a comprehensive account/report
▪ He wrote a fairly comprehensive account of the islands at that time.
a newspaper article/report/story
▪ I read quite an interesting newspaper report on the war.
a newspaper reports sth (=has an article on something)
▪ The newspapers reported that the police were treating the death as a suicide.
an exclusive report/interview/picture (=appearing in only one newspaper or magazine)
▪ The newspaper featured exclusive pictures of the couple’s new baby.
annual report/meeting/conference
balanced reporting
▪ balanced reporting of the election campaign
conflicting reports/accounts
▪ When questioned, the boys gave conflicting accounts of what they were doing that night.
draw up a report
▪ Environmental organizations have been involved in drawing up the report.
eyewitness account/report/testimony
▪ According to eyewitness accounts, soldiers opened fire on the crowd.
intelligence operations/sources/reports etc
▪ Intelligence sources denied the reports.
pleased to hear/see/report etc
▪ I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve got the job.
press reports
▪ According to press reports, he was suffering from exhaustion.
progress report
report a crime
▪ I immediately telephoned the police to report the crime.
report card
report earnings (=publicly state the amount of money a company has earned during a particular period)
▪ Many car manufacturers have reported disappointing earnings this year.
report for duty (=arrive and be ready to start work)
▪ You must report for duty at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
report sth to the police
▪ Why are so many crimes not reported to the police?
reported speech
▪ When Lily did not come home, her parents called the police to report her missing.
report/post a profit (=officially announce a profit)
▪ The company reported net profits of $3.6 million for fiscal year 2006.
second-hand reports/accounts
▪ second-hand accounts of mass killings
squash rumours/hopes/reports etc (=say that a rumour etc is not true)
▪ The government was quick to squash any hopes of reform.
verbatim account/quote/report etc
▪ a verbatim account of our conversation
written agreement/reply/statement/report etc
▪ Please send a cheque with written confirmation of your booking.
▪ It has begun publishing an annual report providing for the first time a rough indication of how much military hardware Britain exports.
▪ You could look at the annual report of a stock fund and figure out if that standard was met.
▪ The more that is desired, the more time it is likely to take to produce the annual report.
▪ Acrobat is used by corporations to publish documents like annual reports and catalogs on the Web.
▪ Bennett has set out the supposed pros and cons in the annual report.
▪ Copies of the annual report, interim report and news releases are available to employees.
▪ The aim, as stated in the company's annual report is to support multiple servers.
▪ In 1987 the library's annual report noted that there was no complete list of the entire collection.
▪ The final report is expected by the end of the year.
▪ The final report therefore appears 15 months after the financial year end.
▪ The Planning Commission must certify the final environmental report.
▪ Three years later, when a draft of the final report was being reviewed, similar criticisms were voiced.
▪ The final report argues that economic growth is crucial but often not sufficient to improve living standards in poor countries.
▪ The judge had allowed less than two weeks for the investigation to be conducted and a final report issued.
▪ He has to be consulted on any substantial capital outlays and be provided with a full report of the board's activities.
▪ Each month the district officer spent a whole day writing a full report to the political secretary in the provincial capital.
▪ Because this Journal is already full we will hold over a full report until the next issue.
▪ Although I didn't see Charlie for months, I rang Eva almost every day for a full report.
▪ This service includes a full report with recommendations for immediate financial savings.
▪ The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
▪ A full investigation of the incident was continuing yesterday and a full report will be prepared for the next housing committee meeting.
▪ In 1986 an official report recorded that over a thousand monuments were in urgent need of restoration or protection from pollution.
▪ Newspaper accounts and official reports from both sides correlated substantially.
▪ An inter-nationality conflict developed on 15-16 July which led, according to official reports, to 11 deaths and 127 hospital cases.
▪ In his research for Hollywood Haven, Schnauber used both official reports from government offices and original documents.
▪ There are no minutes or other official reports and nothing about their drafting.
▪ The explanations in the official report are so naive that they can not be taken seriously.
▪ The official report of his death does not explain everything that happened.
▪ The official report of the Games described the scores only in terms of points.
▪ Moreover, in contrast with a recent report, no cases of conversion to a high grade lymphoma were observed.
▪ A reliable non-invasive diagnostic technique would represent a considerable advance. Recent reports have advocated either ultrasonography or computer tomography.
▪ First and foremost, says a recent report by the National Center for Policy Analysis, is simplicity.
▪ Our results are consistent with a recent report that visual neglect can apply to the contralateral side of objects.
▪ Unfortunately, according to recent reports on schools, these terms do not apply to the experiences of most students.
▪ The next issue will appear in June, instead of May, with a special report on the company's annual results included.
▪ This statement is drawn from a special report they have compiled on the medical aspects of dietary fibre.
▪ A special report on Central South this Friday.
▪ The special reports on technology, charities and dealing rooms continued to be popular with readers.
▪ Is there anything special about such reports?
▪ Verbal, as opposed to written, reports give you more freedom to exploit your captive audience.
▪ Thomas asked Meagher to send him a written report.
▪ There is always the problem of maintaining an encouraging tone to written reports.
▪ Sharing can be through meetings and conferences, but a written report is obviously more easily accessible to others.
▪ As a public service, schools should provide each year a written report on each child's progress.
▪ Whatever the type of residency it is interesting and helpful to evaluate your experience whether through an exhibition or a written report.
▪ Should reach Aulef day after tomorrow ... Diarrhoea embarrassing. Written letters and report.
▪ According to news reports, one train had 19 coaches and the other 14, both heavily loaded.
▪ The nonstop news reports jacked up the emotions.
▪ Produced news reports have shifted from focusing on the words of candidates and political figures to concentrating on their images and actions.
▪ The unwanted extras who insinuate themselves into television news reports are feeble-minded males derided by right-thinking men.
▪ The statement contradicted news reports that Britain was planning a selective slaughter of at least 4 million cattle.
▪ Recent news reports have estimated that 150 remain.
▪ About that time, according to news reports, state corrections officials announced surprise plans to re-bid all private-prison contracts.
▪ Various newspaper reports commented on Meciar's changed stance on certain issues since the election.
▪ The material for the newspaper reports can be gathered in four main ways.
▪ The newspaper report was based on an announcement to shareholders and the media by Navan Resources.
▪ Recent newspaper reports have highlighted the potential threat to Britain when the Channel Tunnel links us with the Continent.
▪ Write the newspaper report of the disaster.
▪ I thought first of all that I'd wait for the newspaper reports of the killing and use those as an excuse.
▪ Examination results and progress reports must be forwarded to Sylvia Middlemiss.
▪ The Chairman-in-Office will present a progress report to the next Ministerial Council in 1995 in Budapest.
▪ He completed the revision of his Bengali translation of the Scriptures and received progress reports of the mission's activities.
▪ A progress report had been requested.
▪ Report forms are particularly useful for standard reports such as accident or progress reports.
▪ A further progress report will be given thereafter.
▪ Investigation progress reports were issued to councillors, regulatory authorities and emergency services and public complaints were handled on a one-to-one basis.
▪ A manufacturer of sun care products has just issued a report showing that the view on tanning has come full circle.
▪ They issued a report in July 1992 which acknowledged the dual nature of the experiment.
▪ Meanwhile, Bath were issuing a reminder that reports of their decline were a little premature.
▪ The Ministry of Education has issued various reports suggesting things have to change.
▪ Accentuating their lack of agreement, Moscow and Stockholm issued separate reports on the case.
▪ Co. analyst Thomas Kurlak issued a report pointing to deteriorating earnings growth.
▪ Auditors normally issue a report which is a statement used as a preface to the financial statements of a company.
▪ At that time, the board will issue a written report.
▪ Some one had been up all through the night preparing a ten-page report that the leader had only found time to scan.
▪ The Giants would have to prepare a separate environmental report for their site.
▪ The director's report Under section 234 the directors must, in addition, prepare a report for each financial year.
▪ They also prepare financial reports for nonmanagement groups, including stockholders, creditors, regulatory agencies, and tax authorities.
▪ Meanwhile, the guardian ad litem appointed on behalf of the children was preparing her report.
▪ The basic idea is that the quicker it produces its report the better.
▪ Brown said the Navy had produced a report saying the island was stable.
▪ We usually instruct doctors who specialise in producing medico-legal reports and who have proven themselves in giving evidence in the past.
▪ After various delays it produced a report, Nitrate in Water, in December 1986.
▪ Often there are constraints to change that evaluators should consider as they produce their reports.
▪ We produce in-depth reports highlighting problems and offering solutions.
▪ Having produced a report that talks sense about risks, the Royal Society probably thinks its job done.
▪ The Minister has now said that he will not even publish the report.
▪ In 1993, the consortium published a report on its seven most improved high schools.
▪ Watching the detectives Today Ofsted publishes its annual report on schools.
▪ Brown, according to sources and published reports.
▪ A working party established under will publish its report shortly.
▪ Acrobat is used by corporations to publish documents like annual reports and catalogs on the Web.
▪ There is no duty on the Prime Minister to publish any interim reports highlighting specific abuses.
▪ It also will monitor how well specific companies deal with minorities and publish monthly reports.
▪ He sat at his desk, reading reports but not taking in what he read.
▪ Just reading these late census reports and it shows that the small town is passing.
▪ Most performers can read ten glowing reports and one bad, and only remember the nasty one.
▪ After reading the reports and deciding that her dream car is too expensive, our consumer decides to buy jewelry.
▪ How well a company performs is judged by customers at the point of sale, not by reading financial reports.
▪ He watched old film, read scouting reports.
▪ If they had bothered to think first, and read Raymond Plant's report, the answer is there.
▪ The chairman vacates the chair and a Speaker or Deputy Speaker takes it and receives a purely nominal report.
▪ Two dozen major California health maintenance organizations will receive a report card today on the quality of their preventive services.
▪ I expect shortly to receive reports from the marine accident investigation branch of a number of recent fishing vessel accidents.
▪ Better still, Amanda received no further reports of sabotage among the ranks.
▪ In May we received another referee's report and a letter from the new editor of the journal.
▪ To receive reports of campaigning activity during 1991. 5.
▪ They were later released pending reports to the youth and community service.
▪ The committee is due to release its report on Gingrich by the end of this year.
▪ Navy officials released the report without comment.
▪ By last week, Crawford had grown so concerned about the problem that he released his own report on the issue.
▪ Rose wrote in a report to the board.
▪ The following is that written report in letter form.
▪ Shadows will be asked to write a short report of what they have learned at the end of the exercise.
▪ Co. wrote in a report to clients today.
▪ It is important to keep your audience in mind when writing a report.
▪ When the time comes for him to write his next report, Blue is forced to confront this dilemma.
glowing report/account/description etc
▪ I had had nothing but glowing reports from her teacher.
▪ In return for this hospitality, all they have to do is write a glowing report of their experience.
▪ Most performers can read ten glowing reports and one bad, and only remember the nasty one.
▪ Our son's achievement level soared and at the end of the school year he received a glowing report from his teachers.
▪ These pretentious phrases and glowing descriptions also have a resonance for our time.
▪ These proved very successful and a glowing report came from the Establishment.
investigative journalism/report/work
▪ Among them are hundreds of university journalism professors who routinely offer courses in investigative reporting at their schools.
▪ Categories are feature writing, investigative reporting, community service, commentary, photography, international reporting and pioneer.
▪ However, 11 different modes of assessment were noted, including mental, practical, calculator, project and investigative work.
▪ It's very easy to organise some investigative work by children on school meals provision.
▪ Perhaps I should take up this investigative journalism.
▪ Some 600 Boston University journalism students had braved a rainy Friday night in 1976 to hear a panel discussion on investigative reporting.
▪ The team felt it important to extend the evaluation to all investigative work.
▪ With ratings down, however, the show last fall refocused on investigative reporting and celebrity interviews and stopped paying for stories.
rave reviews/notices/reports
▪ Already open is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which has drawn rave reviews from those who have visited it.
▪ Although the show opened on Broadway to less than rave reviews, Sandy said the new production is better.
▪ But freshman outfielder Pedro Loza has been drawing rave reviews in practice.
▪ But she proved to be a natural and her performance won rave reviews.
▪ His film My Cousin Vinny opened to rave reviews.
▪ Last year, it reopened to rave reviews.
▪ So far no rivals have matched the rave reviews E ma won for the film.
▪ The pair gained rave reviews for their Belfast concert earlier this week and are likely to be just as good tomorrow night.
stinging attack/report/letter etc
▪ Mr Smith launched a stinging attack on John Major, ridiculing him as a man who has lost control of events.
▪ The company which used to give £40,000 a year to Tory funds, launched a stinging attack on Government policies.
▪ What upsets her much more than the two columns is a stinging letter to the editor published in the sports pages.
unconfirmed report/story/rumour etc
▪ A U. S. Embassy official said he had unconfirmed reports of 300 dead.
▪ Horrors include the bombing of civilians and unconfirmed reports that napalm has been used.
▪ One unconfirmed report said Hamilton had intended to take the children hostage but that his plan went awry.
▪ Several commercial tests are available but there are few and unconfirmed reports of their efficacy.
▪ The whereabouts of Pastor Tokes remained unclear, amid unconfirmed reports that he had been murdered.
▪ There were unconfirmed reports that two activists were killed.
▪ We have an unconfirmed report of shots fired in the area of Brandenburg Gate.
▪ Amnesty International released another report on the government's use of torture.
▪ As more reports emerge about his business affairs, his re-election looks increasingly unlikely.
▪ During the war, most reports were compiled under government restrictions.
▪ News reports suggest that over 300 people may have died.
▪ Newspaper reports say Woods is "delighted" with his success.
▪ The report is based on visits to schools in five cities.
▪ the weather report
▪ We'll be giving you further news and weather reports every hour throughout the day.
▪ We're getting reports from the scene of the fighting that 12 hostages have been killed.
▪ First and foremost, says a recent report by the National Center for Policy Analysis, is simplicity.
▪ It also warns that the legislation that followed the Monopolies and Mergers Commission report in 1989 has been a flop.
▪ It connects computer applications, merges reports, builds pictures, develops concepts.
▪ Previous case reports of piroxicam induced submassive necrosis have described the onset of jaundice three days and three weeks after beginning piroxicam.
▪ So, armed with consultants' reports on the favorable economic impact, they offer to provide buildings or infrastructure.
▪ The DTi inspectors submitted their report last July.
▪ Verbal, as opposed to written, reports give you more freedom to exploit your captive audience.
▪ Similar findings were also reported by Sjöblom etal studying patients with pernicious anaemia.
▪ Ann Faraday also reports these two types of flying dream, both from personal experience and from reports from her subjects.
▪ Authorities also reported seizing numerous weapons, computers and chips and more than $ 200, 000 in cash.
▪ Gold was also reported from minor quartz veins, with pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena, at Stronchullin in Strathclyde.
▪ Company officials also report indirect benefits including improved productivity and reduced absenteeism.
▪ These staff have also reported to the Chief Administrative Officer, which has ensured seamless integration between modular and non-modular data processing.
▪ Federal Election Commission reports also showed that Gramm had spent almost all the money.
▪ The commission must report back to Clinton by June.
▪ They wander the land seeking news and reporting back to the tower.
▪ They will report back the general sentiment on sales tax, gross receipts tax, business transaction tax.
▪ The Calcutt inquiry into press self regulation is expected to report back next year.
▪ Clinton also asked Glickman to report back within 30 days with recommendations to help alleviate debt problems afflicting cattle producers.
▪ Clients will announce their intentions to the group, and then report back the following week.
▪ In 1998 and 1999, the commission reported more than 560 cases of women burned at home in Punjab.
▪ Many questions have been raised about acquaintance rape since the surge of reported cases has been noted across the country.
▪ In summary, we report a case of a retroperitoneal pancreatic pseudocyst causing distal bilateral ureteric obstruction and bilateral hydronephrosis.
▪ They reported the case quite widely, so that no one else would surgically remove both temporal lobes.
▪ A police report on the case will go to Crown prosecutors.
▪ However, there were no reported cases of damage awards or sheriffs removed from office.
▪ We report a case that alludes to a facilitating mechanism.
▪ In the reported cases, the symptoms occurred on average about 76 days from the time patients began protease inhibitor therapy.
▪ As private firms, his companies report only to Companies House and Mr Branson himself.
▪ Oil group Lasmo was one of the first major companies to report full-year results.
▪ Indeed, even amid the rout, some bellwether high-tech companies continue to report strong results.
▪ The company reporting cycle means that our league of big earners will be changing throughout the year.
▪ The value in sharing All public companies should report on their shareholder returns, according to Coopers &038; Lybrand.
▪ Larkin said Nutrition For Life shares could recover further if the company reports better-than-expected earnings later this month.
▪ Pilots are not permitted alcohol in the eight hours before they report for duty, or while on duty.
▪ Red Men who failed to report for bedside duty with their stricken brother were fined a dollar for dereliction.
▪ A queue of men were standing outside, soberly reporting for duty.
▪ Phipps also performed well, but spoiled his record by failing to report for duty on two occasions.
▪ You will not report for duty again until you have apologised for your insolence.
▪ The Kanyosha administrator, who confirmed the action, said that the victims were reporting on duty.
▪ Bill said he reports for duty July 1, and the first official shooting matches start July 20.
▪ Financial companies also rose after several large national banks reported stronger earnings.
▪ Technology companies generally were down as several large companies reported disappointing earnings.
▪ Manufacturing Co. reported weaker earnings than expected.
▪ Witco plans to report its earnings during the week of Jan. 28.
▪ It is scheduled to report fourth-quarter earnings Jan. 23.
▪ Phone shares got a lift after Ameritech reported earnings that beat estimates.
▪ The difference in reported earnings is solely attributable to the difference in inventory accounting.
▪ Motorola reported fourth-quarter earnings that fell far below analysts' expectations.
▪ The paper would be run by Hearst Corp., which owns the Examiner, the story reported.
▪ The Examiner and other newspapers reported in 1992 that Wilson had refused tobacco contributions in the 1990 campaign.
▪ No one should be afraid of reporting any incident that occurs.
▪ That was more than the 324 reported incidents of anti-gay harassment and violence.
▪ Another survey in 1994 found 57 percent of towns with over 25, 000 residents reporting gang incidents.
▪ Nearly half of the reported incidents involved falls off the snowmobile or collisions with another snowmobile.
▪ She admitted failing to report the incident, and withholding information when interviewed by the police.
▪ The very nature of anonymous reports naturally prevented any possibility of retribution against wrong-doers reporting the incident.
▪ Serious discussion of the phenomenon began with a debate over the role of the press in reporting violent incidents at football matches.
▪ She has suffered this abuse for almost 9 months and has reported every incident to the police and council.
▪ A total of 798 suspected poisoning incidents were reported, an increase of 62 on the previous year.
▪ Now the giant builder is reporting a record increase in contracts and is hiring again.
▪ It took in 400 last year, 500 this; other colleges and schools also report big increases.
▪ The market reaction was even more bizarre considering Betterware reported an increase in first-half pre-tax profits of 52 percent to £1.12m.
▪ In a six-month period ending in April, the center reported a 24 percent increase in errors.
▪ Ed Pollard of the Secret Service reported a forty-percent increase in death threats.
▪ After a conversation with two traffic wardens and taking their advice I went to the police station and reported my loss.
▪ In December, the company reported a loss of $ 38. 6 million for the quarter ending in October.
▪ Trafalgar House reported a loss before tax of £30.3m in the year to 30 September 1992.
▪ In 1994, the company reported a loss of $ 2. 7 million.
▪ Midland reported a loss of £261m in 1989.
▪ In 1999, Fisher reported a loss of more than Pounds 192m.
▪ Christie Group has reported a pre-tax loss of £2.6m for the year to March.
▪ You must report any losses immediately.
▪ Bashir Gemayel was in Damascus when the news was reported to him.
▪ Rituals of transgression, sensationalist violation and titillating naughtiness became the stock-in-trade of popular news reporting in the late nineteenth century.
▪ Anyway, I have good news to report on the health-care-reform front.
▪ Unfortunately, the news was reported in the back pages.
▪ The agency also denied employee and news reports that at least 300 workers were given pink slips last week.
▪ The newspaper Paris Soir reported the antics of Liverpool supporters with some confusion.
▪ The headline stories of newspapers are developed and reported on the evening news by general-assignment reporters.
▪ Throughout the 1950s newspapers continued to report the complaints of West Bank traders at the economic stagnation which resulted.
▪ The authorities denied subsequent newspaper reports that four had been killed.
▪ Her body was badly mutilated, the newspapers reported.
▪ A newspaper reports breathlessly of producers conducting rapturous relationships with PowerBooks, of screenwriters sleeping with them.
▪ Some newspapers report refund offers periodically and there are bulletins to which one can subscribe that report offers.
▪ It is to the police that crimes are reported.
▪ After police used pepper spray to subdue the man, paramedics were called because he was having difficulty breathing, police reported.
▪ A police report on the case will go to Crown prosecutors.
▪ Romero declined to say who called the police to report that the pair had turned up.
▪ No group claimed responsibility but the police were reported to have arrested three suspects.
▪ That led, however, to more frequent confrontations with police, and protesters reported that they were being beaten nightly.
▪ Over the next two days, 30,000 troops and police were reported to be engaged in searches for suspected militants.
▪ The press reporting at this stage is thus quite different from that of the hunt.
▪ And so when a furor arose as the press began reporting on Teen Shuttle-like operations, advocates considered filing suit.
▪ According to press reports the two were subsequently charged with manslaughter.
▪ But the financial press was premature in reporting Cork Gully's appointment as liquidator.
▪ Much of it happened simply because, amid weak democratic structures and lazy press reporting, it could.
▪ According to press reports he appeared fit and in good spirits.
▪ In these circumstances we are interested in how the press reports these crimes and how this has been changing.
▪ Van Melle has operations in 125 countries and reported 1999 net profit of Euros 29m on sales of Euros 448m.
▪ Companies listed below reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts' estimates.
▪ Analysts predict it to report profits of £41 million in 1991, compared with £63 million in 1990.
▪ It reported profits of $ 11. 3 million on sales of $ 43. 3 million in the most recent quarter.
▪ Yahoo!, the big Internet portal company, reported fourth-quarter profits in line with expectations.
▪ Reuters reported a half year profit before tax of £187.4m, a rise of 10.2% on the previous period.
▪ Otherwise, the company would have reported a small profit.
▪ Now Matthew from the First Diploma course reports back on the progress of another project.
▪ The company reported little progress and said talks are set to resume this morning.
▪ After his rescue, national television broadcast regular bulletins reporting on his progress.
▪ Does the assessment and the way that results are reported accurately reflect what progress has been made?
▪ Quality standards also require you to report on the progress of the case but this is not likely to be standard advice.
▪ As chief inspector of schools, he was required to report fairly on progress as well as reverses behind the school gate.
▪ Maberly and I reported results in inpatients with asthma and are doing an outpatient double blind randomised trial of neutralisation.
▪ Symantec will report its results July 25.
▪ A researcher reports a particular result, and to verify it other scientists repeat the same experiment in their own labs.
▪ More details on the special charge and layoffs are expected April 30 when McKesson reports its quarterly results.
▪ Oil group Lasmo was one of the first major companies to report full-year results.
▪ Viacom is expected to report its financial results next month.
▪ Only one person was reported killed as a result of a collision with another skier.
▪ Indeed, even amid the rout, some bellwether high-tech companies continue to report strong results.
▪ The Mintel report predicted sales would more than double again by the end of 2000.
▪ Data General reported strong sales of its CLARiiON data storage systems.
▪ Vlasic reported grocery product sales of Dollars 287m last year, compared with Dollars 480m in sales from frozen foods.
▪ Lloyds reported fiscal 1995 sales of 1. 08 billion pounds, a 15. 1 percent rise over the year earlier.
▪ Somerfield reported sales of pasta and rice were up by 87 per cent on the previous week.
▪ For example, eToys reported sales of $ 182 million in the nine months ended Dec. 31.
▪ Only specialist food, furniture and carpet retailers reported a decline in sales from a year earlier.
▪ Equally conflicting results with regard to glycaemic control and platelet-specific protein levels have been reported in longitudinal studies.
▪ But the problems reported in this study were unrelated to that, for the construction battalion was nowhere near that facility.
▪ Introduction Familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease has been reported in several studies during the past decades.
▪ Estimates based on wage differentials are also reported in a study by Robert 5.
▪ The next chapter reports a more systematic study of these effects.
▪ The first questionnaire was about their driving experience including the questions about accidents and near misses that were reported in Study 1.
▪ Only one in 10 rapes is reported, studies show.
▪ A man has been reported for a number of alleged motoring offences.
▪ All accidents must be reported at once to the aviation authority.
▪ He was reliably reported to be drunk at the White House reception.
▪ His victory was not widely reported in the Western media.
▪ Is there anything to report?
▪ Many rape victims are too scared to report the attack to the police.
▪ Nicky reports to me on any new developments in the relevant technological fields.
▪ Our foreign correspondent reports that conditions in the refugee camps are filthy and overcrowded.
▪ She is reported to have thrown a glass of wine at her former boss.
▪ She was sent to Washington to report on the presidential elections.
▪ The delegation will report back to Congress on the situation inside China.
▪ The local newspaper has reported several cases of meningitis in the area.
▪ The newspaper reported that he had supplemented his income with thousands of dollars from the federal budget.
▪ The Post sent her to Bangladesh to report on the cholera epidemic.
▪ To report a change of address, please call our toll-free number.
▪ We aim to report the news as fairly and fully as possible.
▪ I must report to the Director of the Office of External Operation.
▪ In fiscal 1993, the company reported net income of $ 302, 000, or 2 cents a share.
▪ In water pollution, however, the evidence is mobile and there may be no complainants with a stake in reporting it.
▪ It was reported that four people were killed.
▪ Most tour packages and many resorts are reporting they are either holding the line or having only slight increases in price.
▪ Obvious blood would have been noticed and reported by somebody, I am sure.
▪ The Bundesbank is expected to report on M3 growth in December this week.