n. (plural of plot device English)
Usage examples of "plot devices".
Yet I cant bring myself to make that rule an absolute one, because there are some plot devices that offer such dramatic possibilities that we are forced to overlook the utter implausibilities that are involved.
It's where deleted characters, poor plot devices, half-baked ideas and corrupt Jurisfiction agents go to spend a painful eternity.
Slick superficial style, cardboard characters, improbable plot devices.
He was constantly telling me I ought to finish the series and was just as constantly suggesting plot devices.
However you might judge him as a writer, he shows us the hearts of real estate agents, car dealers, gas station owners, janitors, accountants, and many other salt-of-the-culture types (perhaps more significantly, he shows us how they perceive themselves), and the concern we feel for these folks permits us to overlook the illogics, the unwieldy plot devices, the repetitions, the supernatural flotsam and jetsam of desultorily imagined spooks and demons and creatures that crop up in his lesser novels, of which Dreamcatcher is surely one.
So that was part of my excuse for throwing in some of the plot devices of mystery and being able to say, “.
The plot devices, the variations and repetition, are so ancient that they’.
Instead, let me simply say that like lack Finney, Alan Brennert, and other fine writers before him, Dickinson gives us a thoughtful, well-considered time travel story that focuses as much on the complex relationships of his characters as it does on the plot devices that drive the story.
Because Uncle Tom's Cabin appealed to the emotions of nineteenth-century readers through pitiful scenes of children torn away from their mothers and melodramatic plot devices, it made many people think of slaves as people for the first time.