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a. (en-superlativethin)

  1. adj. of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint" [ant: thick]

  2. lacking excess flesh; "you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare [syn: lean] [ant: fat]

  3. very narrow; "a thin line across the page" [syn: slender]

  4. having little substance or significance; "a flimsy excuse"; "slight evidence"; "a tenuous argument"; "a thin plot" [syn: flimsy, slight, tenuous]

  5. not dense; "a thin beard"; "trees were sparse" [syn: sparse]

  6. relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous; "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil" [ant: thick]

  7. (of sound) lacking resonance or volume; "a thin feeble cry" [ant: full]

  8. lacking spirit or sincere effort; "a thin smile"

  9. [also: thinning, thinned, thinnest, thinner]

  1. adv. without viscosity; "the blood was flowing thin" [syn: thinly] [ant: thickly]

  2. [also: thinning, thinned, thinnest, thinner]

  1. v. lose thickness; become thin or thinner [ant: thicken]

  2. make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution" [ant: thicken]

  3. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture; "cut bourbon" [syn: dilute, thin out, reduce, cut]

  4. take off weight [syn: reduce, melt off, lose weight, slim, slenderize, slim down] [ant: gain]

  5. [also: thinning, thinned, thinnest, thinner]


See thin

Usage examples of "thinnest".

Like semitransparent curtains of tinsel and thinnest silk, the rain and fog hung between him and the rest of the world.

Ma could cut plenty of the thinnest white and brown sandwiches, with nice Jersey butter.

Then she moved to the next thinnest pin and repeated the process, and then once again, careful always to maintain tension.

Happiness wiped away in the thinnest sliver of time when he opened his own front door and discovered, instead of the hushed, dimly lit peace of sleeping tenants, a blaze of light from every lamp, a huddle of strange young men, a steward wiping tears from his streaming eyes.

Keren, Sherrill, and Jeri appeared like magicians out of the thinnest air, converged on her, and carried her off to her rooms, baggage and all, leaving him alone with Kris.

But her arms and hands were wrapped in special poultices of herbs and the thinnest and most fragile of tanned rabbit and calfskin, and Talia knew that beneath those bandages the skin was gone, and the flesh left raw.

In a tall, reedy lot Kolias was easily the tallest and thinnest of all present: a walking skeleton towering over his comrades.

But it was plate armor by only the thinnest definition of the term and left more of the titular anatomy exposed than it protected.

The Sanchex was wrestling with Buteo, distracting her with her strongest limbs, while a weak little tendril composed of the thinnest materials reached through the diamond wall and across the tiny bedroom.

At the bottom of the great hole, where the barricades were thinnest, the tar black mass of dust was moving faster by the instant.

As I came out upon the height, and looked around me, I saw the heavens to the northward sparkling, as through a veil of the thinnest lawn, with innumerable constellations.

Ice because, in its undecorated state, it looked as cold and fragile as the thinnest layer of frozen water.

She was wearing a waist-length, curve-edged riding-tunic with a high collar, the satin a delicate lavender with the thinnest edging of black, while her riding breeches were of dark blue silk, cut almost to her figure.

All the people in Los Angeles know they live atop faults held together by the thinnest of threads, yet they stay there.

His hand remained on the sweet moist folds her womanhood, one probing finger deep inside her where only the thinnest membrane of skin restrained him.