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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
be dogged by controversy (=cause controversy in a way that is a problem)
▪ Even before it was introduced, the system was dogged by controversy.
be dogged by misfortune (=have a lot of bad luck over a period of time)
▪ The project seemed dogged by misfortune.
dogged persistence
▪ ‘Why can’t I come?’ repeated Will with dogged persistence.
dogged/steely/grim determination (=very strong determination)
▪ As a politician she was known for her dogged determination.
▪ It will take more than a streak of dogged determination to see it through.
▪ Thanks to Swire's optimism, foresight, and dogged determination, the firm's operations were restored.
▪ Even so, cleverness and dogged determination were not always appreciated.
▪ Maintaining the impetus for change is brought about by nothing less than dogged determination.
▪ She was swamped by a wave of impotent anger at and violent dislike for the man whose dogged persistence bordered on persecution.
▪ They ate outside but the flies, with dogged persistence, spoiled their food.
▪ Only sheer dogged persistence will finally get you there.
▪ He was admired for his dogged determination to learn the language.
▪ In the end we succeeded, through dogged determination plus a bit of good luck.
▪ The dogged persistence of the police finally paid off when Hooper told them what he knew.
▪ Fortunately the dogged good sense of the ordinary man is far from dead.
▪ His dogged refusal to countenance devaluation ensures the economic failure of a future Labour government.
▪ It will take more than a streak of dogged determination to see it through.
▪ Only sheer dogged persistence will finally get you there.
▪ Our conversation, previously animated, took on a dogged silence as we climbed up the final leg.
▪ The result suggested dogged industry, rather than heroic improvisation.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dogged \Dog"ged\, a. [Fron. Dog.]

  1. Sullen; morose. [Obs. or R.]

    The sulky spite of a temper naturally dogged. -- Sir W. Scott.

  2. Sullenly obstinate; obstinately determined or persistent; as, dogged resolution; dogged work; dogged pursuit.


Dog \Dog\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dogged; p. pr. & vb. n. Dogging.] To hunt or track like a hound; to follow insidiously or indefatigably; to chase with a dog or dogs; to worry, as if by dogs; to hound with importunity.

I have been pursued, dogged, and waylaid. -- Pope.

Your sins will dog you, pursue you.

Eager ill-bred petitioners, who do not so properly supplicate as hunt the person whom they address to, dogging him from place to place, till they even extort an answer to their rude requests. -- South.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"having the qualities of a dog" (mostly in a negative sense), c.1300, from dog (n.). Meaning "persistent" is from 1779. Hence doggedly (late 14c.), "cruelly, maliciously;" later "with a dog's persistence" (1773). Related: Doggedness.


Etymology 1 vb. (en-pastdog) Etymology 2

  1. stubbornly persevere, steadfast


adj. stubbornly unyielding; "dogged persistence"; "dour determination"; "the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics"; "a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it"- T.S.Eliot; "men tenacious of opinion" [syn: bulldog, dour, pertinacious, tenacious, unyielding]

  1. v. go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit" [syn: chase, chase after, trail, tail, tag, give chase, go after, track]

  2. [also: dogging, dogged]


See dog

  1. n. a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night" [syn: domestic dog, Canis familiaris]

  2. a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman; "she got a reputation as a frump"; "she's a real dog" [syn: frump]

  3. informal term for a man; "you lucky dog"

  4. someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog" [syn: cad, bounder, blackguard, hound, heel]

  5. a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll [syn: frank, frankfurter, hotdog, hot dog, wiener, wienerwurst, weenie]

  6. a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward [syn: pawl, detent, click]

  7. metal supports for logs in a fireplace; "the andirons were too hot to touch" [syn: andiron, firedog, dog-iron]

  8. [also: dogging, dogged]

Usage examples of "dogged".

But this is his own thing to bear, from a force he set into motion long ago, a chindi which has dogged his heels across the years.

Nimbly as a mermaid on her first date, Captain van der Decken raced across the deck with Einstein and Carstairs in dogged pursuit.

Inside city walls, dogged by strings of equerries sent with supply lists, and accosted by pedigree garrison captains who demanded to be billeted indoors, Lord Commander Diegan met harassed city ministers and strove to placate upset tempers.

What compassion, what tenderness, what sensitiveness in the affecting picture of the mother Halictus, abandoned, deprived of her offspring, bewildered and lost, when the terrible spring fly has destroyed her house: bald, emaciated, shabby, careworn, already dogged by the small grey lizard!

After the fury of their initial exchange, Uskban and Haz, both master swordsmen, settled down to a dogged no-quarter duel.

A less zealous, optimistic and dogged individual than he would not have even supposed that, so years after the Hearts had emigrated east from Vegas, that city of all American cities phantasmagoric and insubstantial as a delirium hallucination, there could be any trace, any vestigial memory of them.

At this moment, Legree sauntered up to the door of the shed, looked in, with a dogged air of affected carelessness, and turned away.

Every time I thought about my clients, about the difficulties they faced and how to support them, I was dogged by the echoes of the Metcalfe case.

The telephone was ringing when she got there, ringing with a kind of dogged petulance, its arms prissily folded.

We sizzled and slashed top-to-bottom for a while but the wipeout came hard and we were both dogged bad.

I soon felt sure that my steps were dogged, as I saw the same shadowy figures at a little distance off.

He knew that this bunkroom, like all compartments on the ship, was sealed air-tight and pressure-tight when its oval hatch was dogged, setting in action the emergency oxygen supply.

He obtained ten bushels of corn of the churlish and treacherous natives, who closely watched and dogged the expedition.

And through it all, that weary, dogged crank must be kept turning--turning from dark to daylight.

Sir Ferdinando hence appears at every stage, and in every phase, of the Leyden movement, from the mission of Weston to Holland, to the landing at Cape Cod, and every movement clearly indicates the crafty cunning, the skilful and brilliant manipulation, and the dogged determination of the man.