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output signal

n. signal that comes out of an electronic system [syn: output]

Usage examples of "output signal".

The circuit should accept the tone as input signal, process it in some manner to be determined by its eventual structure, and produce an output signal.

But it was hampered by the fact that as you added bits, the output signal got exponentially weaker: a thirty-bit quantum computer based on that principle produces output only one-billionth as strong as that from a one-bit computer based on the same technique.

With computers varying her output signal nanosecond by nanosecond as she spoke, and a special receiver carried in the experimental shuttle Scotty had designed and Sulu was test-flying around Llano Verde, the whole project should have taken about two days to complete.

My receiver is fused and so I am unable to refine its reception, but I can reroute the output signal for additional processing.

The output signal from the receivers was fed into a regular tape-recording circuit.