industrial production/output
▪ Industrial production has risen by 0.5% since November.
▪ As a result of controls and the land reforms which the government carried out, agricultural output slumped.
▪ Four years of free-market reforms and strong agricultural output are cracking open the mammoth market for everything from toiletries to television sets.
▪ Industrial output increased by 15 percent and agricultural output by 4.4 percent.
▪ Their agricultural output was recently estimated as about £2 million, or an average of some £370 per working unit.
▪ Its most important section provided for a reduction in agricultural output in order to raise prices.
▪ It would be tedious to multiply the statistics of growing agricultural output and productivity.
▪ This does not have to mean increasing agricultural output.
▪ Potential annual output was 100,000 pounds.
▪ Marshall estimates an annual output of 8 billion hearts.
▪ Toyota plans to make them at Georgetown when it doubles annual car output from 200,000 to 400,000 in the next few years.
▪ In these up to half the annual output may occur in the three or four weeks of springtime thaw.
▪ Here were 45,000 negatives on file, a large staff, and an annual output of several million prints.
▪ Between 2% and 4% of Britain's economic output now needs to be redirected abroad.
▪ Lifetime contributions of a worker to economic output are estimated in Table 5. 3 for three different income levels.
▪ Thus it is commonly held that services are economic activities whose output is not a physical product.
▪ What will be of the greatest use in our attempts to improve economic growth and output?
▪ This can result in higher outputs, lower prices and the reduction of monopoly profits.
▪ No doubt they had been working since they could walk and high energy output was a habit.
▪ It isn't designed for high volume output, but I wouldn't be at all upset to have one adorning my desk.
▪ It must mean achieving the highest output with the minimum effort.
▪ Varying quantities of these colours can be blended to produce very high quality colour output.
▪ As a consequence, higher levels of output are predicted than under profit maximisation.
▪ The best way to do this is to run a high output airpump discharging into the void below a chamber.
▪ All of the current high-end drawing packages are packed with features and are capable of the highest quality output.
▪ Overall, industrial electricity sales grew twice as fast as industrial output.
▪ They want to condemn industrial output.
▪ Its industrial output also fell, by 3.5% in the 12 months to March.
▪ The local control of companies is lost. Industrial output is concentrated in the most efficient plants using the cheapest labour.
▪ But industrial output has fallen in four of the past five months.
▪ The Allies took reparations and industrial output was much reduced: even in 1947 production was less than half pre-war levels.
▪ Britain's industrial output fell by 0.4% in December, to 4.2% below its level a year earlier.
▪ This is that industrial output increased four-fold over the eighteenth century, home consumption of it three-fold and exports six-fold.
▪ Only when both inputs to IC1c are high simultaneously will its output go low.
▪ In congestive heart failure, it is diminished because of low cardiac output and reduced arterial distending pressure.
▪ Despite the adverse effect of lower output, energy efficiency has been maintained at the 1990 level.
▪ The result has not only been low output.
▪ This provides a relatively high input impedance looking into their bases and a low output impedance at the emitters.
▪ This means that the voltage delivered at low output currents is greater than the rated voltage.
▪ At low output all three channels put out some very convincing sounds.
▪ In any single year investment in inventories can be negative or positive, and can have an important effect upon national output.
▪ However, since the early 1950s government spending for goods and services has hovered around 20 percent of the national output.
▪ Mr Gabor estimates that national output is roughly stable.
▪ These programs accounted for about 3 percent of national output twenty years ago.
▪ The task of maintaining existing production levels has therefore come to consume a higher and higher share of national output.
▪ In 1994, the public deficit represented 6 percent of national output.
▪ Central government Government services account for approximately the same share of national output as manufacturing.
▪ By 1988 these figures had grown to $ 315 to $ 440 billion and 11 to 13 percent of national output.
▪ So the null hypothesis that it is only unpredictable monetary growth which influences real output can not be rejected.
▪ Hence there would be no fall in real output - the government would have successfully stabilized it.
▪ Their growth rate in the 1980s has been twice as rapid as the growth in the economy's real output.
▪ The government would have more to spend, at the same time as real output would have risen offsetting unemployment.
▪ Even if the plant is a free-standing subsidiary, within-group pricing policies make determination of real outputs difficult.
▪ Similarly, an increase in the supply of money will have real output effects whether it is anticipated or otherwise.
▪ Consider the hypothetical random disturbances shown in Fig. 11 which give rise to fairly realistic variations in real output.
▪ Consider now to what extent changes in a country's monetary variables may be responsible for cyclical variations in real output.
▪ The tax has the effect of reducing the overhead component of retailing and thus increasing total output.
▪ In those accounts, as the name implies, there are two ways of measuring the total output of the economy.
▪ This has led to an alternative way of stating amplifier performance: compare the distortion plus noise with the total output.
▪ First, the growth of services in total output is a relative growth, relative that is to manufacturing.
▪ The industrial economies now produce barely half of total world output.
▪ This means that injections exceed withdrawals and the total value of output is less than the economy's aggregate demand.
▪ It is not possible to assess his total output as no serious work has been undertaken on him till now.
▪ Cheap high-resolution input and output devices will soon ensure the same kind of revolution in the cinema.
▪ Thus an output device is needed to make the user aware of what the microcomputer has done.
▪ This procedure sends a byte to the output device.
▪ The cheapest and most readily-available output device is the printer.
▪ Suggest instructions to control a set of output devices, and extend your interrupt service routine accordingly.
▪ It also did away with the need for bias adjustment on the output devices - a most desirable quality.
▪ Although the ultimate resolution rests with the output device it is essential that the software can at least provide control over it.
▪ The benefits of reaping economies of scale depend upon how far costs fall as output levels are increased.
▪ On the other hand, the output level of manufactured products, which is of concern to consumers, is well determined.
▪ Such branch lines are of course vulnerable to changes in output level or distribution policy of their users.
▪ It states that average output levels of firms are larger under free trade than in autarky.
▪ Indeed, for all firms there must exist output levels and profit margins which maximise their profits.
▪ Moreover in the present context apart from factor rewards, output levels per firm in the manufacturing sector are also equalized.
▪ Many master volume amps can give a fair simulation of flat out response at reasonable output levels by overloading the preamp.
▪ Society will be wasting resources by producing the wrong output levels of different goods.
▪ The engine doesn't have the power output to match the top of the executive ranges, but it is certainly adequate.
▪ The bike's power output is the biggest step forward.
▪ Engine capacity is often constant through a family of motors, with power output adjusted by fuelling, turbocharging, etc.
▪ The new engine will produce a power output previously unheard of for a Harley.
▪ But power output was small and wavelengths variable.
▪ Helfet: X100 stylist Current debate at Browns Lane has turned to the engine's power output.
▪ The power output was indeed high by the standards of the time - 400 watts.
▪ We match for tonal characteristics, not candle light or simple power output, as Hartley's analogy would have you believe.
▪ An alternative choice of independent variables that is more convenient for certain types of four-terminal network is the input current and output voltage.
▪ From this, it is clear that the output voltage can be varied by altering the duty cycle.
▪ Practical Transformers Another problem is that the output voltage of transformers seldom correspond exactly to the rated voltage.
▪ Hence the output voltage, within the design limits, remains constant over a wide range of current and input voltage variations.
▪ With parallel operation the output voltage is equal to the voltage rating of one winding, or 6 volts in this case.
▪ Thus the output voltage will be held at a voltage equal to that at pin 3.
▪ This would give double the required output voltage which could easily cause damage to the power supply components and beyond.
▪ Shifts in aggregate demand will affect real output if they are random and unpredictable.
▪ This system is, by definition, interactive since every input neuron can affect every output neuron.
▪ Thus, in this model, even anticipated movements in aggregate demand may affect the level of output.
▪ The theme selected for the research was an investigation into social factors affecting output.
▪ First, only the unpredictable component of monetary growth v t affects real output.
▪ Note that the ability of firms to expand output in this situation depends upon the existence of unemployed resources in the economy.
▪ But nothing would be viewed with more suspicion than this method of expanding output.
▪ With many firms, the firm that expands output will always be able to reduce costs and undercut its rivals.
▪ We set about expanding output along all the relevant dimensions.
▪ Losses would be highest with a per-person ceiling on emissions, so third-world countries could expand greenhouse-gas output as their populations grew.
▪ Since marginal cost is less than marginal consumer benefit, society would gain by expanding the output of such industries.
▪ The tax has the effect of reducing the overhead component of retailing and thus increasing total output.
▪ Thus, the island has increased output dramatically just by specializing, even though Gilligan was far less competent at both tasks!
▪ There are, however, other printers which use modified standard printing engines to increase their output resolution.
▪ Here the dividend is greatly increased food output per hectare up two-to threefold.
▪ Plans to increase output to 270,000 cars a year in 1993 - about 130,000 of them Micras - will go ahead.
▪ His increasing literary output must also have been making him and his views known to the public.
▪ Since 1981, the electronics industry had increased output by an average rate of about 14 percent a year in real terms.
▪ Equating marginal cost and marginal revenue, each firm will produce an output at which price exceeds marginal cost.
▪ This is an example of a hard limiter function that produces binary output.
▪ The new engine will produce a power output previously unheard of for a Harley.
▪ Like all businesses, farmers must purchase inputs to produce a marketable output.
▪ This laser provided an early impetus for studies of instabilities by tending to produce noisy, spiked output even under quasi-steady excitation.
▪ It is considered complete when the neural network produces the required outputs for a given sequence of inputs.
▪ Each of the documents was processed by the confusion program to produce simulated recognition output.
▪ In order to compete, firms would therefore have to seek ever-increasing technological innovations to raise productivity, increase output and reduce prices.
▪ This could follow if the capital goods producing industries faced capacity constraints in their attempt to raise output in the short run.
▪ In classical theory a spontaneous fall in the real wage rate is the initiating force tending to raise employment and output.
▪ This improved allocation of resources should raise real output in the economy as a whole.
▪ The objective of such agreements is to raise prices and reduce output.
▪ Will this succeed in raising the level of output?
▪ The practical result would be substantially reduced maximum output current, and a lot of ripple on the d.c. output.
▪ As the morning light appears, the gland reduces its output, allowing the body to gradually come back to life.
▪ Under this, farms would have to reduce output by 20 percent.
▪ Firms reduce current output by devoting resources to training or building in order to produce more tomorrow.
▪ Companies may intensify production, improve productivity or reduce output - all of which tend to reduce employment.
▪ Indeed it has been estimated that the presence of hedgerows reduces the output of cereals farms by up to 15 percent.
▪ By reducing the output of chemicals society would save more in social cost than it would lose in social benefit.
▪ Examples: Haemorrhage reduces cardiac output.
▪ Mr Major based his optimism on figures which showed factory output was rising.
▪ Copper output rose to record-setting high levels.
▪ The government would have more to spend, at the same time as real output would have risen offsetting unemployment.
▪ By March this year output had risen to 82% of this level.
▪ Initial estimates said output rose 1. 3 percent from October.
▪ Even so, it was hoped that the output might rise to 500 tons.
▪ Manufacturing output rose 3. 0 percent while hours worked fell 3. 0 percent.
▪ Ford plans to increase its car output next year.
▪ In manufacturing alone, smaller firms account for one in three jobs and a quarter of the total output.
▪ There has been a huge increase in the output of children's books.
▪ Combined output during the next few years is projected to skyrocket to more than 500, 000 barrels daily.
▪ Gold miners hedge to lock in a price for their future output.
▪ It regulated the output but not the power of a millstone.
▪ The government also considered the drop in drilling costs -- and rising output from the average gas discovery.
▪ The Hewlett-Packard guide to quality output.
▪ These results did not differ when acid output was expressed as mmol/h/kg lean body mass or mmol/h/kg fat free body weight.
▪ What about the question of output?
▪ You should also establish the patient's usual pattern of fluid intake and output by tactful questioning.
▪ Vibration and pressure devices can be used to output information to the wearer.
▪ Virtually any publication other than a fine art title or a typographically critical one could be happily output at 1,000dpi.