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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an active imagination (=when someone is able to form pictures or ideas easily)
▪ Some of the children have an overactive imagination.
fire sb’s enthusiasm/imagination
▪ stories of magic and adventure that fire children’s imaginations wild
▪ Be creative – allow your imagination to run wild.
lively imagination (=he often invents stories, descriptions etc that are not true)
▪ Charlie has a very lively imagination .
overactive imagination
▪ Such fears are nothing more than the product of an overactive imagination.
overheated imagination
▪ her overheated imagination
stirring the imagination
▪ The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.
the popular imagination
▪ The characters in the series failed to catch the popular imagination.
▪ The camera does not seem to have made the take-over bid for his active imagination that other people record.
▪ Until now, it has been relegated to sketches by Hollywood types with active imaginations, Elliott said.
▪ They also gave her a much valued safety-valve for an almost too active imagination.
▪ Some children with this motor-planning problem may gradually give up their active, organized imagination.
▪ No, all it has taken is a nice, warm bed and an active imagination coaxing me into a deep sleep.
▪ The creative imagination reconciles inner and outer worlds in metaphorical synthesis.
▪ Those are the right touchstones: breadth of mental outlook and creative imagination.
▪ His piece here demonstrates something insufficiently noted-the way in which his creative imagination informs his acute thought.
▪ It must involve the total mobilization of the creative energies, imagination and problem-solving capacities of the entire nation.
▪ How do you utilise your creative flair and imagination?
▪ A variety of exercises that draw on the student's own experience and creative imagination.
▪ Her fertile and inventive imagination came to her aid.
▪ And like her own fertile imagination, it shelters any and all images that happen to drift into its confines.
▪ Even now no-one seems quite certain whether this was a fact, a half-fact or the product of a fertile imagination.
▪ No one ever turned up such a child, whose existence seems to have been yet another figment of fertile right-wing imaginations.
▪ Shakespeare has the most fertile imagination of all poets and is more than Homer's equal.
▪ Artisans needed more than just fertile imaginations and a soft touch with a trowel to bring their work to life.
▪ They come from Hollywood, they have fertile imaginations.
▪ He is said to have been convivial, widely knowledgeable, with a fertile imagination and a whimsical sense of humour.
▪ It's only my fevered imagination that keeps me warm.
▪ A solution presents itself: the book will not yield to the hectic temptations, the seductions of the fevered imagination.
▪ The whole idea was crazy, the result of her fevered imagination.
▪ She wanted to see if the reality matched her fevered imagination.
▪ My choice didn't show a great deal of imagination but at least Carla would know I'd tried.
▪ In dealing with the relationship between words and music the author unfailingly reveals both great experience and great imagination.
▪ Different conditions call for a great deal of imagination on the course, but there are a few basics that always apply.
▪ The potential applications seemed as boundless as the human imagination.
▪ For an age that put a high premium on human imagination, this was important.
▪ Future possibilities will in principle be limited only by human imagination.
▪ What part precisely did Leonardo play in developing the human imagination?
▪ It unfolds a theory of how human imagination works.
▪ Traditionally within the scope of human imagination only gods had wielded such mighty influence on the affairs of men.
▪ What I believe in is the power of the human imagination.
▪ This exhibits the powers of the human imagination but it is not at all easy to demonstrate in a book of this size.
▪ But with a little imagination and a flexible approach, it can be fun.
▪ They were a people of deep religious feeling, but they had little imagination.
▪ He was always down to earth and had very little imagination.
▪ Clearly, a little imagination goes a long way.
▪ Their original intentions were to break up the monotony of the London dance scene and inject a little humour and imagination.
▪ The aldermen could learn to use a little imagination and finesse.
▪ But is there any real evidence that such zodiacs are anything more than the product of an overactive imagination?
▪ Are they products of an overactive imagination, or the just aftermath of a plate full of funny mushrooms?
▪ Even the constitutional principle itself hardly captured the popular imagination.
▪ The fate of the monastic libraries serves in popular imagination as a classic example of mindless iconoclasm.
▪ These were the fighting heroes of their day, whose exploits lived long in the popular imagination.
▪ The otter has captured popular imagination ever since the classics of Henry Williamson and Gavin Maxwell.
▪ That version suits the authorities, since it plays down an event that has fired the popular imagination.
▪ It had become associated in the popular imagination with something naive, laughable or downright kinky.
▪ One project that has captured the public imagination is the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
▪ In the intervening 60 years much had changed in the public imagination.
▪ Her sociological imagination blends ideas from experience and the works of great scholars whose works can be read a hundred times.
▪ The books with the most sociological imagination are those by Addams, Etzioni, and Nisbet.
▪ In a sociological imagination for the local community, information must have no predetermined subordination to any other set of resources.
▪ What should be expanded are the principles of thought in Mills's sociological imagination for political analysis.
▪ Course Moira always has had a vivid imagination, you have to take what she says with a pinch of salt.
▪ The Yippies were armed with a vivid imagination to match their rhetoric.
▪ I know it seems vivid because my imagination fills in all the bits another person wouldn't understand.
▪ Mark deployed his vivid imagination in a wild-child narrative to create a boy who hunts deer, bears, and birds.
▪ Although he'd never been blessed with a particularly vivid imagination, Charlie saw it all in an instant.
▪ A chicken with too vivid an imagination.
▪ With her vivid imagination, Melissa could visualise the scene and it sickened her.
▪ Her vivid imagination created some one tall and slim, blonde and attractive.
▪ The notion of lasers in space has captured the imaginations of planners at the Pentagon and the White House.
▪ It was the recently completed football stadium that captured his imagination.
▪ Like Lakoff's book about women and language, it captured the imagination of feminists both inside and outside the academy.
▪ Small enterprises could capture the imaginations and mobilize the energies of young men.
▪ The exhibition reveals Andr Citro n's vivid creativity and ability to capture the public's imagination.
▪ But it was not such language that captured the imagination of the world.
▪ And it is men and women in relation to each other, and in relation to nature, that really captures the imagination of these drawing-room philosophers.
▪ More contemporary figures who captured his imagination included Gandhi and Attaturk.
▪ It catches people's imagination, and becomes, as Harry wanted, a kind of pictogram to represent the whole range.
▪ The technology has caught the imagination of many.
▪ Now genetics has become the science that catches the collective imagination as does no other.
▪ The Berlin airlift caught the imagination of the world.
▪ Microscopes caught the imagination, as well they might.
▪ Political hacking is starting to catch the imagination of the Left.
▪ At the turn of the century Paris caught people's imagination.
▪ That is one of the reasons why container gardening catches the imagination.
▪ Commercial speculation rather than the law fired his imagination.
▪ Her exceptional goodness in executing the humblest and most ordinary of tasks fired the imagination of Catholics everywhere.
▪ It could have been Hope's unknowing repudiation of the popular notion of black people which fired my imagination.
▪ The way it was taught did not exactly fire the imagination.
▪ No, the way to get at it is to work from whatever background has fired your imagination.
▪ Walt the Wonder Boy, the little lad who fired the imagination of millions.
▪ But two or three unusual features of last week's cut fired the imagination of New York's conspiracy theorists.
▪ Seeing those lofty settlements atop the sheer rocks fires the imagination.
▪ City were content to sit back on their lead, and Newcastle lacked the pace or imagination to break them down.
▪ But thus far it lacks the imagination and leadership.
▪ Her play seems to lack imagination and she is manifestly terrified of Keith.
▪ Both Wellington and Harriett lacked imagination but relied instead on keen observation.
▪ Ards lacked imagination and drive against an inexperienced Town side, and had a lucky escape in the first minute.
▪ The Richardsons weren't sophisticated, didn't leave things to imagination.
▪ The story could become popular only because the outcome was left to our imagination.
▪ Plastics - that here leave little to the imagination - were widely used in fashion.
▪ His creation left nothing to the imagination.
▪ Nothing is left to the imagination.
▪ That way, the lumps and bumps are left to the imagination.
▪ How to express approval can be left to the imagination.
▪ That way they leave things to your imagination.
▪ Yet since leaving Marcus I had let my imagination blow it all up into a Great Romance.
▪ I would imagine things outside, then I just let my imagination go.
▪ Other than that, Putnam says, cooks should just let their imagination be their guide.
▪ When Coleridge got on one and let his imagination run riot, he came up with Kubla Khan.
▪ He had let his imagination run away with him.
▪ She had to let imagination take over.
▪ Just let your imagination run and try to pick up the underlying message. 2.
▪ With Game Boys and other computers you don't need to use your imagination.
▪ It needs more than will, it needs the imagination to find a way.
▪ Even where documents are available, historians need a lot of imagination to reconstruct any kind of Carolingian site.
▪ You needed to use imagination to see through it to the ground below.
▪ It often needs the imagination and the company of children to help you to appreciate afresh the bird's dazzling beauty.
▪ Clergy and musicians need to use their imagination as well as their professional skills.
▪ There was some street detritus which required more imagination than most.
▪ Doing any better than that will require imagination, patience and constant involvement.
▪ To see it requires imagination, and yet it is not itself the product of imagination.
▪ It doesn't require much imagination to understand the pain.
▪ This requires imagination, inventiveness and aesthetic sensitivity informed by historical precedent.
▪ All this requires imagination, patience, considerable linguistic skill, but above all a rigorous respect for the facts.
▪ This style of play, though safe, leaves long putts which require imagination and a very confident touch.
▪ It can also stir the imagination for every parish Sunday and solemnity and right through Eastertide.
▪ Not much to stir the imagination here.
▪ An artificial creature made of metal discs and beads may be stretching the imagination a bit.
▪ This is not absolutely necessary but it would stretch your imagination and further clarify the entire research process from beginning to end.
▪ This game will certainly stretch the imagination of D &038; D gamers.
▪ Now, for a moment I want you to stretch your imagination to the limits.
▪ Like mathematics, it doesn't only stretch the imagination.
▪ It is not Venice but it has warmth, colour, and views such as could stretch the most infertile imagination.
▪ The people who closed down Punch. Use your imagination.
▪ This would be a well-placed lesson to her in how to use her imagination a bit more.
▪ It is certainly an approach which encourages the lawyer to use imagination in the solution of the problem.
▪ When the information was slow in coming, the announcers were forced to use their imaginations to fill in the details.
▪ This means using your imagination and buying some fairly unusual items.
▪ How can you look at a bunch of stars, so far away, and so incomprehensible, without using your imagination?
▪ Now that you feel more relaxed try an exercise using your imagination.
▪ The aldermen could learn to use a little imagination and finesse.
a fertile imagination/mind/brain
▪ Even now no-one seems quite certain whether this was a fact, a half-fact or the product of a fertile imagination.
▪ He is said to have been convivial, widely knowledgeable, with a fertile imagination and a whimsical sense of humour.
a fevered imagination/mind/brain
a figment of sb's imagination
▪ These two men actually lived; they weren't figments of some writer's imagination.
▪ But don't take my word for it; this is not a figment of the journalistic imagination.
▪ It had vanished as silently as if it had been only a figment of her imagination.
▪ Nearly three years after work had begun, the dam was still a figment of the imagination.
▪ Neither one was a figment of his imagination.
▪ The carpet is a figment of the imagination: an oriental pattern of light and shadow projected on the floor.
▪ The Ghost of Banquo is more than a figment of Macbeth's imagination: it stands in some way in relation to his conscience.
▪ The gymslip Lolita is not entirely a figment of the male imagination.
▪ The ugly rectory is a figment of my imagination, for there was never such a building on Wood Green.
a leap of (the) imagination
by any stretch (of the imagination)
▪ Raising children isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination.
▪ All good things but not wildly expensive, not by any stretch of the imagination.
▪ I am very puzzled as to how either of these two items can be cash flows by any stretch of the imagination.
▪ It could not by any stretch of the imagination be anything else.
▪ Management is typically the reason people walk out, but it is not 100 percent by any stretch of the imagination.
▪ Not that Tiptoe could be called a child, by any stretch of the imagination.
▪ That is not ` good news' by any stretch of the imagination!
▪ The program isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination.
capture sb's imagination/attention etc
catch sb's attention/interest/imagination etc
flight of fancy/imagination/fantasy
▪ A small, balding academic sort not given to flights of fancy, Kolodney wasted no words as he made his announcement.
▪ In their more extravagant flights of fancy the choice thus offered to the voter is extended to cover specific heads of policy.
▪ Many are flights of imagination and, because of the very nature of the area, subjective.
▪ Other routines are pure flights of fancy, all the more extraordinary for the very ordinary setting.
▪ Part of the achievement of the visionary comes from inspiration that arises from considering the highest flights of imagination.
▪ The legend - the romantic flight of fancy was over.
▪ There are some strange flights of fancy and there are also some extremely down to earth not to say earthy observations.
▪ This is not a flight of fancy.
vivid imagination
▪ Although he'd never been blessed with a particularly vivid imagination, Charlie saw it all in an instant.
▪ Course Moira always has had a vivid imagination, you have to take what she says with a pinch of salt.
▪ Her vivid imagination created some one tall and slim, blonde and attractive.
▪ Mark deployed his vivid imagination in a wild-child narrative to create a boy who hunts deer, bears, and birds.
▪ The Yippies were armed with a vivid imagination to match their rhetoric.
▪ With her vivid imagination, Melissa could visualise the scene and it sickened her.
▪ Debbie has a very good imagination.
▪ I don't have a photograph with me so you'll have to use your imagination.
▪ Jack's vivid imagination often gave him bad dreams.
▪ Maybe it was just my imagination, but he seemed really hostile.
▪ Reading is a good way to develop a child's imagination at an early age.
▪ Shakespeare has the most fertile imagination of all the poets.
▪ There's no-one knocking at the door - it must have been your imagination.
▪ Dressed in tweeds and constantly pipe smoking, his imagination often ran away with him.
▪ Each of these views is part of or generated a coherent system, but they are systems fed by imagination.
▪ In my imagination and nightmares I have done time in an iron lung.
▪ That this may not be the case in certain instances does not take much imagination to comprehend.
▪ The gymslip Lolita is not entirely a figment of the male imagination.
▪ These things belonged to the past moments in which he first envisioned them, images in photographs he took in his imagination.
▪ This would be a well-placed lesson to her in how to use her imagination a bit more.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Imagination \Im*ag`i*na"tion\, n. [OE. imaginacionum, F. imagination, fr. L. imaginatio. See Imagine.]

  1. The imagine-making power of the mind; the power to create or reproduce ideally an object of sense previously perceived; the power to call up mental imagines.

    Our simple apprehension of corporeal objects, if present, is sense; if absent, is imagination.

    Imagination is of three kinds: joined with belief of that which is to come; joined with memory of that which is past; and of things present, or as if they were present.

  2. The representative power; the power to reconstruct or recombine the materials furnished by direct apprehension; the complex faculty usually termed the plastic or creative power; the fancy.

    The imagination of common language -- the productive imagination of philosophers -- is nothing but the representative process plus the process to which I would give the name of the ``comparative.''
    --Sir W. Hamilton.

    The power of the mind to decompose its conceptions, and to recombine the elements of them at its pleasure, is called its faculty of imagination.
    --I. Taylor.

    The business of conception is to present us with an exact transcript of what we have felt or perceived. But we have moreover a power of modifying our conceptions, by combining the parts of different ones together, so as to form new wholes of our creation. I shall employ the word imagination to express this power.

  3. The power to recombine the materials furnished by experience or memory, for the accomplishment of an elevated purpose; the power of conceiving and expressing the ideal.

    The lunatic, the lover, and the poet Are of imagination all compact . . . The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name.

  4. A mental image formed by the action of the imagination as a faculty; a conception; a notion.

    Syn: Conception; idea; conceit; fancy; device; origination; invention; scheme; design; purpose; contrivance.

    Usage: Imagination, Fancy. These words have, to a great extent, been interchanged by our best writers, and considered as strictly synonymous. A distinction, however, is now made between them which more fully exhibits their nature. Properly speaking, they are different exercises of the same general power -- the plastic or creative faculty. Imagination consists in taking parts of our conceptions and combining them into new forms and images more select, more striking, more delightful, more terrible, etc., than those of ordinary nature. It is the higher exercise of the two. It creates by laws more closely connected with the reason; it has strong emotion as its actuating and formative cause; it aims at results of a definite and weighty character. Milton's fiery lake, the debates of his Pandemonium, the exquisite scenes of his Paradise, are all products of the imagination. Fancy moves on a lighter wing; it is governed by laws of association which are more remote, and sometimes arbitrary or capricious. Hence the term fanciful, which exhibits fancy in its wilder flights. It has for its actuating spirit feelings of a lively, gay, and versatile character; it seeks to please by unexpected combinations of thought, startling contrasts, flashes of brilliant imagery, etc. Pope's Rape of the Lock is an exhibition of fancy which has scarcely its equal in the literature of any country. -- ``This, for instance, Wordsworth did in respect of the words `imagination' and `fancy.' Before he wrote, it was, I suppose, obscurely felt by most that in `imagination' there was more of the earnest, in `fancy' of the play of the spirit; that the first was a loftier faculty and gift than the second; yet for all this words were continually, and not without loss, confounded. He first, in the preface to his Lyrical Ballads, rendered it henceforth impossible that any one, who had read and mastered what he has written on the two words, should remain unconscious any longer of the important difference between them.''

    The same power, which we should call fancy if employed on a production of a light nature, would be dignified with the title of imagination if shown on a grander scale.
    --C. J. Smith.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"faculty of the mind which forms and manipulates images," mid-14c., ymaginacion, from Old French imaginacion "concept, mental picture; hallucination," from Latin imaginationem (nominative imaginatio) "imagination, a fancy," noun of action from past participle stem of imaginari (see imagine).


n. The image-making power of the mind; the act of creating or reproducing ideally an object not previously perceived; the ability to create such images.

  1. n. the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses; "popular imagination created a world of demons"; "imagination reveals what the world could be" [syn: imaginativeness, vision]

  2. the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination" [syn: imaging, imagery, mental imagery]

  3. the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems; "a man of resource" [syn: resource, resourcefulness]

Imagination (band)

Imagination were an English three piece band, who came to prominence in the early 1980s. They had hits in 28 countries, earning four platinum discs, nine gold discs and more than a dozen silver discs around the world between 1981 and 1983.

Imagination (Brian Wilson album)

Imagination is the fourth studio album by Brian Wilson, and his second release of new original studio material. It was issued in 1998 on Giant Records and distributed by Warner Music Group. The album received moderately favorable reviews upon its release, though its commercial performance was relatively weak.

Its best-known track is " Your Imagination", a Top 20 hit on adult contemporary radio. The second single, "South American", was co-written by Jimmy Buffett. Wilson dedicated the album to his brother Carl Wilson, who died of cancer earlier in the year.

Joe Thomas worked with Wilson as the album's co-producer. Shortly after its release, Wilson filed a suit against Thomas, seeking damages and a declaration which freed him to work on his next album without involvement from Thomas. They would not work together again until many years later for the albums That's Why God Made the Radio (2012) and No Pier Pressure (2015).

Imagination (disambiguation)

Imagination is the process of producing mental images.

Imagination or Imaginations may also refer to:

Imagination (La Toya Jackson album)

Imagination is the fourth studio album by American singer La Toya Jackson, released in 1986.

Imagination (La Toya Jackson song)

"Imagination" is a song by American singer La Toya Jackson. It is taken from her fourth album, Imagination. A remixed version of the song was released as a 7" and 12" single.

Some versions of the single include a dub version or extended remix of " Private Joy", a track from her third, and more successful, album Heart Don't Lie.

The single was only released in the United States as a promo.

Imagination (1940 song)

"Imagination" is a popular song with music written by Jimmy Van Heusen and the lyrics by Johnny Burke. The song was first published in 1940. The two best-selling versions were recorded by the orchestras of Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey in 1940.

Imagination (Gladys Knight & the Pips album)

Imagination is the eleventh studio album recorded by American R&B group Gladys Knight & the Pips, released in October 1973 on the Buddah label. The album, the group's first for Buddah after leaving Motown, includes their first and only Billboard Hot 100 number-one hit " Midnight Train to Georgia", which also reached number-one on the R&B singles chart.

The album also produced other the successful singles, including " I've Got to Use My Imagination" and " Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me", with both songs peaking at number-one on the R&B singles chart and top five on the Billboard Hot 100, and the moderately successful single "Where Peaceful Waters Flow". The album was also their second studio album to make the top ten on the Billboard 200 and their second of five R&B albums chart-toppers.

Imagination (magazine)

Imagination was an American fantasy and science fiction magazine first published in October 1950 by Raymond Palmer's Clark Publishing Company. The magazine was sold almost immediately to Greenleaf Publishing Company, owned by William Hamling, who published and edited it from the third issue, February 1951, for the rest of the magazine's life. Hamling launched a sister magazine, Imaginative Tales, in 1954; both ceased publication at the end of 1958 in the aftermath of major changes in US magazine distribution due to the liquidation of American News Company.

The magazine was more successful than most of the numerous science fiction titles launched in the late 1940s and early 1950s, lasting a total of 63 issues. Despite this success, the magazine had a reputation for low-quality space opera and adventure fiction, and modern literary historians refer to it in dismissive terms. Hamling consciously adopted an editorial policy oriented toward entertainment, asserting in an early issue that "science fiction was never meant to be an educational tour de force". Few of the stories from Imagination have received recognition, but it did publish Robert Sheckley's first professional sale, "Final Examination", in the May 1952 issue, and also printed fiction by Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein and John Wyndham.

Imagination (Dick Haymes album)

Imagination is a compilation album from Dick Haymes released in 1982.

Tracks 3, 7, 21-26 with the Carmen Dragon Orchestra (recorded in LA, 1949).

Tracks 2, 4-6, 27 with Al Lerner and his Orchestra (recorded in LA 29.09, 1952).

The CD version includes 14 additional tracks.

Imagination (Bethany Dillon album)

Imagination is the second studio album released by Bethany Dillon. It was released on August 16, 2005.

Imagination (film)

Imagination is a 2007 American avant-garde animated/ live action film, and the first feature length project directed by Eric Leiser, about young twin sisters who have Asperger syndrome.

Imagination (Lisette Melendez album)

Imagination is an album by Lisette Melendez. Tracks include the singles "Time Passes By", "Make the Way", "I Like What You're Doing to Me" and "Ecstasy."

Imagination (Belouis Some song)

"Imagination" is a 1985 single by British artist Belouis Some, from his 1985 debut album Some People. Upon its first release in the UK in 1985, the song only managed to chart at #50, but a re-release proved more successful, hitting the Top 20 and peaking at #17 on the UK Singles Chart in January 1986. In the U.S., the song reached #88 on the Billboard Hot 100 in May 1985.

A music video was produced for "Imagination", and was directed by Storm Thorgerson. It caused controversy as it contained full frontal nudity.


Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the creative ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind without direct input from the senses, such as seeing or hearing. Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process. A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling ( narrative), in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to "evoke worlds".

It is accepted as the innate ability and process of inventing partial or complete personal realms within the mind from elements derived from sense perceptions of the shared world. The term is technically used in psychology for the process of reviving in the mind, percepts of objects formerly given in sense perception. Since this use of the term conflicts with that of ordinary language, some psychologists have preferred to describe this process as "imaging" or "imagery" or to speak of it as "reproductive" as opposed to "productive" or "constructive" imagination. Imagined images are seen with the " mind's eye".

Imagination can also be expressed through stories such as fairy tales or fantasies. Children often use such narratives and pretend play in order to exercise their imaginations. When children develop fantasy they play at two levels: first, they use role playing to act out what they have developed with their imagination, and at the second level they play again with their make-believe situation by acting as if what they have developed is an actual reality.

Imagination (Tamia song)

"Imagination" is a song by American recording artist Tamia, released on her self-titled debut album (1998). It was written and produced by Jermaine Dupri and protégé Manuel Seal and features additional vocals by the former. "Imagination" is a mid-tempo R&B song that contains a sample from The Jackson 5's 1969 song " I Want You Back", written and produced by Motown's The Corporation team consisting of Berry Gordy, Alphonzo Mizell, Freddie Perren, and Deke Richards.

The song was released as Tamia's solo debut single and first single from Tamia, following her appearances on mentor Quincy Jones's singles " You Put a Move on My Heart" and " Slow Jams" and " Missing You", a song she recorded with Brandy, Gladys Knight, and Chaka Khan for the soundtrack of the 1996 motion picture Set It Off, was later nominated for a Grammy Award. While not as commercially successful as the latter, it reached the top forty in New Zealand and on the US Billboard Hot 100.

Imagination (JES song)

Imagination is name of a 2008 electronica/dance single from American singer/songwriter Jes Brieden, who co-wrote the track with her partners from Motorcycle, Josh Gabriel and Dave Dresden and co-produced it with Richard Robson. The track is featured on her 2007 solo debut album Disconnect and a chill-out version is on her 2008 album Into the Dawn: The Hits Disconnected.

The track itself is a newly recorded version of an original that was recorded in 2004 as a Motorcycle single when Brieden was still a member. It has also been featured as a track on Tiësto's In Search of Sunrise 6 mixed compilation set, and in an acoustic version on Gabriel & Dresden's album Bloom.

Imagination reached #1 on Billboard Dance Radio Airplay in January 2009.

Imagination (The Whispers album)

Imagination is the tenth studio album by American R&B/ Soul vocal group The Whispers, Released on November 30, 1980 by SOLAR Records.

Imagination (Cee Farrow song)

"Imagination" is the third and final single from German singer Cee Farrow, released 23 August 1991 as a non-album single. The song "Imagination" was an attempt at a comeback, where Farrow had not released any material since his 1983 debut album Red and Blue, and the minor hit single " Should I Love You".

Imagination (Curtis Fuller album)

Imagination is an album by American trombonist Curtis Fuller's Sextette recorded in 1959 and released on the Savoy label.

Imagination (Woody Shaw album)

Imagination is the final studio album led by trumpeter Woody Shaw which was recorded in 1987 and released on the Muse label. Imagination was reissued by Mosaic Records as part of Woody Shaw: The Complete Muse Sessions in 2013.

Imagination (Play Date album)

Imagination is a studio album by the American kindie rock band Play Date. The album won a 2014 Parents' Choice Award.

Imagination (Gorgon City song)

"Imagination" is a song by English production duo Gorgon City. It features the vocals from South-London vocalist Katy Menditta from their debut studio album, Sirens. It was written by Gorgon City, Katy Menditta, Emeli Sandé, Mustafa Omer and James Murray and produced by Gorgon City and musical group Mojam. It was released as an EP with three additional remixes on 31 March 2015.

Imagination (Deni Hines song)

"Imagination" is a song by Australian singer songwriter, Deni Hines. The song was released in February 1996 as the second single from her debut studio album, '' Imagination' (1996). The single peaked at number 37 in Australia.

Imagination (Helen Reddy album)

Imagination is an album by Australian-American pop singer Helen Reddy that was released in 1983 by MCA Records and became her last of two LPs for the label. As with the first of the two, 1981's Play Me Out, it did not reach Billboard magazine's Top LP's & Tapes chart. In her 2006 autobiography, The Woman I Am: A Memoir, Reddy wrote, "I was not surprised when I received a form letter from [MCA]'s legal department telling me that I'd been dropped from the label."


Imagination (Deni Hines album)

Imagination is the debut studio album by Australian singer song writer, Deni Hines.

At the ARIA Music Awards of 1996, Imagination was nominated for two awards - ARIA Award for Best Female Artist losing to "Come On" by Christine Anu and ARIA Award for Breakthrough Artist – Album losing to Tu-Plang by Regurgitator.

The album was released in Europe in 1998 under the title Pay Attention.

Usage examples of "imagination".

Whilst the mechanist abridges, and the political economist combines labour, let them beware that their speculations, for want of correspondence with those first principles which belong to the imagination, do not tend, as they have in modern England, to exasperate at once the extremes of luxury and want.

She ached to be outside in the fresh air, to be dressed in her oldest jeans, turning over spades full of soft loamy earth, feeling the excitement and pleasure of siting the bulbs, of allowing her imagination to paint for her the colourful picture they would make in the spring, in their uniform beds set among lawn pathways and bordered by a long deep border of old-fashioned perennial plants.

In his imagination he saw the Prescott aeroplane eliminated as a naval possibility, and the field clear for the selection of the Mortlake machine.

The scene was immediately acted with great success, and our hero cooped up in his cage, where he waited so long, that his desires began to subside, and his imagination to aggravate the danger of his situation.

Those dreadful moments he had lived through at the executions had as it were forever washed away from his imagination and memory the agitating thoughts and feelings that had formerly seemed so important.

The ruins of the Agora had saddened him, but this new Athens was a cacophony of color and sound that surpassed imagination.

Ironically, coca, the one that had first piqued his imagination, was the last to have its alkaloid isolated.

For Amit, the greatest tools of spy craft are imagination and creativity, and both marked his tenure.

I passed one of those disturbed nights during which the imagination of an amorous young man is unceasingly running after the shadows of reality.

My amorous looks went through those light veils, and in my imagination I saw her entirely naked!

Perhaps the imagination of this earlier Ancred was exhausted by the begetting of his monster, for he was content to leave, almost unmolested, the terraced gardens and well-planted spinneys that had been laid out in the tradition of John Evelyn.

Nothing but the purely apocryphal speculation that the dead barber might have threatened Angelo with his razor and that the witnesses might possibly have drawn somewhat upon their imaginations in giving the details of their testimony.

In the experience of earnest Christians, a personal belief in the resurrection of Christ, vividly conceived in the imagination and taken home to the heart, is chiefly effective in its spiritual, not in its argumentative, results.

The child, with face ashy white and eyes glistening, her spirit borne aloft by the fervent strains of the litanies, was gazing at the altar, where in imagination she could see the roses multiplying and falling in cascades.

Explore the ideas of fiction and imagination and the autobiographical ingredients of writing.