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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a hanging basket (=for putting plants in and hanging outside)
▪ All the shops had hanging baskets outside their doors.
a hung jury (=one that cannot agree whether someone is guilty of a crime)
▪ The trial ended with a hung jury.
a mist hangs/lies somewhere (=stays in a place)
▪ A thick mist lay on the hills.
a painting hangs in a gallery
▪ Many of her pictures hang in the National Gallery of Canada.
a picture hangs somewhere
▪ Three pictures hung on the wall over his bed.
clouds hang
▪ Heavy grey clouds hung low in the sky.
curtains hang
▪ Bright red curtains hung cheerfully at all the windows.
hang on a sec/hold on a sec/just a sec etc (=wait a short time)
▪ ‘Is Al there?’ ‘Hold on a sec, I’ll check.’
hang out/up the laundry (=put the laundry outside on a line to dry)
▪ My mother was hanging out the laundry in the sun.
hang your head (=look down, especially because you are ashamed)
▪ She hung her head, not sure how to reply.
hang/bow your head in shame (=look down, or feel like you should look down, because you feel so ashamed)
▪ I bow my head in shame when I think of how I treated her.
hanging basket
hanging limply
▪ His arms were hanging limply.
hang...painting (=put it on a wall)
▪ Can you help me hang this painting?
hung in...folds
▪ Her dress hung in soft folds.
hung jury
hung like a sword of Damocles over
▪ The treaty hung like a sword of Damocles over French politics.
hung on for dear life
▪ She grasped the side of the boat and hung on for dear life.
hung parliament
put up/hang curtains (=fix new curtains at a window )
▪ She was standing on a ladder hanging some new curtains.
the moon hangs somewhereliterary (= stays there for a long time)
▪ The moon hung over the quiet sea.
▪ She looked tall in her long white nightdress, her long dark hair hanging down her back to her waist.
▪ There it stood, with its lifeless leather seat hanging down under the weight of absolutely nothing.
▪ The sheets lay tangled, hanging down on the threadbare carpet.
▪ She was wearing a long white gown, her hair hanging down, like a crazy woman.
▪ The stomach and bowels feel relaxed as if hanging down.
▪ You know Franco has a little tap hanging down under his tummy?
▪ Mackey sat with his right arm out the window, hanging down along the door.
▪ He hangs in shades the orange bright Like golden lamps in a green night.
▪ Late-ripening oranges, such as Valencias, can hang in through mid-May.
▪ The best of course will hang in there and tough it out.
▪ The hitter had to hang in there until he hit the ball or struck out.
▪ His biggest problem is the seemingly resolute determination of Pat Buchanan and Steve Forbes to hang in.
▪ We were, Jess and I, still hanging in with each other despite the clear difficulties.
▪ None of it hangs together, and I can't think what's happening.
▪ The idea was to hang together, keep in touch with the audience and maybe make a few bucks.
▪ Is there any mechanism to make a particular committee hang together?
▪ Some guitars hang together design-wise, and some don't.
▪ This was an exhibition with great intent but as a whole, it did not hang together well.
▪ By the end of the decade Monroe's marriage was only just hanging together.
▪ When the item is starting to hang together and the class is settling dow, don't go back on your decisions.
▪ The future of the refuge still hangs in the balance.
▪ The possibility of a nuclear exchange continued to hang in the balance.
▪ Which Minister is the pits with the miners whose livelihoods now hang in the balance?
▪ Meanwhile, with its future hanging in the balance, Fokker is starting to feel the pinch.
▪ His career, much more than mine, hangs in the balance.
▪ That prohibition still persists, and legislation to open the nation's woodlands up to its people hangs in the balance.
▪ But because public health hangs in the balance, experts are already seeking changes in food policy.
▪ Rugby hangs its hat on the international game but that's also where the funds come from for the grass-roots development.
▪ Safin still indulges in some fretting and head hanging, racket dropping and occasionally racket kicking.
▪ I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality.
▪ There were heads hanging from branches in these places, which gleamed as if oiled.
▪ A jade-green pendant on a chain was hanging around her neck.
▪ It comes with a gold medal that kids can hang around their necks.
▪ They shuffled forward in a dazed manner holding hands, their labels hanging round their necks.
▪ From time to time, she fingered the heart pendant and religious medallion that now hang around her neck.
▪ Harrison didn't exactly avoid us, but he made it clear that we were not to hang around his neck.
▪ Rincewind looked down at the iconograph, still hanging around his neck.
▪ I certainly don't want you hanging around my neck, if that's what's worrying you.
▪ But don't underestimate the impact of the sartorial noose that hangs around your neck.
▪ Oil paintings in gold frames hang on pale pink painted walls.
▪ Paul Collins's magnificent paintings hang in prestigious galleries and museums around the world.
▪ Several of his paintings still hang at School.
▪ With just a few basic materials, I now have paintings hanging on walls in relatives homes.
▪ Many of these paintings now hang in Chartwell in Britain.
▪ Another unusual feature is the oil paintings hanging in the church, a remembrance of the old Romish customs.
▪ If the bolts were responsible, then a further question mark will hang over the future of the industry.
▪ There were a lot of those questions still hanging.
▪ The question of motive hangs over these first pages, and over the whole novel.
▪ Shocked by the weird question I hang up, but I immediately regret my automatic response.
▪ But a question mark still hangs over when the remaining 550 pupils can return.
▪ A question mark now hangs over the funding of the initiative, which covers 90 per cent of the country.
▪ Everywhere an unspoken question seemed to hang heavily in the air: Would we have been better off without Home Rule?
▪ You picture a rope you could hang a man from, you're seeing its tail.
▪ We talk about grabbing a rope and everybody hanging on.
▪ In the garage Mr Carbert said he noticed an old rope hanging down from one of the beams.
▪ Attached to it was a sash cord, linked to a rope hanging down to the track.
▪ It is a rope to hang ourselves, or a chain to link together diverse peoples.
▪ He was in the House at the time, so he should hang his head in shame.
▪ Father Time wouldn't have been alone in hanging his head in shame.
▪ His job is hanging by a thread, as it is.
▪ Ed was just hanging by a thread.
▪ Liputin's teeth are by no means the only things that hang by a thread.
(hang) around your neck
▪ He was a skinhead, and had a line of swastikas tattooed around his neck.
▪ She attached a cord and started wearing them around her neck.
▪ The Doctor hooked the handle of his umbrella over his top pocket and pulled his paisley scarf from around his neck.
▪ The king wore it on a ribbon around his neck on ceremonial occasions.
▪ The lead Hunter appeared to have a mane around its neck.
▪ Until my first New York winter rain, when the fake fur matted around my neck, wrists and knees.
a peg to hang sth on
be/hang in the balance
▪ His career as a politician hung in the balance.
▪ I can't say what the outcome of the talks will be -- they're very much in the balance at the moment.
▪ The negotiations are continuing, with prospects for peace hanging in the balance.
▪ The survival of the African elephant hangs in the balance.
▪ But because public health hangs in the balance, experts are already seeking changes in food policy.
▪ His career, much more than mine, hangs in the balance.
▪ Meanwhile, with its future hanging in the balance, Fokker is starting to feel the pinch.
▪ That prohibition still persists, and legislation to open the nation's woodlands up to its people hangs in the balance.
▪ The future of the refuge still hangs in the balance.
▪ The possibility of a nuclear exchange continued to hang in the balance.
▪ Which Minister is the pits with the miners whose livelihoods now hang in the balance?
give sb enough rope to hang themselves
hang out your shingle
hang/stay loose
▪ Down a partly overgrown lane we stop outside a trailer which has a huge panel hanging loose revealing some yellow-green insulation material.
▪ Now maybe I jus' wan na hang loose.
hanging/shooting etc is too good for sb
hold/hang on for/like grim death
there is a question mark over sth/a question mark hangs over sth
time hangs/lies heavy on your hands
wait a minute/just a minute/hold on a minute/hang on a minute
Hang your coat on the hook.
▪ A picture of their parents hangs over the bedroom door.
▪ A small study for the painting hangs in the J. Paul Getty Museum.
▪ During the Civil War, Milligan hanged for treason.
▪ He stood very still, his arms hanging loosely, his feet apart.
▪ Hold one end of the rope in your hand and let the other end hang down.
▪ In the corner of the room was a large lamp, hanging from the ceiling.
▪ Most of the time we hang at my house.
▪ The children are hanging up the decorations for the party.
▪ The keys are hanging on a nail by the door.
▪ When are we going to hang the lights on the Christmas tree, Mommy?
▪ Where do you think we should hang it?
▪ A frame should complement the picture, but it may also relate to the room in which the painting hangs.
▪ A vast pink tongue was hanging out of the creature's mouth between a pair of the longest, sharpest teeth imaginable.
▪ And how had Brampton been hanged?
▪ Baker wants everyone to hang out and watch while at Scottsdale or on the road against National League teams....
▪ But he was hanging up her coat and appeared not to notice the edge on her voice.
▪ Meanwhile, with its future hanging in the balance, Fokker is starting to feel the pinch.
▪ That work involved hanging more than 380 individual pieces.
▪ We had the usual half-hour hanging about for Kerrison.
▪ They were concerned that the object might have been a hang glider who'd got into difficulty.
▪ Each hang glider takes one set of sails.
▪ Day 8 Received an order for 20 hang gliders at £400 each together with a cheque for £8,000.
▪ At this stage it was possible to do some preliminary calculations relating to the manufacture of each hang glider.
▪ Day 15 Received an order for another 200 hang gliders at a price of £250 each.
▪ A hang glider, piloted by a gorilla playing a saxophone, made several sweeps round the Houses of Parliament.
▪ I haven't played it in a week, I was just getting the hang of it.
▪ I expect those boys will keep busy getting the hang of things.
▪ After that she got the hang of what was news.
▪ She would never get the hang of this new country.
▪ He side-slipped neatly; he was getting the hang of the thing.
▪ I never got the hang of this game.
▪ She said she thought she was beginning to get the hang of it.
▪ I got out of the hang of it.
▪ Floy had begun to get the hang of riding after a while.
▪ He side-slipped neatly; he was getting the hang of the thing.
▪ His great-grandson could have taken Paul by the hand and helped everyone get the hang ofit.
▪ I've got the hang of it now.
▪ I got out of the hang of it.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hang \Hang\, v. i.

  1. To be suspended or fastened to some elevated point without support from below; to dangle; to float; to rest; to remain; to stay.

  2. To be fastened in such a manner as to allow of free motion on the point or points of suspension.

  3. To die or be put to death by suspension from the neck. [R.] ``Sir Balaam hangs.''

  4. To hold for support; to depend; to cling; -- usually with on or upon; as, this question hangs on a single point. ``Two infants hanging on her neck.''

  5. To be, or be like, a suspended weight.

    Life hangs upon me, and becomes a burden.

  6. To hover; to impend; to appear threateningly; -- usually with over; as, evils hang over the country.

  7. To lean or incline; to incline downward.

    To decide which way hung the victory.

    His neck obliquely o'er his shoulder hung.

  8. To slope down; as, hanging grounds.

  9. To be undetermined or uncertain; to be in suspense; to linger; to be delayed.

    A noble stroke he lifted high, Which hung not, but so swift with tempest fell On the proud crest of Satan.

  10. (Cricket, Tennis, etc.) Of a ball: To rebound unexpectedly or unusually slowly, due to backward spin on the ball or imperfections of ground.

  11. (Baseball) to fail to curve, break, or drop as intended; -- said of pitches, such as curve balls or sliders.

  12. (Computers) to cease to operate normally and remain suspended in some state without performing useful work; -- said of computer programs, computers, or individual processes within a program; as, when using Windows 3.1, my system would hang and need rebooting several times a day. Note: this situation could be caused by bugs within an operating system or within a program, or incompatibility between programs or between programs and the hardware. To hang around, to loiter idly about. To hang back, to hesitate; to falter; to be reluctant. ``If any one among you hangs back.'' --Jowett (Thucyd.). To hang by the eyelids.

    1. To hang by a very slight hold or tenure.

    2. To be in an unfinished condition; to be left incomplete. To hang in doubt, to be in suspense. To hang on (with the emphasis on the preposition), to keep hold; to hold fast; to stick; to be persistent, as a disease. To hang on the lips To hang on the words, etc., to be charmed by eloquence. To hang out.

      1. To be hung out so as to be displayed; to project.

      2. To be unyielding; as, the juryman hangs out against an agreement; to hold out. [Colloq.]

    3. to loiter or lounge around a particular place; as, teenageers tend to hang out at the mall these days. To hang over.

      1. To project at the top.

      2. To impend over. To hang to, to cling. To hang together.

        1. To remain united; to stand by one another. ``We are all of a piece; we hang together.''

        2. To be self-consistent; as, the story does not hang together. [Colloq.] To hang upon.

          1. To regard with passionate affection.

          2. (Mil.) To hover around; as, to hang upon the flanks of a retreating enemy.


Hang \Hang\ (h[a^]ng), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hanged (h[a^]ngd) or Hung (h[u^]ng); p. pr. & vb. n. Hanging. Usage: The use of hanged is preferable to that of hung, when reference is had to death or execution by suspension, and it is also more common.] [OE. hangen, hongien, v. t. & i., AS. hangian, v. i., fr. h[=o]n, v. t. (imp. heng, p. p. hongen); akin to OS. hang[=o]n, v. i., D. hangen, v. t. & i., G. hangen, v. i, h["a]ngen, v. t., Icel. hanga, v. i., Goth. h[=a]han, v. t. (imp. ha['i]hah), h[=a]han, v. i. (imp. hahaida), and perh. to L. cunctari to delay. [root]37. ]

  1. To suspend; to fasten to some elevated point without support from below; -- often used with up or out; as, to hang a coat on a hook; to hang up a sign; to hang out a banner.

  2. To fasten in a manner which will allow of free motion upon the point or points of suspension; -- said of a pendulum, a swing, a door, gate, etc.

  3. To fit properly, as at a proper angle (a part of an implement that is swung in using), as a scythe to its snath, or an ax to its helve. [U. S.]

  4. To put to death by suspending by the neck; -- a form of capital punishment; as, to hang a murderer.

  5. To cover, decorate, or furnish by hanging pictures, trophies, drapery, and the like, or by covering with paper hangings; -- said of a wall, a room, etc.

    Hung be the heavens with black.

    And hung thy holy roofs with savage spoils.

  6. To paste, as paper hangings, on the walls of a room.

  7. To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect; to droop; as, he hung his head in shame.

    Cowslips wan that hang the pensive head.

  8. To prevent from reaching a decision, esp. by refusing to join in a verdict that must be unanimous; as, one obstinate juror can hang a jury.

    To hang down, to let fall below the proper position; to bend down; to decline; as, to hang down the head, or, elliptically, to hang the head.

    To hang fire (Mil.), to be slow in communicating fire through the vent to the charge; as, the gun hangs fire; hence, to hesitate, to hold back as if in suspense.


Hang \Hang\, n.

  1. The manner in which one part or thing hangs upon, or is connected with, another; as, the hang of a scythe.

  2. Connection; arrangement; plan; as, the hang of a discourse. [Colloq.]

  3. A sharp or steep declivity or slope. [Colloq.]

    To get the hang of, to learn the method or arrangement of; hence, to become accustomed to. [Colloq.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 15c., "a sling," from hang (v.). Meaning "a curtain" is from c.1500; that of "the way cloth hangs" is from 1797. To get the hang of (something) "become capable" is from 1834, American English. Perhaps originally in reference to a certain tool or feat, but, if so, its origin has been forgotten. It doesn't seem to have been originally associated with drapery or any other special use of hang.\n\n'To get the hang of a thing,' is to get the knack, or habitual facility of doing it well. A low expression frequently heard among us. In the Craven Dialect of England is the word hank, a habit; from which this word hang may perhaps be derived.

[John Russell Bartlett, "Dictionary of Americanisms," New York, 1848]


a fusion of Old English hon "suspend" (transitive, class VII strong verb; past tense heng, past participle hangen), and Old English hangian (weak, intransitive, past tense hangode) "be suspended;" also probably influenced by Old Norse hengja "suspend," and hanga "be suspended." All from Proto-Germanic *hangen (intransitive) "to hang" (cognates: Old Frisian hangia, Dutch hangen, German hängen), from PIE *konk- "to hang" (cognates: Gothic hahan, Hittite gang- "to hang," Sanskrit sankate "wavers," Latin cunctari "to delay;" see also second element in Stonehenge). As a method of execution, in late Old English (but originally specifically of crucifixion).\n

\nHung emerged as past participle 16c. in northern England dialect, and hanged endured only in legal language (which tends to be conservative) and metaphors extended from it (I'll be hanged). Teen slang sense of "spend time" first recorded 1951; hang around "idle, loiter" is from 1830, and hang out (v.) is from 1811. Hang fire (1781) was originally used of guns that were slow in communicating the fire through the vent to the charge. To let it all hang out "be relaxed and uninhibited" is from 1967.


Etymology 1 n. 1 The way in which something hangs. 2 (context figuratively English) A grip, understanding 3 (context computing English) An instance of ceasing to respond to input devices. 4 A sharp or steep declivity or slope. vb. 1 (lb en intransitive) To be or remain suspended. 2 (lb en intransitive) To float, as if suspended. 3 (cx intransitive of a ball in cricket, tennis, etc. English) To rebound unexpectedly or unusually slowly, due to backward spin on the ball or imperfections of the ground. 4 (lb en transitive) To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position instead of erect. 5 (lb en transitive) To cause (something) to be suspended, as from a hook, hanger(,) or the like. 6 (lb en transitive legal) To execute (someone) by suspension from the neck. Etymology 2

n. (context Ireland informal derogatory English) Cheap, processed ham (cured pork), often made specially for sandwiches. Etymology 3

n. (alternative spelling of Hang English)

  1. n. a special way of doing something; "he had a bent for it"; "he had a special knack for getting into trouble"; "he couldn't get the hang of it" [syn: bent, knack]

  2. the way a garment hangs; "he adjusted the hang of his coat"

  3. a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms

  4. [also: hung]

  1. v. be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"

  2. cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall" [syn: hang up]

  3. kill by hanging; "The murdered was hanged on Friday" [syn: string up]

  4. let drop or droop; "Hang one's head in shame"

  5. fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her long black hair flowed down her back" [syn: fall, flow]

  6. be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive; "This worry hangs on my mind"; "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"

  7. give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said" [syn: attend, advert, pay heed, give ear]

  8. be suspended or poised; "Heavy fog hung over the valley"

  9. hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron" [syn: cling]

  10. be exhibited; "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"

  11. prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury

  12. decorate or furnish with something suspended; "Hang wallpaper"

  13. be placed in position as by a hinge; "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"

  14. place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction; "hang a door"

  15. of meat, in order to get a gamey taste; "hang the venison for a few days"

  16. [also: hung]


Hang may refer to:

  • Hanging, a form of capital punishment
  • "Hang", a song by Avail from their 1996 album 4am Friday
  • Hang (computing), a computer malfunction
  • Hang (instrument), a musical instrument
  • Hanging (meat), a form of beef aging
  • Hanging craft, a decorative or symbolic hanging object
  • Hanging scroll, a type of decorative art
  • Hanging topic, a concept in the information structure of a sentence
  • Hang (Lagwagon album), an album by the punk band Lagwagon
Hang (Lagwagon album)

Hang is Lagwagon's eighth studio album. It is their first in 9 years, the last one was Resolve, released in 2005. The song "Drag" was originally released in 2011 in an acoustic version on frontman Joey Cape's solo album Doesn't Play Well with Others.

Hang (instrument)

The Hang (, plural form: Hanghang) is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland. The name of their company is PANArt Hangbau AG. The Hang is sometimes referred to as a hang drum, but the inventors consider this a misnomer and strongly discourage its use.

The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of deep drawn, nitrided steel sheet glued together at the rim leaving the inside hollow and creating a distinct 'UFO shape'. The top ("Ding") side has a center 'note' hammered into it and seven or eight 'tone fields' hammered around the center. The bottom ("Gu") is a plain surface that has a rolled hole in the center with a tuned note that can be created when the rim is struck.

The Hang uses some of the same basic physical principles as a steelpan, but modified in such a way as to act as a Helmholtz resonator. The creation of the Hang was the result of many years of research on the steelpan and other instruments. The inventors of the Hang have continued to refine the shape and materials and have produced several variations over the years.

The name Hang comes from the Bernese German word for hand. It is a registered trademark and property of PANArt Hangbau AG.

Hang (computing)

In computing, a hang or freeze occurs when either a computer program or system ceases to respond to inputs. A typical example is a graphical user interface that no longer responds to the user's keyboard or mouse, but the term covers a wide range of behaviors in both clients and servers, and is not limited to graphical user interface issues.

Hangs have varied causes and symptoms, including software or hardware defects, such as an infinite loop or long-running uninterruptible computation, resource exhaustion ( thrashing), under-performing hardware ( throttling), external events such as a slow computer network, misconfiguration, and compatibility problems. The fundamental reason is typically resource exhaustion: resources necessary for some part of the system to run are not available, due to being in use by other processes or simply insufficient. Often the cause is an interaction of multiple factors, making "hang" a loose umbrella term rather than a technical one.

A hang may be temporary if caused by a condition that resolves itself, such as slow hardware, or it may be permanent and require manual intervention, as in the case of a hardware or software logic error. Many modern operating systems provide the user with a means to forcibly terminate a hung program without rebooting or logging out; some operating systems, such as those designed for mobile devices, may even do this automatically. In more severe hangs affecting the whole system, the only solution might be to reboot the machine, usually by power cycling with an on/off or reset button.

A hang differs from a crash, in which the failure is immediate and unrelated to the responsiveness of inputs.

Usage examples of "hang".

CHAPTER 12 Winter Amidst of the Mountains In all this they had enough to be busy with, so that time hung not heavy on their hands, and the shadow of the Quest was nowise burdensome to them, since they wotted that they had to abide the wearing of the days till spring was come with fresh tidings.

There were no accusations, no questions, instead they simply walked out of the ablutions and left him hanging there.

This is very cheap, and it is a great abridgment of the sacred right of self-government to hang men for engaging in this profitable trade.

Gagged, tied and hanging naked by her ankles, Lynda Gough was abused sexually by both Frederick and Rosemary West.

One tape, in particular, featured a young girl hung up by her arms from a beam in a cellar and abused by two men, one black, one white, while she is helpless.

Tim had always found himself especially attuned to the deserted charms of Candie Gardens in winter, enjoying the bare traceries of the trees and the widened harbour view, the few points of colour against the monochrome background - the red and pink of the camellias near the top gate, the hanging yellow bells of the winter-flowering abutilon with their red clappers, even the iridescence of the mallard drake circling the largest of the ponds with his speckled mate.

The enlarged flyby surveillance photograph hanging on the wall showed in grainy black and white the cabin and its grounds, including the wide, elevated back porch on which Glenn Abies could be seen standing, small but unmistakable, giving the helicopter the finger.

Vuitton clutch hung from her elbow and she pushed an expensive Bertini stroller accessorized with an infant whose blond hair matched her own.

Clouds of war hung over Achar, and in times such as these, haste was called for.

Warped into adamantine fretwork, hung And filled with frozen light the chasms below.

Rhys did not like Addis much, and the tension over Moira still hung between them.

After all it is an easy enough matter for an adventurous man, who does not look where he is going, to get hanged for a mere trifle.

As the Afanc approached, hanging its head in embarrassment, he schooled his features to sobriety and nodded in greeting to the gigantic lake-dweller.

All Aga had come back that same day with his tongue hanging out and had brought the news.

Without the interfering strands hanging in her eyes she was better able to see to her task and her fingers moved with agile speed and efficiency even though the blood continued to ooze, though with much less frequency as the wound was stitched closed.