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battle of Zama

n. the battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War [syn: Zama]

Battle of Zama

The Battle of Zama, fought around October 19, 202 BC, marked the end of the Second Punic War. A Roman army led by Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus (Scipio), with crucial support from Numidian leader Masinissa, defeated a Carthaginian force led by the commander Hannibal, despite Hannibal possessing numerical superiority. This was because many in his army were recent conscripts, and the vaunted Numidian cavalry which Hannibal had employed with great success in Italy had by then switched sides to the Romans.

Scipio had conceived of a strategy to confuse and defeat Hannibal's war elephants, and then his force routed the Carthaginian infantry, thanks in part to superior Roman cavalry. Defeated on their home ground, the Carthaginian ruling elite sued for peace and accepted humiliating terms, ending the 17-year war.

Usage examples of "battle of zama".

In the year 202 at the battle of Zama, the Carthaginians were defeated.

Finally the Carthaginians, threatened by the revolt of the Numidians at home, were forced back upon the defence of their own city in Africa, a Roman army crossed into Africa, and Hannibal experienced his first defeat under its walls at the battle of Zama (202 B.

He left Africa when he was nine years old, returned to it when he was forty- five, and immediately lost his army in the decisive battle of Zama.

I had my protagonist interested in Carthage because I myself am a great admirer of Hannibal and have never quite gotten over the Battle of Zama.

Then, a few weeks later, we were all in period costumes, fighting the Battle of Zama between Hannibal and Scipio Africanus during the Second Punic War.