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melt off

v. take off weight [syn: reduce, lose weight, slim, slenderize, thin, slim down] [ant: gain]

Usage examples of "melt off".

Kleth is noticeably warmer than Diev, and the snow has begun to melt off, leaving the fields with a blotchy appearance.

We can keep that snow up there for a few weeks longer, but then we'll have to let it melt off.

We can keep that snow up there for a few weeks longer, but then well have to let it melt off.

Two-thirds of the way back rode the two flank men, whose special job it was to see that the main body of cattle did not bunch up and become overheated, for cattle moving close-bunched generated a tremendous heat which could actually melt off fat.

It's so much fun to watch that look of condescending superiority melt off their faces to be replaced by stark terror.

The snow was beginning to melt off the hills and a few of the earliest wild flowers showed in sheltered valleys when the Lady of the Lake was summoned to the barge to greet the Merlin of Britain.