n. the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination" [syn: imagination, imaging, imagery]
Usage examples of "mental imagery".
The other group, made up of persons suffering from the same type of cancer, receives the same therapy, but is instructed in the use of mental imagery that gives them a more positive outlook about their possibility of recovery.
And that was when the group using mental imagery was making use of only conscious thought, the 10 percent of mind power most of us use in our daily lives.
Something wouldn't come clear to consciousness - something he had half-sensed in the chaos of Rudi's mental imagery.
But the mental imagery that went along with it, what every one of those Drang wanted….
Tachyon allowed himself to be blended into the psiscape-muttering with characteristic dismay at the ultimate lack of style embodied in military combat fatigues (the color scheme was utterly awful-and then, slowly, gently, began to integrate Cody's mental imagery back into the real world outside.
Gerek listened with total absorption, and so, oddly enough, did the captain, who was becoming increasingly skilled at following human mental imagery.
We could tell by the bits and pieces of mental imagery which we were able to glean from their minds.
The associates pointed out that twins might simpiy have a propensity to share mental imagery.
Another, near the edge of hearing, passed the report on, both the simple cry and the mental imagery beneath it.
First, went on the mental imagery, convicted felons were heavily armed and offered to them and then, after the inevitable death of the animals of Venus, the beasts were pitted against each other in battles that often lasted for hundreds of days - as days were known here on Earth.