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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an entertainment complex (=with cinemas, restaurants and other places to go)
▪ There are plans for an entertainment complex with cinemas and a bowling alley.
an entertainment district (=where there are a lot of bars, clubs etc)
▪ Visitors to Roppongi, Tokyo’s entertainment district, come to experience the latest fashions and have fun.
entertainment/business expenses
▪ The president receives an unspecified allowance for business and entertainment expenses.
mass marketing/entertainment etc
▪ a mass marketing campaign
▪ Email has made mass mailings possible at the touch of a button.
the leisure/entertainment industry
▪ Computer technology has revolutionized the entertainment industry.
the music/entertainment/computer etc business
▪ He started out working in the computer business.
▪ Here are the breakaway dates with highlights of the free entertainment.
▪ They give us free information, free entertainment, free software, some even give us free mail.
▪ It is a small commercial music festival which helps to support a large free family entertainment programme.
▪ If you survive all that, Saturday, February 15, is a terrific day for free entertainment.
▪ Adjacent to pub which offers free nightly entertainment for guests.
▪ The activity centres around the big top in Stockton High Street offering free all day entertainment with live broadcasts and personal appearances.
Free bar offering wine, spirits and soft drinks. Free in-flight entertainment. 15 kilo baggage allowance.
▪ After all, it's all free for your entertainment.
▪ In the seventies, it seemed that a light entertainment show on television was not complete without a clutch of catchphrases.
▪ But as message movies began to muscle out light entertainment, Reynolds became disposable.
▪ Radio brought entertainment to a mass audience, in particular light musical entertainment: it produced the age of the great dance bands.
▪ Moving the Nine O'clock News would free a peak slot to attract more viewers with dramas and light entertainment.
▪ Both videos are situations comedies made by a top television light entertainment director and an experienced cast of comedy actors.
▪ Music that could never be taken as light entertainment.
▪ The licencee must also pick a selection of other programme categories such as drama, light entertainment and sport.
▪ There are three bars, with live entertainment in the trendy Platform 1 bar.
▪ This is one of the hottest destinations after work for savvy Downtowners, especially during special events when there is live entertainment.
▪ Lobster, fish and charcoal grilled steaks are the specialities, with live entertainment on offer most evenings.
▪ There will be live entertainment throughout the day and a wide range of Greenpeace merchandise will be on sale.
▪ What had arrived now really was mass entertainment.
▪ The other is the onslaught on the mind by mass junk entertainment.
▪ In the process it invented mass entertainment, the 10-lane freeway and smog.
▪ Interspersed with the musical entertainment would be several lectures.
▪ Some restaurants in the old town feature musical entertainment while you are dining, including fado and piano music.
▪ Radio brought entertainment to a mass audience, in particular light musical entertainment: it produced the age of the great dance bands.
▪ After the Sunday evening service in Thomas Street free suppers were provided and musical entertainments given.
▪ Television augmented and soon overtook the cinema as the masses' most popular form of entertainment.
▪ The cost of producing sitcoms and other forms of popular entertainment has been growing.
▪ The first is fraternal, popular entertainment, and a financial godsend for health care and education.
▪ With no suspense about the outcome to enliven the potentially dull political proceedings, the Republicans embraced the popular world of entertainment.
▪ As well as being neglected in popular entertainment, this type of crime has also been neglected as an area of study.
▪ Both artists succeed in conveying the sense of liveliness and movement found in popular forms of entertainment.
▪ An application for a public entertainment licence for the new venture goes before Middlesbrough Council's licensing sub-committee tomorrow.
▪ In Derby it is a condition on the public entertainment licence for all licensed premises employing doormen.
▪ His peregrinations of the islands at election time were always diverting public entertainments.
▪ The ban on public entertainment, sport and most commercial activities remained in place.
▪ They hope the authorities will adopt the principle in all public entertainment licences with effect from 1993.
▪ Thus, beneath what may seem to be pure escapist entertainment, there lies a deep psychological truth.
▪ They are two very different films then, the one classified as pure art, the other as pure entertainment.
▪ But brand loyalty is harder to win in the information and entertainment businesses.
▪ The schools are close to the studios, and many families in the entertainment business have homes in the Valley.
▪ Most managers want to deal with all of an artist's activities in the entertainment business throughout the world.
▪ Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business.
▪ Like many in the entertainment business, they love dressing up.
▪ But friendships made at Montclair Prep can open doors in the entertainment business.
▪ It was real progress in the entertainment business.
▪ But industry sources have indicated Mr Schwartz has long had an interest in the entertainment business.
▪ Some seem to have simply added a pull-out keyboard tray to the armoire / entertainment center and renamed it a computer cabinet.
▪ It featured a contemporary black leather sofa, state-of-the-art entertainment center and a gigantic pool table.
▪ Today, spruced-up Times Square is in the midst of a surprising, almost surreal transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center.
▪ Sherry planned on having an entertainment company of her own.
▪ Their goal is to grow as a general entertainment company.
▪ Unlike the West, business luncheons are a rarity and evening entertainment almost never takes place in the home.
▪ My rendition of Parma climbing to Ambadji was to become a popular set-piece for evening entertainment.
▪ Most specialist tours to Blackpool usually include an evenings entertainment in with the price.
▪ For evening entertainment there is a piano bar and, for the more energetic, a sound-proofed discotheque operates in the basement.
▪ Price is about £255 which includes full board, accommodation and evening entertainment.
▪ For evening entertainment there are a number of hotels, bars and restaurants within walking distance.
▪ Some entertainment expenses are bona fide business expenses under the tax laws-and these are discussed shortly.
▪ The new president will receive an unspecified allowance for business and entertainment expenses, as well as 22 days vacation.
▪ The substantiation rules for the working condition fringe benefit are similar to those for travel and entertainment expenses covered in Chapter 5.
▪ With travel and entertainment expenses, the bona fides of the expense may not be so readily apparent.
▪ Now business owners must participate in the process of documenting the travel and entertainment expenses of their employees.
▪ It is only by renting your equipment that you can keep fully up to date with advances in home entertainment technology.
Home Entertainment Another application area of e-commerce is that of home entertainment.
▪ AimTech's Tiger Media acquisition also ties in neatly with its planned excursion into the market for interactive home entertainment systems.
▪ In the entire home entertainment area, the key element is the notion of customer control over programming.
▪ So is the core home entertainment system next?
▪ He expresses extreme concern about how the entertainment industry is able to contaminate the mind of the public.
▪ However, the biggest challenge we face today is a willingness by some in the entertainment industry to produce whatever sells.
▪ Or merely a branch of the advertising and entertainment industry?
▪ Clinton also was the favorite of the media and entertainment industry, which gave him more than $ 300, 000&038;.
▪ The entertainment industry now employs more people than the aerospace industry.
▪ McElwee sees Los Angeles and its entertainment industry through the eyes of a bemused Easterner.
▪ The entertainment industry is, of course, rife with synthetic body parts, including hair.
▪ The entertainment industry also is hot.
▪ An application for a public entertainment licence for the new venture goes before Middlesbrough Council's licensing sub-committee tomorrow.
▪ Sefton councillors this week stripped the club of its entertainments licence after being handed a police dossier detailing violent and rowdy incidents.
▪ In Derby it is a condition on the public entertainment licence for all licensed premises employing doormen.
▪ If permission is granted for an entertainment licence, the promoters hope to start shows there within the next few months.
▪ A final decision whether to grant an entertainment licence will be taken in March.
▪ Comprehensive navigation and communication equipment complement the entertainment systems.
▪ The 777 is quieter, has user-friendly storage bins and a sophisticated entertainment system with multiple choices.
▪ AimTech's Tiger Media acquisition also ties in neatly with its planned excursion into the market for interactive home entertainment systems.
▪ So is the core home entertainment system next?
▪ The Lynx is an entertainment system.
▪ A good little program, even if you only want it for its entertainment value.
▪ His supporters stress the sentimental and entertainment value of seeing him take the baton one more time.
▪ Of course the studio hoped that the film would succeed as melodrama and much of the publicity stressed its entertainment value.
▪ Budweiser gets the slight edge here over Pepsi for entertainment value.
▪ This has very little to do with the quality and entertainment value of the films themselves.
▪ Although the spectacle had macabre entertainment value, a fundamental question got buried in the slime: Did Carey finagle the books?
▪ And in terms of entertainment value, Rhodes is fantastic.
▪ They are worth far more than £300 million in entertainment value.
▪ They also stated that his kind regard for his employees was unique in the entertainment world.
▪ The entertainment world has always been fond of him.
▪ No previous dance troupe manager had attacked the entertainment world so vigorously.
▪ Bohunt's team will enjoy an evening of entertainment which will include tasting food and listening to the music of many countries.
▪ The George Street precinct is a great place to pause, enjoy the frequent street entertainment and watch the world go by.
▪ Our Exmoor club is free to residents - and you can enjoy regular entertainment, discos and live bands.
▪ Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
▪ At the same time it offered great entertainment for the onlookers.
▪ The other leagues offer a better entertainment package.
▪ But it was Sky's fault that Sonia's musical non-charms were offered as half-time entertainment.
▪ This latest book turns the spotlight on the human aspects and it offers excellent entertainment.
▪ Instead they tried to take their minds off the poster campaign by providing weekend entertainment.
▪ The station provides entertainment and news.
▪ The navy probably had to provide all sorts of entertainment for these women.
▪ Such sponsorships provide support for events which might not otherwise take place, providing pleasure and entertainment for the public.
▪ The positive side of all this is that the game provides hours of entertainment for children who are up to the challenge.
▪ Their purpose is increasingly to provide entertainment.
▪ In the dreary new settlements revivalist contests also provided entertainment.
▪ Blackpool was where I got my first taste of the world of entertainment.
▪ Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer.
▪ So what do you do for entertainment in this town?
▪ the entertainment industry
▪ Fishbane appears to have had an entertainment allowance of around twenty thousand.
▪ Here are the breakaway dates with highlights of the free entertainment.
▪ Media Research Center analysts studied all 1995 prime time entertainment programs on the networks.
▪ My rendition of Parma climbing to Ambadji was to become a popular set-piece for evening entertainment.
▪ That passed for big-time entertainment in those days, even in the so-called Roaring Twenties.
▪ There are also sections on entertainment, events and ideas for themed short breaks.
▪ There was the provision of food, drink, in-flight entertainment and duty-free goods, and the printing of tickets.
▪ This is entertainment that could make you think.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Entertainment \En`ter*tain"ment\, n. [Cf. OF. entretenement.]

  1. The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general.

    The entertainment of Christ by faith.

    The sincere entertainment and practice of the precepts of the gospel.
    --Bp. Sprat.

  2. That which entertains, or with which one is entertained; as:

    1. Hospitality; hospitable provision for the wants of a guest; especially, provision for the table; a hospitable repast; a feast; a formal or elegant meal.

    2. That which engages the attention agreeably, amuses or diverts, whether in private, as by conversation, etc., or in public, by performances of some kind; amusement.

      Theatrical entertainments conducted with greater elegance and refinement.

  3. Admission into service; service.

    Some band of strangers in the adversary's entertainment.

  4. Payment of soldiers or servants; wages. [Obs.]

    The entertainment of the general upon his first arrival was but six shillings and eight pence.
    --Sir J. Davies.

    Syn: Amusement; diversion; recreation; pastime; sport; feast; banquet; repast; carousal.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1530s, "provision for support of a retainer; manner of social behavior," now obsolete, along with other 16c. senses; from entertain + -ment. Meaning "the amusement of someone" is from 1610s; sense of "that which entertains" is from 1650s; that of "public performance or display meant to amuse" is from 1727.


n. 1 An activity designed to give pleasure, enjoyment, diversion, amusement, or relaxation to an audience, no matter whether the audience participates passively as in watching opera or a movie, or actively as in games. 2 a show put on for the enjoyment or amusement of others 3 (context obsolete English) maintenance or support 4 Admission into service; service. 5 (context obsolete English) Payment of soldiers or servants; wages.


n. a diversion that holds the attention [syn: amusement]

Entertainment (disambiguation)

Entertainment or Entertain may refer to:

  • Entertain Magazine, 2007–10 British entertainment magazine
  • Entertainment (2014 film), a 2014 Bollywood film, also known as It's Entertainment
  • Entertainment (2015 film), a 2015 American film
  • Entertainment (album), 2009 Fischerspooner album
  • Entertainment (band), post-punk band formed 2002
  • Entertainment (song), 2013 song by the band Phoenix
  • Entertainment Weekly, American magazine (sometimes abbreviated as EW)
  • Entertainment!, 1979 Gang of Four album
  • Entertainment, event, performance, or activity designed to give pleasure to an audience
  • "Entertainment", track on Appeal to Reason, 2008 album by Rise Against
Entertainment (album)

Entertainment is the third full-length album by electroclash duo and performance troupe Fischerspooner, released on May 5, 2009 in the United States, and on May 4 around the world. On April 19, 2009 a teaser for this album appeared on YouTube.

Written over a two-year period with producer Jeff Saltzman ( The Killers, The Sounds) and recorded independently in a carriage house in Brooklyn with an intimate circle of artists working on the band's live show as Ian Pai, Ben Bromley and Sam Kearney. Other special guests include actress/performance artist Ann Magnuson, UK musician Gabriel Olegavich and electronic collagist Steven Stein.

The first single, "Supply & Demand" was made available as a free mp3 download from the band's website. The album's iTunes bonus track, "Fascinating" is a cover of an unreleased R.E.M. song originally composed for their 2001 album Reveal. Background vocals on "Supply & Demand" were sung by Heather Porcaro.

Entertainment received generally mixed reviews. The album holds a score of 60 out of 100 on the review aggregator website Metacritic.

Entertainment (band)

Entertainment is an American post-punk band founded in 2002 in Athens, Georgia.

Entertainment (2014 film)

Entertainment is a 2014 Bollywood romantic comedy film directed by the duo Sajid-Farhad in their directorial debut. Starring Junior, Akshay Kumar and Tamannaah Bhatia in the lead roles, the film is produced by Ramesh S. Taurani of Tips Industries Limited. Entertainment was released on 8 August 2014.


Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea or a task, but is more likely to be one of the activities or events that have developed over thousands of years specifically for the purpose of keeping an audience's attention. Although people's attention is held by different things, because individuals have different preferences in entertainment, most forms are recognisable and familiar. Storytelling, music, drama, dance, and different kinds of performance exist in all cultures, were supported in royal courts, developed into sophisticated forms and over time became available to all citizens. The process has been accelerated in modern times by an entertainment industry which records and sells entertainment products. Entertainment evolves and can be adapted to suit any scale, ranging from an individual who chooses a private entertainment from a now enormous array of pre-recorded products; to a banquet adapted for two; to any size or type of party, with appropriate music and dance; to performances intended for thousands; and even for a global audience.

The experience of being entertained has come to be strongly associated with amusement, so that one common understanding of the idea is fun and laughter, although many entertainments have a serious purpose. This may be the case in the various forms of ceremony, celebration, religious festival, or satire for example. Hence, there is the possibility that what appears as entertainment may also be a means of achieving insight or intellectual growth.

An important aspect of entertainment is the audience, which turns a private recreation or leisure activity into entertainment. The audience may have a passive role, as in the case of persons watching a play, opera, television show, or film; or the audience role may be active, as in the case of games, where the participant/audience roles may be routinely reversed. Entertainment can be public or private, involving formal, scripted performance, as in the case of theatre or concerts; or unscripted and spontaneous, as in the case of children's games. Most forms of entertainment have persisted over many centuries, evolving due to changes in culture, technology, and fashion. Films and video games, for example, although they use newer media, continue to tell stories, present drama, and play music. Festivals devoted to music, film, or dance allow audiences to be entertained over a number of consecutive days.

Some activities that once were considered entertaining, particularly public punishments, have been removed from the public arena. Others, such as fencing or archery, once necessary skills for some, have become serious sports and even professions for the participants, at the same time developing into entertainment with wider appeal for bigger audiences. In the same way, other necessary skills, such as cooking, have developed into performances among professionals, staged as global competitions and then broadcast for entertainment. What is entertainment for one group or individual may be regarded as work by another.

The familiar forms of entertainment have the capacity to cross over different media and have demonstrated a seemingly unlimited potential for creative remix. This has ensured the continuity and longevity of many themes, images, and structures.

kottabos and girl playing the aulos. Greece (c. 420 BC)
Banqueting and music have continued to be two important entertainments since ancient times.

Entertainment (song)

"Entertainment" is a song by the French band Phoenix from their fifth album Bankrupt!. It is the lead single from the album and premiered on 18 February 2013 with airplay on BBC Radio 1's Zane Lowe show. Following the premiere, the single was sent to alternative radio, where it impacted in the United States during the week of 26 February. The cover for the single, released on 19 February 2013, features the image of a Mai Tai against a gray background. "Entertainment" features a staccato guitar line and synthetic production. The official remix of the track features vocals from British R&B group Mutya Keisha Siobhan and re-worked production from Dev Hynes.

Entertainment (2015 film)

Entertainment is a 2015 American drama film co-written and directed by Rick Alverson, starring Gregg Turkington, Tye Sheridan, and John C. Reilly. The film follows an unnamed comedian (a variant of Turkington's long-standing character Neil Hamburger) as he performs in various locations where the audience is either hostile or indifferent to him. He receives advice from his cousin John (Reilly), and as he continues to tour, his performances begin to lower in quality and some audience members become hostile. Alverson, Turkington and Tim Heidecker co-wrote the film.

The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2015. It was released in a limited theatrical release by Magnolia Pictures in North America, and through video on demand in November 2015, receiving a generally positive reception from film critics.

Usage examples of "entertainment".

Ramirez stood shoulder to shoulder with Andi facing the entertainment center.

It was about as much of a social gathering as Las Animas saw except at dances and school entertainments.

But there were definite advantages of Roman rule, which no Antiochene denied, although their comic actors and the slaves who sang at private entertainments mocked the Romans and invented accusations of injustice and extortion that were even more outrageous than the truth.

East towards Covent Garden, where the street entertainment was a little artier, and the average burger was anything but cheap.

The furniture mixed Stickley antiques and heavy rattan with an entertainment center that would make any audiophile or movie addict weep with envy.

Near the highest point, sheltered from the north by balsams, stands a house of entertainment, with a detached cottage, looking across the great valley to the Black Mountain range.

It was a curious sort of a feast, I reflected, in appearance indeed, an entertainment of the Barmecide stamp, for there was absolutely nothing to eat.

While bearbaiting was an amusing and lucrative entertainment, everyone knew it should take place in a bear pit and not by the side of the road with a nonpaying audience.

On Bhat II the entire entertainment network broke down when a vital communications relay satellite abruptly refused to distribute the signals it normally uplinked.

Both were acclaimed in equal measure for the promise of entertainment they offered, and the Boeotian smiled to hear the shouts but the Locrian remained as serious now as he had been among his own people.

When Mom goes out to buy school clothes for the kids, or when Dad buys an entertainment center, shopping is an expression of family.

A quick search with his eyes found her, sitting on a campstool by the cookshack and watching the scramble of men and animals in the branding arena as if it all had been staged just for her entertainment.

Familiar faces hove into view, some known personally, some known at the intimate remove of modern celebrityhood, local media types tanned and satisfied, a sprinkling of higher-magnitude stars down from the mountain in Aspen, the socialite grouper fish, the trolling politicos, and the renowned and endowed from the glamorous world of adult entertainment, all the well-connected folk you could ever hope to rig a hot wire to.

The Webers doubted that a deaf-blind woman could interest a vaudeville audience, which was rowdier and more intent on entertainment than the education-bent, sober folk who formed the Chautauqua constituency.

Dozens of people guaranteed slices of a huge loan to build an entertainment and leisure centre between Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, and it did get built, but the location and the design of it were all wrong and so no one would use it or buy it and the bank called in all the loans.