n. acute contagious disease of cloven-footed animals marked by ulcers in the mouth and around the hoofs [syn: foot-and-mouth disease]
Usage examples of "hoof-and-mouth disease".
Ever hear the old story of how to stop hoof-and-mouth disease in cattle?
You think we like having our faces sprayed with spit from a pair of polecats with hoof-and-mouth disease!
Made of hooped wrought iron, those brutes would simply be too heavy to move over here-and-now roads without slaughtering draft animals like hoof-and-mouth disease.
No, just as likely, he reconsidered, hoof-and-mouth disease would work in across the now open Mexican border, and cattle might almost disappear.
The National Secretary of Agriculture said to him, insinuatingly, on one of these occasions, Would you not favour killing a herd of cattle infected with hoof-and-mouth disease or with anthrax in order to avoid the spread of infection to healthy herds?