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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a production crew (=working to produce a film, programme, play etc)
▪ She’s a member of the production crew for a new television series.
cease trading/production/operations etc (=stop operating a business)
▪ The company ceased production at their Norwich plant last year.
crop production
▪ The area is mostly unsuitable for crop production.
electricity production (=the process of producing electricity, or the amount produced)
▪ California’s strict environmental policies make it difficult to increase electricity production.
energy production
▪ hydro-electricity and other methods of energy production
food production (=the process of making or growing food to be sold)
▪ Farmers have increased food production to meet demand.
gas production
▪ The company expanded its gas production facilities.
industrial production/output
▪ Industrial production has risen by 0.5% since November.
labour/production/transport etc costs
▪ They had to pay £30,000 in legal costs.
mass production
oil production
▪ a fall in US oil production
production line
production number
production quotas
▪ With an excess of milk in the European Union, production quotas were imposed on dairy farmers.
the means of production (=factories and equipment used for producing goods - used especially in Marxism)
▪ the class of people which owns the means of production
▪ Extra funds were given to agricultural production, food subsidies, and housing for armed forces personnel.
▪ Understanding of population growth in relation to the level of agricultural production facilitates future food planning and management.
▪ Data on aggregate agricultural production that are comparable over time is only available from 1961.
▪ A drought caused agricultural production to plummet 11 % in 1995, driving up food prices and retarding overall economic growth.
▪ Economic activities An increase in primary, and especially in agricultural production, will remain the basis of rural economic regeneration.
▪ That does not represent a sensible integration with agricultural production.
▪ Important families grew out of brewing, for example, linking agricultural production to the financial system which channelled the profits.
▪ Agrarian reform programmes have differed in their emphasis, whether it be on land distribution or agricultural production.
▪ The capitalist mode of production, for example, developed in Britain prior to industrialisation.
▪ They therefore had a monopoly on technological advances and the dynamics of capitalist production.
▪ But this ideology, though revolutionary in content, in fact sustained capitalist relations of production in general and big business in particular.
▪ This was compared with the situation where capitalist methods of production were used to further undermine pre-capitalist methods of production.
▪ Massey provides us with a fascinating and persuasive account of how capitalist production has used space.
▪ In this lay the historical peculiarity of the capitalist mode of production.
▪ The root of the problem, however, lies in the capitalist form of production which generates these conflicting tendencies.
▪ Alternatively the state may be relatively autonomous of the capitalist mode of production, which is appropriate for a functionalist approach.
▪ Because of multinationals, industrial production means little improvement in levels of employment.
▪ Many industrial production managers have a college degree in business administration or industrial engineering.
▪ Their version of an improved world may be very different from that of the economist oriented towards the expansion of industrial production.
▪ In general, industrial production managers share many of the same major functions, regardless of the industry.
▪ The chart on the next page shows how industrial production has fared since last July compared with the past three recessions.
▪ Never had any nation relied so completely on industrial production and material superiority to wage a war.
▪ Severe import controls were introduced and were one of the factors explaining the slump in industrial production in 1973.
▪ Consumer spending and corporate investment are recovering and industrial production is improving, he said.
▪ Second-pass silicon will sample in the third quarter, with mass production coming by the end of the year.
▪ Eli Whitney, famous for the cotton gin, also developed mass production techniques for muskets.
▪ The mass production and marketing of family food expresses the dissolution of domesticity as a way of life.
▪ Competition and mass production is now changing that.
▪ In the commercial horticultural field, the mass production of pot plants has been facilitated through cloning.
▪ Software engineering is still a craftsman's industry, awaiting the development of mass production.
▪ These problems can be overcome by utilising assembly lines ie moving over to a mass production method. 17.
▪ Food safety and quality management; New food production and service systems.
▪ Major changes in history are the result of new forces of production.
▪ Therefore, with demand outstripping supply for new aircraft production, existing in-service aircraft are replaced more slowly.
▪ Markets force firms perpetually to develop new products and production processes. 3.
▪ These could be described as a New Form of production.
▪ Once this new mode of production began to replace the old, it threw up a new class of owners.
▪ We're working on a new production model for the whole factory - new stock control, new purchasing policy.
▪ The total production cost is the sum of these two quantities, giving the line so marked.
▪ The total level of production in an economy is usually measured by one of two monetary figures.
▪ Using the methods offered by the new technical media, he must become a self-aware participant in the total apparatus of production.
▪ In spite of the shorter work day, total production increased and hourly production increased dramatically.
▪ The national brewers account for more than 90 percent of total lager production.
▪ This system still represents less than 10 percent of total production.
▪ Grain Whisky: United Distillers' grain whisky distilleries account for more than one third of total industry production.
▪ So, when looked at from the point of view of total social production, Dept.
▪ In 1994 the world was awash in excess production capacity.
▪ For many types of work, its maximum production capacity is well below the level of ten years ago.
▪ Chellam also said the memory-chip maker will expand production capacity more than 40 percent this year.
▪ Schneider said it was selling the business because there is not enough hog supply to meet production capacity.
▪ The higher prices would dovetail nicely with production capacity increases that are already in the pipeline.
▪ Huge investment will be needed to develop production capacity and operate new oilfields.
▪ Damage to the plant's production capacity immediately affected world oil and petrol prices.
▪ He now runs a highly successful production company which bears his name and wins award after award.
▪ The lead police detective signed a contract with a television movie production company.
▪ Exploration and production companies have to manage huge amounts of data from diverse databases and business disciplines.
▪ Actually, the call was not from Jane herself, but her production company.
▪ This will give Anglia a major stake in a top Hollywood television production company.
▪ Kassar is expected to produce one or two films a year at Paramount under the banner of a still-unnamed production company.
▪ In London Channel 4 journalists and Insight News, the production company, brought pressure to bear.
▪ Paramount referred queries about the report to the movie's production company, Mandalay Pictures, which did not return phone calls.
▪ In purchasing costs, stock holding and direct production costs.
▪ Their already world-class development and production costs were lowered more.
▪ Without them production costs would rise because farmworkers would have to be employed and paid.
▪ Beyond some point manufacturers usually encounter increasing production costs per unit of output.
▪ This ensures that production costs of electricity generated by these methods are no greater than for fossil fuels.
▪ But Sony says the Plasmatron is suitable for large-screen sets and low production costs.
▪ Only if the lowering of production costs results in lower prices will there be any benefits to consumers.
▪ Yet these earlier occupants would marvel at the advances in crop production.
▪ Such measures inevitably incur substantial costs which in turn increases the cost of crop production.
▪ The amount of new land available for crop production is extremely limited in almost every part of the world.
▪ There is a herbarium, as well as a laboratory concerned with scientific research and investigation into plants and crop production.
▪ We can free up meadows for crop production and we are already seeing rainforests stripped out for new farmland.
▪ How can it benefit crop production?
▪ The already hot, dry countries of the world tend to be the ones with poor crop production and troubled economies.
▪ Merrydown has bumped up production facilities to cope with the expected demand.
▪ The locations range from former weapons production facilities to fuel tanks to federal landfills.
▪ But a major part of the work is the creation of production facilities to treble capacity to around 10,000 cars a year.
▪ Completed in 1936, the brewery is currently undergoing a £53 million four-year modernisation programme to renew production facilities.
▪ This investment programme has begun with the installation of a new wort production facility.
▪ The family-owned firm has its head office in Sefton Street and existing production facilities nearby.
▪ Further expansion of the production facilities has recently taken place.
▪ Nowhere is this more true than in food production.
▪ Water conflict is inherently local, depending upon neighborhood needs for human consumption, food production, industrial processes and waste treatment.
▪ Informal chats with guests provide an excellent opportunity to meet consumers and answer their questions about farming and food production.
▪ It also privatized agricultural land, giving a huge boost to food production.
▪ Clearly food production and consumption have changed vastly since industrialization but the devaluation of women's contribution remains a constant.
▪ In fact, in several countries, food production is at surplus levels, making exportation to neighboring countries possible.
▪ Greater food production also means improved incomes for farmers.
▪ The introduction of cash crops in the 1930s further reduced the amount of land available for food production.
▪ The company had assured these would be the last cuts because of lower production levels, he said.
▪ Factories were ordered to cut production levels and road repairs were halted in an effort to cut traffic jams.
▪ The reason for this is that the renewal of fixed capital is normally to maintain existing production levels.
▪ The task of maintaining existing production levels has therefore come to consume a higher and higher share of national output.
▪ The demand for higher production levels leads to more formal manufacturing methods and some special process plant is justified.
▪ But the production level was restored within one decade, and climbed above the pre-reform levels in 1992 and 1993.
▪ It then entered the domestic market to begin the explosive growth towards today's production level of millions of tonnes a year.
▪ Prewar production levels were not regained until the early 1950s, and not until even later were 1930s agricultural productivity levels exceeded.
▪ Design faults meant that each new station required major alterations; any hope of a production line quickly went out the window.
▪ Others are former production line supervisors who have been promoted.
▪ The firm designs and sells magnetic and optical sensors for use on factory production lines.
▪ The P5 will share the same production lines as the 80486.
▪ Harman leads by example, putting his time in on the production line.
▪ Here I was on the production line, as the kind of fodder passing along between doctors and consultants.
▪ Nawakille had become a squash production line, but this was no accident.
▪ A further important consequence was the more rapid implementation of planned petrochemical projects in response to sharp rises in oil production and oil prices.
▪ In the case of lube oil production, an aspect of primary importance is catalyst selection.
▪ The possibility of oil production seems less likely.
▪ The group will supply a floating production, storage and offshore installation to handle oil production.
▪ By 1959, its wants took care of 60 percent of the world's oil production.
▪ As the oil price rose, so did oil production.
▪ There are two production sectors in the model, manufacturing and non-manufacturing, as well as North Sea oil production.
▪ The Shell-owned Eider oil production platform, with 38 people on board, was shut down for a while.
▪ Inventions - the discovery of new information about the production process - are a particular example of this general theme.
▪ Vicki Hochstedler ably steered the book through the production process.
▪ The decision to stop the line is with the employee, as is the decision to review the production process.
▪ They meet on call to present and analyze recommended improvements of the interaction of the teams or of specific production processes.
▪ In a manufacturing firm typically the budgets will be more complex due to the production process itself being complex.
▪ Economists assign value to resources based on their relative value in the production process, Preston says.
▪ In product markets characterised by complex production processes long-term supply contracts or sub-contracts are commonly used to try and lower these costs.
▪ Each operating team consisted of twelve to eighteen employees with skills and responsibility for completing all steps in the production process.
▪ In a year of recession, Land Rover is taking on more staff and increasing production to cope with the worldwide demand.
▪ His studies show that some of these molecules, called tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6, can increase viral production.
▪ Cash flow from operations will increase as production from these new fields is brought on stream.
▪ Any potential for increased farm production has to be weighed in the balance against stubborn facts.
▪ The E-C wants to increase production by fifty percent.
▪ Chrysler is the only domestic automaker increasing production in the first quarter.
▪ The desire for economic security was long considered the great enemy of increased production.
▪ Conversely, state hospitals in the National Health Service involve public sector production of private goods.
▪ You get the sense it was a blast to make for everyone involved in the production.
▪ As a multi-skilled employee, her shifts involve chemical analysis, production monitoring and work as a colourist.
▪ As the system becomes more complex, many actors are involved in the production and distribution of goods.
▪ But before anything can be put into the hands of the worshipper, many people are involved in its production.
▪ The new technology could prove most useful in subsea drilling, where the expenses involved in stopping production are enormous.
▪ This latter involves the production of food energy and fuel energy which can supplement animal feedstocks and fossil fuels respectively.
▪ And get some one who has not been involved in the production to give you an honest opinion of the end product.
▪ Owing to reclamation, technological improvements and urbanization, agricultural productivity and the level of production rose during the period.
▪ Total copper production rose 5 percent because of higher ore grades at and increased output at Escondida.
▪ Without them production costs would rise because farmworkers would have to be employed and paid.
▪ Declining global production and rising demand drove prices higher.
▪ But both the production and Fiennes rise superbly to the spectacle of Edward's decline.
▪ Copper production is expected to rise amid expansions at mines owned by Codelco, Phelps Dodge and other large producers.
▪ Prime costs for newspaper production were rising fast as supporting industries and services demanded real payment under khozraschet conditions.
▪ For 1995, those type of imports fell 35 percent, with those associated with export production rising 33 percent.
the means of production
▪ It would be foolish to nationalize all the means of production.
▪ A class in itself is simply a social group whose members share the same relationship to the means of production.
▪ But it did not own the means of production.
▪ Classes did not exist since all members of society shared the same relationship to the means of production.
▪ Finally, the owner-worker cleavage involves questions of labour exploitation and control over the means of production.
▪ Since managers are in control, they effectively own the means of production.
▪ The bourgeoisie class own the means of production, the proletariat do not.
▪ The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
▪ The power of the ruling class therefore stems from its ownership and control of the means of production.
▪ As demand for the drug has grown, cocaine production has skyrocketed.
▪ Bulmers will be making around 40 million gallons of cider this year -- half Britain's total production.
▪ Have you seen the new Shakespeare production at the Arts Center?
▪ He will star in the Los Angeles production of "Phantom of the Opera' this year.
▪ Most caustic soda is used in the production of aluminium.
▪ Steel production has decreased by thirty-four percent.
▪ the body's production of white blood cells
▪ the Northside Theater Company's production of "A Christmas Carol"
▪ The Riverside Theatre is used to staging major productions.
▪ A second explanation is that antibiotic production is rooted in the plant material that is the food source.
▪ At present the factory has one production line running with a yearly capacity of 25,000 tonnes.
▪ But as they go into production the stock exchanges go into free fall.
▪ Companies may intensify production, improve productivity or reduce output - all of which tend to reduce employment.
▪ Rather, they affect production through their influence on labour quality and, to a lesser extent, labour quantity.
▪ Thankfully, this production receives a kinder, gentler updating.
▪ The last two columns give the production and export rates in 1975 in million tons.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Production \Pro*duc"tion\, n. [L. productio a lengthening, prolonging: cf. F. production. See Produce. ]

  1. The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view; as, the production of commodities, of a witness.

  2. That which is produced, yielded, or made, whether naturally, or by the application of intelligence and labor; as, the productions of the earth; the productions of handicraft; the productions of intellect or genius.

  3. The act of lengthening out or prolonging.

    Syn: Product; produce; fruit; work; performance; composition.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1400, "a coming into being," from Old French production "production, exhibition" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin productionem (nominative productio), from past participle stem of Latin producere "bring forth" (see produce (v.)). Meaning "that which is produced" is mid-15c. Colloquial sense of "fuss, commotion" is from 1941, transferred from meaning "theatrical performance" (1894).


n. 1 The act of produce, making or creating something. (from 15th c.) 2 The act of bringing something forward, out etc. for use or consideration. (from 15th c.) 3 the act of being produced 4 the total amount produced 5 the presentation of a theatrical work 6 an occasion or activity made more complicated than necessary 7 that which is manufactured or is ready for manufacturing in volume (as opposed to a prototype or conceptual model) 8 The act of lengthening out or prolonging.

  1. n. (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale; "he introduced more efficient methods of production"

  2. a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television; "have you seen the new production of Hamlet?"

  3. the act or process of producing something; "Shakespeare's production of poetry was enormous"; "the production of white blood cells"

  4. an artifact that has been created by someone or some process; "they improve their product every year"; "they export most of their agricultural production" [syn: product]

  5. (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law; "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents"

  6. the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter" [syn: output, yield]

  7. a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated; "she tends to make a big production out of nothing"

  8. the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services


Production may be:

In Economics:

  • Production (economics)
  • Outline of industrial organization, the act of making products (goods and services)
  • Production, the act of manufacturing goods
  • Production as statistic, gross domestic product
  • A Production line

In Ecology:

  • Primary production, the production of new biomass by autotrophs in ecosystems
  • Productivity (ecology), the wider concept of biomass production in ecosystems

In Entertainment:

  • Production, phase of filmmaking
  • Production, film distributor of a company
  • Production, phase of video games development
  • Production, category of illusory magic trick
  • Production, theatrical performance
  • Production, video production
  • Production, music production

In Abstract systems:

  • Production (computer science), formal-grammar concept
  • Production system, programming method
Production (computer science)

A production or production rule in computer science is a rewrite rule specifying a symbol substitution that can be recursively performed to generate new symbol sequences. A finite set of productions P is the main component in the specification of a formal grammar (specifically a generative grammar). The other components are a finite set N of nonterminal symbols, a finite set (known as an alphabet) Σ of terminal symbols that is disjoint from N and a distinguished symbol S ∈ N that is the start symbol.

In an unrestricted grammar, a production is of the form u → v where u and v are arbitrary strings of terminals and nonterminals however u may not be the empty string. If v is the empty string, this is denoted by the symbol ε, or λ (rather than leave the right-hand side blank). So productions are of the form:

(N ∪ Σ)N(N ∪ Σ) → (N ∪ Σ)

where is the Kleene star operator, and  ∪  denotes set union.

The other types of formal grammar in the Chomsky hierarchy impose additional restrictions on what constitutes a production. Notably in a context-free grammar, the left-hand side of a production must be a single nonterminal symbol. So productions are of the form:

N → (N ∪ Σ)


(re)Production is the twenty-third solo album by rock musician Todd Rundgren that was recorded and released in 2011.

Unlike any other album from Rundgren, the concept of (re)Production was to re-record songs from his long list of previously produced albums by other artists using modern techniques, arrangements, and styles. The work was created during the MyRecordFantasy Camp sessions at the Track Shack in January 2011 arranged by the label Gigatone Records. Album packaging includes samples of cover art submissions by fans. Alternate covers were used for International, Domestic, and online versions.

Production (Mirwais Ahmadzaï album)

Production is the second album composed and produced by Mirwais Ahmadzai known under his artist name Mirwais. The album has been released through the French independent label Naive Records in April 21, 2000.

Production (economics)

Production is a process of combining various material inputs and immaterial inputs (plans, know-how) in order to make something for consumption (the output). It is the act of creating output, a good or service which has value and contributes to the utility of individuals.

Economic well-being is created in a production process, meaning all economic activities that aim directly or indirectly to satisfy human wants and needs. The degree to which the needs are satisfied is often accepted as a measure of economic well-being. In production there are two features which explain increasing economic well-being. They are improving quality-price-ratio of goods and services and increasing incomes from growing and more efficient market production.

The most important forms of production are

  • market production
  • public production
  • household production

In order to understand the origin of the economic well-being we must understand these three production processes. All of them produce commodities which have value and contribute to well-being of individuals.

The satisfaction of needs originates from the use of the commodities which are produced. The need satisfaction increases when the quality-price-ratio of the commodities improves and more satisfaction is achieved at less cost. Improving the quality-price-ratio of commodities is to a producer an essential way to improve the competitiveness of products but this kind of gains distributed to customers cannot be measured with production data. Improving the competitiveness of products means often to the producer lower product prices and therefore losses in incomes which are to compensated with the growth of sales volume.

Economic well-being also increases due to the growth of incomes that are gained from the growing and more efficient market production. Market production is the only production form which creates and distributes incomes to stakeholders. Public production and household production are financed by the incomes generated in market production. Thus market production has a double role in creating well-being, i.e. the role of producing goods and services and the role of creating income. Because of this double role market production is the “primus motor” of economic well-being and therefore here under review.

Usage examples of "production".

The accounting for the two sides of the transaction-buying production payments and selling fixed-price contracts-followed different rules.

These individual differences are highly important for us, as they afford materials for natural selection to accumulate, in the same manner as man can accumulate in any given direction individual differences in his domesticated productions.

The unfeeling candidate for heaven was instructed, not only to resist the grosser allurements of the taste or smell, but even to shut his ears against the profane harmony of sounds, and to view with indifference the most finished productions of human art.

Many analogous facts could be given: indeed it is an almost universal rule that the endemic productions of islands are related to those of the nearest continent, or of other near islands.

For the economic rationale of this, I must refer disciples of Siegfried to a tract from my hand published by the Fabian Society and entitled The Impossibilities of Anarchism, which explains why, owing to the physical constitution of our globe, society cannot effectively organize the production of its food, clothes and housing, nor distribute them fairly and economically on any anarchic plan: nay, that without concerting our social action to a much higher degree than we do at present we can never get rid of the wasteful and iniquitous welter of a little riches and a deal of poverty which current political humbug calls our prosperity and civilization.

Sunstrand Power and Light utility, a nontechnical explanation of the processes of DT-cycle lithiumized annular fusion and its applications in domestic energy production.

Some of his short stories and novelettes have been mainstays for the anthologists ever since and have been adapted for television production, as for example The Little Black Bag and The Marching Morons.

Even in the fascinating novels of Musil and Broch which provide an example of incomparable syntheses in the production of the first half of the twentieth century, the architectonic balance is not always successfully maintained.

Slavery in ancient times and feudal bondage were stages on a long road that led to the artisanship of the classical centuries when the producer was master of the means of production.

Setting up your car for the street is different from a slalom, autocross, rally or modified production racing set-up.

I wondered if he could really still do it without re-takes, an autocue, a full production crew and the Dutch courage of cocaine.

They want to destroy modern technology and return to the days before automation and computerization, when all of the labor force was needed in production, distribution, and services.

Genetic engineering solved this problem: scientists could synthesize the genes that code for the production of myelin toxin, reproduce them artificially in the lab, and insert them into bacterial cells.

For the first time Julian Marquet will partner a ballerina other than his wife in a major television production of Giselle.

Defense and Research Development Organization concluded they could only have been intended for chemical warfare and ballistic missile production.