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Dutch elm disease

Dutch elm disease (DED) is caused by a member of the sac fungi (Ascomycota) affecting elm trees, and is spread by the elm bark beetle. Although believed to be originally native to Asia, the disease has been accidentally introduced into America and Europe, where it has devastated native populations of elms that did not have resistance to the disease. It has also reached New Zealand. The name "Dutch elm disease" refers to its identification in 1921 and later in the Netherlands by Dutch phytopathologists Bea Schwarz and Christine Buisman who both worked with Professor Johanna Westerdijk. The disease is not specific to the Dutch elm hybrid.

Usage examples of "dutch elm disease".

They were passing Derry Community House and the library was just ahead, a stone oblong comfortably shaded by elms a century old and as yet untouched by the Dutch Elm disease that would later plague and thin them.

The great elms that used to arch over the wide street had fallen victim to Dutch elm disease decades ago, and the trees planted since seemed smaller, stunted, irregular, and ignoble in comparison.

The indigo clouds had rolled away, leaving the softest pale blue sky above the acid green wood which had only a few sad grey streaks where the odd tree had died of Dutch elm disease.

Without fungi there would be no potato blights, Dutch elm disease, jock itch, or athlete’.

He sat in the shade of an elm that was in the last stages of rampant Dutch elm disease, his bottom resting against the frayed straps of a Sears, Roebuck mail-order lawn chair that was in the last stages of useful service.

Twenty buildings, mostly redbrick, sprawled along the west bank of the river under cover of six hundred oaks and a thousand maples, the maples replacing the elms that had dominated the campus before Dutch elm disease.

Instead of a chestnut blight or Dutch elm disease or dogwood anthracnose, what if there was just a tree blight--something indiscriminate and unstoppable that swept through whole forests?

As part of the control program for Dutch elm disease, the CSIRO has used a synthetic version of this pheromone to monitor numbers of the beetles.

An elm tree had once stood in the patch of front yard, but had died years back of Dutch elm disease.

Instead of a chestnut blight or Dutch elm disease or dogwood anthracnose, what if there was just a tree blight—.

She tracked illicit nuclear waste, monitored pollution, warned of invasions of Colorado beetle and Dutch elm disease, cried aloud the extinction of whales, elephants, dolphins, other species.

That is why human beings do not catch Dutch elm disease, and trees do not catch head colds.

Koalas rely totally on a supply of eucalyptus, and a eucalyptus plague analogous to Dutch elm disease would finish them.