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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a water/soil etc sample
▪ They analysed soil samples collected from streams.
▪ Where shall I put the dirty nappy?
loose soil/earth
soil erosion
▪ Soil erosion is worse in areas where trees have been cut down.
soil type (=for example, sandy soil or clay soil)
▪ The plant thrives in a wide range of soil types.
till the soil/land/fields etc
waterlogged ground/soil
▪ Heavy rain meant the pitch was waterlogged.
well-drained/poorly-drained soil (=soil from which water flows away quickly or slowly)
▪ This plant needs rich, well-drained soil.
▪ All it had was dry soil and impoverished villages.
▪ The two together make poor, dry soil more moisture-retentive, and improve the drainage in heavy soils.
▪ Ideally, the site should consist of well drained, dry, granular soil.
▪ Now the areas of sands and gravels have dry soils with few chemicals for crops.
▪ Acid grasslands on dry or well-drained soils are relatively scarce.
▪ The funnel-shaped pits are constructed in dry soil or sand using a novel excavation technique.
▪ This new and fertile soil rapidly developed her character and painting style.
▪ These tender plants like a moist, well-draining and fertile soil.
▪ Quince C Semi-dwarfing, used for strong-growing types, needs fertile soil.
▪ It appreciates an acidic, fertile soil that drains well.
▪ Agriculture flourished on the fertile soils of Kosovo and Metohija.
▪ Sun or partial sun is fine, as is a fertile, well-draining soil.
▪ Once you get a fertile soil, the bully boys tend to take over and only about half a dozen plants flourish.
▪ This plant likes sun and water as well as a fertile, well-draining soil.
▪ He wanted no part of foreign soils.
▪ Will your grandchildren forgive us, Erich, if we surrender our armies on foreign soil without a fight?
▪ He was not a man to show public affection on foreign soil.
▪ They disembarked at Calais but under the bright lights of the dockside Stephen had no sense of foreign soil.
▪ Wheat out-produces rye on good soils, and has a high market value for bread, pastry and pasta.
▪ Also, you could then irrigate the lower valley lands, which usually have better soil and a longer growing season.
▪ Needs good soil and permanent staking.
▪ Other considerations for siting Neolithic settlements included good water and soil, and convenient pasture land for newly domesticated animals.
▪ Pixy Dwarf, good for heavy soils.
▪ There is good soil, good rain.
▪ Inmil Dwarf, needs good soil and permanent stakes.
▪ Use a good potting soil that is high in organic material.
▪ At ground level, bergenias, hellebores and, of course, snowdrops all love heavy soil.
▪ It requires little care beyond placing out of heavy damp soil and makes an outstanding accent to the rock garden.
▪ Spring can return with tulips, most of which enjoy a well drained, heavy soil.
▪ Avoid spots with heavy clay soil.
▪ Straw from the previous wheat crop was chopped and spread before the heavy soil was deep cultivated.
▪ Pixy Dwarf, good for heavy soils.
▪ Naked wheats are free-threshing and, unlike the hulled varieties preferred earlier, grow best on heavy soils.
▪ Plants tend to grow big and lush on heavy soils, a feature worth enhancing by going for vigorous species.
▪ Early potatoes grow well on light sandy soils which warm quickly in the spring.
▪ These plants share an enjoyment of light, well-nourished soil and a sunny position.
▪ Black cattle, when they were used at all, ploughed light sandy soil.
▪ The lighter the soil the fewer water-furrows were needed and, therefore, the wider were the stetches.
▪ It is a fairly sparse forest mostly of birch trees on a light, sandy soil.
▪ They are the ever present generally light soils that occur everywhere in manufacturing, catering and retailing.
▪ The bank on each side of the oak tree was bare and consisted of a light, gravelly soil.
▪ A light covering of soil must be given and the pans watered with a fine rose attachment.
▪ It hadn't lain loose in the soil for centuries, or even for weeks.
▪ Magnolias fare best in acidic, loose soil.
▪ The animal was attracted by the smell of the explosive and pawed at loose soil beneath a tree.
▪ Struggling out much later from the weight of corpses, crawling out of the loose soil.
▪ The solid rocks have been weathered to form loose soil.
▪ You should never wash roots before storing, but always gently rub off any loose soil.
▪ Clear off all loose top soil within an area slightly larger than the size of the workshop.
▪ Remove any heavy loose soil by scraping.
▪ They should be planted in moist soil that is high in organic content for best results.
▪ In general, ferns like organically enriched, moist but well-draining soil on the acid side.
▪ What it does require, however, is a moist soil rather than one that is very dry.
▪ The fungus grows best on the surface of moist soils, containing bird and bat droppings.
▪ A Astilbes are hardy herbaceous perennials which prefer a deep, moist, loamy soil.
▪ They do best in moist but well-drained soil.
▪ Prefers rich, moist but well-drained soil.
▪ A rich, moist soil and an open situation he considered ideal for producing the best blooms.
▪ The deeply symbolic ritual act of treading the earth affirms the relationship of human beings to their native soil.
▪ State historian and native soil Charles Morrissey has observed that a sadness has always pervaded Vermont.
▪ Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.
▪ It is well suited to poor soil and ideal if you want to plant a traditional orchard.
▪ Plums, peaches, nectarines St Julian A Fairly vigorous, best for large gardens or poor soils.
▪ Oats grow best in the wetter, cooler parts of the country and are much more tolerant of poor, acid soils.
▪ The two together make poor, dry soil more moisture-retentive, and improve the drainage in heavy soils.
▪ Yet it was clear that intensive farming was not possible on the poor Pomeranian soil.
▪ Beans and corn sprout from these nutrient-#poor soils.
▪ Rye is very tolerant of poor, acid soils, is extremely frost-hardy and ripens much earlier than other cereals.
▪ Give it a rich soil in full sun and it will pay for its keep a thousandfold.
▪ Cabbages should be grown in a rich, loamy soil that is not too acid.
▪ Acidification is less of a problem on the richer lowland soils because rainwater acids are quickly neutralized.
▪ A customary error committed by aquarists is to cling to the opinion that the Aponogeton species do not require a rich soil.
▪ The peat and silt are rich soils on which farmers obtain high yields without using as much expensive artificial fertiliser as elsewhere.
▪ Prefers rich well-drained soil in the sun.
▪ Acorus should be planted in rich soil.
▪ Early potatoes grow well on light sandy soils which warm quickly in the spring.
▪ We drove through it, got out, and walked in the sandy soil.
▪ Once he saw a glade, a secret place with a floor of pale, sandy soil.
▪ She crawled on the ground in agony, fingers digging into the sandy soil like steel claws.
▪ Recent bootprints were marked in the thin coating of green sandy soil that had been blown by gentle breezes over the buildings.
▪ I dig my heels into the sandy soil of the path.
▪ Anchorage is lower in friable or sandy soils and following rain.
▪ A constant water supply can not be guaranteed in sandy or rocky soils in a low-rainfall area.
▪ The thin soil that covers the forest floor is easily washed away.
▪ On the contrary, they first cultivated the thin but unencumbered soil on top of the hills.
▪ As the population expanded, the forest was increasingly depleted, and its thin soils were worked to exhaustion.
▪ But these are thin soils with an uncertain water supply; not naturally the best land for arable cash crops or cattle.
▪ You can speed things along by spreading a thin layer of soil and compost over bare areas and planting more grass plugs.
▪ On the top of the pavement a thin soil may develop and thyme and rock roses are able to grow.
▪ These giant worms live in clay soils close to watercourses in the Bass River valley, southeast of Melbourne.
▪ I would dig the grave myself, six feet down into the dense clay soil.
▪ But if you have a heavy clay soil, wait for warmer weather.
▪ Avoid spots with heavy clay soil.
▪ To draw a heavy plough through wet clay soil, a pair of oxen, yoked together was used.
Clay Soils Clay soils undergo a considerable change in volume.
▪ All morning, as we negotiated puddles in the wet clay soil, we were to hear the lovely sound.
▪ The Brigadier and the Captain sank their cavalry boots deep into the clay soil and began looking about.
▪ Some land reforms have embraced soil conservation as a sine qua non of long term productivity gains by land reform beneficiaries.
▪ At the same time, the effectiveness of soil conservation measures is apparent.
▪ This last point is one which is developed here in relation to soil conservation.
▪ In the absence of soil conservation, the productivity of these lands w ill inevitably decline rapidly.
▪ Examples of technical failures of mechanical means of soil conservation have already been given in Chapter 5.
▪ However, more evidence is needed about soil conservation programmes themselves.
▪ Both family planning and soil conservation are activities which governments attempt to get people to undertake.
▪ Although the increase in rainfall would aid irrigation, it would add to the problems of soil erosion and nutrient leaching.
▪ In 1983 Lewes District Council spent £12,000 to alleviate the effects of soil erosion on a housing estate.
▪ There are problems related to the complex and varying manner in which symptoms of soil erosion appear through time.
▪ We infer that they accumulated during periods of accelerated soil erosion.
▪ In addition, the scale of measurement over which soil erosion occurs affects the measurement itself.
▪ The question arises as to why there is so little official action to combat soil erosion.
▪ Pollution, mining, uncontrolled tourism and soil erosion caused by logging are to blame.
▪ Constructing rows of turbines in strategic areas could reduce soil erosion and help to phase out the use of wood for fuel.
▪ The non-burrowing earthworms play a different role in soil fertility.
▪ A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
▪ Synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are banned and soil fertility and pest control is achieved through crop rotation and mixed farming systems.
▪ As well as contributing to declining soil fertility, such high sediment removal are causing problems with water supply by increasing reservoir siltation rates.
▪ First, there are few resources in developing countries to measure soil loss.
▪ Such studies may yield exaggerated estimates of total soil loss.
▪ The central issue here is the assumptions about future agricultural technology which are made when assessing tolerable soil losses.
▪ Thus we do not intend to provide evidence here of frightening rates of soil loss and desertification throughout the world.
▪ And again, since no erosion research data were collected, their effects on soil losses are unknown.
▪ Good soil structure might have been the key factor here, says Andrew Cottrell of Novartis.
▪ Conventional physical and chemical methods can leave the soil structure unsuitable for cultivation.
▪ Controversy has also surrounded the long-term effects of artificial fertilizer on the soil structure.
▪ Mineralogical analysis and microscopic examination of soil structures is well advanced.
▪ Being frost-hardy, they a-re often grazed off insitu through the winter, although this can cause damage to the soil structure.
▪ Plants with a fibrous root system, creating plenty of organic matter, do most to improve the soil structure.
▪ In addition they help conserve the existing soil structure by protecting the surface from the destructive force of winter rain.
▪ The soil type varied but much of it was peat based.
▪ Kikuyu farmers had traditionally farmed several plots which were within easy walking distance but had different characteristics of altitude and soil type.
▪ Anchorage strength is affected by the root plate spread, root depth, and the soil type and structure.
▪ Matching Materials with Tasks Matching is carried out initially by grouping all the tasks with similarities in soil types and levels.
▪ Only Leicestershire had the soil type and climate to allow a comfortable change of enterprise.
▪ Like grapes, the quality and character of the beans is affected by climate and varying soil types in which they grow.
▪ North and west of Bourg there were larger mixed farms with fairly good soil types.
▪ The Soil Survey of Great Britain publishes maps and memoirs which provide information on soil types and conditions.
▪ Rowans will grow in alkaline soils, but prefer heavier acid loams.
▪ Hazelnuts will grow in ordinary soil and are a joy unless you have squirrels in the neighborhood.
▪ Naked wheats are free-threshing and, unlike the hulled varieties preferred earlier, grow best on heavy soils.
▪ Cabbage for fall and winter should be growing briskly in garden soil by the end of September.
▪ Then it will be possible for crops to grow on soil where, earlier, no plant life could have been supported.
▪ After all, this was top-quality grass, grown out of top-quality soil.
▪ A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
▪ Aid, given on condition that it is spent on genuine development, can till the soil for home-grown growth.
▪ Their time is constantly spent in tilling the soil, manuring it with ashes, raking and hoeing it with wooden hoes.
▪ I used to work for my Uncle Demba cultivating rice, tilling the soil and sowing rice seeds.
▪ Peasants tilled the soil and herded sheep.
virgin land/forest/soil/snow etc
▪ After an initial few hundred feet across virgin land the railway will join the old trackbed of the long-disused Newbury Railway.
▪ Another road runs south, through the oilfields, and is constantly being extended into virgin forest.
▪ Cloud shadows scudded across immeasurable stands of virgin forests.
▪ In low range, it walks with authority across a field covered by a couple of feet of packed virgin snow.
▪ In response to the beard-shaving incident the Dwarfs chopped down entire virgin forests to spite the Elves.
▪ Some scientists believe that it can take up to a thousand years for virgin forest to be truly established.
▪ The trees here were all larger and growing much more vigorously than in the virgin forest above.
▪ Within an hour, Bucharest is buried under a blanket of virgin snow.
soil and water pollution
▪ Most herbs grow well in dry soil.
▪ Parsley should have a deep, moist, fertile soil for ideal growth.
▪ Right-wing activists found fertile soil for their anti-immigrant ideas in southeastern regions.
▪ Roses do best in well-drained, slightly acid soil.
▪ The island was a jungle of palm trees in a sandy soil.
▪ The treaty will be signed on US soil.
▪ This was the first time that the Pope had set foot on Cuban soil.
▪ A few infections arise from inanimate sources: for example, pathogens that cause tetanus are harboured in the soil.
▪ A stable soil soaks up water, and allows acid to break up bedrock and create more soil.
▪ Other considerations for siting Neolithic settlements included good water and soil, and convenient pasture land for newly domesticated animals.
▪ Star fruit trees like well-draining, moist and slightly acid soil.
▪ The limiting factor for early planting is more often waterlogged soil than cold temperatures.
▪ This can be promoted by burning which removes woody tissue and locally enriches the soil.
▪ Baldwin soiled his hands a little, but not excessively.
soiled diapers
▪ His shirtfront was soiled with blood and his hair was wild.
▪ Many of the pages had been soiled by the old man's dirty fingers.
▪ The baby had soiled her diaper again.
▪ Fremont Elementary was old and soiled, waiting for terminal erosion like the bits of tire debris that trucks leave on freeways.
▪ He sometimes gets his shoes soiled in trying to stay out of the muck.
▪ Is the bark naturally as black as it is now, or has the dirt from the air soiled it?
▪ The man then soiled his bed. and Butler cleaned and changed him again.
▪ This would be soiled over to give a better finish than presently shown.
▪ What good is there in preventing it, in soiling your daughter's reputation when it could remain clear?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Soil \Soil\, n. [OF. soil, souil, F. souille, from OF. soillier, F. souiller. See Soil to make dirty.] A marshy or miry place to which a hunted boar resorts for refuge; hence, a wet place, stream, or tract of water, sought for by other game, as deer.

As deer, being stuck, fly through many soils, Yet still the shaft sticks fast.

To take soil, to run into the mire or water; hence, to take refuge or shelter.

O, sir, have you taken soil here? It is well a man may reach you after three hours' running.
--B. Jonson.


Soil \Soil\ (soil), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Soiled (soild); p. pr. & vb. n. Soiling.] [OF. saoler, saouler, to satiate, F. so[^u]ler, L. satullare, fr. satullus, dim. of satur sated. See Satire.] To feed, as cattle or horses, in the barn or an inclosure, with fresh grass or green food cut for them, instead of sending them out to pasture; hence (such food having the effect of purging them), to purge by feeding on green food; as, to soil a horse.


Soil \Soil\, n. [OE. soile, F. sol, fr. L. solum bottom, soil; but the word has probably been influenced in form by soil a miry place. Cf. Saloon, Soil a miry place, Sole of the foot.]

  1. The upper stratum of the earth; the mold, or that compound substance which furnishes nutriment to plants, or which is particularly adapted to support and nourish them.

  2. Land; country.

    Must I thus leave thee, Paradise? thus leave Thee, native soil?

  3. Dung; f[ae]ces; compost; manure; as, night soil.

    Improve land by dung and other sort of soils.

    Soil pipe, a pipe or drain for carrying off night soil.


Soil \Soil\, v. t. To enrich with soil or muck; to manure.

Men . . . soil their ground, not that they love the dirt, but that they expect a crop.


Soil \Soil\, v. t.[OE. soilen, OF. soillier, F. souiller, (assumed) LL. suculare, fr. L. sucula a little pig, dim. of sus a swine. See Sow, n.]

  1. To make dirty or unclean on the surface; to foul; to dirty; to defile; as, to soil a garment with dust.

    Our wonted ornaments now soiled and stained.

  2. To stain or mar, as with infamy or disgrace; to tarnish; to sully.

    Syn: To foul; dirt; dirty; begrime; bemire; bespatter; besmear; daub; bedaub; stain; tarnish; sully; defile; pollute.


Soil \Soil\, v. i. To become soiled; as, light colors soil sooner than dark ones.


Soil \Soil\, n. [See Soil to make dirty, Soil a miry place.] That which soils or pollutes; a soiled place; spot; stain.

A lady's honor . . . will not bear a soil.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 13c., "to defile or pollute with sin," from Old French soillier "to splatter with mud, to foul or make dirty," originally "to wallow" (12c., Modern French souillier), from souil "tub, wild boar's wallow, pigsty," which is from either Latin solium "tub for bathing; seat," or Latin suculus "little pig," from sus "pig." Literal meaning "to make dirty, begrime" is attested from c.1300 in English. Related: Soiled; soiling.


c.1300, originally "land, area, place," from Anglo-French soil "piece of ground, place" (13c.), from an merger or confusion of Old French sol "bottom, ground, soil" (12c., from Latin solum "soil, ground;" see sole (n.1)), Old French soeul, sueil "threshold, area, place" (from Latin solium "seat"), and Old French soil, soille "a miry place," from soillier (see soil (v.)).\n

\nMeaning "place of one's nativity" is from c.1400. Meaning "mould, earth, dirt" (especially that which plants grow in) is attested from mid-15c.


"filth, dirt, refuse matter, sewage, liquid likely to contain excrement," c.1600, earlier "miry or muddy place" (early 15c.), from Old French soille "miry place," from soillier (v.) "to make dirty," and in part a native formation from soil (v.). This is the sense in archaic night-soil.


Etymology 1 n. 1 (context uncountable English) A mixture of sand and organic material, used to support plant growth. 2 (context uncountable English) The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants. 3 (context uncountable English) The unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth that has been subjected to and shows effects of genetic and environmental factorsclimate (including water and temperature effects), and macro- and microorganisms, conditioned by relief, acting on parent material over a period of time. A product-soil differs from the material from which it is derived in many physical, chemical, biological, and morphological properties and characteristics. 4 Country or territory. 5 That which soils or pollutes; a stain. 6 A marshy or miry place to which a hunted boar resorts for refuge; hence, a wet place, stream, or tract of water, sought for by other game, as deer. 7 Dung; compost; manure. Etymology 2

n. 1 (context uncountable euphemistic English) Faeces or urine etc. when found on clothes. 2 (context countable medicine English) A bag containing soiled items. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To make dirty. 2 (context intransitive English) To become dirty or soiled. 3 (context transitive figurative English) To stain or mar, as with infamy or disgrace; to tarnish; to sully. 4 (context reflexive English) To dirty one's clothing by accidentally defecating while clothed. 5 To make invalid, to ruin. 6 To enrich with soil or muck; to manure. Etymology 3

n. A wet or marshy place in which a boar or other such game seeks refuge when hunted. Etymology 4

vb. To feed, as cattle or horses, in the barn or an enclosure, with fresh grass or green food cut for them, instead of sending them out to pasture; hence (such food having the effect of purging them), to purge by feeding on green food.


v. make soiled, filthy, or dirty; "don't soil your clothes when you play outside!" [syn: dirty, begrime, grime, colly, bemire] [ant: clean]

  1. n. the state of being covered with unclean things [syn: dirt, filth, grime, stain, grease, grunge]

  2. the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock [syn: dirt]

  3. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil" [syn: land, ground]

  4. the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state; "American troops were stationed on Japanese soil" [syn: territory]


Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and countless organisms that together support life on Earth. Soil is a natural body called the pedosphere which has four important functions: it is a medium for plant growth; it is a means of water storage, supply and purification; it is a modifier of Earth's atmosphere; it is a habitat for organisms; all of which, in turn, modify the soil.

Soil is called the "Skin of the Earth" and interfaces with its lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. The term pedolith, used commonly to refer to the soil, literally translates 'level stone'. Soil consists of a solid phase of minerals and organic matter, as well as a porous phase that holds gases and water. Accordingly, soils are often treated as a three- state system of solids, liquids, and gases.

Soil is a product of the influence of the climate, relief (elevation, orientation, and slope of terrain), organisms, and its parent materials (original minerals) interacting over time. Soil continually undergoes development by way of numerous physical, chemical and biological processes, which include weathering with associated erosion.

Most soils have a density between 1 and 2 g/cm. Little of the soil of planet Earth is older than the Pleistocene and none is older than the Cenozoic, although fossilized soils are preserved from as far back as the Archean.

Soil science has two basic branches of study: edaphology and pedology. Edaphology is concerned with the influence of soils on living things. Pedology is focused on the formation, description (morphology), and classification of soils in their natural environment. In engineering terms, soil is referred to as regolith, or loose rock material that lies above the 'solid geology'. Soil is commonly referred to as "earth" or " dirt"; technically, the term "dirt" should be restricted to displaced soil.

As soil resources serve as a basis for food security, the international community advocates its sustainable and responsible use through different types of Soil Governance.

Soil (band)

Soil, often typeset as SOiL, is an American rock band that formed in Chicago, Illinois in 1997. After some independent releases, the band was the first rock group signed to J Records and achieved mainstream success with their major label debut, Scars, in 2001. The J Records second album Redefine was released in 2004 and the band embarked upon a worldwide tour to follow. In late 2004 frontman Ryan McCombs left the group. He would go on to become the new vocalist of Drowning Pool the following year.

The band recruited ex- Diesel Machine vocalist AJ Cavalier as its new singer and released two more studio albums (True Self, Picture Perfect) through independent labels in 2006 and 2009 respectively. SOiL continued to tour worldwide and met with strong independent success.

The band had brief line-up changes until in fall 2011, Soil reunited with Ryan McCombs for a tour commemorating the tenth anniversary of their landmark album, Scars. The band has since rejoined with their original vocalist Ryan after his departure from Texas act Drowning Pool. The line-up is currently completed with fellow original members Tim King (Bass) and Adam Zadel (Guitar), who are the only two members to have stayed with the band from inception until present. The band has sold over two million records worldwide and released its sixth studio album, entitled Whole, on August 20, 2013 (August 16 UK/Europe).

Soil (EP)

Soil is the first EP by the Chicago metal band Soil. According to the band's vocalist, Ryan McCombs, this release was referred to by the band as "the worm disc". The tracks "Broken Wings" and "She" reappeared on a second EP, El Chupacabra, in 1998. Songs from both EPs then appeared on Soil's first album, Throttle Junkies, the following year.

Soil (manga)

Soil is a manga series written and illustrated by Atsushi Kaneko. It was adapted into a Japanese television drama series in 2010. It has been published in French by Ankama.

Soil (disambiguation)

Soil is a naturally occurring granular covering on the surface of Earth, capable of supporting life.

Soil may also refer to:

  • Lunar soil, a similar granular covering on the Moon (though without Earth soil's organic components)
  • Soil (band), an American metal band
  • Soil (musical group), an indie pop group from Manchester
  • "Soil", a song by System of a Down from their album System of a Down
  • Soil (EP), the debut EP for Soil
  • Soil (manga), a manga by Atsushi Kaneko
  • Soil Stradivarius, a violin fabricated in 1714 by Antonio Stradivari
  • Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods, an American nonprofit developmental aid organization
Soil (musical group)

Soil were a British indie pop group, formed in Manchester in 1984, by North Manchester school-friends, Kevin Siddall (songwriter/guitar), Lee Bennett (bass guitar) and Rob Kerford (drums), and University of Manchester student, Matthew Karas (songwriter/vocals/keyboards/harmonica). Kerford left the group, just before the first gig, and Matthew's neighbour, Ravi Low-Beer, stood in on drums.

Low-Beer, Kerford and guitarist, Siddall, all played drums on the four song cassette, "Too Ill To Close The Door", which was duplicated and distributed by the group, and reviewed in City Life and the Manchester Evening News. After auditioning a few drummers, Gary Farrell, from Stretford, joined the group.

In this line-up, Soil supported The Smiths in Kilburn, on Oct 23rd 1986, at Morrissey's invitation. This was the concert at which The Smiths' live album, Rank, was recorded. Karas had given Morrissey a cassette during a chance encounter, and received a postcard shortly afterwards.

In the same year, Soil played at venues around Manchester, and regularly appeared at The Boardwalk. They also supported Easterhouse on a short UK tour.

Their only release was a flexi-single on the cover of Debris fanzine, edited by Dave Haslam. The track, "Front Room" was played on BBC Radio 1 by John Peel several times, as well as on local radio stations, BBC Radio Manchester and Red Rose Radio. Matthew and Kevin recorded three jingles for the BBC Radio Manchester show, Meltdown, which were played weekly for several months.

Soon after the Smiths concert, both Gary Farrell and Lee Bennett left the group. Matthew and Kevin played one concert with a backing tape, before recruiting bassist, Phil Morris, and drummer, Ged O'Brien, who played at their final performance at The Boardwalk in 1987.

Matthew and Kevin have written and recorded sporadically since 1987, but have not released anything or performed in public. They played a short set in 2013, at Matthew's 50th birthday party.

Matthew Karas has played bass guitar and harmonica with The Fallen Leaves since 2009, and various instruments with Glassglue since 2003.

Usage examples of "soil".

Then all the satisfaction she had derived from what she had heard Madame Bourdieu say departed, and she went off furious and ashamed, as if soiled and threatened by all the vague abominations which she had for some time felt around her, without knowing, however, whence came the little chill which made her shudder as with dread.

Kentucky might have been to accede to the proposition of General Polk, and which from his knowledge of the views of his own Government he was fully justified in offering, the State of Kentucky had no power, moral or physical, to prevent the United States Government from using her soil as best might suit its purposes in the war it was waging for the subjugation of the seceded States.

Hengist, who boldly aspired to the conquest of Britain, exhorted his countrymen to embrace the glorious opportunity: he painted in lively colors the fertility of the soil, the wealth of the cities, the pusillanimous temper of the natives, and the convenient situation of a spacious solitary island, accessible on all sides to the Saxon fleets.

With the acquisition of a superfluous waste of fertile soil, the conquerors obtained the command of a naval force, sufficient to transport their armies to the coast of Asia.

Alsike clover has much the same adaptation to soils as the medium and mammoth varieties, but will grow better than these on low-lying soils well stored with humus.

Crimson clover has highest adaptation for sandy loam soils into which the roots can penetrate easily.

Small, white clover has adaptation for soils very similar to that of alsike clover.

Without irrigation, the highest adaptation, all things considered, is found in Washington and Oregon, west of the Cascades, except where shallow soils lying on gravels exist.

The soils of Northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, that have produced hardwood timber, have unusually high adaptation to the growth of this plant, and as the snow usually covers the ground in these areas in winter, the crop may be relied upon with much certainty.

This important plant holds the soils of riparian habitats and also creates fertile micro-climates, adapting its shape and behavior to the amount of moisture it can get and to the elevation in which it grows, which relates then to the temperature that it must endure.

The fertility of the soil soon attracted a new colony from the adjacent provinces of Gaul.

You may trace a common motive and force in the pyramid-builders of the earliest recorded antiquity, in the evolution of Greek architecture, and in the sudden springing up of those wondrous cathedrals of the twelfth and following centuries, growing out of the soil with stem and bud and blossom, like flowers of stone whose seeds might well have been the flaming aerolites cast over the battlements of heaven.

On the soil of his own county he was no longer the diffident, affable soul he had been on the Continent.

The fruits and productions of the soil, raised by labour and capital, are disseminated and divided among all classes, who exchange their labour for that of the agriculturist, until sustenance is obtained by all.

Shestov has no roots in any soil: his thought is international, or rather supranational, and in this respect more akin to Tolstoy than to Dostoyevsky.