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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a battle/clash/test of wills (=when two determined people oppose each other)
▪ Even the smallest decision could become an exhausting battle of wills.
a bitter battle/dispute
▪ There was a bitter battle over the building of the new airport.
a custody battle/dispute (=a legal argument about who will have custody)
▪ He is fighting a bitter custody battle for his children.
a desperate struggle/battle/fight
▪ The climbers faced a desperate struggle to reach safety.
a hard-fought battle/contest/game etc
▪ one of the most hard-fought games this season
▪ a hard-fought battle for the presidency
a war/battle/combat zone
▪ Planes were diverted to avoid flying over the war zone.
battle cruiser
battle cruiser
▪ a battle cruiser
battle cry
▪ ‘Socialism Now!’ was their battle cry.
battle fatigue
battle/struggle against the odds (=work hard despite great difficulties)
▪ The Coastguard was battling against the odds to keep the oil spill from reaching the shore.
gun battle
▪ Two policemen were killed in a gun battle.
long-running dispute/battle/debate/feud etc
▪ She was involved in a long-running legal battle.
▪ Freddie died in 1982 after losing his battle against AIDS.
pitched battle
▪ a pitched battle between the rival groups
sb’s fight/struggle/battle for survival
▪ Their lives had been one long struggle for survival.
the ensuing battle/conflict/debate etc
▪ In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed.
turf war/battle (=a fight or argument over the areas or things you think belong to you)
▪ turf wars among government bureaucracies
wage a campaign/struggle/battle etc
▪ The council has waged a vigorous campaign against the proposal.
win a battle/war
▪ Who won the battle of Waterloo?
▪ Allen is involved in a bitter custody battle for his and Mia's three children.
▪ The agreement effectively ends a bitter legal battle in two states between Mrs Harriman and the heirs.
▪ They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.
▪ Third, he ran for president in 1988 and lost a bitter primary battle with George Bush.
▪ It would also help if he had been engaged in a much publicised and bitter battle with the Prime Minister.
▪ Simpson recently won full custody of the children from the Browns after a bitter court battle.
▪ The long-awaited report has been a key part of the couple's bitter custody battle.
▪ In the United States, an ever-more bitter battle had been fought around this issue since abortion was legalized in 1972.
▪ She kept up the desperate battle until another ambulance reached them near Hexham, Northumberland.
▪ World War I had been a desperate see-saw battle up till its closing days.
▪ He saw that all the company had dismounted, and were fighting a desperate battle against the pack that surrounded them.
▪ Suddenly, it dredges up ghosts weighted down and buried in haste after a fierce battle.
▪ He was a great horseman and he fed his horses human flesh to make them fierce in battle.
▪ During the ensuing months, a fierce battle was raged.
▪ Holtzman brought him down in a fierce primary battle that focused on his age.
▪ The fierce battle for Travnik was now over, the sources said.
▪ While Achilles stayed in his tent a fierce battle followed, the hardest yet fought.
▪ The requirement for large body size arises from the fierce battles between males for access to females.
▪ It is in their region, plus California, that Dole and Clinton probably will stage their fiercest battle for electoral votes.
▪ The Mullahs nest great battle with the Shah came over his White Revolution in the early 1960's.
▪ The two-day affair at Hampton Roads attracted worldwide attention and was destined for inclusion among the great naval battles history.
▪ He tells me of a great battle his ancestors fought near Lake Victoria.
▪ The casualties of the greatest battle in history would be as nothing, before the carnage that might start at any second.
▪ There was a great battle between Banba and myself.
▪ When the engine kicked in, there was a sweet roar like the opening barrage of a great battle.
▪ Joseph saw the wrestling day as one of his great sea battles.
▪ And how does the Persian Gulf War rate as one of the great battles of all time?
▪ The ruling came at the end of a five-year legal battle between a divorced couple that cost £840,000.
▪ Raines retained Abner Burnett of Midland, and the two squared off for a legal battle.
▪ They are also waging a legal battle to try to re-establish traditional communal rights on the mountainside.
▪ The agreement effectively ends a bitter legal battle in two states between Mrs Harriman and the heirs.
▪ However, after a prolonged legal battle, Fleiss said she is ready to end her standoff with state authorities.
▪ In 1236, following a long legal battle, he secured visitation rights over the monks of Coventry.
▪ The developer, in turn, sued the city and Pilachowski, setting off a lengthy legal battle.
▪ Shire difficulty became sheer impossibility after a months long battle to deselect David Abrahams, the previous candidate.
▪ But Thursday, the long battle finally ended.
▪ The 61-year-old electrician died on Monday night after losing a long battle against cancer.
▪ Scientology has fought long battles for legal acceptance as a religion and has succeeded in many countries, including the United States.
▪ Rehnquist confronted it himself when his wife, Natalie, died in 1991 after a long battle with ovarian cancer.
▪ After a long battle with the local council, she was finally taken to court and fined £800.
▪ Their long battle of need and rejection had finally come to a head.
▪ Here, in a major battle, two factors were emphasised.
▪ A major battle must be fought to get rid of it.
▪ His hair was the one major battle that Jazz had failed to win with his parents.
▪ It was a really major battle.
▪ Certainly, the Treasury was to be a major battle ground between contending philosophies.
▪ A mere seventy air-miles or so away, a major battle was being conducted in the province of Phuoc Long.
▪ It is to emphasise that Papert is fighting major battles over the nature of the relationship between computers and education.
▪ This initiative caused a major battle within the team.
▪ After a pitched battle, no less than 29 of the gang were arrested.
▪ There were pitched battles, so they lay in wait for you.
▪ They must fight pitched battles, and fight in a body; and they must begin fighting as far forward as possible.
▪ But if it came to a pitched battle, the phalanx of heavily armed, well-mounted knights was a very formidable weapon.
▪ There followed a pitched battle at a bridge across the Dnestr river leading into the town.
▪ It is surprising, therefore, how seldom armies joined in pitched battle in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
▪ The scene was all set for a pitched battle.
▪ There are few archers or hand gunners who can stand against decent combat troops in a pitched battle.
▪ Some of us even enjoy the political battles, provided we win a few.
▪ Here the political gender battle is reversed.
▪ But it may be only the beginning as the political battle over welfare reform is about to be joined.
▪ The repairs debacle has become a political battle symbolising the party's awkward relationship to its own supporters.
▪ South Carolina was an epic political battle, and Bush won it well.
▪ Truman, who particularly relished a political battle when he was the underdog, fought back.
▪ The hard-liners have not vanished, and the political battles ahead will be intense.
▪ I was not told, when we left, that I should have to fight a running battle with four hundred horsemen.
▪ As well as his running battle with Monkou, he left stud marks on defender Richard Hall.
▪ Pope and he kept up a running literary battle.
▪ In the resulting confrontation several hundred Mohawks armed with clubs and guns fought running battles with police.
▪ An even longer running battle was fought in the royal dockyards.
▪ GEC/Siemens raised their bid to £2 billion in August 1989 and this proved sufficient to end the long running battle.
▪ For years he had continued a running battle with producers and film companies whom he saw as the bad guys.
▪ Video-Taped report follows Voice over Oxford's uphill battle against relegation continues tomorrow at Barnsley.
▪ Strickland, a strong environmentalist, is in an uphill battle against Rep.
▪ Ordinary civility was an uphill battle for him.
▪ However, each parlor faces an uphill battle because the city hired a financial consulting firm to review the applications.
▪ While critics of his decision gained momentum Thursday, the record shows they face an uphill battle.
▪ Dole faces an uphill battle in the state-by-state electoral vote battle.
▪ But getting those messages to women may be an uphill battle.
▪ Fencing: The team epee competition begins but the United States faces an uphill battle.
▪ He would talk about what is going on in the budget battle, what is going on in the Medicare debate.
▪ Now, however, the Clinton administration does not have the funds due to its budget battle with the Republican-controlled Congress.
▪ His government collapsed, and he has spent six years fighting-and winning-#court battles, often on technicalities.
▪ And an expensive court battle will drag on for years; and, whatever the out-come, the owner loses.
▪ He gave her specialist child custody advice and helped her win legal aid for her court battle.
▪ Flood never enjoyed the freedom he sought in baseball, but his efforts paved the way for other court battles.
▪ Why did Angela Smith's wedding day turn into a ding-dong court battle? 12.
▪ Simpson recently won full custody of the children from the Browns after a bitter court battle.
▪ The court battle would drag on for years, long after Groucho was dead.
▪ His battle cry was echoed by Baal and Set, as they hurtled forward in his wake.
▪ We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.
▪ She heard his cry, perhaps the battle cry of his northern forefathers when they prepared to attack.
▪ And we bear the glorious stars for the Union and the right, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom!
▪ The new battle cry was: Year-Round Casual.
▪ Their battle cry at the moment is: To know synchronized swimming is to love synchronized swimming.
▪ Her parting gesture, almost a battle cry.
▪ They let off a battle cry.
▪ Allen is involved in a bitter custody battle for his and Mia's three children.
▪ On all sides of the debate, experts agree that children have already lost as soon as a custody battle begins.
▪ They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.
▪ And he never mentioned the custody battle for his two young children that recently ended.
▪ The long-awaited report has been a key part of the couple's bitter custody battle.
▪ So was the custody battle over her children.
▪ In a custody battle she would naturally be awarded the boy.
▪ Seven police officers were injured in a gun battle.
▪ But none of that happened without running gun battles with the centralizers in Washington.
▪ On April 28 eight people died and more than 20 were injured in a gun battle in the village of Troitskaya.
▪ After 10 days of gun battles, Federal troops were called out to quell the violence.
▪ In the gun battle that followed all the rebels were shot dead except one-17-year-old Bhagwati Chaudhary.
▪ His parents were told at first that he was hit in the chest during a gun battle.
▪ Khosana was shot dead in an ensuing gun battle with Ciskeian troops.
▪ Last Sunday 22 people died and 52 were injured in gun battles and by landmines in the state.
▪ The battle lines, it seemed, had already been drawn.
▪ The battle lines are not at all clear: a competitor may also be an alliance partner.
▪ The battle lines over animal research are being drawn in California.
▪ In local news, the battle lines between rival news operations are being blurred even more.
▪ In December the Red Cross persuaded both sides to allow it to cross their battle lines.
▪ He notes battle lines are being drawn in the foothills of the Tortolita Mountains, just north of Tucson.
▪ The battle lines have been drawn.
▪ Pete Wilson yesterday, drawing a strongly worded veto but defining the battle lines after months of debate and anguished decisions.
▪ How to convey the battle scene posed a problem.
▪ Lawrence were now making their way from Fort Monroe toward the battle scene.
▪ He and his co-stars describe how scary it was filming the battle scenes in their new movie.
▪ But be warned: The battle scenes are as fierce and brutal as the reality of bladed warfare.
▪ Life size models of the medieval lords, and a dramatic civil war battle scene, are just some of the attractions.
▪ The streets were busy but seemed far removed from the battle scene across the river.
▪ Growing in the most sinister manner, it is embedded in a battle scene taking place across the River Nile.
▪ Below us was the battle zone, 464 square miles of urban decay, whose every street was a border to some one.
▪ Voice over More recently the Hercules has again headed for a battle zone.
▪ For two hours, they're packed together as the Hercules fly low above the make believe battle zone.
▪ Migrants flocking in panic from the battle zone provided a useful veil of confusion.
▪ At least 200 rebels, massed towards Gifunzo in Rutana Province, were engaged in battle.
▪ Our country is engaged in a pitched battle in a fiercely competitive commercial world.
▪ They explain that the patient is engaged in a legal battle with his brother over some land.
▪ Police and demonstrators regularly engage in running battles near Mr Suharto's home in central Jakarta.
▪ Earlier in the day, warriors will engage in mock battle.
▪ Across the table from Kelly, Annie and Bill were engaged in a silent battle of wills.
▪ My feelings and my thoughts were engaged in a battle royal inside me.
▪ But now they face a battle to save another from being stripped of trees for a paper and pulp mill.
▪ However, each parlor faces an uphill battle because the city hired a financial consulting firm to review the applications.
▪ The spread was helped by the Army since the idea appealed to soldiers facing possible death in battle.
▪ Kopp said he faced an uphill battle in winning approval for the bill.
▪ But now Reynolds faces a new battle to force the sport's rulers to hand over the £18.5 million.
▪ Dole faces an uphill battle in the state-by-state electoral vote battle.
▪ Read in studio Jaguar is facing a High Court battle over cancelled orders for its new supercar.
▪ Beck now faced a second battle.
▪ But above all we are determined and able to fight battles.
▪ She has a talent for playing modern women who must find the inner strength to fight their own battles.
▪ No one wants to end up fighting a patent battle in court because financially only the lawyers win.
▪ Weight remains a sensitive issue for Engler, who is constantly fighting a sometimes serious battle of the bulge.
▪ We invaded Ireland and fought our own battles there.
▪ Scientology has fought long battles for legal acceptance as a religion and has succeeded in many countries, including the United States.
▪ Or was it to organise workpeople to fight the most immediate battles?
▪ It is not we who have to fight the battle for spiritual progress, as it were.
▪ The romantic novelist Dame Barbara Cartland has joined the battle to save an eleventh century abbey.
▪ Upon seeing what has become of his homeland and her people, Diego joins the battle for liberty and justice.
▪ As I was soon to find, he was a man you could like even when you were joined in battle with him.
▪ He went to join the battle and, all unskilled in warfare, he was killed at once.
▪ A nationalist militia, the Mai Mai, has also joined battle with both sides.
▪ He could have joined battle, lost, and opted for some face-saving rapprochement.
▪ He would join in battle or in love so closely with a human that a link was established that worked both ways.
▪ Last week, an opposing group of retired officers joined the battle on the side of the Pentagon.
▪ Secondly, James may have been killed either before the battle or at its beginning.
▪ Between 14 and 16 July twenty-two people were killed in the battles between blacks, the police, and the National Guard.
▪ A career soldier, he had died leading his men into battle at Spion Kop during the Boer War.
▪ There are numerous examples of kings themselves leading in battle.
▪ Last year, when his party was in opposition and locked in a leadership battle, 60% of its supporters voted No.
▪ Budapest Week is now locked in a circulation battle with the new weekly broadsheet, the Budapest Post.
▪ Lomb has been locked in a fierce battle with Johnson&038;.
▪ For more than a year now Mr Kohl has been locked in a battle to rescue his battered reputation for posterity.
▪ This was like a general who had lost a battle or some important territory being disciplined or shot.
▪ In 1986, Lynott lost the battle and passed on.
▪ Although already gravely ill, she posed for this graduation picture just days before losing her battle against cancer.
▪ Third, he ran for president in 1988 and lost a bitter primary battle with George Bush.
▪ The 61-year-old electrician died on Monday night after losing a long battle against cancer.
▪ It may be, in the long run, more productive to lose the battle but win the war.
▪ The govern ment has lost the battle for the hearts and minds of the people.
▪ Had Roosevelt not died, the Corps might well have lost the battle.
▪ There was a pitched battle here a few hours ago, but soldiers are nowhere in sight now.
▪ I had expected rage, flying pupusas, a pitched battle.
▪ For three weeks he witnessed pitched battles between gendarmes and young demonstrators in the streets of Tizi-Ouzou.
▪ She so much wanted to avoid another pitched battle with her son.
▪ There were once pitched battles and riotous football matches between colliers and tradesmen around the turn of the last century.
▪ The month before, the Metropolitans had fought a pitched battle with their rivals for control of City Hall.
▪ He describes how he killed two young workers taken prisoner in a pitched battle inside a factory workshop.
▪ Our country is engaged in a pitched battle in a fiercely competitive commercial world.
▪ In the yard, the protagonists were preparing for battle.
▪ Concurrently, adrenaline-related substances are at work, increasing your heart rate and constricting your arteries to prepare you for battle.
▪ Every general has his own method for preparing his troops for battle and I am no exception.
▪ Front-line troops were prepared for battle.
▪ Mr Scargill urged the miners to prepare for battle: they must stand firm over their wage claim.
▪ The two opposing forces around Guanajuato prepared for battle.
▪ When the Night Goblins prepare for battle they brew huge quantities of fungus beer to bolster their courage.
▪ They dash across the road and prepare for battle.
▪ Pasok denied yesterday it was waging a battle on two fronts.
▪ They waged a battle, and we waged a skirmish, and they won.
▪ Bernard would lie awake for hours waging his nightly battle with carnality, slapping it down, groaning.
▪ Both sides say that thousands of Californians have joined grass-roots groups that are waging the battle over the initiative.
▪ But women beyond the West were also waging another kind of battle: against colonialism and for independence.
▪ But they were also deeply different and waged frequent verbal battles.
▪ They are also waging a legal battle to try to re-establish traditional communal rights on the mountainside.
▪ Who remains to wage the battles and to sound the trumpets?
▪ The Treasury-tight-knit, secretive, ferociously intelligent-is winning the battle.
▪ When we beat them, we won the turnover battle.
▪ These arguments win only half the battle.
▪ Hicks won a battle for a loose puck from two Sharks.
▪ They did not understand the nature of honour or how to win glory in battle.
▪ High Elf mages are mighty spell casters whose fiery blasts and awesome energies have won many a battle.
▪ George Westinghouse had clearly won the battle of the currents.
an uphill struggle/battle/task etc
▪ However, each parlor faces an uphill battle because the city hired a financial consulting firm to review the applications.
▪ It proved to be an uphill struggle, and was far from successful.
▪ Kopp said he faced an uphill battle in winning approval for the bill.
▪ Rehabilitation will be an uphill struggle.
▪ Smith said gay-rights advocates still believe they are fighting an uphill battle in opposing the bill.
▪ Unless you have a goal your learning will be an uphill struggle.
▪ Voice over Police are hoping to trace original owners but admit it's an uphill task.
▪ While critics of his decision gained momentum Thursday, the record shows they face an uphill battle.
be half the battle
▪ And as the Reidys said, finding a family-friendly company is half the battle.
▪ Media mavens contend that the visual comparison of the two men side by side is half the battle.
▪ Relishing the state is half the battle towards a good life, for everyone.
be locked in battle/combat/dispute etc
fight a losing battle
▪ And yet despite all this the pounds were creeping up on us and we seemed to be fighting a losing battle.
▪ Even with the addition of the Morning Post to the publishing empire in 1924, Die-hard journalism was fighting a losing battle.
▪ For most of these people they were fighting a losing battle.
▪ He tried hard to do this, but he was fighting a losing battle here against the rising tide of papal authority.
▪ The 84-year-old Oscar-winner has been fighting a losing battle against failing sight for the past year.
▪ The windscreen wipers sounded asthmatic, fighting a losing battle against the insistent rain.
▪ Under the present conditions of economic recession, regional policies are fighting a losing battle.
▪ Why couldn't she see she was fighting a losing battle?
fight your own battles
▪ She has a talent for playing modern women who must find the inner strength to fight their own battles.
▪ Surely it is better for the townsfolk themselves to develop the necessary skills to fight their own battles?
▪ We invaded Ireland and fought our own battles there.
join battle
▪ A nationalist militia, the Mai Mai, has also joined battle with both sides.
▪ He could have joined battle, lost, and opted for some face-saving rapprochement.
▪ It would certainly distract the attention of the powerful commercial groups that are about to join battle over cable television networks.
race/work/battle against time
▪ But his parents are faced with a desperate race against time to raise the money necessary for his treatment.
▪ For the cartoonists, it's a daily battle against time, to create work that captures the imagination.
▪ However, with the contract negotiations starting, Lipton and others know that they are fighting a battle against time.
▪ It is a race against time.
▪ It looks as if my whole life is a race against time.
▪ Now it is a race against time to rebuild it before high spring ties later this month.
▪ The picture which became the cover shot, of the Rollright Stones, was a particular race against time.
▪ They face a race against time as fears grow over the health of the whales and the possibility of their becoming beached.
running battle/joke
▪ A man whose name is so synonymous with a suntan that it is a running joke in Doonesbury?
▪ An even longer running battle was fought in the royal dockyards.
▪ As well as his running battle with Monkou, he left stud marks on defender Richard Hall.
▪ I was not told, when we left, that I should have to fight a running battle with four hundred horsemen.
▪ In the resulting confrontation several hundred Mohawks armed with clubs and guns fought running battles with police.
▪ Police and demonstrators regularly engage in running battles near Mr Suharto's home in central Jakarta.
▪ The fighters quickly pursued them and eventually shot down every one in a running battle.
▪ They saw graffiti on important public memorials and they saw running battles with the police.
the Battle of Waterloo
the field (of battle)
▪ Civilians walked miles to villages away from the field of battle.
▪ He was awarded a medal for distinguished service in the field.
▪ It is better to negotiate than to settle political disputes on the field of battle.
▪ The new weapon has not yet been tried out in the field.
▪ It no more lies within the field of morals than does a cross-word puzzle.
▪ Policemen were equipped with self-loading rifles, jeeps and even armoured tractors to chase militants into the fields.
▪ Punches are being thrown, instruments are flying, and the field is littered with funny hats.
▪ Rice dresses immaculately and stylishly at all times, on the field and off.
▪ She had indeed shown little interest in the fields her great-aunt had left, probably because he had the use of them.
▪ That was the hardest part, using the field sales information without making Wilkinson look bad.
▪ With a circular iris, the focus is maintained in both dimensions of the field of view.
▪ a battle between rival gangs
▪ a long and costly legal battle
▪ a naval battle in the North Sea
▪ About 200 students fought pitched battles with police during the demonstrations.
▪ He was killed in a street battle in 1998.
▪ King Olaf died in battle, in 1030.
▪ Lyndon Johnson first sent U.S. combat troops into battle in March 1965.
▪ The battle against racial discrimination is not over.
▪ the Battle of Bunker Hill
▪ the Battle of the Somme
▪ The French lost the Battle of Agincourt in 1415.
▪ The President is fully committed to the battle against the drug traffickers.
▪ They now have a good chance of winning the battle against violence and drugs in the community.
▪ Growing in the most sinister manner, it is embedded in a battle scene taking place across the River Nile.
▪ It has implied that where ideological commitments are involved a distinction may be made between relatively easy gestures and hard administrative battles.
▪ Jellicoe and his battle fleet were still well to the north.
▪ Now just kick the tyres, light the fires and leap off unarmed into battle.
▪ Panting and snorting like a mad battle steed that has lost its rider, the masterless ocean overruns the globe.
▪ She loved the chase and the battle and her freedom.
▪ So the Task Force sped on toward its goal, every ship now tense and ready for battle.
▪ This was like a general who had lost a battle or some important territory being disciplined or shot.
an uphill struggle/battle/task etc
▪ However, each parlor faces an uphill battle because the city hired a financial consulting firm to review the applications.
▪ It proved to be an uphill struggle, and was far from successful.
▪ Kopp said he faced an uphill battle in winning approval for the bill.
▪ Rehabilitation will be an uphill struggle.
▪ Smith said gay-rights advocates still believe they are fighting an uphill battle in opposing the bill.
▪ Unless you have a goal your learning will be an uphill struggle.
▪ Voice over Police are hoping to trace original owners but admit it's an uphill task.
▪ While critics of his decision gained momentum Thursday, the record shows they face an uphill battle.
be half the battle
▪ And as the Reidys said, finding a family-friendly company is half the battle.
▪ Media mavens contend that the visual comparison of the two men side by side is half the battle.
▪ Relishing the state is half the battle towards a good life, for everyone.
race/work/battle against time
▪ But his parents are faced with a desperate race against time to raise the money necessary for his treatment.
▪ For the cartoonists, it's a daily battle against time, to create work that captures the imagination.
▪ However, with the contract negotiations starting, Lipton and others know that they are fighting a battle against time.
▪ It is a race against time.
▪ It looks as if my whole life is a race against time.
▪ Now it is a race against time to rebuild it before high spring ties later this month.
▪ The picture which became the cover shot, of the Rollright Stones, was a particular race against time.
▪ They face a race against time as fears grow over the health of the whales and the possibility of their becoming beached.
running battle/joke
▪ A man whose name is so synonymous with a suntan that it is a running joke in Doonesbury?
▪ An even longer running battle was fought in the royal dockyards.
▪ As well as his running battle with Monkou, he left stud marks on defender Richard Hall.
▪ I was not told, when we left, that I should have to fight a running battle with four hundred horsemen.
▪ In the resulting confrontation several hundred Mohawks armed with clubs and guns fought running battles with police.
▪ Police and demonstrators regularly engage in running battles near Mr Suharto's home in central Jakarta.
▪ The fighters quickly pursued them and eventually shot down every one in a running battle.
▪ They saw graffiti on important public memorials and they saw running battles with the police.
the Battle of Waterloo
the field (of battle)
▪ Civilians walked miles to villages away from the field of battle.
▪ He was awarded a medal for distinguished service in the field.
▪ It is better to negotiate than to settle political disputes on the field of battle.
▪ The new weapon has not yet been tried out in the field.
▪ It no more lies within the field of morals than does a cross-word puzzle.
▪ Policemen were equipped with self-loading rifles, jeeps and even armoured tractors to chase militants into the fields.
▪ Punches are being thrown, instruments are flying, and the field is littered with funny hats.
▪ Rice dresses immaculately and stylishly at all times, on the field and off.
▪ She had indeed shown little interest in the fields her great-aunt had left, probably because he had the use of them.
▪ That was the hardest part, using the field sales information without making Wilkinson look bad.
▪ With a circular iris, the focus is maintained in both dimensions of the field of view.
▪ Detectives are convinced 30-year-old Elizabeth battled bravely for her life and tried to escape by fleeing in her boyfriend's four-wheel-drive truck.
▪ Fighting between the Mujahideen has taken as much effort as battling the demoralised government forces.
▪ Lindsey found herself battling against an almost overwhelming and totally illogical desire to run her fingers through its neatness.
▪ Now Haley is also battling the flu.
▪ Starring newcomer Johnny Depp, it was about four young cops who battled high school crime.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Battle \Bat"tle\, a. Fertile. See Battel, a. [Obs.]


Battle \Bat"tle\, n. [OE. bataille, bataile, F. bataille battle, OF., battle, battalion, fr. L. battalia, battualia, the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators, fr. batuere to strike, beat. Cf. Battalia, 1st Battel, and see Batter, v. t. ]

  1. A general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be engaged; an engagement; a combat.

  2. A struggle; a contest; as, the battle of life.

    The whole intellectual battle that had at its center the best poem of the best poet of that day.
    --H. Morley.

  3. A division of an army; a battalion. [Obs.]

    The king divided his army into three battles.

    The cavalry, by way of distinction, was called the battle, and on it alone depended the fate of every action.

  4. The main body, as distinct from the van and rear; battalia. [Obs.] --Hayward. Note: Battle is used adjectively or as the first part of a self-explaining compound; as, battle brand, a ``brand'' or sword used in battle; battle cry; battlefield; battle ground; battle array; battle song. Battle piece, a painting, or a musical composition, representing a battle. Battle royal.

    1. A fight between several gamecocks, where the one that stands longest is the victor.

    2. A contest with fists or cudgels in which more than two are engaged; a m[^e]l['e]e.

      Drawn battle, one in which neither party gains the victory.

      To give battle, to attack an enemy.

      To join battle, to meet the attack; to engage in battle.

      Pitched battle, one in which the armies are previously drawn up in form, with a regular disposition of the forces.

      Wager of battle. See under Wager, n.

      Syn: Conflict; encounter; contest; action.

      Usage: Battle, Combat, Fight, Engagement. These words agree in denoting a close encounter between contending parties. Fight is a word of less dignity than the others. Except in poetry, it is more naturally applied to the encounter of a few individuals, and more commonly an accidental one; as, a street fight. A combat is a close encounter, whether between few or many, and is usually premeditated. A battle is commonly more general and prolonged. An engagement supposes large numbers on each side, engaged or intermingled in the conflict.


Battle \Bat"tle\ (b[a^]t"t'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Battled (-tl'd); p. pr. & vb. n. Battling.] [F. batailler, fr. bataille. See Battle, n.] To join in battle; to contend in fight; as, to battle over theories.

To meet in arms, and battle in the plain.


Battle \Bat"tle\, v. t. To assail in battle; to fight.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, from Old French bataille "battle, single combat," also "inner turmoil, harsh circumstances; army, body of soldiers," from Late Latin battualia "exercise of soldiers and gladiators in fighting and fencing," from Latin battuere "to beat, to strike" (see batter (v.)). Phrase battle royal "fight involving several combatants" is from 1670s.


early 14c., "to fight," from French batailler (12c.), from bataille (see battle (n.)). Related: Battled; battling.


Etymology 1

  1. 1 (context UK dialectal chiefly Scotland Northern England agriculture English) improving; nutritious; fattening. 2 (context UK dialectal chiefly Scotland Northern England English) fertile; fruitful. alt. 1 (context UK dialectal chiefly Scotland Northern England agriculture English) improving; nutritious; fattening. 2 (context UK dialectal chiefly Scotland Northern England English) fertile; fruitful. v

  2. 1 (context transitive UK dialectal chiefly Scotland Northern England English) To nourish; feed. 2 (context transitive UK dialectal chiefly Scotland Northern England English) To render fertile or fruitful, as in soil. Etymology 2

    alt. 1 A general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be engaged; an engagement; a combat. 2 A struggle; a contest. 3 (label en now rare) A division of an army; a battalion. 4 (label en obsolete) The main body, as distinct from the vanguard and rear; battali

    1. n. 1 A general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be engaged; an engagement; a combat. 2 A struggle; a contest. 3 (label en now rare) A division of an army; a battalion. 4 (label en obsolete) The main body, as distinct from the vanguard and rear; battalia. v

    2. 1 (context intransitive English) To join in battle; to contend in fight; as, to battle over theories. 2 (context transitive English) To assail in battle; to fight or struggle.

  1. n. a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war; "Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"; "he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement" [syn: conflict, fight, engagement]

  2. an energetic attempt to achieve something; "getting through the crowd was a real struggle"; "he fought a battle for recognition" [syn: struggle]

  3. an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs" [syn: conflict, struggle]


v. battle or contend against in or as if in a battle; "The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Nothern Iraq"; "We must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they battled over the budget" [syn: combat]


A battle is a combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, or combatants. A war sometimes consists of many battles. Battles generally are well defined in duration, area, and force commitment.

Wars and military campaigns are guided by strategy, whereas battles take place on a level of planning and execution known as operational mobility. German strategist Carl von Clausewitz stated that "the employment of battles ... to achieve the object of war" was the essence of strategy.

Battle (disambiguation)

Generally, a battle is a combat in warfare between two or more parties.

Battle or battles may also refer to:

Battle (UK band)

Battle were a UK indie rock band. They came to some prominence with a sound consisting largely of post-punk, spacious guitar hooks and dance-orientated beats, and have been compared to The Cure, and New Order/ Joy Division. Later recordings have grown increasingly organic and atmospheric and reveal a kinship with The Smiths, Remain in Light era Talking Heads and Arcade Fire. The name Battle can be seen as an incitement for the individual to fight for their passions. Many of the band's lyrics revolve around this central theme. However, the band were actually named after the small Sussex town of Battle, where they formed. The band broke up around October 2007.

Battle (formation)

A battle or battaile was a medieval military formation, analogous and ancestral to the modern term battalion. In late medieval warfare, field armies were often drawn up into three main battles, also called guards: the vanguard, the middle guard, and the rearguard, often abbreviated to simply the van, middle, and rear. These terms imply, correctly, that the van preceded the middle, which in turn preceded the rear, into battle if the battles were arranged sequentially as a column. If arranged abreast, the van was on the right and the rear the left.

Category:Military units and formations of the Middle Ages

Battle (South Korean band)

Battle ( hangul: 배틀) was a South Korean boy band that debuted on December 17, 2006 with the release of their first single "Crash". They are most popular for winning the reality show, Let's Coke Play! Battle Shinhwa!. The group includes Ryu, Tae-hwa, Lio, Chris, and Hwi-chan. Shin Ki-Hyun, who was chosen by Shinhwa's Eric, departed the group in 2008.

Battle (surname)

Battle or Battles are surnames that may refer to:

  • Albrey Battle (born 1976), American football player
  • Allen Battle (born 1968), American baseball player
  • Arnaz Battle (born 1980), American football player
  • Ashley Battle (born 1982), American basketball player
  • Cliff Battles (1910-1981), American football player
  • Cormac Battle (born 1972), Irish musician and radio presenter
  • Greg Battle (born 1964), Canadian football player
  • Helen Battle (1903–1994), Canadian marine biologist
  • Hinton Battle (born 1956), American actor, dancer, and dance instructor
  • Howard Battle (born 1972), American baseball player
  • Jackie Battle (born 1983), American football player
  • Jim Battle (1901-1965), American baseball player
  • John Battle (basketball) (born 1962), American basketball player
  • John Battle (politician) (born 1951), British politician
  • John S. Battle (1890-1972), American politician and Governor of Virginia
  • Jose Miguel Battle, Sr. (1930-2007), American mobster
  • Kathleen Battle (born 1948), American soprano
  • Kemp P. Battle (1831-1919), American politician and historian
  • Kenny Battle (born 1964), American basketball player
  • Lee Battle (born 1987), British actor
  • Lucius D. Battle (1918-2008), American diplomat
  • Mike Battle (born 1946), American football player
  • Pat Battle (born 1959), American television journalist
  • Tara Cross-Battle (born 1968), American volleyball player
  • Texas Battle (born 1980), American actor
  • Vincent M. Battle (born 1940), American diplomat
  • William C. Battle (1920-2008), American diplomat
Battle (Reading ward)

Battle is an electoral ward of the Borough of Reading, in the English county of Berkshire. It is situated to the west of the town centre, south of the River Thames, and is bordered by Kentwood, Mapledurham, Thames, Caversham, Abbey, Minster, Southcote and Norcot wards.

As with all wards, apart from smaller Mapledurham, it elects three councillors to Reading Borough Council. Elections since 2004 are held by thirds, with elections in three years out of four.

In the 2011, 2012 and 2014 a Labour Party candidate won each election.

These Councillors are currently, in order of election: Matt Rodda, Gul Khan and Sarah Hacker.

Usage examples of "battle".

By a quick and unexpected march, Montrose hastened to Innerlochy, and presented himself in order of battle before the surprised but not affrightened Covenanters.

Psychopath ROUs are bound for the Excession but the rest are down for defensive duties elsewhere to cope with likely threats from Affront battle units.

Anglo-Canadian armies in the brutal, slugging battles for Caen and Falaise the spectacular advances made elsewhere by the Allied forces could never have come about.

The last of these battles was then a recent event, it having actually been fought within the recollection of our heroine, whose notions of it, however, were so confused that she scarcely appreciated the effect her allusion might produce on her companion.

When at the battle of Dresden in 1813 Moreau, seated beside the Emperor Alexander, had both limbs shattered by a French cannon-ball, he did not utter a groan, but asked for a cigar and smoked leisurely while a surgeon amputated one of his members.

Once trapped in the node, the bacterium is handled by antibodies or, if that fails, by white cells mobilized for battle.

It had been a much harder battle than anticipated, and the fighting was not yet over.

Unless otherwise stated, the contents of the appendix are all based upon the nineteen major raids of the Battle of Berlin and the diversionary raid to Berlin by twenty.

The order of battle of the German and Italian divisions on September 8 is set out in Appendix f, Book One.

He had charge of all the USW assets in the area, ranging from P-3s deployed from shore stations in support of the battle group, to the S-3 submarine-hunter killers that flew off our own flight deck, to the host of other national assets, including our own submarines.

Forty per cent of her men were new and freshly fitted into her department and division organizations, assigned to watches, battle stations, bunks, sections and duties.

General Blair was, by temporary assignment of General Sherman, in command of a corps through the battles in front of Chattanooga, and in the march to the relief of Knoxville, which occurred in the latter days of November and early days of December last, and of course was not present at the assembling of Congress.

Jahdo got the first pair unhooded easily enough, but their biggest hob, Ambo, was always a battle, a frantic wiggle of pushing paws.

The appellor declined dereignment by battle, and so it was decided that the accused should be tried by the Middle Law, with eighteen compurgators.

Given the ten-percent attrition rate, the battle groups could make only seven or eight jumps before they were no longer assured of success.