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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Slim \Slim\ (sl[i^]m), a. [Compar. Slimmer; superl. Slimmest.] [Formerly, bad, worthless, weak, slight, awry, fr. D. slim; akin to G. schlimm, MHG. slimp oblique, awry; of uncertain origin. The meaning of the English word seems to have been influenced by slender.]

  1. Worthless; bad. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

  2. Weak; slight; unsubstantial; poor; as, a slim argument. ``That was a slim excuse.''

  3. Of small diameter or thickness in proportion to the height or length; slender; as, a slim person; a slim tree.


a. (en-superlativeslim)

  1. adj. being of delicate or slender build; "she was slender as a willow shoot is slender"- Frank Norris; "a slim girl with straight blonde hair"; "watched her slight figure cross the street" [syn: slender, slight]

  2. small in quantity; "slender wages"; "a slim chance of winning"; "a small surplus" [syn: slender]

  3. [also: slimmest, slimmer]

  1. v. take off weight [syn: reduce, melt off, lose weight, slenderize, thin, slim down] [ant: gain]

  2. [also: slimmest, slimmer]


See slim

Usage examples of "slimmest".

Without her pearl-handled daggers she lacked even the slimmest of fighting chances.

One of them, the slimmest, of about my own age, held himself rigid, as if facing an ordeal.

Most normal cities would be deeply ashamed to have a felon as mayor, but on Tuesday, Hialeah declaredif by the slimmest of marginsthat it is beyond shame.

Who had the slimmest of chances to take root in a place where their families could prosper, where freedom and money and contentment were, the story went, as common as sunlight and rain.

She had only the slimmest notion of what he meant, but his voice made her so horny she could barely keep from squirming, crossing her legs, or hopping about, like a little girl who had to go to the bathroom.

If he died she had only the slimmest chance of finding her way out of the cavern.

Far from being a story which alternately excites and consoles, life is an endless slurry of computer print-out, a pie chart of statistical trends in which you, I fear, have been allotted the slimmest of slices.

There was a coldness in his eyes now, a merciless rage that boiled in him just below the surface, held in check by the slimmest of threads.