yusupov made a an unexpected sacrifice of a bishop.
▪ The sight of another person's suffering and sacrifice stopped me thinking so much about my own problems.
▪ They evolved a form of worship which required neither priest, Temple nor sacrifice.
▪ This section speaks of the incompleteness of tongues, prophecy, faith, and sacrifice without love as motivation.
▪ What Ullman wants is to play every character in her imagination, at great personal sacrifice.
▪ When the death is commemorated as a sacrifice, this is by way of interpretive metaphor.
▪ They have never been prepared to sacrifice quality of children for quantity.
▪ A dear, wonderful lady who sacrificed all for her children.
▪ Fathers who wanted to become nobles sacrificed their own children at altars.
▪ The peasants sacrificed lame children in honour of the celestial blanket-holder.
▪ One hinted that the worshippers might soon begin sacrificing children.
▪ Another dream that I had several times was that I would sacrifice my life to save others.
▪ Fortunately, we are rarely called upon to sacrifice our lives literally.
▪ Banquo sacrifices his own life to save his sons.
▪ He sacrificed his whole life to it.
▪ Read in studio A coroner has paid tribute to a parachutist who sacrificed his own life to save a colleague.
▪ In Edrakonia when people believe in things they're willing to sacrifice their lives.
▪ A hundred thousand men sacrificed their lives on the Marne.
▪ By this means no party will be called upon to sacrifice any of the principles in which it believes.
▪ Politicians of every stripe have sacrificed their most sacred principles on the altar of water development.
▪ A way must be found to simplify the system without sacrificing its structure and principles.
▪ But Horsley hadn't sacrificed his humanitarian principles whilst presiding over such speedy business growth.
▪ Donald comforted himself by imagining himself an unwilling Abraham, called upon to sacrifice his sons on the altar of patriotism.
▪ Let's try again, even if it means sacrificing the kiss.-It exists, it's written down.
▪ More men would take leave if they could afford to, but taking leave usually means sacrificing income.
▪ Adopting this traditional masculine style doesn't mean having to sacrifice your femininity.
▪ He had been prepared to sacrifice anyone and anything to his ambition.
▪ Some will be prepared to sacrifice a short-term class advantage to the mandate for a long-term restoration of the national well-being.
▪ They have never been prepared to sacrifice quality of children for quantity.
▪ She is prepared to sacrifice herself again for some one else.
▪ In Edrakonia when people believe in things they're willing to sacrifice their lives.
▪ Others were willing to sacrifice a little flavor for the nutritional improvements.
▪ He is a patriot of the first order, willing to sacrifice personal justice for the red, white and blue.
▪ Tsur believes he is part of a silent but equally strong current of Golan residents willing to sacrifice for peace.
▪ Acheman is preening and unscrupulous, willing to sacrifice truth for a Pulitzer Prize.
▪ What are you willing to sacrifice to win?
Would I be willing to sacrifice family and friends for monetary gain?
▪ And willing to sacrifice for it.
make the supreme sacrifice
▪ These were people who showed courage, faith, and were an example to all by making the supreme sacrifice.
▪ We felt that it was a great tribute to us and all our many comrades who made the supreme sacrifice.
▪ You made the supreme sacrifice of your life for your work last night, so don't be shy about admitting it.
▪ He sacrificed a promising career to look after his handicapped daughter.
▪ Her letters reveal the extent to which she had sacrificed her identity.
▪ The nation is not prepared to sacrifice its independence for the sake of an alliance with a powerful neighbour.
▪ He sacrificed status to remain in Middlemarch and even so can not see her.
▪ Is he a deity bearing off animals that have been sacrificed to him?
▪ Not literally, perhaps-but he wanted to know how much I would go through for him, how much I would sacrifice.
▪ Some will be prepared to sacrifice a short-term class advantage to the mandate for a long-term restoration of the national well-being.
▪ The intense preliminary bombardment, so characteristic of Pétain, was just too prolonged and sacrificed the vital element of surprise.
▪ This is what nature does: it sacrifices elegance for reliability.
▪ Two men so different in appearance and manner, yet both prepared to sacrifice her feelings on the altar of their ambition.
▪ What we are being asked to do now is to sacrifice the development of these areas in order to protect the environment.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sacrifice \Sac"ri*fice\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sacrificed; p. pr. & vb. n. Sacrificing.] [From Sacrifice, n.: cf. F. sacrifier, L. sacrificare; sacer sacred, holy + -ficare (only in comp.) to make. See -fy.]

  1. To make an offering of; to consecrate or present to a divinity by way of expiation or propitiation, or as a token acknowledgment or thanksgiving; to immolate on the altar of God, in order to atone for sin, to procure favor, or to express thankfulness; as, to sacrifice an ox or a sheep.

    Oft sacrificing bullock, lamb, or kid.

  2. Hence, to destroy, surrender, or suffer to be lost, for the sake of obtaining something; to give up in favor of a higher or more imperative object or duty; to devote, with loss or suffering.

    Condemned to sacrifice his childish years To babbling ignorance, and to empty fears.

    The Baronet had sacrificed a large sum . . . for the sake of . . . making this boy his heir.
    --G. Eliot.

  3. To destroy; to kill.

  4. To sell at a price less than the cost or the actual value.


Sacrifice \Sac"ri*fice\ (?; 277), n. [OE. sacrifise, sacrifice, F. sacrifice, fr. L. sacrificium; sacer sacred + facere to make. See Sacred, and Fact.]

  1. The offering of anything to God, or to a god; consecratory rite.

    Great pomp, and sacrifice, and praises loud, To Dagon.

  2. Anything consecrated and offered to God, or to a divinity; an immolated victim, or an offering of any kind, laid upon an altar, or otherwise presented in the way of religious thanksgiving, atonement, or conciliation.

    Moloch, horrid king, besmeared with blood Of human sacrifice.

    My life, if thou preserv'st my life, Thy sacrifice shall be.

  3. Destruction or surrender of anything for the sake of something else; devotion of some desirable object in behalf of a higher object, or to a claim deemed more pressing; hence, also, the thing so devoted or given up; as, the sacrifice of interest to pleasure, or of pleasure to interest.

  4. A sale at a price less than the cost or the actual value.

    Burnt sacrifice. See Burnt offering, under Burnt.

    Sacrifice hit (Baseball), in batting, a hit of such a kind that the batter loses his chance of tallying, but enables one or more who are on bases to get home or gain a base.


Sacrifice \Sac"ri*fice\, v. i. To make offerings to God, or to a deity, of things consumed on the altar; to offer sacrifice.

O teacher, some great mischief hath befallen To that meek man, who well had sacrificed.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 13c., "offering of something (especially a life) to a deity as an act of propitiation or homage;" mid-14c., "that which is offered in sacrifice," from Old French sacrifise "sacrifice, offering" (12c.), from Latin sacrificium, from sacrificus "performing priestly functions or sacrifices," from sacra "sacred rites" (properly neuter plural of sacer "sacred;" see sacred) + root of facere "to do, perform" (see factitious).\n

\nLatin sacrificium is glossed in Old English by ansegdniss. Sense of "act of giving up one thing for another; something given up for the sake of another" is first recorded 1590s. Baseball sense first attested 1880.


c.1300, "to offer something (to a deity, as a sacrifice)," from sacrifice (n.). Meaning "surrender, give up, suffer to be lost" is from 1706. Related: Sacrificed; sacrificing. Agent noun forms include sacrificer, sacrificator (both 16c., the latter from Latin); and sacrificulist (17c.).


n. 1 The offering of anything to a god; consecratory rite. 2 Destruction or surrender of anything for the sake of something else; devotion of some desirable object in behalf of a higher object, or to a claim deemed more pressing. 3 Something sacrificed. 4 (context baseball English) A play in which the batter is intentionally out in order that runners can advance around the bases. 5 A loss of profit. 6 (context slang dated English) A sale at a price less than the cost or the actual value. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To offer (something) as a gift to a deity. 2 (context transitive English) To give away (something valuable) to get at least a possibility to gain something else of value (such as self-respect, trust, love, freedom, prosperity), or to avoid an even greater loss. 3 (context transitive English) To trade (a value of higher worth) for one of lesser worth in order to gain something else valued more such as an ally or business relationship or to avoid an even greater loss; to sell without profit to gain something other than money. 4 (context transitive chess English) To intentionally give up (a piece) in order to improve one’s position on the board. 5 (context transitive baseball English) To advance (a runner on base) by bat the ball so it can be caught or fielded, placing the batter out, but with insufficient time to put the runner out. 6 (context dated tradesmen's slang English) To sell at a price less than the cost or actual value. 7 To destroy; to kill.

  1. n. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc. [syn: forfeit, forfeiture]

  2. personnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective)

  3. a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value; "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice"

  4. the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity [syn: ritual killing]

  5. (sacrifice) an out that advances the base runners

  1. v. endure the loss of; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war" [syn: give]

  2. kill or destroy; "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment"; "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"

  3. sell at a loss

  4. make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals


Sacrifice is the offering of food, objects or the lives of animals to a higher purpose, in particular divine beings, as an act of propitiation or worship. While sacrifice often implies ritual killing, the term offering (Latin oblatio) can be used for bloodless sacrifices of food or artifacts. For offerings of liquids (beverages) by pouring, the term libation is used.

Sacrifice (Motörhead album)

Sacrifice is the twelfth studio album by the band Motörhead, released on 11 July 1995, on Steamhammer (a subsidiary of SPV GmbH) their first for the label. It was also the start of the distribution collaboration with CMC International in North America and certain territories.

It is the second, and last, album to feature the four-man lineup of Lemmy, Phil "Zööm" Campbell, Würzel, and Mikkey Dee, as Würzel left the band after the recording of this album.

Sacrifice (video game)

Sacrifice is a real-time strategy video game published by Interplay Entertainment in 2000 for the Windows 98 platform. Developed by Shiny Entertainment the game features elements of action and other genres. Players control wizards who fight each other with spells and summoned creatures. The game was ported to Mac OS 9.2 in 2001.

Unlike many of its contemporary real-time strategy games, Sacrifice places little emphasis on resource gathering and management. There is no system of workers; the players' wizards collect souls to summon creatures, and their mana—energy for casting spells—constantly regenerates. Players customize their attacks by choosing from spells and creatures aligned to five gods. To defeat an opponent, the player's wizard sacrifices a friendly unit at the opposing wizard's altar, thereby desecrating it and banishing the enemy wizard. Aside from a single-player campaign, Sacrifice offers a multiplayer mode, in which up to four players can play against each other over computer networks.

Sacrifice was created by a small team of developers; most of the work was done by four key personnel. The graphic engine of the game uses tesselation: thousands of polygons are used to display an object and as lesser details are needed, the number of polygons is reduced. By adjusting the required level of detail, Sacrifice can be run on various machines with the highest possible quality of graphics. Complementing the graphics of the game were the voice work of professional actors, such as Tim Curry, and the musical compositions of Kevin Manthei. Sacrifice was praised by reviewers for the novel designs of its creatures and for its humorous content. The high level of attention needed to manage its frenetic combat was mentioned as a flaw. Despite winning several awards, Sacrifice was not a commercial success, and no sequels are planned.

Sacrifice (chess)

In chess, a sacrifice is a move giving up a piece with the objective of gaining tactical or positional compensation in other forms. A sacrifice could also be a deliberate exchange of a chess piece of higher value for an opponent's piece of lower value.

Any chess piece except the king may be sacrificed. Because players usually try to hold on to their own pieces, offering a sacrifice can come as an unpleasant surprise to one's opponent, putting him off balance and causing much precious time to be wasted trying to calculate whether the sacrifice is sound or not and whether to accept it. Sacrificing one's queen (the most valuable piece), or a string of pieces, adds to the surprise, and such games can be awarded brilliancy prizes.

Sacrifice (Battlestar Galactica)

"Sacrifice" is the sixteenth episode of the second season of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica television series. It aired originally on the Sci Fi Channel on February 10, 2006.

In the episode, Dee spurns Billy Keikeya and goes on a date with Lee "Apollo" Adama at a bar. An armed group takes control of the bar, demanding the captive Cylon Sharon in return for the lives of their hostages. Lee is badly wounded when Starbuck attempts a rescue. Billy is shot and killed saving Dee just before a team of Marines raids the bar and rescues the remaining hostages.

The episode focuses on Admiral William Adama's relationship with Sharon as he weighs the gunmen's demands. It also presents the gunmen's motives and raises questions about whether there is merit to their point of view.

According to executive producer Ronald D. Moore, Billy was killed to release actor Paul Campbell to do other projects. Campbell said in an interview that it was because he was unwilling to sign a five-year contract for the series. In early drafts of the episode, Colonel Saul Tigh clashed with Adama over his handling of the crisis, but in the final version episode the two of them and President Laura Roslin all agree that they cannot bow to the demands of a group they call terrorists.

Critical reaction to "Sacrifice" was lukewarm. Moore discussed his own disappointment with several aspects of the episode in his podcast commentary on the episode.

Sacrifice (novel)

Sacrifice is the fifth book in the Legacy of the Force series. The book is written by Karen Traviss and was released on May 29, 2007.

Sacrifice (disambiguation)

A sacrifice is the practice of offering food, or the lives of animals or people to the gods, as an act of propitiation or worship.

Sacrifice may also refer to:

Sacrifice (Elton John song)

"Sacrifice" is a ballad performed by musician Elton John. The lyrics are by Bernie Taupin and the music by John. The song appears on the 1989 album Sleeping with the Past. It was first released in October 1989, then in 1990, and was the second single from the album. It achieved success, particularly in France and the UK, where it became his first solo chart-topper, spending five weeks at the top.

Sacrifice (For Love)

Sacrifice (For Love) is the second solo release of Wipers frontman Greg Sage. It was recorded and released in 1991.

(Flesh & Blood) Sacrifice

"(Flesh & Blood) Sacrifice" is a song by American hard rock band Poison. It is the fifth single and title track from their 1990 album, Flesh & Blood. The album peaked at #2 on the Billboard charts. In the liner notes of Poison's Greatest Hits: 1986-1996 Bret Michaels talks about the song: "As for the lyrics, at the time I was heavily reading horror books, especially about Dracula. The song is based on fantasy. It is about the love between a man and a woman who spend eternity together."

Sacrifice (Gary Numan album)

Sacrifice is a 1994 album by Gary Numan. Its release followed a self-acknowledged career low point, Machine + Soul (1992), and is often cited as marking the start of a critical and artistic rejuvenation for the one-time pop star. The album was released in the US in 1997 with a different cover by Joseph Michael Linsner, and a new title, Dawn, based on the comic book character of the same name, but the track listing was identical.

On Sacrifice, paraphernalia which Numan had previously, by his own admission, relied upon in a bid to make his music more 'radio-friendly', such as saxophone solos, dance rhythms and female backing vocals, were dropped in favour of a back-to-basics approach that saw him playing practically all instruments himself. The result was a dirty industrial sound with darkwave undertones; a departure from preceding albums that was seen by many critics and fans as a return to the best features of his classic early work: brooding synthesizers, distorted guitars and a highly personal lyrical perspective.

The album actually started off as a project entitled "Vicious". Various tracks were worked on with previous Machine + Soul Producer Kipper, amongst others, Numan wasn't quite happy with the direction, and it was whilst he was considering signing to another label they suggested he record vocals to a recently released soundtrack for The Radial Pair, Numan eventually never signed to the label but instead adopted these tracks along with others which eventually became "Sacrifice" after hearing Depeche Mode album Songs of Faith and Devotion and decided this was the musical direction he wanted to take. "Play Like God", and the demo "Metal Beat" were dropped from the album (the latter appeared on later re-releases in 1998 and 1999).

A number of tracks displayed an antipathy towards religion, a stance that had been noted in isolated songs from early in Numan’s career but which became more pronounced on this album and its successors, Exile (1997) and Pure (2000). The single released from the album, "A Question of Faith", appeared to cast the singer as a fallen angel ("I dare you to judge me / Now God has disowned me"), a theme that would dominate Exile, before concluding: "They kneel down / Praise God / Shout Hallelujah ... When children kill children / Don’t it make them wonder? / Don’t it make them question their faith?"; the reference "...when children kill children..." was made about the then-recent murder of James Bulger. Numan later stated that whilst Exile was a fictional story, "Sacrifice looks at my actual beliefs".

Amongst the other tracks on the album, "Magic" was inspired partly by Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings; "Bleed" and "Deadliner" reflected a fear of sleep and of nightmares becoming real, the latter song taking its inspiration from a dream that Numan once had and featuring semi-spoken verses; "You Walk in My Soul" was an ode to his future wife Gemma O’Neill; "Love and Napalm" was a guitar-driven number whose distinctive riff recalled the early days of Tubeway Army.

In a 2000 interview, Numan described his approach to the recording. Prior to Sacrifice, "I spent quite a few years just trying to write songs that would get me back on the radio". For the new album, "I just went right back to the way I was when I was a teenager, first time writing songs, with all the enthusiasm for it". The resultant music, whilst not a commercial success, garnered Numan his best notices in years and coincided with the beginnings of a critical reassessment of his career and acknowledgment of his influence on such artists as Nine Inch Nails, Foo Fighters, Marilyn Manson, The Magnetic Fields, The Prodigy and Afrika Bambaataa.

An 'Extended' version of Sacrifice, approximately half as long again as the original, was released in 1995. The same year, most of the tracks appeared on Dark Light, Numan’s live recording from the Sacrifice tour.

In 1999 the album was reissued with bonus tracks in the UK (Eagle Records) and US (Cleopatra Records). As with other reissues of albums originally released on Numa Records, the US version had a somewhat different selection of bonus tracks as well as altered artwork.

Sacrifice (bridge)

A sacrifice is a deliberate bid of a contract in duplicate bridge that is unlikely to make in the hope that the points will be less than the points likely to be gained by the opponents in making their contract. In rubber bridge, a sacrifice can be also made in an attempt to prevent the opponents scoring a game or rubber on the expectation that subsequent deals can be won to offset the loss of points. Owing to the difference in the methods of scoring, a sacrifice in rubber bridge is much less likely to be advantageous.

Sacrifice (Angel)

"Sacrifice" is episode 20 of season 4 in the television show Angel.

Sacrifice (Sylver album)

Sacrifice is Sylver's fifth studio album, released on 12 May 2009 in Belgium. The workingtitle was 'Resurrection', in the end Sylver decided to name the album 'Sacrifice'. Guitarist John Miles Jr. (son of John Miles) is also on the album cover, who joined the band a short while before.

Sacrifice (2010)

Sacrifice (2010) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), which took place on May 16, 2010 at the TNA Impact! Zone in Orlando, Florida. It is the sixth event under the Sacrifice chronology and the fifth event of the 2010 TNA PPV schedule.

Sacrifice (2010 film)

Sacrifice is a 2010 Chinese historical drama film directed by Chen Kaige, starring Ge You, Wang Xueqi, Huang Xiaoming, Fan Bingbing and Vincent Zhao. It is based on the Yuan dynasty play The Orphan of Zhao by Ji Junxiang. It was distributed in the United States by Samuel Goldwyn Films.

Sacrifice (Black Widow album)

Sacrifice is the debut album by English rock band Black Widow. It was issued in March 1970 through CBS Records and was produced by Patrick Meehan Jr. The album features the band's best known song "Come to the Sabbat" and its lyrical themes are centred on Satanism and occultism. Sacrifice reached No. 32 on the UK Albums Chart.

Sacrifice (2008)

Sacrifice (2008) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) promotion that took place on May 11, 2008 at the TNA Impact! Zone in Orlando, Florida. It was the fourth event in the Sacrifice chronology and fifth event in the 2008 TNA PPV schedule. Ten professional wrestling matches, two for championships, were featured on the card.

The main event was a Three Way match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship between then-champion Samoa Joe and challengers Kaz and Scott Steiner. The match was initially promoted as Joe's defense of his title against Kurt Angle and Steiner. However, Angle sustained an injury before the match that removed him from the bout; he was replaced with Kaz. Joe won the match, retaining the championship. The Deuces Wild Tag Team Tournament for the vacant TNA World Tag Team Championship was also held at Sacrifice. The Latin American Xchange ( Hernandez and Homicide) defeated Team 3D ( Brother Devon and Brother Ray) in the Finals to win the tournament and the championship. TNA featured two matches on the undercard: the TNA Knockouts Makeover Battle Royal for a future TNA Women's Knockout Championship match, and the debut of the TNA TerrorDome to determine who would compete in a future TNA X Division Championship match and take Angle's place in the main event. Gail Kim won the TNA Knockouts Makeover Battle Royal and Kaz won the latter.

Sacrifice is noted for the Deuces Wild Tag Team Tournament and the debut of the TerrorDome, later renamed the Steel Asylum at TNA's Bound for Glory IV PPV event on October 12, 2008. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reported 25,000 people purchased the PPV and 900 people attended. Chris Sokol of the professional wrestling section of the Canadian Online Explorer rated Sacrifice a seven out of ten, the same ranking he gave the 2007 event.

Sacrifice (2009)

Sacrifice (2009) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), which took place on May 24, 2009 at the TNA Impact! Zone in Orlando, Florida. It was the fifth event under the Sacrifice chronology. There were eight matches on the card.

The show's main event was a Four Way Ultimate Sacrifice match, which pitted TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Mick Foley, against Sting, Kurt Angle, and Jeff Jarrett with each participant wagering an important aspect of their career: Foley's title, Sting's career, Angle's leadership of the Main Event Mafia, and Jarrett's shares in the company. The match was ultimately won by Sting, who pinned Angle, thus winning leadership of the Main Event Mafia.

There were two other high-profile matches with A.J. Styles defending the TNA Legends Championship against Booker T in an "I Quit" match as well as Beer Money, Inc. winning the "Team 3D Invitational Tag Team Tournament" against The British Invasion. Other matches on the undercard included: a six-man tag team match between the team of Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, and Eric Young versus the Motor City Machineguns and Sheik Abdul Bashir, Daffney versus Taylor Wilde in a Monster's Ball match, Christopher Daniels challenging Suicide for his TNA X Division Championship, Angelina Love defending her title against Awesome Kong, and Samoa Joe versus Kevin Nash.

Sacrifice (2011 film)

Sacrifice is a 2011 American action thriller film written and directed by Damian Lee, and starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Christian Slater. It was filmed in Ottawa, Ontario.

Sacrifice (2011)

Sacrifice (2011) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) promotion, which took place on May 15, 2011 at the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida. It was the seventh Sacrifice event.

The event was notable for the return of Chyna to in-ring competition for the first time since 2002; however, it would ultimately be her last match.

Sacrifice (EP)

Sacrifice is an EP by Danzig. It was released in 1996 on Hollywood Records and reiissued in 2000 on Evilive Records/ E-Magine Records.

Sacrifice (Saxon album)

Sacrifice is the twentieth studio album by British heavy metal band Saxon. It was released on 1 March 2013 in Europe, 4 March in the United Kingdom and 26 March in the United States.

Sacrifice (The Secret Circle)

"Sacrifice" is the 18th episode of the first season of the CW television series The Secret Circle, and the series' 18th episode overall. It was aired on March 29, 2012. The episode was written by David Ehrman and it was directed by Nick Copus.

Sacrifice (band)

Sacrifice is a Canadian thrash metal band from Toronto, Ontario. The band was formed by guitarists Rob Urbinati and Joe Rico in 1983. Sacrifice played a prominent role in the 1980s underground metal scene in Toronto, and grew to release four studio albums before parting ways in 1993. After coming back together to play a reunion concert in 2006, they released their fifth studio album The Ones I Condemn on Brazilian label Marquee Records in 2009. Although the band faced numerous lineup changes, especially in their early days, founding guitarists Urbinati, Rico and bassist Scott Watts recorded every studio album and demo and drummer Gus Pynn on everything but the Apocalypse Inside demo and CD.

Sacrifice (2005)

Sacrifice (2005) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) promotion that took place on August 14, 2005 at the TNA Impact! Zone in Orlando, Florida. It was the first show of the Sacrifice series and eighth event in the 2005 TNA PPV schedule. Nine professional wrestling matches and one pre-show match were featured on the card.

The main event was a Tag Team match between the team of Jeff Jarrett and Rhino facing the team of Raven and Sabu, in which if Jarrett pinned Raven he would earn a future NWA World Heavyweight Championship match. If Raven pinned Jarrett in the contest, then Jarrett would not receive a championship match for an entire year. Jarrett and Rhino won the match, with Rhino scoring the pin. The Finals of the 2005 TNA Super X Cup Tournament took place at Sacrifice between A.J. Styles and Samoa Joe. Joe defeated Styles in the encounter, thus becoming number-one contender to the TNA X Division Championship and winning the 2005 Super X Cup trophy. Also on the card was Jerry Lynn versus Sean Waltman, which Lynn won. B.G. James was Special Guest Referee for a Tag Team match between the team of Kip James and Monty Brown and the 3Live Kru ( Konnan and Ron Killings), which the latter won. TNA also promoted an Internet Dream match for the show that involved an internet poll to decide who would face then-TNA X Division Champion Christopher Daniels. Austin Aries was the chosen opponent; Daniels defeated him at the event.

Sacrifice is remembered for the Finals of the 2005 TNA Super X Cup Tournament. Corey David Lacroix of the professional wrestling section of the Canadian Online Explorer posted a review of the gathering, stating he felt "there was not a single bad match" on the card.

Sacrifice (2012)

Sacrifice (2012) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) promotion, which took place on May 13, 2012 at the Impact Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida. It was the eighth under the Sacrifice chronology and fifth event in the 2012 TNA PPV schedule.

In the main event, Bobby Roode defeated Rob Van Dam in a Ladder match to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Other matches that preceded the final bout were Kurt Angle defeating A.J Styles, Austin Aries defeating Bully Ray, and Crimson defeating Eric Young, all in a singles match. Also, Devon defeated Robbie E and Robbie T to retain his TNA Television Championship, Gail Kim defeated Brooke Tessmacher to retain her TNA Women's Knockout Championship, and Christopher Daniels and Kazarian defeated Samoa Joe and Magnus to win the TNA World Tag Team Championship.

Sacrifice (The Following)

"Sacrifice" is the seventh episode of the second season of the psychological thriller television series The Following, which premiered on March 4, 2014, on Fox. The episode was written by Scott Reynolds and directed by Adam Davidson.

Sacrifice (Divination album)

Sacrifice is the fifth album by American composer Bill Laswell to be issued under the moniker Divination. It was released on October 13, 1998 by Meta Records.

Sacrifice (1917 film)

Sacrifice is a 1917 American drama silent film directed by Frank Reicher and written by Charles Kenyon, Beatrice DeMille and Leighton Osmun. The film stars Margaret Illington, Jack Holt, Noah Beery, Sr. and Winter Hall. The film was released on May 3, 1917, by Paramount Pictures.

Sacrifice (2016 film)

Sacrifice is a 2016 American thriller film that was written and directed by Peter A. Dowling, and it starred Radha Mitchell and Rupert Graves. It was filmed in Ireland, Shetland, Scotland, and New York City.

Sacrifice (Revenge)

"Sacrifice" is the fourteenth episode of the second season of the ABC television series Revenge and the thirty-sixth episode overall. The episode originally aired on February 17, 2013. It was directed by Stefan Schwartz and jointly written by veteran Revenge writers Mark B. Perry and Joe Fazzio.

The series revolves around Emily Thorne (portrayed by Emily VanCamp), a young woman who returns to the Hamptons after many years to exact revenge on the wealthy Grayson family, particularly matriarch Victoria Grayson ( Madeleine Stowe), who framed her father for money laundering to a group of terrorists, and ruined her childhood. In this episode, the flashforward depicting a human hand on the sunken Amanda, Jack Porter's boat is addressed, revealing the identity of the body and how it came to be deceased. The previous episode ended with Nate Ryan cutting the phone line after stowing aboard the Amanda to locate an incriminating laptop threatening his business plans. In this episode, Ryan takes the newlywed Amanda and Jack Porter ( Nick Wechsler) hostage, and Emily Thorne races to rescue them. The episode introduces Trask ( Burn Gorman) to continue the Initiative storyline following the murder of Helen Crowley ( Wendy Crewson) in the previous episode, reveals why Padma Lahari ( Dilshad Vadsaria) seems to be working for them, and continues the storyline of Conrad's gubernatorial ambitions. The episode also included the death of the faux Amanda Clarke, Emily's former cellmate, who had been portrayed by Margarita Levieva, a recurring cast member since the seventh episode of the series.

"Sacrifice" received near universal acclaim from critics, with commentators hailing the episode as a return to the suspense of the first season and giving particular praise to the end scene. Many viewers had felt disappointed by the second season, finding the storylines to be confusing and unfocused. The Nielsen ratings were the highest they had been since the twelfth episode, "Collusion", aired January 20, 2013.

Sacrifice (2014)

Sacrifice (2014) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA). It took place on April 27, 2014 at the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida. It was the ninth event under the Sacrifice chronology and the second event in the TNA 2014 pay-per-view schedule.

The theme of the PPV was that most of the matches contested under hardcore or special rules. Eight professional wrestling matches took place at the event. The event had three main events. Eric Young defeating Magnus to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, Gunner defeating James Storm in "I Quit" match and Bobby Roode defeating Bully Ray in a Tables match.

Usage examples of "sacrifice".

The philosopher, perchance, may be accounted so, but it is at the cost of too precious sacrifices at the phantom shrine of Liberty.

First, to the will of those who slew Him: and in this respect He was not a victim: for the slayers of Christ are not accounted as offering a sacrifice to God, but as guilty of a great crime: a similitude of which was borne by the wicked sacrifices of the Gentiles, in which they offered up men to idols.

His advice was to neglect no means of getting out of the difficulty, to sacrifice all my property, diamonds, and jewellery, and thus to obtain a release from my enemies.

Initially Roger had been tempted by the idea of such affluence, but after making the acquaintance of the most undesirable Miss Grimbald, he had decided marrying her would be too great a sacrifice for him to endure beyond the measure of an hour.

Moreover, the idea of the chosen bishops and deacons as the antitypes of the Priests and Levites, had been formed at an early period in connection with the idea of the new sacrifice.

But on the day that you apostatized I would no longer continue my humiliating sacrifice.

Yoshida was apotheosized soon afterward as one of the heroes of modern Japan, a perfect symbol of purity of purpose and tragic sacrifice.

The death is necessary and is called for by the horse himself, making the horse a cousin to the Deer of native American myth, and ultimately to the figure of Christ, since they all give specific shape to the archetype of the Willing Sacrifice.

Reviewers who could see no structure in the book assumed its author must have sacrificed architectonic considerations for local pleasures.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and the lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

The Author compares the arbitrary actings of the ungovernable mob to the Sultan or Grand Signior, who very seldom fails to sacrifice any of his chief commanders, called Bassas, if they prove unsuccessful in battle.

He was surprised that anything in this life could still scare him, but as he looked at this twist of wreckage and bodies, a cluttered sacrifice, he understood that he was just a common brawler, incapable of anything close to this display.

In the most unlikely event of the brothel being included in the raid Mary must be sacrificed if he was to survive.

But the offended idol remained an idol, and my expiatory sacrifices began.