a childhood illness/disease
▪ measles and other common childhood illnesses
a devastating disease/illness
▪ Cheaper medicines are needed to fight Aids and other devastating diseases.
a disease spreads/is spread (=among a group of people)
▪ The disease is spread by mosquitoes.
a skin condition/complaint/disease
▪ She suffers from a nasty skin condition.
Alzheimer's disease
auto-immune disease
bone disease
▪ He suffered from a rare bone disease.
cause (a) disease
▪ Scientists are trying to find out what causes the disease.
coeliac disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
deadly disease/virus
dental disease/problems/decay etc
Dutch elm disease
foot and mouth disease
heart disease
▪ Smoking increases the risk of heart disease.
heart disease
incurable disease/illness/condition
▪ She has a rare, incurable disease.
legionnaire's disease
Lyme disease
mad cow disease
motor neurone disease
Parkinson's disease
sexually transmitted disease
tropical diseases/medicine (=diseases that are common in hot countries or the study of these diseases)
venereal disease
waterborne disease/illness etc
▪ waterborne diseases such as cholera
▪ Four patients with clinically active Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum were also studied.
▪ Twelve patients with clinically active disease had normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate values; all of these had raised scan score.
▪ In another trial this type of diet was as effective as an elemental diet in inducing remission in active Crohn's disease.
▪ All patients had endoscopically active disease of various degrees.
▪ Laboratory tests are frequently normal in patients with unequivocally active disease and viceversa.
▪ One patient with active disease underwent colectomy 2 months later and developed renal insufficiency because of amyloid deposits 6 months later.
▪ Comparing free and acyl carnitine concentrations between the groups, the patients with active coeliac disease had the lowest concentration.
▪ The patients with active disease and the patients with disease in remission were younger than the controls.
▪ Firstly, programming of cardiovascular disease may continue during infancy.
▪ The camera tracks the movement of these materials, thus assisting in diagnosis of cancers or various types of cardiovascular disease.
▪ There were no trends in standardised mortality ratios from cardiovascular disease or other causes with the number of previous pregnancies.
▪ The antioxidants, these studies suggest, help provide protection against cardiovascular disease and cancer.
▪ Further, butter consumption has declined because of the implication of its saturated fatty acids in cardiovascular disease.
▪ The overall death rate from cardiovascular disease was close to the national average, the standardised mortality ratio being 94.
▪ Adults can fall victim to blood pressure increases, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and death.
▪ Introduction Familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease has been reported in several studies during the past decades.
▪ The chronic disease, whose cause is unknown, struck during Valerie's senior year in high school in McClusky, N.D.
▪ The rich eat too much meat and suffer from chronic constipation, diseases of the bowel, gout, and bladder stones.
▪ Sacristán and colleagues refer to chronic obstructive airways disease in the context of irreversible airways obstruction, which we did not discuss.
▪ Diet, nutrition and chronic disease: lessons from contrasting worlds.
▪ These were people suffering from chronic diseases.
▪ Indeed, there were fewer patients than expected taking NSAIDs, perhaps since intake had been reduced because of chronic duodenal ulcer disease.
▪ They may be appropriate, however, in patients where the history or examination points to systemic disease such as chronic liver disease.
▪ It has been associated with coeliac disease, small bowel lymphoma, and Menetrier's disease.
▪ Similar studies of intestinal antibodies might facilitate the detection of latent coeliac disease in other situations.
▪ This is not to say that lower gliadin doses are not potentially harmful to coeliac disease subjects.
▪ Persistent infection with adenovirus 12 has not been detected in the small bowel of patients with coeliac disease.
▪ Comparing free and acyl carnitine concentrations between the groups, the patients with active coeliac disease had the lowest concentration.
▪ Therefore, this study investigated carnitine concentrations in serum of patients with coeliac disease.
▪ Group 2 comprised biopsies from patients previously diagnosed as having coeliac disease.
▪ An increased permeability of the mucosa in patients with coeliac disease has previously been shown by Bjarnason etal.
▪ Like the contagious diseases defeat, Simon's resignation was received as a serious blow by the medical profession.
▪ For many patients, acute care came in county or city general hospitals where patients with contagious diseases were sent.
▪ Should she concoct some story about him having a violently contagious disease?
▪ Each hospital that took patients with contagious diseases established quarantine periods.
▪ The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
▪ He immediately ordered a spinal tap that confirmed polio, and she was moved to the floor for contagious diseases.
▪ In the 1860s medical interventions into the contagious diseases debate polarized earlier representations of female sexuality.
▪ He tore at his blindfold as if it were a contagious body whose disease he might catch.
▪ South Tees workplace health spokeswoman Anne Newnam said the charter aimed to reduce the death rates from coronary heart disease.
▪ That includes 459,841 from coronary heart disease and 158,448 from stroke.
▪ That diet is associated with the group's continuing lower coronary heart disease rates, despite higher blood pressure.
▪ He proved that it is indeed possible to reverse coronary heart disease in unhealthy middle-aged people.
▪ Discussion Overall we found that periodontal disease was associated with a small increased risk of coronary heart disease.
▪ Gingivitis did not increase the risk of coronary heart disease, whereas periodontitis or having no teeth increased it by about 25%.
▪ Such survivors, after all, form by far the greatest proportion of patients with coronary disease.
▪ It is often claimed that high blood cholesterol levels promote atherosclerosis and consequent coronary heart disease.
▪ The vaccine brings hope to 1,300 young children struck down by the Hib form of deadly disease every year.
▪ A prostate cancer patient, Milken continues to search for cures for the deadly disease, Reese said.
▪ In a small enterprise or department, management by inertia is a deadly disease.
▪ And he was the one who helped her make decisions about how to respond to the deadly disease.
▪ Recognizing that the epidemic was due to this deadly disease, he kept careful notes of every case.
▪ Nations around the world are changing animal husbandry practices to block the potential spread of deadly animal disease to the dinner table.
▪ This is not a deadly disease, but does spoil established waterlilies.
▪ The new discipline thus has the capacity to lead the way to breakthroughs in the treatment of any number of degenerative diseases.
▪ Her problem was arthritis and degenerative diseases of the heart.
▪ Suddenly everything seems to cause cancer or degenerative heart disease or premature loss of memory.
▪ All these are degenerative diseases of the central nervous system.
▪ The abnormal proteins produced by these degenerative diseases are relatively indigestible, so they build up in the lysosome.
▪ They are known, collectively, as degenerative diseases.
▪ These degenerative diseases - spongiform encephalopathies - have been linked to the production of abnormal proteins in the brain.
▪ She will host the surprise get-together tomorrow as a thank you to the victims of a fatal muscle wasting disease.
▪ At that time, this was a fatal disease.
▪ Botulism is another fatal disease which has come to the fore in recent years.
▪ These include the more firmly established association between the drugs and a potentially fatal lung disease, primary pulmonary hypertension.
▪ This chapter has dealt with the mechanism of a debilitating and often fatal symptom of disease, namely diarrhoea.
▪ For, unfortunately, even when science eliminates all fatal diseases, 100 percent of us still are going to die.
▪ In Britain 70 people have died and nine others are infected by the invariably fatal disease.
▪ And there will be fatal accidents and disease.
▪ Just inhaling the thick stench down here can fill a person with incurable disease.
▪ Paycheck dependency is sometimes an incurable disease.
▪ On the other hand, aphids can infect raspberries with incurable virus diseases, and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.
▪ How would you feel, say, if you had an incurable disease, or a terminal illness?
▪ In an extreme example, imagine you have been told you have an incurable disease.
▪ And, tragically, A-T is - as yet - an incurable disease.
▪ We were informed she has a rare, incurable disease.
▪ Old age is an incurable disease, see. people think they ought to do something for you.
▪ Before either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease was diagnosed infectious and neoplastic diseases had to be ruled out.
▪ These figures and other measures, however, most likely underestimate the impact of infectious diseases.
▪ Apart from smallpox it was the first major infectious disease to decline.
▪ This outbreak illustrates how factors such as weather and demographic changes can affect the emergence of public health problems from infectious diseases.
▪ Focuses on the links between overcrowding and the incidence of respiratory and infectious disease.
▪ Establish a public health laboratory fellowship in infectious diseases.
▪ The biggest risk to humans however lies in the rats' ability to carry infectious diseases.
▪ Elsewhere in the world, according to World Health Organization statistics, both new and re-emerging infectious diseases are raging.
▪ The mode of action of 5ASA and 4ASA in inflammatory bowel disease is unknown.
▪ These results confirm increased macrophage activation in inflammatory bowel disease and suggest functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population.
▪ Introduction Familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease has been reported in several studies during the past decades.
▪ A disturbance in immunoregulatory control has long been suspected to play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.
▪ Nevertheless the absence of recurrence during long term follow up will be required to exclude underlying idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease.
▪ The aim is to develop drugs for several inflammatory diseases, particularly respiratory.
▪ Several different types of autoantibodies have been described in inflammatory bowel disease and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
▪ While corticosteroids have an adverse effect on bone mass, this may be partly counterbalanced by improvement in the inflammatory bowel disease.
▪ The risks of catching vaccine-related meningitis were minimal compared to the benefits of immunisation against the other diseases.
▪ It is directly responsible for 35,000 deaths from lung cancer and twice this number from other diseases every year.
▪ In the other half the disease either remained the same, improved, or disappeared.
▪ Dysentery and other diseases tend to spread easily in schools and poor facilities clearly make matters worse.
▪ Is a cancer a degenerative change which arises from some other disease? 4.
▪ Is cancer associated with other diseases? 7.
▪ As the first medical officer of health for Lambeth he gained direct experience of cholera and other water-borne diseases.
▪ Because a squint may be due to serious disease, its sudden appearance should always be taken seriously.
▪ This caused a sensation in Western countries where the threat of serious infectious disease had come to be considered remote.
▪ These data reinforce the evidence that serious endometrial disease is rare in women under 40.
▪ Symptomatic coccidioidomycosis has a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from mild influenza-like illness to serious pulmonary disease to widespread dissemination.
▪ Furthermore many serious injury and disease states are not accompanied by inevitable pain.
▪ The precise cause of this serious disease is still unknown.
▪ The diagnosis was explained and she was reassured that there was no serious disease.
▪ New-onset headaches in the older patient suggest either depression or such serious diseases as mass lesions or temporal arteritis.
▪ Design - Analytic study of surveillance data on sexually transmitted diseases.
▪ To what extent is vaginal candidiasis a sexually transmitted disease?
▪ Most sexually transmitted diseases are curable.
▪ The message about acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases is a simple one.
▪ Cystitis can also be triggered by the bacteria which cause sexually transmitted diseases such as Herpes or Trichomonas.
▪ Can protect both partners against some sexually transmitted diseases and may protect the woman against cancer of the cervix.
▪ Sexually transmitted diseases can prevent women from conceiving children.
▪ Increasingly high standards favour the larger wealthy companies that have little interest in tropical diseases.
▪ Or what if he gets a toothache or needs an appendectomy or is bringing some incurable tropical disease over here with him?
▪ But when there is no pressing military or colonial imperative, the developed world loses interest in tropical diseases.
▪ I had suggested some new tropical disease was a far more likely explanation.
▪ My father was engaged in research in tropical diseases, and he used to take me around his laboratory in Mill Hill.
▪ For others remaining or settling around the reservoir or flooded areas, tropical diseases often become prevalent.
▪ Maybe he was ill - delirious with some sort of tropical disease?
▪ He also used to take me into the insect house, where he kept mosquitoes infected with tropical diseases.
▪ Rumour has it that he contracted a venereal disease at some point and sought medical treatment.
▪ In 1942 and 1943 the rate of venereal disease in San Francisco rose by more than 75 percent.
▪ Moreover, prostitution and venereal disease, supposedly eliminated under Mao, are once again flourishing.
▪ It is not that thriving old specialty of single men and their intimates: venereal disease.
▪ Officially reported cases of gonorrhoea, syphilis and other venereal diseases now number more than 375,000, which surely understates things.
▪ Unlike venereal disease, leprosy came to Western attention relatively late.
▪ These sections do not cover wilfully self-inflicted illness or venereal disease.
▪ The rules also require women be tested for venereal diseases that might complicate abortions.
▪ There was no significant difference in the distribution of adherent strains between the colitis patient groups or with disease activity.
▪ The hydrophobicity of isolates did not differ significantly between colitic and control groups nor were there significant differences correlated with disease activity.
▪ The scan score correlates well with widely used clinical and laboratory markers of disease activity.
▪ The patient's disease activity ranged from mild to severe at the time of serum collection.
▪ Patients in whom there was a subsequent increase in disease activity were allocated to the alternative treatment group.
▪ In patients with active disease, the visual score tended to under estimate disease activity.
▪ There continues to be no generally accepted indicator of disease activity in Crohn's disease.
▪ The possible therapeutic effect of a specific receptor antagonist in inflammatory bowel disease remains to be evaluated.
▪ A disturbance in immunoregulatory control has long been suspected to play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.
▪ Nevertheless the absence of recurrence during long term follow up will be required to exclude underlying idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease.
▪ Six Crohn's disease cultures and a single non-inflammatory bowel disease control were positive for M paratuberculosis.
▪ Another possibility is that the genetic regulation of the isotype response is different in the two populations of inflammatory bowel disease patients.
▪ Pronounced changes have been found in gut neuropeptides in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
▪ New corticosteroid compounds with high topical and little systemic activity seem to offer great benefit to inflammatory bowel disease patients.
▪ Little information is currently available on the role of interleukin 1 and tumour necrosis factor in inflammatory bowel disease.
▪ Still partially paralysed by the brain disease Guillain-Barre syndrome, he can only speak with the aid of an artificial voice box.
▪ Some children will develop brain disease which will produce changes in mental behavior.
▪ If the functional psychoses are not ordinary brain diseases, then what are they?
▪ I thought it was a biologically based brain disease.
▪ Look, you know they can give you brain diseases, don't you.
▪ Patients who have organic brain disease are more likely to have an abnormality than those who do not.
▪ Perhaps gene therapy could prevent the mutation of the prion gene that causes hereditary brain disease.
▪ Alcoholism and heart disease are also serious problems.
▪ Is as good as quitting smoking for reducing your risks for heart disease. 9.
▪ This can have the effect of accelerating the build-up of atheroma which in turn eventually leads to heart disease.
▪ If we cure cancer and heart disease, there could be 40 million.
▪ We're all going to get either cancer or heart disease.
▪ Several other recent studies have shown that moderate consumption of red wine, in particular, is helpful for preventing heart disease.
▪ But high blood pressure makes the heart work harder resulting in heart disease.
▪ It also is well-known that people with heart disease are more likely to be depressed than others.
▪ In alcoholic liver disease, transplant assessment was considered appropriate in the case of sustained abstinence following medical advice.
▪ Patients with liver disease may be susceptible to infection, particularly when this is secondary to alcohol abuse.
▪ Examples include patients with chronic infections, inflammation, malignancies, and liver disease.
▪ As controls, cryptogenic cases of chronic liver disease - that is without ANA-H or SMA-AA, were similarly studied.
▪ The diagnosis of chronic liver disease was made by accepted clinical, serological and histological criteria.
▪ Some people progress to liver disease, cirrhosis and liver cancer, and the virus can be fatal.
▪ The woman looked as if she was suffering from a terminal liver disease.
▪ I suspected that some one was shooting deer, which are feared to transmit foot and mouth disease.
▪ If they have foot and mouth disease, then they would need another month or two months.
▪ The number of cases of foot and mouth disease in Britain is soaring.
▪ It lies at the centre of a viral hot zone, surrounded by farms infected with foot and mouth disease.
▪ Murrain was usually fatal, while hoof and mouth disease permanently weakened animals without causing death.
▪ As if the countryside were not paranoid enough, along comes the spectre of foot and mouth disease.
▪ Another hero with foot and mouth disease, feet of clay and a mouth less than squeaky clean.
▪ Comment &038; Analysis / Foot in mouth disease? / Foot in mouth disease?
▪ Patients' records with a diagnosis of motor neurone disease at any position on the record were identified.
▪ In addition, help is required for motor neurone disease patients with swallowing disorders.
▪ Despite suffering from Motor Neurone disease, he's compiled valuable information to help conserve the forest and halt it's destruction.
▪ I have had motor neurone disease for practically all my adult life.
▪ It was a very great shock to me to discover that I had motor neurone disease.
▪ But he suffers from motor neurone disease and needs twenty-four hour care.
▪ The findings presented here can provide only indirect evidence about any possible adverse effect of cimetidine on motor neurone disease.
▪ Tumour necrosis factor mRNA was detected in four of nine controls compared with 11/15 inflammatory bowel disease patients.
▪ Five of the 26 Crohn's disease patients underwent a flexible sigmoidoscopy after four weeks of 1 mg/kg/day prednisolone therapy.
▪ With regard to the diagnosis in approximately 10% of inflammatory bowel disease patients with colonic involvement a definite distinction can not be made.
▪ In addition, help is required for motor neurone disease patients with swallowing disorders.
▪ Using electron microscopy, Rubin etal showed that the tight junctions appeared morphologically unchanged in untreated coeliac disease patients.
▪ New corticosteroid compounds with high topical and little systemic activity seem to offer great benefit to inflammatory bowel disease patients.
▪ The role of specific acetyltransferase activity in Crohn's disease patients has not been so far studied, and deserves investigation.
▪ Several reports have quoted numbers of affected and unaffected relatives of Crohn's disease patients, including twins.
▪ In contrast, there is still a considerable dearth of knowledge on the post-therapeutic course of gastric ulcer disease.
▪ The studies were designed to evaluate the H pylori eradication potency of the various regimens and the post-therapeutic course of ulcer disease.
▪ The relationship between these alterations, hypergastrinaemia and chronic ulcer disease has also been suggested.
▪ This study examined whether the phospholipid composition of the full thickness gastric mucosa is changed in peptic ulcer disease and gastritis.
▪ We conducted such a study in patients with active duodenal ulcer disease.
▪ The finding of enhanced fasting gastrin concentrations in H pylori positive subjects and in duodenal ulcer disease can not easily be explained.
▪ Epigastric pain is uncommon and concurrent peptic ulcer disease may lead to an incorrect diagnosis.
▪ H pylori was not examined because its importance in duodenal ulcer disease was not widely recognised when this study was being planned.
▪ It has been associated with coeliac disease, small bowel lymphoma, and Menetrier's disease.
▪ It is a fact that grief is especially associated with the disease.
▪ Studies of Whitehall civil servants in 1973 and 1980 suggested that vigorous exercise at weekends was associated with less heart disease.
▪ Activities i. Monitor the distribution of animal reservoirs and vectors associated with human disease.
▪ Obesity is associated with vascular disease, diabetes and other grave health problems.
▪ Elevated alkaline phosphatase is associated with liver disease and with both obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic jaundice.
▪ Isolation of non-O1 Vibrio cholerae associated with enteric disease of herbivores in Western Colorado.
▪ Mice can develop the full range of brain problems associated with the disease without any sign of the prions, they found.
▪ To be recalled for a second Pap smear is to catch the disease of fear.
▪ The Assiniboin came in to trade and hung around outside the walls and soon caught the disease.
▪ He had gone further and had suggested that he had actually caught the disease from her.
▪ He is believed to have caught the disease from a patient.
▪ We all get sick, but we do not live in fear of catching every known disease.
▪ You have got to spray as soon as you catch the disease in the crop.
▪ The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
▪ She hoped she hadn't caught an unmentionable disease from her visit to the news-theatre.
▪ These raised levels may be triggered by the bacteria causing gum disease, which escape into the bloodstream when gums bleed.
▪ But the role of the fungus in causing human disease is less well understood.
▪ The authors believed that their serological results supported the view that infection with M paratuberculosis might cause Crohn's disease.
▪ An increasingly hot field in the industry was genomics, the search for genes that cause a disease or other condition.
▪ Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction is usually caused by disease of the enteric nerves or smooth muscle.
▪ However, there were complications that required additional surgery, jaundice possibly caused by gall-bladder disease, and pneumonia.
▪ Britain is the world leader in deaths caused by heart disease.
▪ Perhaps gene therapy could prevent the mutation of the prion gene that causes hereditary brain disease.
▪ It is born to contract Alzheimer's disease.
▪ Twenty-nine thousand people contracted the disease 226 in 1955, including almost four thousand in the Massachusetts epidemic that summer and fall.
▪ The key message is that kids cook quick - which is not to say that they immediately contract the disease.
▪ Some youngsters who contracted the disease had fallen from their bikes, but this was nothing more than a tragic coincidence.
▪ Doctors were unable to determine how Venetti had contracted the disease.
▪ Hence the complete and utter mental breakdown of whoever contracts the disease.
▪ Humans contract the disease when bitten by mosquitoes that have been infected by primates.
▪ Now, fruit trees are sprayed to cure their diseases, and salmon farmers use drugs by the sack.
▪ The question is can you cure the disease before it kills you?
▪ You can cure many genetic diseases by changing the environment.
▪ If we cure cancer and heart disease, there could be 40 million.
▪ Understanding how animal venoms and toxins work may one day help to cure human diseases, and experimentation is under way.
▪ The surgeons and physicians had no medicine in their chests to cure the disease.
▪ They are testing a genetic spray which can cure the disease in mice.
▪ The Government warns that the offspring of affected women could also develop Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease.
▪ If doctors could know for certain which individuals would develop the disease, they could treat potential diabetics before the process takes hold.
▪ Some children will develop brain disease which will produce changes in mental behavior.
▪ Even worse, they may develop some auto-immune disease.
▪ Most of the infected babies will eventually develop the disease and die.
▪ The poorer prognosis for linear growth among boys who develop Crohn's disease before puberty has not been previously reported.
▪ Worse, about 75 % of kids have three or more risk factors for developing heart disease later in life.
▪ We know that all of us will eventually die from disease, natural disaster, accidents or whatever.
▪ In addition to the political prisoners, possibly another million and a half people died from starvation, disease or overwork.
▪ His mam was dying of some rare disease which no doctor could cure and always, but always, proved fatal.
▪ But the number of women who die from the disease each year has remained essentially the same.
▪ I mean, children used to die of diseases which are stamped out now.
▪ Thousands more were dying of disease and starvation.
▪ We do not think about dying of disease our-selves.
▪ Ensure that the laboratory space, equipment, and supplies needed to address emerging infectious diseases are available.
▪ The public health infrastructure of this country is poorly prepared for the emerging disease problems of a rapidly changing world.
▪ At the same time, our ability to detect, contain, and prevent emerging infectious diseases is in jeopardy.
▪ These specimens may provide sentinel indicators of new pathogens and emerging diseases.
▪ Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases.
▪ Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
▪ B.. Develop more effective international surveillance networks for the anticipation, recognition, control, and prevention of emerging infectious diseases.
▪ Should one seek the causes, eliminate them and so prevent the disease?
▪ At the same time, our ability to detect, contain, and prevent emerging infectious diseases is in jeopardy.
▪ Not only can it help control your weight and prevent heart disease, it will make you look and feel better.
▪ And it will allow them to take positive steps to help prevent getting the disease or limit the impact of its complications.
▪ This includes activities undertaken by individuals to prevent disease or to detect it in an asymptomatic state.
▪ Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases.
▪ The protein eats normal cells, leading to the drastic weight loss which weakens patients and prevents them fighting the disease.
▪ Q.. For several years my wife and I have been taking beta-carotene pills in an effort to prevent heart disease.
▪ The people nearby who drank beer did not get cholera: ergo, contaminated water spread the disease.
▪ Large and centralized food production embodies the potential to spread disease to tens of thousands of people in a matter of hours.
▪ The shortage of cooking energy not only causes problems with nutrition, but also spreads disease.
▪ Her husband, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, was detained in hospital and sedated pending geriatric assessment.
▪ Older women in the developed countries suffered unnecessarily from diseases that could have been ameliorated, cured, or even prevented.
▪ She had been suffering from the disease for a year.
▪ Men generally have a greater risk of suffering heart disease.
▪ I told him that in my opinion he was suffering from valvular disease and that there was probably considerable dilation.
▪ Besides suffering from Addison's disease, Moro was a bit of a hypochondriac and he used a lot of drugs.
▪ He reminded her of his father, who had suffered from a lung disease.
▪ There is not much point in weighing less but looking as if you are suffering from some wasting disease.
▪ Recently I treated her for a sexually transmitted disease with metronidazole, which is known to cause foetal abnormalities in rats.
▪ When she asked him if he had a sexually transmitted disease, he said no.
▪ Besides, early starters are more likely to have many partners, and so are at greater risk from sexually transmitted diseases.
▪ And the third is to treat other sexually transmitted diseases.
▪ However, semen can transmit certain diseases.
▪ Thousands of tonnes of nutrients and uncontrolled quantities of toxic chemicals used to treat fish disease are pumped into lochs each year.
▪ It appears to be useful in treating the auto-immune disease of lupus in humans.
▪ However, the clues to the cause can lead to better ways of treating the disease as soon as they are recognised.
▪ The spas treat everything from skin diseases to hypertension, cancer and intestinal problems.
▪ At the same time it was made illegal for anyone who was not fully medically qualified and registered to treat these diseases.
▪ Controversy exists on spread, diagnosis and how to treat the disease.
▪ All had two or more close relatives who had been treated for the disease.
▪ The remaining units make dialysis equipment and provide renal therapy to treat kidney disease and ease transplants.
wasting disease/illness
▪ A preacher, victim of a wasting illness, would refer in the pulpit to his forthcoming demise without shocking his congregation.
▪ Children have been born deformed and there are fears of genetic defects; many adults are suffering from wasting diseases.
▪ She will host the surprise get-together tomorrow as a thank you to the victims of a fatal muscle wasting disease.
▪ There is not much point in weighing less but looking as if you are suffering from some wasting disease.
▪ Anyone can catch the disease -- not just homosexual men or drug addicts.
▪ Childhood diseases such as measles and chickenpox are highly contagious.
▪ Malaria is still a common disease in West Africa and is often fatal.
▪ Nationalism can be a serious disease.
▪ She suffers from a rare disease of the nervous system.
▪ Smoking is a major cause of heart disease.
▪ The most common symptoms of the disease are a high temperature and spots all over the body.
▪ Thousands of people in this area are dying from hunger and disease.
▪ Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go.
▪ Diverticular disease is a condition of the bowel caused by abnormal activity of the bowel wall when your diet contains insufficient fibre.
▪ Fat control is still very important for reducing risks for heart disease, some cancers and obesity.
▪ Freedom from internal bruising, disease, cracking and greening. 5.
▪ Many had been lost through disease or in the floods or to thieves.
▪ Six Crohn's disease cultures and a single non-inflammatory bowel disease control were positive for M paratuberculosis.
▪ The mental, emotional and other consequences are similar for all addictive disease.
▪ We are bitten by mites and ticks, some of which carry dangerous diseases, and by fleas.
▪ Whether the abandoned innards, which are consumed by coyotes and ravens, harbor the disease is hotly debated.