explosive device (=bomb)
▪ A small explosive device was set off outside the UN headquarters today.
homing device
incendiary bomb/device
▪ The explosion seems to have been caused by an incendiary device.
labour-saving device/gadget/equipment etc
left to...own devices (=left alone and allowed to do whatever they wanted)
▪ Students were left to their own devices for long periods.
listening device
personal electronic device
stylistic feature/device
▪ stylistic features of the story
▪ Chip makers want to shrink their chips to meet the demand for faster electronic devices and computers.
▪ One of the maids, like an electronic sensing device, opened the door as I approached.
▪ To play the game, children run the hand-held electronic device over the barcode of any product.
▪ It is linked by wire to a briefcase-sized electronic device fifty yards away.
▪ Massey has also added an electronic device on its 6-cylinder tractors for automatically raising and lowering semi-mounted ploughs at the headland.
▪ Flash memory is a type of semiconductor chip used to store data in computers and electronic devices.
▪ We are evaluating a more sophisticated electronic device which allows the entire theatre team at risk to be monitored with minimal inconvenience.
▪ He was not handcuffed, but wore an electronic restraining device under a blue check shirt and gray slacks.
▪ A small explosive device used in the booster-separation system failed to fire when Endeavour launched on 30 November last year.
▪ There have been no additional explosive devices found nor any arrests made.
▪ The wheel could have controlled an explosive device.
▪ He said the equipment could be used at checkpoints to search people for explosive devices.
▪ How could this explosive device possibly have been smuggled aboard?
▪ He then turned away and detonated the explosive device strapped to his body.
▪ One of the earliest explosive devices was the petard, which was a mine used to breach castle walls or gates.
▪ They were being held without bail on suspicion of conspiracy, possession of explosive devices and burglary.
▪ An incendiary device exploded setting fire to furniture, but the blaze was brought under control.
▪ But taxes, earlier considered the incendiary device of the race, may no longer be so.
▪ The caller claimed three incendiary devices had been planted at the Vineyards.
▪ Sources said the explosion seemed to have been caused by an incendiary device.
▪ But the incendiary devices were different from those used in previous arson attacks by the extremist group.
▪ Then a series of cassette-sized incendiary devices were carefully hidden in a number of stores.
▪ Firemen found more than a dozen incendiary devices in the offices near Borden, Hants, used by scientists to study squirrels.
▪ It's either a mechanical or electrical device.
▪ But the Earth as mechanical device has been a harder idea to swallow.
▪ No mechanical devices or hormones are used.
▪ Similar mechanical devices are planned for the space station.
▪ Simple mechanical devices were placed in the test room to maintain an accurate record of output.
▪ The company makes medical devices that use laser technology for correcting nearsightedness and other eye disorders.
▪ Two medical device makers also were in the plus column.
▪ Boston Scientific develops and markets medical devices.
▪ This group would evaluate current or anticipated shortages of and increased demand for drugs, biologics, or related medical devices.
▪ Also putting in strong years: aerospace and defense, oil drilling and medical device companies.
▪ Assess the impact of modern medical devices on the emergence and prevention of nosocomial infections.
▪ Use of invasive medical devices, such as indwelling catheters, often carries a risk for infection.
▪ Medtronic Inc. v. Lohr: Federal law does not prevent patients from suing manufacturers of defective medical devices in state courts.
▪ The new device, called a quiteron, exploits the strange properties that some substances develop at very low temperatures.
▪ Our Astern also contains the newest computerized scanning device that determines exactly where and when the intrusion occurred.
▪ He's using a lot of natural sounds - kitchen percussion, crowd voices ... all sorts of new devices ....
▪ Supplemental Help: A new device to help consumers choose nutritional supplements may be coming to a drugstore near you.
▪ Agfa will be showing a pair of new devices while Xerox will have its new 1,200dpi ProImager device.
▪ Consumers have no say in this arrangement; they are expected to simply buy the new devices and learn the lingo.
▪ Voice over Monitoring of large rivers has been made easier by a new device, which tells scientists where fish are lurking.
▪ There he was handed a smock and a scalpel and one of the new surgical stapling devices.
▪ If the scientists succeed, they will have taken a small step toward improving the efficiency of nuclear fusion devices.
▪ There would have been small nuclear devices loosed upon the Metroplex if Dallas had lost.
▪ The dangers of creating a miniature nuclear device worried them and also increased their concerns for safety.
▪ Thus the need for underground testing of nuclear devices, a practice now banned by the treaty.
▪ The section for training in portable nuclear devices had been in the deep cellars of the monastery.
▪ As little as 55 pounds of highly enriched uranium or 18 pounds of plutonium could be used to build a nuclear device.
▪ He weighed up what he needed to tell her about the shapechangers and theft of the nuclear device.
▪ The radio waves may come not only from transmitters but power supplies, motors or other electrical devices.
▪ Publicity differs from the other promotional devices mentioned in this chapter in that it often does not cost the organization any money!
▪ In some other devices semiconductor beads are used instead of metallic sensors.
▪ It was a simple but effective system of welfare financed partly by taxes and partly by other devices.
▪ Boltzmann machines and other similar devices have foundations in information theory.
▪ The other class of devices are designed to detect the relative movement of freely suspended massive blocks.
▪ Next month we will print animal behaviourist John Fisher's views on this and other extreme training devices.
▪ Memories of other similar devices flickered for an instant.
▪ It is this component, comprising its symbolic aspects of rhetorical and metaphorical devices, which we refer to as its circumference.
▪ A rhetorical device with which to disarm his critics?
▪ However, he does not justify this suggestion by giving the criteria for classifying a mode of expression as a rhetorical device.
▪ Boltzmann machines and other similar devices have foundations in information theory.
▪ Even when two schools utilized a similar device, advisory, the implementation of that program came out in very different ways.
▪ Their proposals are for a traffic-calming ramp or similar device, or even just a sign reminding drivers of the speed limit.
▪ Police then destroyed three similar devices.
▪ Five similar devices were found in mail at the building's sorting office and defused by the Army.
▪ In 1864 du Hauron patented a similar device.
▪ Yesterday police were still combing the area for any similar devices which may have been hidden and for further clues.
▪ This can be done by means of a simple, well-tested device called a Sabatier reactor.
▪ The judges will look for simple and effective devices which also demonstrate market potential and value for money.
▪ These were very simple devices two small paraffin burners in square tins which gave a modest flame.
▪ The simple childhood device for sketching them by superimposing a small egg shape for the body remains unrivalled.
▪ On assembly lines, cleverly simple devices prevent mistakes.
▪ A disclaimer is an obvious and simple device for a trader to use to avoid committing an offence.
▪ The box bellows is a simple device which can be constructed by anyone with rudimentary carpentry skills.
▪ These were to identify, but not describe or interpret, the stylistic devices present in a given text.
▪ Ripken grabbed a piece of wood, stepped to the plate and started batting practice with his own stylistic device.
▪ Incorporation thus brings with it a useful device to facilitate borrowing, from both the company and the lender's viewpoint.
▪ Where previous models had been brain models first and useful devices second, Hopfield reversed the priorities.
▪ Cards are also a useful device for revision.
▪ The separation of strategies into generic versions is a useful conceptual device, even if such strategies become intertwined in practice.
▪ A useful device is to find an empty room, away from all your papers, documents, and other distractions.
▪ We added one further session to summarise useful devices for coping with and overcoming bulimia.
▪ Mankind has, of course, long exploited this simple principle for generating non-randomness, in the useful device known as the sieve.
▪ But he argues that rule-making is none the less a useful device, and that it is often preferable to direct action.
▪ The various devices used by the courts to maintain the present position will be discussed below.
▪ Its long-term effect however was to provoke Edinburgh employers into various devices to evade the high piece-work rates stipulated by the Interlocutor.
▪ Between mosaics of this format various aquatic devices are also significant.
▪ But individual nations also have recourse to the selective use of various devices for bending the rules of international free trade.
▪ The network comprises a storage and control device which is linked to a ring of terminals and computers.
▪ The most important use of the budget is as a planning and control device.
▪ The subordinates see the control device as confirming mistrust.
▪ Birth control devices and information had never been widely available, and now they all but disappeared.
▪ But it's a technique which can be used in many different ways, for example: As a control device.
▪ They became an accounting device to help managers, not a control device to hem them in.
▪ This story itself offers a useful control device in that you're asking them how they manage without magic.
▪ When the temperature control device is operating, Reclamation can have it both ways.
▪ More complex services - from device driver interfaces up will be handled by the operating system personality on top.
▪ This, in turn, relieves the software houses of the problem of having to write and test numerous device drivers.
▪ It is now said to have completed the main porting work and is now wading through the device driver work.
▪ It will provide updated device drivers for the next release of Windows For Workgroups.
▪ Specific device drivers are required for each relational database.
▪ Cheap high-resolution input and output devices will soon ensure the same kind of revolution in the cinema.
▪ Thus an output device is needed to make the user aware of what the microcomputer has done.
▪ This procedure sends a byte to the output device.
▪ The cheapest and most readily-available output device is the printer.
▪ Suggest instructions to control a set of output devices, and extend your interrupt service routine accordingly.
▪ It also did away with the need for bias adjustment on the output devices - a most desirable quality.
▪ Although the ultimate resolution rests with the output device it is essential that the software can at least provide control over it.
▪ LID/SPLASHBACK Toughened glass lid with safety device which cuts off gas to Hotplate when lid is closed, with audible warning.
▪ Now, 80 percent of the handguns sold in this country will come with the safety devices.
▪ Doors will now have to be fitted with special safety devices to prevent people or objects getting trapped in them.
▪ There was testimony, lots of it, on how to fix a safety device Congress and federal regulators once deemed perfect.
▪ If it's a dangerous model Candy will send an engineer within 10 days to fit a safety device.
▪ The removal of safety devices to speed up production, for instance, is often done with the tacit connivance of supervisors.
▪ BThe company further says that it does not market phones explicitly as safety devices.
▪ Essential safety devices if you've got children!
▪ Cop shop: Police have opened their own cop shop at Darlington police station to sell personal attack alarms and security devices.
▪ Especially if you've splashed out on security devices.
▪ Ask your car dealer these questions: What security devices come as standard?
▪ What optional extra security devices are available?
▪ Turn on or activate any security devices you have fitted.
▪ The Home Office has also been remiss about security devices, an important subject that has been debated at length today.
▪ Lock all doors and windows Fit security devices recommended in this booklet - and use them!
▪ Connected to the computer is some form of storage device which enables information to be accessed and updated quickly.
▪ Both services allow users to send their data over the Internet to company storage devices.
▪ What is clear is that the costs of memory and storage devices are decreasing, whilst storage capacity is increasing enormously.
▪ Sales of large-scale data storage devices also increased strongly, while earnings from computer maintenance services hardly changed.
▪ The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels, telecommunications networks or digital storage devices.
▪ We have seen how staggeringly impressive it is as an accurate data storage device.
▪ Cheaper memory, faster processors, and larger storage devices, come on to the market with increasing rapidity.
▪ Hardware used to capture video images, process them, and send the digitised images to storage devices.
▪ But these devices allow it to remain out of water for only a short time.
▪ The devices will allow national park staff to monitor rhino movements 24 hours a day.
▪ Commissions and inquiries are rarely more than a device to allow politicians to put off taking decisions.
▪ Passport schemes are a price discrimination device which allows subsidies to be directed towards target groups.
▪ This means that these devices actually allow pregnancies to begin and then abort them, a notion out of line with biblical concepts.
▪ We are evaluating a more sophisticated electronic device which allows the entire theatre team at risk to be monitored with minimal inconvenience.
▪ His idea of heaven would be for some one to design a device which would allow him to read a book in there.
▪ A security device might allow one person to enter, but phone the police if it detects a known burglar.
▪ Doors will now have to be fitted with special safety devices to prevent people or objects getting trapped in them.
▪ If it's a dangerous model Candy will send an engineer within 10 days to fit a safety device.
▪ Most modern household appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers are already fitted with non-return devices.
▪ This is a specific form of market failure, since the market left to its own devices does not give sufficient knowledge.
▪ I was left to my own devices.
▪ She knew that I was perfectly capable of having the whole thing made in black leatherette if left to my own devices.
▪ On the days when I am left to my own devices I am a bit of a disgrace really.
▪ The flies are allowed to settle on the surface and are left to their own devices.
▪ The global economy, left to its own devices, generates enormous wealth and poverty at the same time.
▪ The implementation or administrative process is far too important to be left to its own devices.
▪ Users generally complained that, once treatment was over, they were left to their own devices in the community.
▪ It even supplies baby listening devices.
▪ The businessman was then wired with a listening device and given $ 30, 000 to offer Mr Tucker.
▪ Former officers ofthe service who carried out the bugging told Berlin's Tagesspiel newspaper that they used automatic radio listening devices.
▪ Although listening devices and seismic instruments were put in place, efforts to pinpoint the source of the noise were unsuccessful.
▪ A number of brewers now use a device called a cask breather on low volume beers to prolong their life.
▪ Some use other devices to prop the branches.
▪ Police said the bombers may have planned to use those unexploded devices in pursuit of their plot.
▪ Sometimes different sequences may need quite marked adjustment using filters and other devices to achieve the right harmonious effect.
▪ They used the devices of anthropology, sociology, history, and biology trying to prove that Negroes were inferior.
▪ Aren't you more likely to enter or retrieve information about an appointment or contact using the device itself?
early warning system/device etc
▪ Into this would be built an early warning system to keep the business on the right financial track.
▪ She wondered if she had developed an early warning system since the fiasco with Marcus.
▪ The antibody test is the best early warning device available.
▪ Their fortunes may thereby serve as an early warning system to humankind of previously unrecognized environmental problems.
▪ They have an early warning system.
▪ This knowledge also improves early warning systems for the events.
▪ Timely recognition of emerging infections requires early warning systems to detect new infectious diseases before they become public health crises.
▪ Use was made of facilities for communications, intelligence gathering, and early warning systems.
▪ a device for controlling temperature
▪ a birth control device
▪ a thermostatic device for controlling temperature
▪ An EEG is a device that records electrical activity in the brain.
▪ an explosive device
▪ Commissions and inquiries are little more than a device to allow politicians to put off taking decisions.
▪ Four of the victims received serious injuries when the device ripped through one of the station's lavatories.
▪ He used every device possible to prevent inspectors from entering the premises.
▪ Police found the device hidden in a suitcase.
▪ Rahman uses dreams as a device to fill in the characters' backgrounds.
▪ The farmers there still use the 'Archimedes Screw', an ancient device for raising water from a lake or well.
▪ The National Association for Elevator Safety says that most elevators have safety devices that prevent free-falls.
▪ The phone call was just a device to keep him from leaving.
▪ They were both aware that there might be listening devices hidden in the room.
▪ A series of simple push-buttons on the solid state device enables the required temperature range to be set precisely.
▪ Cop shop: Police have opened their own cop shop at Darlington police station to sell personal attack alarms and security devices.
▪ Moulton said retrofitting could be done, at a cost of about $ 150 for the add-on device.
▪ Newton has always been positioned as a handheld communications device.
▪ Recommendations can be made or applications recorded easily with the device using drop-down menus and templates.
▪ Severe penalties were introduced for abortions and the sale of contraceptive devices.
▪ The device was removed from the shop and detonated in a controlled explosion.
▪ What is sought is a device.